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02-12-2008, 03:05 AM
How about it Minnesota, does Algore know anything at all?


Record Cold for Northern Minnesota 40 Below

Feb 11, 2:03 PM (ET)

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MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - It lived up to its name: The temperature in International Falls fell to 40 below zero Monday, just a few days after the northern Minnesota town won a federal trademark making it officially the "Icebox of the Nation."
It was so cold that resident Nick McDougall couldn't even get his car trunk lid to close after he got out his charger to kick-start his dead battery. By late morning, the temperature had risen all the way to 18 - below zero.
"This is about as cold as it gets, this is bad. There's no wind - it's just cold," said McDougall, 48, a worker at The Fisherman, a convenience store and gas station in the town on the Canadian border. "People just don't go out, unless you have to go to work."
Residents of the area use electric engine block heaters to keep their cars from freezing.
"You plug in your car, for sure, and you put the car in the garage if you can," McDougall said. His garage is full of other things, so he had to park outside - a "big mistake."
The previous record low for Feb. 11 in International Falls was 37 below, set in 1967, said meteorologist Mike Stewart at the weather service in Duluth. The cold was expected, he said: "When the winds finally died off and the skies cleared off, it just dropped."
The temperature also fell to 40 below in Embarrass, 80 miles southeast of International Falls. That's just one degree above the all-time record in Minneapolis, 250 miles to the south, that was set in January 1888, the weather service said.

02-12-2008, 03:26 AM
I hate to be petty here...but I don't understand why Minn. gets this honorable distinction....

It should belong to us here in Northern Alaska....

My ex took this picture at Clear Airforce Station last Monday morning...


And Al Bore can take his global warming and kiss my...............frozen water pipes...:laugh2:

02-12-2008, 04:13 AM
Maybe when your anal temp sustains above 98.6 and you puke everytime you eat you might get it?

02-12-2008, 04:18 AM
Maybe when your anal temp sustains above 98.6 and you puke everytime you eat you might get it?

Have you ever been certified insane??

if not...it might be something that should be looked into....:laugh2:

02-12-2008, 04:36 AM
My private physicians and psychiatrists have directed me to the Veterans Administration for years, staphy. We are still in negotiations. Why would any veteran have to negotiate? To date, no, I am not certified and to date I have never received a single cent from the VA on any disability mental or physical.

Why do you hate the veterans?

Have you ever been certified insane??

if not...it might be something that should be looked into....:laugh2:

02-12-2008, 04:41 AM
I hate to be petty here...but I don't understand why Minn. gets this honorable distinction....

It should belong to us here in Northern Alaska....

My ex took this picture at Clear Airforce Station last Monday morning...


And Al Bore can take his global warming and kiss my...............frozen water pipes...:laugh2:

HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!

02-12-2008, 04:48 AM
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!

It's funny we're fighting over who is the coldest...But dangit...Alaska is hardly ever shown on the maps of the lower 48...It's like we don't exist...Like we're not part of the United States...

And the sad part is.........most people don't think we are....:laugh2:

02-12-2008, 04:53 AM
My private physicians and psychiatrists have directed me to the Veterans Administration for years, staphy. We are still in negotiations. Why would any veteran have to negotiate? To date, no, I am not certified and to date I have never received a single cent from the VA on any disability mental or physical.

Why do you hate the veterans?

good grief.....I was only kidding....but you do talk totally off the wall shit...at times..

It's hard to distinguish between when you're serious, or off in la la land

sorry my dear...that's the truth:cheers2:

02-12-2008, 04:58 AM
You asked if I was certified. I gave you the best answer I could. do you have a problem with that?

good grief.....I was only kidding....but you talk totally off the wall shit...

sorry my dear...:cheers2:

Off the wall or not, why do you hate our veterans?

02-12-2008, 05:02 AM
You asked if I was certified. I gave you the best answer I could. do you have a problem with that?

Off the wall or not, why do you hate our veterans?

Ya ain't gonna catch me in that one dear...I NEVER mentioned Veterans, ya did....

Luv ya......see ya...:cheers2:

red states rule
02-12-2008, 05:49 AM
Maybe to many people are playing games on their PS and X-Box

Let's Blame Video Games for Causing the Greenhouse Effect?
By Tim Graham | February 11, 2008 - 17:54 ET
At the end of 1990, Newsweek writer Jerry Adler penned a classic line that summed up the liberal environmentalist’s distaste with the ruinous human race: "It's a morbid observation, but if everyone on earth just stopped breathing for an hour, the greenhouse effect would no longer be a problem." In this week’s edition of the magazine, Adler reported on a new study showing our time in outdoors recreation is declining. He summarized: "So along with obesity and attention-deficit disorder, you can now, if you choose, blame videogames for the greenhouse effect." But then, he reconsidered the tawdry boorishness of nature-touring humanity, and concluded "maybe we’d all do better to give the World a break from us, so it can heal on its own."

Adler touted a study (which he dutifully disclosed was funded by the Nature Conservancy, which has an interest in promoting nature areas) by authors Oliver Pergams and Patricia Zaradic:

The implications the authors draw are dire. "There's a pretty direct pathway from exposure to nature, especially as a child, to caring about it," says Pergams. So along with obesity and attention-deficit disorder, you can now, if you choose, blame videogames for the greenhouse effect.

But is the problem really that too many people are staying home from the wilderness? Some, presumably including Thoreau, would say that the last thing nature needs is more people in it. "I have," he wrote in "Walden," "my own sun and moon and stars, and a little world all to myself." In 1850 he was able to find this a few miles outside Boston, but just let him try to duplicate it in Yellowstone park, say, on Memorial Day weekend. Or in Los Glaciares National Park in Argentina's Patagonia region, to which Dominique Browning, a New York editor, made an arduous and expensive pilgrimage recently. In an op-ed piece in The New York Times, she described her trip as a disappointing vista of litter glimpsed between the heads of boorish tourists while the boat's soundtrack echoed among the majestic glaciers. The experience left her, she says, with an appreciation of "the coffee-table book as a mode of travel." The wilderness looks best through the lens of a professional photographer, who can crop the plastic bags out of the trees.

The study didn't consider snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles or other motorized forms of "nature-based recreation," but Zaradic thinks they deserve a place in the wilderness, too, as long as they get people to the out-of-doors. This is, of course, a fairly controversial position in the environmental movement. Her faith in the transformative power of nature is impressive. It would be nice to get kids into the woods once in a while so they can learn, at least, how to swat a mosquito. But maybe we'd all do better to give the World a break from us, so it can heal on its own.

for the complete article



02-12-2008, 11:58 AM
I hate to be petty here...but I don't understand why Minn. gets this honorable distinction....

It should belong to us here in Northern Alaska....

My ex took this picture at Clear Airforce Station last Monday morning...


And Al Bore can take his global warming and kiss my...............frozen water pipes...:laugh2:

Well I guess I won't complain......much. It's around 12 here today not including windchill........still pretty darn cold.

02-12-2008, 12:13 PM
It's funny we're fighting over who is the coldest...But dangit...Alaska is hardly ever shown on the maps of the lower 48...It's like we don't exist...Like we're not part of the United States...

Hey, you're getting paid to live there. Quiet! :laugh2:

red states rule
02-13-2008, 05:50 AM
Well I guess I won't complain......much. It's around 12 here today not including windchill........still pretty darn cold.

We had another global warming storm here yesterday

About 6 inches of snow slicks roads, postpones events
By KEITH PARADISE Staff writer

Tuesday's snowstorm canceled school and basketball playoffs and made driving treacherous throughout Franklin County.
Local weather observer Jerry Ashway said he recorded 5.8 inches of snowfall around 6:30 p.m.

"And that's being conservative. It kept it up all day. It didn't stop," Ashway said.

AccuWeather meteorologist Kerry Schwindenhammer said that after an early evening switch to sleet and freezing rain Tuesday, the area could see an additional inch of accumulation overnight.

The National Weather Service in State College issued a winter weather advisory for Franklin, Fulton, Cumberland and Adams counties until 7 a.m. today. The advisory means the combination of sleet and freezing rain could cause travel difficulties with slippery roads and limited visibility.

Chambersburg Director of Public Works Bob Wagner said a crew of five trucks was out at 7 a.m. Monday and worked throughout the day, spreading salt and anti-skid materials in the Borough of Chambersburg. He said crews would be working throughout the evening and into this morning as the snow was expected to change to freezing rain.


red states rule
02-13-2008, 06:35 PM
Here is gem folks - you can't make this stuff up

Cold wave in India attributed to global warming

Tuesday, 12 February , 2008, 21:58

Mumbai: The recent cold wave sweeping across Mumbai and other parts of India could be attributed to global warming, experts said on Tuesday here at an environmental conference.

Addressing the ‘Combat Global Warming’ conference at the Indian Merchants Chamber (IMC) here, former Union minister for power and environment Suresh Prabhu said global warming was primarily a problem created and induced by human beings.

He said the increase in emission of green house gases like carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide and methane had resulted in the situation, which could prove catastrophic if unchecked.

Prabhu said the cold wave that swept Maharashtra and other parts of India recently could be attributed to the phenomenon of global warming.

He said global warming had already affected agriculture and water availability in various parts of the country. "A recent study revealed that 70 percent of India's water bodies are polluted," Prabhu said.

The former minister said India was one of the world's top five polluters, which also include the US, European nations and Japan.

for the complete article
