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View Full Version : Navy intercepts Russian bombers

02-12-2008, 02:37 PM
What are the Russians playing.


WASHINGTON - U.S. fighter planes intercepted two Russian bombers, including one that buzzed an American aircraft carrier in the western Pacific during the weekend, The Associated Press has learned.

A U.S. military official says that one Russian Tupolev 95 flew directly over the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz twice, at a low altitude of about 2,000 feet, while another bomber circled about 58 miles out. The official was speaking on condition of anonymity because the reports on the flights were classified as secret.

The Saturday incident, which never escalated beyond the flyover, comes amid heightened tensions between the United States and Russia over U.S. plans for a missile defense system based in Poland and the Czech Republic.

In Moscow, the RIA Novosti news agency reported Tuesday that the head of the Russian Air Force information service, Alexander Drobyshevsky, said the Russian bombers "were carrying out their assigned flights" and in strict compliance with the international airspace rules. "We are surprised by the noise that has been raised (over the flights)," he was quoted as saying.

Such Russian encounters with U.S. ships were common during the Cold War, but have been rare since then. Russia revived the Soviet-era practice of long-range patrols by strategic bombers over the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans last August.

The bombers were among four Russian Tupolev 95s launched from Ukrainka in the middle of the night, including one that Japanese officials say violated their country's airspace over an uninhabited island south of Tokyo.

U.S. officials tracked and monitored the bombers as two flew south along the Japanese coast, and two others flew farther east, coming closer to the Nimitz and the guided missile cruiser USS Princeton.

As the bombers got about 500 miles out from the U.S. ships, four F/A-18 fighters were launched from the Nimitz, the official said. The fighters intercepted the Russian bombers about 50 miles south of the Nimitz.

At least two U.S. F/A-18 Hornets trailed the bomber as it came in low over the Nimitz twice, while one or two of the other U.S. fighters followed the second bomber as it circled.

The official said there were no verbal communications between the U.S. and the Russians, and the Pentagon has not heard of any protests being filed by the United States. Historically, diplomatic protests were not filed in such incidents because they were so common during the Cold War era.

This is the first time Russian Tupolevs have flown over or interacted with a U.S. carrier since 2004.

The U.S. has defended the plan as necessary to protect its European allies from possible attacks by Iran. But the Kremlin has condemned the proposal, saying it would threaten Russia's security.

"We are being forced to take retaliatory steps," said Russian President Vladimir Putin, who also warned that a new arms race is under way.

Japan, meanwhile, filed a formal protest with the Russian Embassy in Tokyo after Saturday's incident, saying that one of the Russian bombers crossed into Japanese airspace for three minutes. Russia has denied there was an intrusion.

02-12-2008, 02:42 PM
they want to be the USSR again....

02-12-2008, 02:43 PM
who knows. they are losing it over there.

maybe they wanna put on a "Not Afraid of America" face.

02-12-2008, 02:43 PM
They still have their nukes, it could happen but I'd be more worried about China.

Abbey Marie
02-12-2008, 02:43 PM
It looks like it's all the rage these days to poke the bear. I do wonder where it will all lead.

Black Lance
02-12-2008, 02:43 PM
The sub-text that you aren't going to get from the AP article is this: we do the same thing to Russian vessels. Routinely.

It's just alot of posturing, a way of showing off what we can still do to each other, and, realistically, it's a way to prevent fighter and bomber pilots running patrols all the time from getting bored into complacency. When shots are fired, then there will be reason to pay attention, but this story is pretty much just headline filler.

02-12-2008, 02:44 PM
Nice to know BL.

02-12-2008, 02:51 PM
They still have their nukes, it could happen but I'd be more worried about China.

china is going to crush us economically......

Black Lance
02-12-2008, 02:55 PM
china is going to crush us economically......

I can't say that I agree. It's easier for us to find new sources of sweat shop labor than it is for the Chinese to find new affluent societies to buy their (poorly?) manufactured goods.

02-12-2008, 03:38 PM
This is not a new story. I posted this in September.

Here we go again!


Looks like someone has decided to start playing their old games again.


Does anyone else see a troubling pattern starting here? China and Russia are getting friendly. China and Iran are getting friendly. Iran is spouting off about Pakistan. Now Soviet warplanes are "testing" NATO airspace like they haven't since 1989 when the wall came down and the Cold War slowed down. I won't say it ended, because look at what is happening now.


"A competent leader can get efficient service from poor troops, while on the contrary an incapable leader can demoralize the best of troops."
- General John J. Pershing

02-12-2008, 03:53 PM
..... I won't say it ended, because look at what is happening now.


It never ends unless there is a devastaing military victory. At least that's Rush's theory. He may be right yet again.

02-12-2008, 04:01 PM
I can't say that I agree. It's easier for us to find new sources of sweat shop labor than it is for the Chinese to find new affluent societies to buy their (poorly?) manufactured goods.

well they seem to own our debt so not sure where we get our crap made will make a difference....

Pale Rider
02-12-2008, 04:19 PM
china is going to crush us economically......

well they seem to own our debt so not sure where we get our crap made will make a difference....

China "is" crushing us economically.

I've heard talk of this on the news already today. They said that four fighters were scrambled and intercepted the bombers fifty miles out. They also said that it wasn't all that big of deal. BUT... they would have NEVER done that during the cold war. We'd have shot them down.

02-12-2008, 04:21 PM
China "is" crushing us economically.

I've heard talk of this on the news already today. They said that four fighters were scrambled and intercepted the bombers fifty miles out. They also said that it wasn't all that big of deal. BUT... they would have NEVER done that during the cold war. We'd have shot them down.

they used to buzz each other all the time during the cold war.....

Mr. P
02-12-2008, 04:51 PM
they used to buzz each other all the time during the cold war.....

Yep and we have even intercepted bombers off the U.S. coast that penetrated the ADIZ ( Air Defense Identification Zone).

Pale Rider
02-12-2008, 05:21 PM
they used to buzz each other all the time during the cold war.....

I know they used to test our air space almost daily like up in Alaska. Flying over air craft cariers... I don't know about that.

02-12-2008, 05:23 PM
I know they used to test our air space almost daily like up in Alaska. Flying over air craft cariers... I don't know about that.

they shadow our carriers with subs.....and i belive the article said they used to do this in the old days.....both sides have tested each other for years.....

02-12-2008, 05:25 PM
The sub-text that you aren't going to get from the AP article is this: we do the same thing to Russian vessels. Routinely.

It's just alot of posturing, a way of showing off what we can still do to each other, and, realistically, it's a way to prevent fighter and bomber pilots running patrols all the time from getting bored into complacency. When shots are fired, then there will be reason to pay attention, but this story is pretty much just headline filler.

It's basically a D$%^ measuring contest and of course were going to win.

It never ends unless there is a devastaing military victory. At least that's Rush's theory. He may be right yet again.

We have 1 bomb that will end this problem and I say we start using it, as it will be the only way we can defeat Russia. Our military is to scattered and we have assholes like Obama, Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy and Nancy Pelosi who will do anything in their power to keep us from being able to defend our country. Russia knows this and see's our own Government on television daily attacking eachother and are playing into all of this.

The first step is to unify the Government and then the second is to go after our enemies and kill them.

We also need to have a President who is not afraid to use the "Nuclear Football" like Senator McCain atleast to give our enemies the impression that we will use it if were fucked with. That will be a strong deterrant. I know Bin Laden and the terrorists, Russia, Iran, Korea and China are all licking their chops at a possible Democratic President like Obama or Hillary and the possibility of a Democratic led Senate and House.

02-12-2008, 05:29 PM
It's basically a D$%^ measuring contest and of course were going to win.

We have 1 bomb that will end this problem and I say we start using it, as it will be the only way we can defeat Russia. Our military is to scattered and we have assholes like Obama, Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy and Nancy Pelosi who will do anything in their power to keep us from being able to defend our country. Russia knows this and see's our own Government on television daily attacking eachother and are playing into all of this.

The first step is to unify the Government and then the second is to go after our enemies and kill them.

We also need to have a President who is not afraid to use the "Nuclear Football" like Senator McCain atleast to give our enemies the impression that we will use it if were fucked with. That will be a strong deterrant. I know Bin Laden and the terrorists, Russia, Iran, Korea and China are all licking their chops at a possible Democratic President like Obama or Hillary and the possibility of a Democratic led Senate and House.
Go McCain! Nuke those damn Rooskies!

Black Lance
02-13-2008, 09:29 AM
well they seem to own our debt so not sure where we get our crap made will make a difference....

We won't be repaying any loans to them if we go to war, of course.

02-13-2008, 09:47 AM
We won't be repaying any loans to them if we go to war, of course.

haha yah.. "Oh yah!?!?! well besides us doing bombing runs...now you won't get ANY of your money back so, ha!" :upyours:

02-14-2008, 03:25 AM
The sub-text that you aren't going to get from the AP article is this: we do the same thing to Russian vessels. Routinely.

It's just alot of posturing, a way of showing off what we can still do to each other, and, realistically, it's a way to prevent fighter and bomber pilots running patrols all the time from getting bored into complacency. When shots are fired, then there will be reason to pay attention, but this story is pretty much just headline filler.

I was stationed first on USS JARRETT (FFG-33) We were in the middle east on a WESTPAC for operation Desert Thunder and Operation Southern Watch. We had an unidentified aircraft inbound on our ship. We attempted communications but were unable to raise the aircraft we were also unable to identify by IFF Which is Identification Friend or Foe they were getting really close and also at a fairly low altitude we were a guided missile frigate we didn't have aircraft we had missiles so we were called to GQ General Quarters. We didn't know who the fuck they where or why the fuck they were getting so close and tensions were already high. We went to General Quarters we had our CIWS Phalanx system ready and we had an anti aircraft missile on the rail. Long story short we almost shot it down because we could not communicate and did not know if they were a threat or not. We were able to visually identify just moments before we were gonna launch a missile it was a civilian aircraft. They got fucking lucky they didn't get shot the fuck down I am surprised that we didn't warn the Russian aircraft away usually you would attempt contact and say do not enter our airspace especially since there is usually a whole battle group protecting the carrier. I don't know the full details of course just what I read on the yahoo news...