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02-13-2008, 12:10 PM
I'm watching the coverage of Roger Clemmons and others testifying on Fox. I'm a big baseball fan and hate that there are steroids in sports. I just think it is odd that Congress sees this as an issue they need to address. Where does the federal government come into this? I undertand that there is illegal use,but why is it needed to be adressed on a federal level?

I'm open to anyone's thoughts. It just seems like a stretch.

02-13-2008, 12:14 PM
As you know, the Fed govt gets it powers from the Constitution, and any power not given to the Fed by that document, is forbidden to it (10th amendment).

Congress is authorized by the Constitution to regulate and restrict major league sports. Says so right between the parts that authorize it to provide retirement benefits, and to run health care.

Hope this helps. :)

02-13-2008, 12:35 PM
I do know this. It will be a cold night at the Clemmons house. Roger is blaming all the steroid use on his wife!!

I would have more respect for some of these guys if they stood up and admitted it. Andy Petit did. He admitted he was shot with HGH a couple times after surgery.

red states rule
02-13-2008, 12:38 PM
I'm watching the coverage of Roger Clemmons and others testifying on Fox. I'm a big baseball fan and hate that there are steroids in sports. I just think it is odd that Congress sees this as an issue they need to address. Where does the federal government come into this? I undertand that there is illegal use,but why is it needed to be adressed on a federal level?

I'm open to anyone's thoughts. It just seems like a stretch.

One would think the Dem run Congress would ahve more important things to work on

Like securing the borders, funding the troops, working on the budget, filling vacant Judgeships, and cutting the pork

You know, what we are paying them to do

02-13-2008, 12:39 PM
One would think the Dem run Congress would ahve more important things to work on

Like securing the borders, funding the troops, working on the budget, filling vacant Judgeships, and cutting the pork

You know, what we are paying them to do

they can't do any of those things sooooooooo ......

red states rule
02-13-2008, 12:41 PM
they can't do any of those things sooooooooo ......

and Dems wonder why their approval number in in the 20's

02-13-2008, 12:52 PM
I do know this. It will be a cold night at the Clemmons house. Roger is blaming all the steroid use on his wife!!

Clemens said that???

I didn't hear his actual testimony. Just heard a summary by some radio pundit on the way to work this morning. The pundit reported that Clemens' testimony was very brief, and amounted to, "I've never used any steroids, HGH, or other performance enhancing drugs in my life. Period. Thank you."

What did he say or hint about his wife??? What did the pundit guy leave out?

02-13-2008, 12:58 PM
I do know this. It will be a cold night at the Clemmons house. Roger is blaming all the steroid use on his wife!!
I would have more respect for some of these guys if they stood up and admitted it. Andy Petit did. He admitted he was shot with HGH a couple times after surgery.

wait a second....if he is blaming it on his wife that means he knew about it and did it....did he really say that?!

02-13-2008, 12:59 PM
Clemens said that???

I didn't hear his actual testimony. Just heard a summary by some radio pundit on the way to work this morning. The pundit reported that Clemens' testimony was very brief, and amounted to, "I've never used any steroids, HGH, or other performance enhancing drugs in my life. Period. Thank you."

What did he say or hint about his wife??? What did the pundit guy leave out?

I didn't hear all of it. But something to the effect of his wife using them years ago. The panel on Fox discussing it were also surpirised about it. He has gotten into it with a couple of these guys too.

I'm not calling the gy a liar,and he has been firm about not using them,but at this point it's hard to believe. Of course the guy saying he gave him the steroids has admited to lying about several things and also just got his rear chewed.

02-13-2008, 01:00 PM
wait a second....if he is blaming it on his wife that means he knew about it and did it....did he really say that?!

I don't know all the details,but he has said that his wife used them. I guess she is an athelete?!

red states rule
02-13-2008, 01:01 PM
I don't know all the details,but he has said that his wife used them. I guess she is an athelete?!

I think she used them for a photo shoot

02-13-2008, 01:03 PM
I think she used them for a photo shoot

Wow. Sounds like a good reason to take steroids:lame2:

red states rule
02-13-2008, 01:10 PM
Wow. Sounds like a good reason to take steroids:lame2:

It is called ego and vanity