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02-14-2008, 12:09 AM
That would be the smartest thing McCain could do. In one move he would neutralize both of the Democrat candidates. Not only does she have hair that has more intelligence than Hillary, she could without a doubt destroy Mr. Harvard in a debate on foreign policy. She is an expert on Russia, speaks better than Putin, but she also has 8 years of experience being the closest person to the President. Her resume dwarfs both of the dem candidates and she would be a shoe in for President in 2012-2020.

She is certainly not afraid of Putin, here is what just happened......

http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2a7aeb7e-da6f-11dc-9bb9-0000779fd2ac,Authorised=false.html?_i_location=htt p%3A%2F%2Fwww.ft.com%2Fcms%2Fs%2F0%2F2a7aeb7e-da6f-11dc-9bb9-0000779fd2ac.html&_i_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.drudgereport.com%2F

Rice attacks ‘reprehensible’ Putin warnings

By Daniel Dombey in Washington
Published: February 13 2008 20:23 |

Condoleezza Rice, US secretary of state, on Wednesday highlighted the tense relations between Moscow and Washington when she hit out at Russia’s “reprehensible” rhetoric and said she would appoint a special energy co-ordinator for central Asia, a region dominated to date by Russian energy interests.

02-14-2008, 06:13 AM
you puzzle me, Sitarro....I had just finished reading this comment of yours on another thread...

when you are backing a NIGGER for President and everyone knows that niggers are just a hair below chimps on the evolutionary scale........

and had decided you were another person who I could ignore without losing anything of value.....and then you post this thread....

which of you is the real Sitarro.....or are you bipolar?........

02-14-2008, 07:12 AM
you puzzle me, Sitarro....I had just finished reading this comment of yours on another thread...

and had decided you were another person who I could ignore without losing anything of value.....and then you post this thread....

which of you is the real Sitarro.....or are you bipolar?........

I have a tremendous amount of respect and am basically in awe of Ms. Rice, a truly amazing person(not an amazing black woman). I judge people on a one to one basis and am in no way what many would want to accuse me of being...... a racist. I was making a point with a jerk that was parroting other jerks that call the President a chimp. If you reread the post you will see that is what I was doing. Like I have said before, I work with a majority of blacks and Hispanics, there are only a few people out of the 3,000 I work around that I don't get along with and many I would call friends.

I am not afraid of words and am more than willing to use any to make a point. I'm also not afraid to judge entertainers I think are hacks just because they are of a different color skin, I will tell anybody that wants to listen how awful I think Kanye West is, not because of his skin color but because I see absolutely no musical talent in that arrogant punk. Aretha Franklin, a ridiculously obnoxious screamer or B.B. King, a boringly repetitive semi-talented guitar player that can't sing a note.

As far as the question of my mental health, I haven't been diagnosed with a bipolar problem but who knows?

red states rule
02-14-2008, 07:17 AM
That would be the smartest thing McCain could do. In one move he would neutralize both of the Democrat candidates. Not only does she have hair that has more intelligence than Hillary, she could without a doubt destroy Mr. Harvard in a debate on foreign policy. She is an expert on Russia, speaks better than Putin, but she also has 8 years of experience being the closest person to the President. Her resume dwarfs both of the dem candidates and she would be a shoe in for President in 2012-2020.

She is certainly not afraid of Putin, here is what just happened......

http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2a7aeb7e-da6f-11dc-9bb9-0000779fd2ac,Authorised=false.html?_i_location=htt p%3A%2F%2Fwww.ft.com%2Fcms%2Fs%2F0%2F2a7aeb7e-da6f-11dc-9bb9-0000779fd2ac.html&_i_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.drudgereport.com%2F

Rice attacks ‘reprehensible’ Putin warnings

By Daniel Dombey in Washington
Published: February 13 2008 20:23 |

Condoleezza Rice, US secretary of state, on Wednesday highlighted the tense relations between Moscow and Washington when she hit out at Russia’s “reprehensible” rhetoric and said she would appoint a special energy co-ordinator for central Asia, a region dominated to date by Russian energy interests.

She would be a fine choice, but I do not believe McCain can do anything to disprove he is a RINO - and will lose badly to Obama

Joe Steel
02-14-2008, 08:07 AM
That would be the smartest thing McCain could do. In one move he would neutralize both of the Democrat candidates.


Blacks won't support her. She's a race traitor.

Condoleezza Rice is the purest expression of the race traitor. No polite description is possible.


Rice's special assignment, far removed from her training as a Sovietologist and her National Security job description, was to deflect Black anger when George Bush launched his long-planned assault on affirmative action in higher education.

Condoleezza Rice: The Devil's Handmaiden (http://www.blackcommentator.com/26/26_commentary.html)

red states rule
02-14-2008, 08:15 AM

Blacks won't support her. She's a race traitor.

Spoken like Jesse Jackson and Rev Al

02-14-2008, 03:52 PM

Blacks won't support her. She's a race traitor.

Funny how that is. Black people, in general, will support some "pie in the sky", jive, mulatto that was raised his entire life by white people and that through affirmative action skated through higher education having degree after degree handed to him but when it comes to a true black person who is extraordinarily accomplished at numerous things, is respected by the rest of the world, has over 7 years of being in the same room as the President, studying what he sees almost every day........ she is a race traitor? How pathetic, if that is true you are saying that blacks, in general, are too stupid to have the right to vote...... right?

Tiger Woods is the most successful athlete in the world, is he a race traitor too? How about the Williams sisters, they play a game that is also almost exclusively white and yet they are consistently 2 of the most successful tennis players in the world...... are they race traitors too.

Are the assholes that talk over other's music, football/basketball/baseball players, gang members and pimps the only blacks "keeping it real"?

Have the Democrats successfully brainwashed an entire race that they are the only political party they are allowed to be members of or else they are traitors to their race?

Joe Steel
02-14-2008, 04:32 PM
...but when it comes to a true black person who is extraordinarily accomplished at numerous things,

What makes her a "true" black person?

...is respected by the rest of the world

Only if you define "the rest of the world" as "virtually no one."

...has over 7 years of being in the same room as the President, studying what he sees almost every day........ she is a race traitor?

Yes. According to the article, she's working with Bush to deny the benefits of affirmative action to blacks.

How pathetic, if that is true you are saying that blacks, in general, are too stupid to have the right to vote...... right?

Where'd you get that? I never said it or even implied it.

Tiger Woods is the most successful athlete in the world, is he a race traitor too? How about the Williams sisters, they play a game that is also almost exclusively white and yet they are consistently 2 of the most successful tennis players in the world...... are they race traitors too.

Only if they've acted against the interests of blacks as Rice has.

Have the Democrats successfully brainwashed an entire race that they are the only political party they are allowed to be members of or else they are traitors to their race?

No. Every person chooses for himself. Blacks are predominately Democrats because the Democratic Party has treated them better since the traditional roles of the parties reversed.

02-14-2008, 04:38 PM

Blacks won't support her. She's a race traitor.

which race did she betray......

Joe Steel
02-14-2008, 04:55 PM
which race did she betray......


02-14-2008, 05:11 PM


Joe Steel
02-14-2008, 05:16 PM

Read the link I posted.

02-14-2008, 05:18 PM
Read the link I posted.

i did....i would like your opinion in your own words....

02-14-2008, 05:27 PM
Read the link I posted.

That link is opinion, pure and simple. It does not mean that she "betrayed he race," it is merely the opinion of the author that this is what she did. I'd be willing to bet that the author hates Bush, believes the 2000 election was "stolen," and as a result hates everyone working in the Bush administration.

There are more than a few Blacks who believe affirmative action has done more to harm Blacks in America than it has helped them. Are they "race traitors" as well?

02-14-2008, 05:30 PM
That link is opinion, pure and simple. It does not mean that she "betrayed he race," it is merely the opinion of the author that this is what she did. I'd be willing to bet that the author hates Bush, believes the 2000 election was "stolen," and as a result hates everyone working in the Bush administration.

There are more than a few Blacks who believe affirmative action has done more to harm Blacks in America than it has helped them. Are they "race traitors" as well?

like..............bill cosby?

02-14-2008, 05:33 PM
like..............bill cosby?

Or Thomas Sowell, Senior Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University...

02-14-2008, 05:34 PM
Or Thomas Sowell, Senior Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University...

traitors all of them......

Joe Steel
02-14-2008, 05:39 PM
i did....i would like your opinion in your own words....

As part of the Bush regime, she's guilty of all its sins. That includes the attempt to destroy affirmative action and the greater crime of disenfranchisement.

The Bush regime benefited greatly by purging the roles of black voters (Florida, 2000 and Ohio, 2004.) Rice recalled at the 2000 Republican convention that her father became a Republican in 1952 because the Democratic machine refused to register him to vote in 1952. She is the beneficiary of similar acts by the Republican machine of 2000 and 2004. Rice should have resigned when that became clear. Instead, she continues to serve the regime instead of her honor.

Joe Steel
02-14-2008, 05:44 PM
That link is opinion, pure and simple. It does not mean that she "betrayed he race," it is merely the opinion of the author that this is what she did. I'd be willing to bet that the author hates Bush, believes the 2000 election was "stolen," and as a result hates everyone working in the Bush administration.

There are more than a few Blacks who believe affirmative action has done more to harm Blacks in America than it has helped them. Are they "race traitors" as well?

If they try to destroy it they are. Clarence "Slappy" Thomas is a good example. He's a product of affirmative action but doesn't support it.

02-14-2008, 05:47 PM
As part of the Bush regime, she's guilty of all its sins. That includes the attempt to destroy affirmative action and the greater crime of disenfranchisement.

The Bush regime benefited greatly by purging the roles of black voters (Florida, 2000 and Ohio, 2004.) Rice recalled at the 2000 Republican convention that her father became a Republican in 1952 because the Democratic machine refused to register him to vote in 1952. She is the beneficiary of similar acts by the Republican machine of 2000 and 2004. Rice should have resigned when that became clear. Instead, she continues to serve the regime instead of her honor.

you mean the voters that were registered twice or not residents.....or just randomly deleting black voters.....btw how do you know a voter is black when you look at their reg card....

many blacks believe affirmative action does more to hurt blacks and disenfrancise them does that make them all traitors.....

is one suposed to serve their race no matter their beliefs....

so in short condy is an uncle tom in your eyes.....

just out of curiosity are you black?

02-14-2008, 06:11 PM
I have a tremendous amount of respect and am basically in awe of Ms. Rice, a truly amazing person(not an amazing black woman). I judge people on a one to one basis and am in no way what many would want to accuse me of being...... a racist. I was making a point with a jerk that was parroting other jerks that call the President a chimp. If you reread the post you will see that is what I was doing. Like I have said before, I work with a majority of blacks and Hispanics, there are only a few people out of the 3,000 I work around that I don't get along with and many I would call friends.

I am not afraid of words and am more than willing to use any to make a point. I'm also not afraid to judge entertainers I think are hacks just because they are of a different color skin, I will tell anybody that wants to listen how awful I think Kanye West is, not because of his skin color but because I see absolutely no musical talent in that arrogant punk. Aretha Franklin, a ridiculously obnoxious screamer or B.B. King, a boringly repetitive semi-talented guitar player that can't sing a note.

As far as the question of my mental health, I haven't been diagnosed with a bipolar problem but who knows?

Actually that is Dr. Rice not Ms. Rice.

She would be a fine choice, but I do not believe McCain can do anything to disprove he is a RINO - and will lose badly to Obama

Your in your own little world over there.

i did....i would like your opinion in your own words....

No you don't you will get nothing but babble if it comes from Josie.

02-14-2008, 06:12 PM
If they try to destroy it they are. Clarence "Slappy" Thomas is a good example. He's a product of affirmative action but doesn't support it.

You should really try Lithium, it does wonders.

02-14-2008, 06:13 PM
It would be awesome to have her as Veep. Would she accept?

02-14-2008, 10:50 PM
It would be awesome to have her as Veep. Would she accept?

That's a good question, why would she want to? You would think she would be a sure thing for President in 2012 but with the lack of love for this country that the lefties have shown, they would not only try to destroy her politically, I wouldn't put it pass a lot of those racist clowns to attempt to hurt her physically.

02-14-2008, 10:59 PM
That's a good question, why would she want to? You would think she would be a sure thing for President in 2012 but with the lack of love for this country that the lefties have shown, they would not only try to destroy her politically, I wouldn't put it pass a lot of those racist clowns to attempt to hurt her physically.

You mean 2016?

Joe Steel
02-15-2008, 10:02 AM
you mean the voters that were registered twice or not residents.....or just randomly deleting black voters.....btw how do you know a voter is black when you look at their reg card....

Being a progressive, I'm not familiar with the mechanics of disenfranchisement so I can't speak authoritatively on the process. As I recall, the scheme involved selecting a group of voters who were likely to be predominantly black and sending "do not forward" mail. If it came back to the sender, the voter was stricken from the voter roles.

many blacks believe affirmative action does more to hurt blacks and disenfrancise them does that make them all traitors.....

If they work to destroy affirmative action, a policy known to be effective, it does.

is one suposed to serve their race no matter their beliefs....

so in short condy is an uncle tom in your eyes.....

just out of curiosity are you black?

At one time I characterized Rice as an "Aunt Jemima," the female equivalent of an Uncle Tom. I don't think that was appropriate and I regret doing it. She's not an Aunt Jemima. Typically, Toms and Jemimas play on the white prejudice that blacks are stupid to deceive them. Clearly, Rice is not stupid.

She is however disloyal to the collective goals of blacks in America. As a child, she was told by her parents to avoid the civil rights struggle and all who were fighting to achieve racial equality. She seems still to be following that advice. In my opinion that makes her a race traitor.

02-15-2008, 10:14 AM
That would be the smartest thing McCain could do. In one move he would neutralize both of the Democrat candidates. Not only does she have hair that has more intelligence than Hillary, she could without a doubt destroy Mr. Harvard in a debate on foreign policy. She is an expert on Russia, speaks better than Putin, but she also has 8 years of experience being the closest person to the President. Her resume dwarfs both of the dem candidates and she would be a shoe in for President in 2012-2020.

She is certainly not afraid of Putin, here is what just happened......

http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2a7aeb7e-da6f-11dc-9bb9-0000779fd2ac,Authorised=false.html?_i_location=htt p%3A%2F%2Fwww.ft.com%2Fcms%2Fs%2F0%2F2a7aeb7e-da6f-11dc-9bb9-0000779fd2ac.html&_i_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.drudgereport.com%2F

Rice attacks ‘reprehensible’ Putin warnings

By Daniel Dombey in Washington
Published: February 13 2008 20:23 |

Condoleezza Rice, US secretary of state, on Wednesday highlighted the tense relations between Moscow and Washington when she hit out at Russia’s “reprehensible” rhetoric and said she would appoint a special energy co-ordinator for central Asia, a region dominated to date by Russian energy interests.

A crazy old fart and an incompetent spinster...Yeah, a great ticket. :laugh2:

02-15-2008, 10:24 AM
The Bush regime benefited greatly by purging the roles of black voters (Florida, 2000 and Ohio, 2004.)

How do you think the voters in Florida feel about their votes in the Democrat caucuses? How has their role impacted the Democrat nomination?

02-15-2008, 11:04 AM
Rice is a member of the Bush administration. Her presence on the GOP ticket would open McCain up to defending all the mistakes of the Bush years. I doubt this would be serious considered.
Plus, Republicans are not going to vote for a black female.

02-15-2008, 11:17 AM
Plus, Republicans are not going to vote for a black female.

Why do you say this?

02-15-2008, 03:59 PM
Republicans are not going to vote for a black female.

my own guess is that there is no difference between the percentage of bigots among Republicans and among Democrats......

02-15-2008, 04:03 PM
my own guess is that there is no difference between the percentage of bigots among Republicans and among Democrats...... I would guess its quite a bit higher for Democrats.

I'd vote for McCain-Rice in a heartbeat. She negates most of his negatives.

red states rule
02-16-2008, 05:47 AM
I would guess its quite a bit higher for Democrats.

I'd vote for McCain-Rice in a heartbeat. She negates most of his negatives.

Liberals are the most racist group of people you will ever meet. The hate filled comments they level at black conservatiives is sick

Yet they claim to be the party that hates racism of any kind

Joe Steel
02-16-2008, 10:05 AM
How do you think the voters in Florida feel about their votes in the Democrat caucuses? How has their role impacted the Democrat nomination?

We both know Florida is not being counted. What's your point?

Joe Steel
02-16-2008, 10:07 AM
I would guess its quite a bit higher for Democrats.

That's absurd.

I'd vote for McCain-Rice in a heartbeat. She negates most of his negatives.

That's absurd.

red states rule
02-16-2008, 10:08 AM
That's absurd.

That's absurd.

Any time a moonbat liberal is this upset over an idea - it must be a great idea

02-16-2008, 10:12 AM
We both know Florida is not being counted. What's your point?

My point is that you made a reference to Republicans purging voters in Florida. And I'm curious as to how those from Florida feel about the Democrats decision to not count their votes in this years Democrat caucuses. They must feel great knowing the Democrats just toss their votes aside.

02-16-2008, 10:12 AM
That's absurd.

That's absurd.

As was your comment about Republicans now voting for a black woman. See how unsubstantiated comments make you look like a foolish hypocrite?

red states rule
02-16-2008, 01:37 PM
As was your comment about Republicans now voting for a black woman. See how unsubstantiated comments make you look like a foolish hypocrite?

Here is an excellent article pointing out the differences between black liberals and black conservatives


02-16-2008, 01:40 PM
My point is that you made a reference to Republicans purging voters in Florida. And I'm curious as to how those from Florida feel about the Democrats decision to not count their votes in this years Democrat caucuses. They must feel great knowing the Democrats just toss their votes aside.

Let's not forget the continued insistence of some Democrats (see Al Sharpton, the master of "let's not disenfranchise anyone") that the DNC refuse seats at the convention to delegates from both Florida and Michigan.

red states rule
02-16-2008, 01:42 PM
Let's not forget the continued insistence of some Democrats (see Al Sharpton, the master of "let's not disenfranchise anyone") that the DNC refuse seats at the convention to delegates from both Florida and Michigan.

This is a rare occassion, Al is correct on this issue

02-19-2008, 08:47 AM
Let's not forget the continued insistence of some Democrats (see Al Sharpton, the master of "let's not disenfranchise anyone") that the DNC refuse seats at the convention to delegates from both Florida and Michigan. Amazing how the Floridiots spent all that time counting dimpled chads, attempting to figger out how someone with an IQ of 70 "intended" to vote.

02-19-2008, 09:08 AM
My point is that you made a reference to Republicans purging voters in Florida. And I'm curious as to how those from Florida feel about the Democrats decision to not count their votes in this years Democrat caucuses. They must feel great knowing the Democrats just toss their votes aside.

the decision was an economic one, not a political one...but nonetheless, the democratic voters in Florida could very well have loudly complained to their state party committee and forced the committee to move their primary to a date acceptable to the DNC. Floridians chose to ignore the threats of the DNC... their loss. Democrat's aren't "just tossing anyone's votes aside"...Floridians went in to the voting booth KNOWING that their state would not have any delegates to the national convention due to to the arrogance of their own state committee.

02-19-2008, 09:18 AM
Floridians went in to the voting booth KNOWING that their state would not have any delegates to the national convention due to to the arrogance of their own state committee.

I'm curious, who runs that committee?

02-19-2008, 09:21 AM
I'm curious, who runs that committee?

former congresswoman Karen Thurman


Joe Steel
02-20-2008, 08:49 PM
As was your comment about Republicans now voting for a black woman. See how unsubstantiated comments make you look like a foolish hypocrite?

I didn't say that.

Joe Steel
02-20-2008, 08:53 PM
My point is that you made a reference to Republicans purging voters in Florida. And I'm curious as to how those from Florida feel about the Democrats decision to not count their votes in this years Democrat caucuses. They must feel great knowing the Democrats just toss their votes aside.

Like the Republican Party, the Democratic Party is a private organization. Neither has an obligation to its members.

02-20-2008, 10:29 PM
She is however disloyal to the collective goals of blacks in America. As a child, she was told by her parents to avoid the civil rights struggle and all who were fighting to achieve racial equality. She seems still to be following that advice. In my opinion that makes her a race traitor.

So as Secretary Of State of the United States, if she was a ''progressive'', she would only represent the people that had the same color skin as she does? I thought the Secretary Of State is suppose to be color blind and represent ALL of the citizens of this country, how naive of me.

02-21-2008, 12:29 AM
She was our National Security Advisor to the President and for our country on the day of 9/11 and for the previous 9 months. She failed the President and she failed us in this position. Yes, a number of things done by a number of people, including things done in the previous clinton administration that allowed this to happen, however she WAS THE ONE IN CHARGE at the time and there comes a time for ones leaders to "own up" for the failures of their area of responsibility.

Instead we got excuses that we never imagined that terrorists would fly planes in to buildings when that was a CLEAR AND EVIDENT AND BLATENT lie, because we had ALL kinds of information about terrorists wanting to use airplanes as bombs, in to high rises and famous places long before 9/11's successful attempt.....

once i found out what she said to us was a lie, not a mistake, but a lie imo, i have never trusted her since. :(

Before that, i thought she was a brilliant woman.


02-21-2008, 12:34 AM
She was our National Security Advisor to the President and for our country on the day of 9/11 and for the previous 9 months. She failed the President and she failed us in this position. Yes, a number of things done by a number of people, including things done in the previous clinton administration that allowed this to happen, however she WAS THE ONE IN CHARGE at the time and there comes a time for ones leaders to "own up" for the failures of their area of responsibility.

Instead we got excuses that we never imagined that terrorists would fly planes in to buildings when that was a CLEAR AND EVIDENT AND BLATENT lie, because we had ALL kinds of information about terrorists wanting to use airplanes as bombs, in to high rises and famous places long before 9/11's successful attempt.....

once i found out what she said to us was a lie, not a mistake, but a lie imo, i have never trusted her since. :(

Before that, i thought she was a brilliant woman.


tell me who was in charge of the cia...fbi....and terrorist czar at the time and how long had they been there.....and for extra credit ....who appointed them.....

02-21-2008, 12:41 AM
tell me who was in charge of the cia...fbi....and terrorist czar at the time and how long had they been there.....and for extra credit ....who appointed them.....First you tell me who, as President of the United States, could have chosen as the head of the Cia or the head of any agency, in fact had the RESPONSIBILITY to do such, was in charge, and chose to keep Tenet, because he thought Tenet met the qualifications and loyalty he needed?



edit: and it was the FBI that failed us, primarily. Condi failed the president primarily.

02-21-2008, 12:46 AM
First you tell me who, as President of the United States, could have chosen as the head of the Cia or the head of any agency, in fact had the RESPONSIBILITY to do such, was in charge, and chose to keep Tenet, because he thought Tenet met the qualifications and loyalty he needed?



edit: and it was the FBI that failed us, primarily. Condi failed the president primarily.

so when bush nuked all the legal folks he was bad but if would have nuked all these guys he would have been good....

the fbi cia and ss were not allowed to communicate.....guess who passed that law...

02-21-2008, 12:48 AM
I am sure Condi would approve of Sitarro's avatar.

02-21-2008, 12:58 AM
I am sure Condi would approve of Sitarro's avatar.

What's wrong with my avatar? It is a hell of a lot better avatar than the bullshit you have for yours.......... lemming.

02-21-2008, 01:15 AM
so when bush nuked all the legal folks he was bad but if would have nuked all these guys he would have been good....

the fbi cia and ss were not allowed to communicate.....guess who passed that law...
The FBI was not communicating within itself, that was the MAIN problem from all i have read.....

And i am not really trying to put blame on Condi alone, as i said in my original statement there were failures in BOTH ADMINISTRATIONS, so i don't know why you think this kind of approach will work in debate with me manu?

What i am saying is that the day i found out that there were plenty of intelligence reports and plots uncovered prior to 911 that told us terrorists were interested in flying planes in to famous buildings and structures, and right before my eyes, Condi came before me and the rest of America, and outright LIED to us and said, "no one could imagine terrorists using airplanes as bombs and flying them in to buildings" paraphrased.

Now that was a lie. And maybe she was told to tell that lie to us for some reason, but it was a major lie none the less and i just can't knock that...


02-21-2008, 01:19 AM
What's wrong with my avatar? It is a hell of a lot better avatar than the bullshit you have for yours.......... lemming.

I can't wait for housing prices to bottom out. You will have all sorts of blacks and Mexicans moving into your neighborhood. They'll be stealing stuff out of your garage and seducing your daughter.

02-21-2008, 01:27 AM
I can't wait for housing prices to bottom out. You will have all sorts of blacks and Mexicans moving into your neighborhood. They'll be stealing stuff out of your garage and seducing your daughter.

yah know Gabby, sometimes you are just awful with some of the things u say, but i swear i have never laughed more than from your smart alecness!

02-21-2008, 01:46 AM
She was our National Security Advisor to the President and for our country on the day of 9/11 and for the previous 9 months. She failed the President and she failed us in this position. Yes, a number of things done by a number of people, including things done in the previous clinton administration that allowed this to happen, however she WAS THE ONE IN CHARGE at the time and there comes a time for ones leaders to "own up" for the failures of their area of responsibility.

Instead we got excuses that we never imagined that terrorists would fly planes in to buildings when that was a CLEAR AND EVIDENT AND BLATENT lie, because we had ALL kinds of information about terrorists wanting to use airplanes as bombs, in to high rises and famous places long before 9/11's successful attempt.....

once i found out what she said to us was a lie, not a mistake, but a lie imo, i have never trusted her since. :(

Before that, i thought she was a brilliant woman.


Such a standard leftist load of shit. Do you have any idea how many flights leave American cities per day? Houston's George Bush International has 800 from Continental alone. We could have known the date and time and it would still have been almost impossible to stop those lowlifes because of the public and the jerks on the left that would have sold us out for political gain. The American public would have never put up with the searches and the delays they would have caused, the lawsuits from leftist, opportunist, ambulance chasers like Johnny boy Edwards would have been torrential. To pretend that it would have been possible at all is nothing but garbage democrat propaganda and you should be intelligent enough to know it.

02-21-2008, 01:58 AM
Such a standard leftist load of shit. Do you have any idea how many flights leave American cities per day? Houston's George Bush International has 800 from Continental alone. We could have known the date and time and it would still have been almost impossible to stop those lowlifes because of the public and the jerks on the left that would have sold us out for political gain. The American public would have never put up with the searches and the delays they would have caused, the lawsuits from leftist, opportunist, ambulance chasers like Johnny boy Edwards would have been torrential. To pretend that it would have been possible at all is nothing but garbage democrat propaganda and you should be intelligent enough to know it.

I see you just ranted on with the usual "rightist" load of poop, (to moc your terms):poke:, not relating to one word i said about her lying to us...she said that they never could have imagined or dreamed that people would attack us by hitting famous buildings with airplanes, and THAT was an outright lie sitarro?


02-21-2008, 03:25 AM
I can't wait for housing prices to bottom out. You will have all sorts of blacks and Mexicans moving into your neighborhood. They'll be stealing stuff out of your garage and seducing your daughter.

First of all, I don't have any kids, never have wanted them.

My neighborhood is very diverse. Across the street from my house is a black family I have known and considered good friends for over a decade. A couple of houses down is a Japanese airline Captain and his wife, another friend and talented artist. Around the corner is a lesbian couple, I haven't met one of them but I used to walk dogs with her girlfriend almost everyday. A couple of houses down is a Mexican family, 2 sisters and a brother. The parents live in Mexico and bought the kids a house to live in while they attend college.

I lived in a neighborhood in Denver that was so hispanic that the local stores and video shops had all of their signs in Spanish. I lived behind a huge house in a small passive solar home for 7 years. The family in the front house contained 3 generations of Garcias, I was an adopted son to them. Living there by myself, 1200 miles from my family, I had a standing invitation to dinner in their home. They liked me because I ''knew more about Santana than any white boy'' they had ever known. They had parties in their back yard/my front yard, almost every night. All of the Garcias were unemployed and collecting Social Security or other varieties of government help. They always had beer and pot, televisions and stereo systems in every room, most were obese and they were easily the biggest racists I have ever met......... they were also staunch Democrats. They were uninsured and their cars weren't inspected and yet they could always find money for gas to cruise into the mountains most weekends to build illegal fires next to a stream, set off fireworks and get totally wasted. I would hear discussions about which county jail had the best food or the meanest jailers.

The woman that I moved to Denver with and broke up with shortly after we got there, lived in Boulder. She was very proud to be an ultra tree hugging liberal. We remained friends and are still friends today after 20 years. She used to talk about the horrors of racism and how we really just need to get along, all the while, living in one of the whitest cities in America. The only way blacks were allowed in Boulder was if they played football for CU. Mexicans were allowed there to clean toilets and serve food but the closest place they could find to live was Longmont or Denver, 30 miles away. Yea, the whitest and most liberal city East of California, known as Colorado's Berkley.

It's funny what you liberals assume of us conservatives, I guarantee that I work with, know and call my friends, a much more diverse group of people than you could ever dream of Gab-a-lot. You better watch what you wish for because you might be the one that is stuck with the dregs of society moving into your neighborhood....... maybe you'll learn something.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

02-21-2008, 03:29 AM
I see you just ranted on with the usual "rightist" load of poop, (to moc your terms):poke:, not relating to one word i said about her lying to us...she said that they never could have imagined or dreamed that people would attack us by hitting famous buildings with airplanes, and THAT was an outright lie sitarro?


Do you have a link to that quote? I don't remember her ever saying that. I would like to see the complete quote to see whether it was taken out of context. It would also be interesting to see the" had ALL kinds of information about terrorists wanting to use airplanes as bombs, in to high rises and famous places long before 9/11's successful attempt''. Could you provide a link to all of this info?

Joe Steel
02-21-2008, 07:16 AM
So as Secretary Of State of the United States, if she was a ''progressive'', she would only represent the people that had the same color skin as she does? I thought the Secretary Of State is suppose to be color blind and represent ALL of the citizens of this country, how naive of me.

As Secretary of State, she's merely incompetent. Her betrayal of her race reflects her lack of integrity.

02-21-2008, 07:53 AM
As Secretary of State, she's merely incompetent. Her betrayal of her race reflects her lack of integrity.

She, no doubt, feels that affirmative action was actually just another scheme thought up by democrats to buy votes from blacks. She also understands that it doesn't help anyone to get preferential treatment over others. That alone shows she has more integrity than the entire donkey party and that she takes her position seriously rather than a way to make easy money when she retires from public service.

02-21-2008, 09:00 AM
First you tell me who, as President of the United States, could have chosen as the head of the Cia or the head of any agency, in fact had the RESPONSIBILITY to do such, was in charge, and chose to keep Tenet, because he thought Tenet met the qualifications and loyalty he needed?



edit: and it was the FBI that failed us, primarily. Condi failed the president primarily. Gee I remember how the Democrats were so cooperative at approving Bush's appointments post haste.

02-21-2008, 09:04 AM
As Secretary of State, she's merely incompetent. Her betrayal of her race reflects her lack of integrity. This type of post pisses me off to no end. 'Because she's not liberal, she's betrayed her race.' What a friggin' stupid, racist remark.

Joe Steel
02-21-2008, 09:36 AM
This type of post pisses me off to no end. 'Because she's not liberal, she's betrayed her race.' What a friggin' stupid, racist remark.

Her father told her to avoid the civil rights stuggle and those who were fighting for citizenship rights for black. She did. That makes her a traitor, dumbass.

02-21-2008, 09:41 AM
Her father told her to avoid the civil rights stuggle and those who were fighting for citizenship rights for black. She did. That makes her a traitor, dumbass. I'd tell my daughter the same thing in order to keep her out of trouble- dumbass.

02-21-2008, 12:23 PM
Her father told her to avoid the civil rights stuggle and those who were fighting for citizenship rights for black. She did. That makes her a traitor, dumbass.

Link? Or is this just another load of bullshit from the New York Times?

02-21-2008, 12:28 PM
Do you have a link to that quote? I don't remember her ever saying that. I would like to see the complete quote to see whether it was taken out of context. It would also be interesting to see the" had ALL kinds of information about terrorists wanting to use airplanes as bombs, in to high rises and famous places long before 9/11's successful attempt''. Could you provide a link to all of this info?

Your wish, is my command! ;)

Q -- any specific information just prior to August 6th that raised concerns about hijacking of U.S. planes?

DR. RICE: Again, this was generalized information that put together the fact that there were terrorist groups who were unhappy about things that were going on in the Middle East, as well as al Qaeda operatives, which we'd been watching for a long time -- that there was more chatter than usual, and that we knew that they were people who might try a hijacking. But, you know, again, that terrorism and hijacking might be associated is not rocket science.

Q Why shouldn't this be seen as an intelligence failure, that you were unable to predict something happening here?

DR. RICE: Steve, I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the Pentagon; that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile. All of this reporting about hijacking was about traditional hijacking. You take a plane -- people were worried they might blow one up, but they were mostly worried that they might try to take a plane and use it for release of the blind Sheikh or some of their own people.

But I think that there's always a fine balance, but even in retrospect, even in hindsight, there was nothing in what was briefed to the President that would suggest that you would go out and say to the American people, look, I just read that terrorists might hijack and aircraft. They talk about hijacking an aircraft once in a while, but have no specifics about when, where, under what circumstances.

Full Press Briefing: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/05/20020516-13.html

also....note that she and the president were in genoa, at the g-8 summit, where they were warned of such a terrorist attack there...

Condoleezza Rice was the top National Security official with President Bush at the July 2001 G-8 summit in Genoa. There, "U.S. officials were warned that Islamic terrorists might attempt to crash an airliner" into the summit, prompting officials to "close the airspace over Genoa and station antiaircraft guns at the city's airport." Sources: Los Angeles Times

then there is this by a republican on the 9/11 commission....

With such high-profile testimony in the offing, it�s no wonder the commission chairman, Republican Tom Kean, was telling reporters last week to expect major revelations from the investigative hearings expected to begin in late January.

He also suggested that the 9/11 attacks might have been prevented if mid-level government officials at various government agencies had done their jobs. As for senior officials like Rice or her predecessor, Clinton NSA Sandy Berger, and their bosses, Kean said the commission was still studying whether they share the blame. Rice could face tough questioning. One Republican commissioner says a comment by Rice last year—that no one �could have predicted that they would try to use a�hijacked airplane as a missile�—was "an unfortunate comment . . . that was, of course, a wrong-footed statement on its face," given that there was years of intelligence about Al Qaeda's interest in airplane attacks.


02-21-2008, 02:06 PM
Your wish, is my command! ;)

also....note that she and the president were in genoa, at the g-8 summit, where they were warned of such a terrorist attack there...

then there is this by a republican on the 9/11 commission....

Having 3 airline Captains for brothers, I can tell you that the standard operating procedure for hijacking was to cooperate and do what you can to get the plane on the ground. No one was ever warned that suicide murderers would be interested in taking over an airliner to use it as a missile. Their training was based on hijackers that weren't interested in killing themselves.

As far as Condeleeza, she state specifically that they had no reason to believe that these assholes would target the World Trade Center or Pentagon...... I believe that, why wouldn't you believe that?

02-21-2008, 02:35 PM
Having 3 airline Captains for brothers, I can tell you that the standard operating procedure for hijacking was to cooperate and do what you can to get the plane on the ground. No one was ever warned that suicide murderers would be interested in taking over an airliner to use it as a missile. Their training was based on hijackers that weren't interested in killing themselves.

As far as Condeleeza, she state specifically that they had no reason to believe that these assholes would target the World Trade Center or Pentagon...... I believe that, why wouldn't you believe that?I don't believe it because their goal was to decapitate us, and because of previous attempts by terrorists to do such, like with the 10 airplanes at once throughout the world, that would fly in to hallmark buildings and bridges and monuments plots that were uncovered previously.

Then in july of 2001 condi and Bush were at the g-8 summit of which she was the head of security for the usa, where they were warned by intelligence that terrorists planned to fly airplanes in to the summit to disrupt it, causing genoa to cut off airspace surrounding the summit....

If SHE REALLY wasn't aware and did not put two and two together with all of the other warnings that lead to the august briefing to the president saying that bin laden was determined to strike in the USA and information that 8 of their operatives deployed just recently to canada, germany, france etc, on their way to the usa.... then she was derrelict in her duty responsibilities, if not lying.

I think she is a brilliant woman, that has lost her chance because of her association with this fiasco and the handling of such by her and this administration. It will haunt her for a while if not forever, unless she manages to work a peace deal in the middle east with Israel, that could redeem her and the President, or do wonders for their mistakes.


Joe Steel
02-21-2008, 05:43 PM
This type of post pisses me off to no end. 'Because she's not liberal, she's betrayed her race.' What a friggin' stupid, racist remark.

Try again, dumbass.

It isn't racist. If I were criticizing Rice because she was too black, it would be racist. I'm criticizing her because she's not black enough. This is strictly about her lack of character.

02-21-2008, 05:45 PM
It isn't racist. If I were criticizing Rice because she was too black, it would be racist. I'm criticizing her because she's not black enough. This is strictly about her lack of character.

How does one's skin color affect their character? How does one make decisions in life based on color?

Joe Steel
02-21-2008, 05:46 PM
I'd tell my daughter the same thing in order to keep her out of trouble- dumbass.

If you're telling your daughter to forsake her culture to gain a bit of security, you're doing her a disservice.

You should be ashamed.

Joe Steel
02-21-2008, 05:50 PM
How does one's skin color affect their character? How does one make decisions in life based on color?

No one ever gave American blacks anything. They only have what they've taken. Rice is enjoying the benefits of the struggle without the burdens. She's a parasite and a traitor to all the black Americans who fought and died for the benefits of citizenship.

02-21-2008, 05:53 PM
If you're telling your daughter to forsake her culture to gain a bit of security, you're doing her a disservice.

You should be ashamed.

No one ever gave American blacks anything. They only have what they've taken. Rice is enjoying the benefits of the struggle without the burdens. She's a parasite and a traitor to all the black Americans who fought and died for the benefits of citizenship.

What, is she working like a "white woman"? I fail to see how ANY of our politicians should be making ANY decisions based on their skin color or a race they feel more loyal to. They are there in our Government to do what is best "for the people", and I don't recall those people being defined in any racial manner.

02-21-2008, 06:02 PM
No one ever gave American blacks anything. They only have what they've taken. Rice is enjoying the benefits of the struggle without the burdens. She's a parasite and a traitor to all the black Americans who fought and died for the benefits of citizenship.

i don't recall anyone giving me anything.....why should blacks be any different...

02-21-2008, 10:22 PM
If you're telling your daughter to forsake her culture to gain a bit of security, you're doing her a disservice.

You should be ashamed.


02-21-2008, 10:24 PM
Try again, dumbass.

It isn't racist. If I were criticizing Rice because she was too black, it would be racist. I'm criticizing her because she's not black enough. This is strictly about her lack of character. You are a racist fucking pig.

02-21-2008, 10:51 PM
That's absurd.

That's absurd.

don't you just love an articulate argument?........

Joe Steel
02-22-2008, 07:13 AM

First of all, you raised the issue.

Secondly, it's not about your daughter. It's about your failure as a parent.

Joe Steel
02-22-2008, 07:14 AM
don't you just love an articulate argument?........

I do.

Got any?

Joe Steel
02-22-2008, 07:15 AM
You are a racist fucking pig.

You don't understand the term "racist."

02-22-2008, 09:01 AM
First of all, you raised the issue.

Secondly, it's not about your daughter. It's about your failure as a parent. PM me with your address and I'll come down and talk to you about this post.

02-22-2008, 09:27 AM
Try again, dumbass.

It isn't racist. If I were criticizing Rice because she was too black, it would be racist. I'm criticizing her because she's not black enough. This is strictly about her lack of character.

And who are you to determine whether someone is "black enough?" Are you the Race Police now? Is she not "collective" or "statist" enough for you?

02-22-2008, 09:30 AM
No one ever gave American blacks anything. They only have what they've taken. Rice is enjoying the benefits of the struggle without the burdens. She's a parasite and a traitor to all the black Americans who fought and died for the benefits of citizenship.

Guess what? You're enjoying the benefits of a free country, yet you didn't fight for it. By your own logic, that makes you "a parasite and a traitor" to all the Americans who fought and died for the benefits of freedom.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
02-22-2008, 10:34 AM
I think Ms Rice would make a great Vice Presidential candidate. I am also wary of whom the Dems will seek as thier second in charge...

If Obama gets the nod, I would be inclined that a Biden second would make him a strong contender to be the next resident of the White House. If he picks someone without any international qualifications, it could be McCain....I am not sure Hillary is even in contention anymore.

02-22-2008, 10:39 AM
You don't understand the term "racist."

"Racist" seems to be synonymous with "Joe Steel" at least according to how you embrace the idea of Condi Rice being a "race traitor." Personally, I think the idea of a person being a "race traitor" is ridiculous - it's only the small-minded bigots who actually care about skin color. Oh, and Joe? You seem to fit the bill....

Joe Steel
02-22-2008, 01:16 PM
PM me with your address and I'll come down and talk to you about this post.

See what I mean?

Do you think you're helping your daughter by threatening someone you don't know? At a minimum, you'd become a felon and prisoner. How does that help?

Joe Steel
02-22-2008, 01:17 PM
And who are you to determine whether someone is "black enough?"

Someone with an opinion.

Joe Steel
02-22-2008, 01:23 PM
Guess what? You're enjoying the benefits of a free country, yet you didn't fight for it. By your own logic, that makes you "a parasite and a traitor" to all the Americans who fought and died for the benefits of freedom.

Sorry, no.

I'd only be a parasite and traitor if I betrayed the founding principles of the United States. As a staunch progressive, of course, I revere the those principles and constantly strive to defend them from conservatives.

02-22-2008, 01:23 PM
See what I mean?

Do you think you're helping your daughter by threatening someone you don't know? At a minimum, you'd become a felon and prisoner. How does that help?

I never threatened you, pussy. Welcome to the neg ten grand club.:fu:

Joe Steel
02-22-2008, 01:24 PM
"Racist" seems to be synonymous with "Joe Steel" at least according to how you embrace the idea of Condi Rice being a "race traitor." Personally, I think the idea of a person being a "race traitor" is ridiculous - it's only the small-minded bigots who actually care about skin color. Oh, and Joe? You seem to fit the bill....

Look-up racist.

02-22-2008, 01:38 PM
Look-up racist. I just did, and I saw your picture. Damn, you need to lose some weight.

02-22-2008, 02:11 PM
PM me with your address and I'll come down and talk to you about this post.

He's to much of a pansie to do that. He's probably just some high school kids who beats it to naked pictures of his mom.

02-22-2008, 02:13 PM
Look-up racist.

Actually he wouldn't be a felon. There are ways to make it look like self defense.

Joe Steel
02-22-2008, 03:20 PM
I never threatened you, pussy. Welcome to the neg ten grand club.:fu:

What's this, then?

"PM me with your address and I'll come down and talk to you about this post."

It seemed like a threat to me. You don't need my address to discuss the posting.

02-23-2008, 03:05 PM
Someone with an opinion.
So what in your "opinion" would make her "black enough". I really don't understand the whole black enough not enough BS.

I love the, if your getting good grades your acting "white" and if your not into the gangsta rap and thug life style, your acting white. I really don't understand.

Could you please give me your opinion of what it is to be black and how one goes about "acting black enough". What is entailed in being "black enough".

Are you suggesting that anyone who gets ahead in life, makes something of themselves, is respected, and has an over all good life must some how not be "black enough"? That in order to be "black enough" they must somehow be struggling all the time, down trodden, poor, uneducated, violent (see thug lifestyle), bitter, and just plain mad as hell at the world? If so you are one of the biggest bigots and racist I have ever had the displeasure of reading....

02-23-2008, 03:08 PM
Someone with an opinion.

OK. My opinion is that there's no such thing as "black enough." You just don't like her because she believes in individualism, not collectivism.

02-25-2008, 08:47 AM
What's this, then?

"PM me with your address and I'll come down and talk to you about this post."

It seemed like a threat to me. You don't need my address to discuss the posting.

I prefer a face to face conversation sometimes. That post warrants that.

02-25-2008, 09:09 AM
I admired her, i liked her, i think she is a brilliant person, not once does the color of her skin come in to the picture, HOWEVER, i no longer trust her for many, many reasons now....as with me not trusting Powell anylonger.....from their own actions.

Not because of their skin color, not because they are not "black enough" (which is such bullshit), not because they are republicans or conservatives or anything like that....but because of some things that THEY DID that made me lose trust!

Out side of that, Powell and Condi have succeeded in life much farther than most people in this country, so if you think they are "not black enough" because of being higher up on the totem pole than most Blacks, then you would have to say they are not "white enough" either, because they are higher on the totem pole than most caucatians in this country too....they surely have succeeded more than i have, and kudos to them.


02-25-2008, 09:28 AM
I admired her, i liked her, i think she is a brilliant person, not once does the color of her skin come in to the picture, HOWEVER, i no longer trust her for many, many reasons now....as with me not trusting Powell anylonger.....from their own actions.

Not because of their skin color, not because they are not "black enough" (which is such bullshit), not because they are republicans or conservatives or anything like that....but because of some things that THEY DID that made me lose trust!

Out side of that, Powell and Condi have succeeded in life much farther than most people in this country, so if you think they are "not black enough" because of being higher up on the totem pole than most Blacks, then you would have to say they are not "white enough" either, because they are higher on the totem pole than most caucatians in this country too....they surely have succeeded more than i have, and kudos to them.


I guess by those standards you couldn't possibly trust Bill or Hillary Clinton since they lie for breakfast. Or Algore with the serious lies he has told the American people and the world. Madeline Albright has to be a problem for you, she was impressed with that little shit Kim Jung Il and ate lavish meals with him while he starves his own people. Lyndon Johnson lied all of the time and was responsible for a huge number of our soldiers deaths in Vietnam since he and his lousy Congress refused to supply our troops and Air Force adequate equipment to fight a war to win. The list could go on forever, just on Democrats alone. Like Ted Kennedy, you just have to hate this murderous, obese, alcoholic liar..... how could you not?

02-25-2008, 09:32 AM
I guess by those standards you couldn't possibly trust Bill or Hillary Clinton since they lie for breakfast. Or Algore with the serious lies he has told the American people and the world. Madeline Albright has to be a problem for you, she was impressed with that little shit Kim Jung Il and ate lavish meals with him while he starves his own people. Lyndon Johnson lied all of the time and was responsible for a huge number of our soldiers deaths in Vietnam since he and his lousy Congress refused to supply our troops and Air Force adequate equipment to fight a war to win. The list could go on forever, just on Democrats alone. Like Ted Kennedy, you just have to hate this murderous, obese, alcoholic liar..... how could you not?
You are trying to argue with a liberal by injecting facts into the argument. That's just so unfair, man. Where's your compassion?

02-25-2008, 09:35 AM
You are trying to argue with a liberal by injecting facts into the argument. That's just so unfair, man. Where's your compassion?

You're right Glock, I'm sorry John, that was cruel of me.:rolleyes:

02-25-2008, 09:51 AM
I guess by those standards you couldn't possibly trust Bill or Hillary Clinton since they lie for breakfast. Or Algore with the serious lies he has told the American people and the world. Madeline Albright has to be a problem for you, she was impressed with that little shit Kim Jung Il and ate lavish meals with him while he starves his own people. Lyndon Johnson lied all of the time and was responsible for a huge number of our soldiers deaths in Vietnam since he and his lousy Congress refused to supply our troops and Air Force adequate equipment to fight a war to win. The list could go on forever, just on Democrats alone. Like Ted Kennedy, you just have to hate this murderous, obese, alcoholic liar..... how could you not?

I never promised you a rose garden..... :)

People of all races, genders, and parties will continue to fail us, and not one of the reasons for failure will have anything to do with their race, gender or party is how I look at it.

Two wrongs, don't make it right....

I can list... a list a mile and a half long of JUST Republican misdoings and lies and bad moves that killed many innocent....like you did...

but as said, 2 wrongs don't make a right....

Until one accepts that some Republican's shit stinks to the same level as Democratic shit has, all will continue to be miserable and hateful towards other fellow Americans, and continue to divide the country....

i truely am not in to being a divider, but in to being a uniter.....PEACE be with you!:salute:

And good morning Sitarro!


02-25-2008, 01:59 PM
That would be the smartest thing McCain could do. In one move he would neutralize both of the Democrat candidates. Not only does she have hair that has more intelligence than Hillary, she could without a doubt destroy Mr. Harvard in a debate on foreign policy. She is an expert on Russia, speaks better than Putin, but she also has 8 years of experience being the closest person to the President. Her resume dwarfs both of the dem candidates and she would be a shoe in for President in 2012-2020.

She is certainly not afraid of Putin, here is what just happened......

http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2a7aeb7e-da6f-11dc-9bb9-0000779fd2ac,Authorised=false.html?_i_location=htt p%3A%2F%2Fwww.ft.com%2Fcms%2Fs%2F0%2F2a7aeb7e-da6f-11dc-9bb9-0000779fd2ac.html&_i_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.drudgereport.com%2F

Rice attacks ‘reprehensible’ Putin warnings

By Daniel Dombey in Washington
Published: February 13 2008 20:23 |

Condoleezza Rice, US secretary of state, on Wednesday highlighted the tense relations between Moscow and Washington when she hit out at Russia’s “reprehensible” rhetoric and said she would appoint a special energy co-ordinator for central Asia, a region dominated to date by Russian energy interests.

'AGAIN' in Harm's Way in the Middle East, OUR Marine has made his own and 'most' of his peers sentiments about this presidential campaign for 2008 'abundantly' clear. Our presidential candidate 'should' have 'already been' SOS Dr. Condileeza Rice! (SHE's the only political figure of the present administration proven to THEM repeatedly that THEY truly DO trust as their Commander In Chief, from even BEFORE day 1 of presidency!) If the RNC hadn't have already dropped the ball, it would be SHE pondering whom would be best for our nation (at war) as HER running mate. Unfortunately, such hasn't been the case. All any of us can hope for is that she overlooks the slight and for the good of our country, accepts vice-presidency. She could carry the national defense ball until hopefully McCain came up to speed. If he truly isn't already senile, he'll have the wisdom to let her continue to run US international affairs/national defense from a position of experience; freeing him to concentrate solely on finding solutions to our own internal woes. As for pitting her against either of the Dems hopefuls, McCain could simply just turn her loose on them both and rest up as she tore them apart, on ISSUES. Not just promises of "change". His mom and I concur with his judgement.

02-26-2008, 12:57 AM
What the hell happened to joe steel? Where did he go?:lol:

Joe Steel
02-26-2008, 01:25 PM
I prefer a face to face conversation sometimes. That post warrants that.

You should change you screen name to cluckmail, then.

02-26-2008, 01:28 PM
You should change you screen name to cluckmail, then. I'll bring my iphone with me and let you change it.:dev: