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View Full Version : Looks Like They Found Brianna Denison Today

02-16-2008, 02:01 AM
The Reno Police Department says it has found a body of a female in a field near Double R Boulevard behind Sand Hill in South Reno. The report came in around 12:13 Friday afternoon.

Police have not identified the body, but a passerby told News 4 that he asked a police officer if the body was that of missing teen Brianna Denison. He says the officer told him they are assuming it is her.

Full Story...............

I hope this is not her. Her aunt and a couple of her friends work at one of my stores and I know them pretty well. I hope that if this is her that they catch the son of a bitch who did this and kill them very slowly and painfully. I am sick and tired of hearing about shit like this, it is happening way to often.

02-17-2008, 03:00 AM
It is confirmed it was her body :( I actually work with her cousin and the sotre I worked at today everyone knew her so it was a sad day there. I hope they catch this son of a bitch. Also they are asking everyone(doesn't matter if your in Nevada or not) to please put a blue ribbon or bow up at your house or on your mailbox in rememberance of Bri. They are also asking for donations to help in locating the creep who did this unthinkable act. He is a Serial Rapist and Killer who has offended four times now. This actually made me cry even though I didn't know her.

Here is the article.............

Here is the website for Bri, check it out.....................

02-17-2008, 03:01 AM

This low life son of a fucking bitch bastard raped a woman in the University Of Nevada, Reno's Police Department Parking Garage.

02-17-2008, 09:28 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. I hope they catch this guy.
2. And bring back *Ol Sparky*.
3. Seems like the liberals want to love the evil ones to death.
4. If they even want to see justice.
5. Only if it happens to one of their own family members do they think death is justified for a murderer.


02-17-2008, 09:58 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. I hope they catch this guy.
2. And bring back *Ol Sparky*.
3. Seems like the liberals want to love the evil ones to death.
4. If they even want to see justice.
5. Only if it happens to one of their own family members do they think death is justified for a murderer.


Your 'points' numbered 3, 4, and 5...


02-17-2008, 10:00 AM
Your 'points' numbered 3, 4, and 5...


Ignore him--He's an idiot. :laugh2:

02-17-2008, 10:08 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Fact is, Liberals everywhere want to do away with the death penalty.
2. All over the world, they want to fill the jails up with murderers.
3. And not do justice for the murdered.
4. You say I am mistaken?


02-17-2008, 10:10 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Fact is, Liberals everywhere want to do away with the death penalty.
2. All over the world, they want to fill the jails up with murderers.
3. And not do justice for the murdered.
4. You say I am mistaken?


no---I said you were an idiot. :laugh2:
Plenty of liberals don't give a rats ass about the death penalty.

02-17-2008, 10:18 AM
Sorry bout that,

no---I said you were an idiot. :laugh2:
Plenty of liberals don't give a rats ass about the death penalty.

1. Well *I THE GREAT CWN* think you're a *FUCKING IDIOT*.:finger3:


02-17-2008, 10:19 AM
is there a 'spell-check' available? :lol:

02-17-2008, 10:20 AM
is there a 'spell-check' available? :lol:

I rest my case------

02-17-2008, 10:22 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Dildo seems to want to start a *FLAME WAR*, okay,..lets do this thing.
2. Sorry NVM for having this thread dragged *OFF TOPIC*.


02-17-2008, 10:27 AM
Your 'points' numbered 3, 4, and 5...


Ignore him--He's an idiot. :laugh2:

He never made out of the 10th grade. <--- *The Truth*

02-17-2008, 10:31 AM
Sorry bout that,

He never made out of the 10th grade. <--- *The Truth*

1. It is true.
2. I did finish the 9th, and that's all I needed.
3. I am worth over a half a million dollars, and am grateful for it.
4. I would imagine most here can't say that.
5. Whats that say for your wasted education?
6. Hahahahaha,.......


02-17-2008, 10:43 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. It is true.
2. I did finish the 9th, and that's all I needed.
3. I am worth over a half a million dollars, and am grateful for it.
4. I would imagine most here can't say that.
5. Whats that say for your wasted education?
6. Hahahahaha,.......


Half million? That's all? My house is worth more than that, but that's not how I judge my success. I have two great daughters that are smart, polite, and mean the world to me. That is how I judge my success.

02-17-2008, 10:57 AM
Sorry bout that,

Half million? That's all? My house is worth more than that, but that's not how I judge my success. I have two great daughters that are smart, polite, and mean the world to me. That is how I judge my success.

1. That's commenable, and I respect that.
2. Real Estate isn't worth as much here in Texas.
3. And that's one reason my over all worth isn't that high.
4. But I do own half a dozen properties here, (Only One Having Not The Deed Yet: Note; I have the Deed, but still owe something 25k on it, used a credit card to buy it, last year.), not just one house, which I am still paying on.
5. Are you saying you paid for that house?
6. That's a lot to have in one house.
7. I doubt you have even one deed.


02-17-2008, 12:55 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. I hope they catch this guy.
2. And bring back *Ol Sparky*.
3. Seems like the liberals want to love the evil ones to death.
4. If they even want to see justice.
5. Only if it happens to one of their own family members do they think death is justified for a murderer.


We only have the Lethal Injection here in Nevada :(

Sorry bout that,

1. Fact is, Liberals everywhere want to do away with the death penalty.
2. All over the world, they want to fill the jails up with murderers.
3. And not do justice for the murdered.
4. You say I am mistaken?


I've seen Liberal's who arn't opposed to the Death Penaty, not many, but there are a few.

is there a 'spell-check' available? :lol:

Grammer Police eh?

02-18-2008, 03:59 AM
We only have the Lethal Injection here in Nevada :(

I've seen Liberal's who arn't opposed to the Death Penaty, not many, but there are a few.

Grammer Police eh?

No, I am not one of the grammar police. I just thought it was funny that someone would call another person an 'idiot' and spell the word wrong.


02-18-2008, 01:19 PM
No, I am not one of the grammar police. I just thought it was funny that someone would call another person an 'idiot' and spell the word wrong.


And that relates to this thread how?

02-18-2008, 01:42 PM
This case is important to you, because it happened in your neighborhood.
Unfortunately, it happens thousands of times a week, in every corner of the country. It's tragic. But under the American justice system, a person is innocent until found guilty in a court of law.
This is not Saudi Arabia, where 99 percent of "trials" end up in a conviction. Often before the trial.

Why am I opposed to the death penalty? Because only God should have the power to end a human life.
Also, life imprisonment without the possibility of parole is a far greater punishment than the death penalty. If you are convicted of some really heinous crimes, the death penalty is the easy way out. You don't have to go to prison and be held accountable.
In American prisons, crimes involving women and children are viewed as beyond reprehensible. The cons themselves often mete out their own form of justice.
If someone killed a member of my family in cold blood, I would want them sent to prison for life. I would want them to suffer every day for the rest of their life.
The daily fear of death is a much greater punishment than death itself.

Not that most of you are going to comprehend this. Because you enjoy seeing people die.

02-18-2008, 03:08 PM
And that relates to this thread how?

I notice you don't bother to say anything to anyone else that gets off the subject a little.
I'll stay away fron your threads fron now on.......

And it's spelled g-r-a-m-m-A-r

02-19-2008, 02:23 AM
I notice you don't bother to say anything to anyone else that gets off the subject a little.
I'll stay away fron your threads fron now on.......

And it's spelled g-r-a-m-m-A-r

You do that then. Oh yea I almost forgot...............GET BENT :fu:

02-19-2008, 09:29 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Murder is very serious.
2. When a person takes a life.
3. He has acted as if he was God.
4. And in so doing, killed a person, and that persons blood is on his/hers hands.
5. Nothing can wash it off.
6. And nothing should.
7. The murderer is worthy of death, plain and simple.
8. The more society leans towards the murderer not the murdered.
9. The more life will have no real value.
10. Cheapening life to a degree, that there will be no need for prisons.
11. For we shall all be wandering around in a prison, the real world will be full of murderers.


02-19-2008, 01:31 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Murder is very serious.
2. When a person takes a life.
3. He has acted as if he was God.
4. And in so doing, killed a person, and that persons blood is on his/hers hands.
5. Nothing can wash it off.
6. And nothing should.
7. The murderer is worthy of death, plain and simple.
8. The more society leans towards the murderer not the murdered.
9. The more life will have no real value.
10. Cheapening life to a degree, that there will be no need for prisons.
11. For we shall all be wandering around in a prison, the real world will be full of murderers.


The bible says an eye for an eye and I agree with that. Except that when someone get's murdered the murderer should die the same way. If a woman is raped, savagly beaten and strangled, the same should happen to the criminal. This crap about the death penalty being painful or cruel and unusual is crap. Imagine the fear, terror and pain the victim goes through but no society is to concerned about treating the criminal like royalty, it makes me fucking sick. I think these people should die in the most painful way possible, then it would be more of a deterrant.

02-19-2008, 01:34 PM
If a person acts as God, then his fate should be judged by God. Not by man.
Place the person in a cell and allow his fate to be determined by God. Humans should not act as God.

02-19-2008, 01:40 PM
If a person acts as God, then his fate should be judged by God. Not by man.
Place the person in a cell and allow his fate to be determined by God. Humans should not act as God.

Life in prison doesn't deter these people at all. They get free room and board for the rest of their lives. I've seen how they live and it's not to bad at all. My brothers a prison guard and i've seen about six of the prisons here. They get color tv and satellite in their cell. They get radio's. They get congical visits. They get phone calls, magazines, books. They get meals. They get jobs they get paid for. They can order custom made food. They can order a ton of different comfort and food products. They get free medical care. The list goes on and on. How many of those luxaries does the dead person get?

02-20-2008, 08:44 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But when man decides to circumvent justice.
2. By allowing those evil deeds to go unpunished.
3. It in itself is a crime against humanity.
4. Those who make such laws, are in fact neutralizing Gods laws.
5. Justice demands evil deeds such as murder be dealt with justly, and permanently, and immediately.
6. It can be a cruel painful death, as long as it is death, not putting up these murderers in a hotel.
7. As a judge sentences a man to life, he is killing all justice.
8. As its counter judgement.
9. Just the simple act of a judge saying, "I sentence you to life" is criminal.
10. Like pretending to be God, and saying, "Now you sin no more, and go live in a hotel with food and drink till you die naturally."
11. To the Godly man, this makes us sick.
12. I condemn the judges and their judgements, also the jury's that do the same, I condemn them as well.


02-20-2008, 12:04 PM
If you think prison is a "hotel," then you have never been to prison.

Let man be man and God be God.
Only God gives life. Only God should take life.
If you don't believe this, then you don't believe in the power and mercy of God.
Simple as that.

02-20-2008, 03:00 PM
If you think prison is a "hotel," then you have never been to prison.

Let man be man and God be God.
Only God gives life. Only God should take life.
If you don't believe this, then you don't believe in the power and mercy of God.
Simple as that.

Your right, I have never been to prison other then when my brother has showed me around and a lot of them are like hotels and some inmates even refer to them as that. The fact is Prison doesn't deter crimes anymore but Death still does so that is what we need to do and use.

02-20-2008, 03:19 PM
You do that then. Oh yea I almost forgot...............GET BENT :fu:


its even on dvd

02-21-2008, 01:30 PM
The Western Baptist Coalition is at it again. They plan on flying in to Reno to protest the funeral of Brianna. I have a hunch this will not go over really well since the community has adopted her as their daughter. I plan on putting together a counter protest with the families blessing and send these asswads a nice email saying that they will be treated like unwelcome visitors in our community.

Here is their flier


Can you believe that shit?

02-21-2008, 01:31 PM

its even on dvd

I'm sure your quite familiar with it............