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View Full Version : Fox News Derangement Syndrome Alert

02-22-2007, 04:08 PM

By Michelle Malkin · February 21, 2007 11:20 PM
The Daily Kos declares war over the Nevada Democratic Party's choice of Fox News--get out the smelling salts!--to host the Democrats' first presidential debate in August.

Greg Tinti observes:

Maybe the Nevada Democratic Party actually wants to people to see this debate. And anyway, it's not like there aren't going to be dozens of other debates from now until the primaries. Everyone major network is going to get their turn. And can you even imagine how Markos et al. would react if righties started objecting about GOP debates being on CNN, MSNBC, or PBS and demanded they only be on FOX News?
There's even a petition to "freeze out Fox News:"

Yes. Put it on MSNBC or the progressive blogs. Get the lowest possible audience possible. Brilliant!

That Kos and his minions--genius political strategists all!


MoveOn.org joins the assault. A left-wing blogger named "Myrna the Minx" reports:

I just spoke to Adam Green of Moveon.org which is planning a campaign against Fox News’s pose as a legitimate news agency. They see the upcoming Democratic debate sponsored by the Western Majority Project and the Nevada State Democratic Party is an opportunity to put pressure on the state party and other new organizations and are going to time it with a YouTube video by Robert Greenwald called “Fox Attacks Obama.”
In a rather shocking move, Green wants to include Nevada liberal bloggers in this campaign, or at least let us know what the plans are so that we can help as we see fit. I sure hope someone tfrom the state party is reading this…..you might want to brace yourself.

The Moveon.org campaign makes more sense to me than the online petition because it will be paired with a media assault against Fox News’ status as a news agency. Unfortunately for the state party, [it's] going to come at their expense. I initially had a knee jerk reaction to the dismissive posts about the debate from some of the big blogs because the whole “dumb Nevadans” thing is already getting old (I guess I have become a Nevadan), but I see the wisdom of this Moveon.org effort.

The Important Action Alert(TM) nutroots leaders at MyDD are on board.

02-22-2007, 04:22 PM
Now thats amusing....

02-22-2007, 04:28 PM
Now that's amusing....

Not only do they HATE President Bush, they HATE fox news....

Go figure...

This from the Progressive party of Tolerance, Love and Peace...:wink2:

02-22-2007, 05:49 PM
Not only do they HATE President Bush, they HATE fox news....

Go figure...

This from the Progressive party of Tolerance, Love and Peace...:wink2:

I am really disturbed how many people are making decisions of what policies to support because they hate the people making them.

02-22-2007, 06:25 PM
I use to watch FOX regularly and didn't often turn the channel, but since it became the bimbo channel I haven't watched it in weeks. I would change to the channel just to see if they had any news on and they were always talking about the bimbo. So I have given up on them. The dumbocrats will be lucky if they get any coverage what with breaking news that anna nichol smith is still dead.