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View Full Version : Candian Islamic Cleric Has A Bit of Trouble

02-18-2008, 02:53 AM

Imam undercuts himself by twisting his own words

Licia Corbella
For The Calgary Herald

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Earlier this week, Calgary Imam Syed Soharwardy spent nearly two hours with the Herald's editorial board before announcing he would withdraw his two-year-long Alberta human rights complaint against Ezra Levant, the publisher of the defunct Western Standard magazine.

Soharwardy lodged the complaint after Levant published Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that were central to murderous protests around the world by Muslims, including renewed violence in Denmark on Friday.

Soharwardy is trying to take back his complaint, but it's already too late. Levant's resolve is too strong and freedom of expression too fundamental a right to be so easily shrugged off after the microscope of world attention ended up being turned on Soharwardy.

The founder of the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada (ISCC) asked for a meeting with the Herald's editorial board via an e-mail, arguing that Levant was "attempting to paint me as a hate-mongering, anti-Semitic, Wahabi radical who wants to see Canada governed under sharia law. Nothing could be further from the truth."

While preparing for the meeting, a quick search on Canwest's library system showed a Jan. 17, 2004, column written by the cleric.

In it, he wrote: "Sharia cannot be customized for specific countries. These universal, divine laws are for all people of all countries for all times."

In the same column he also boasts: "I am one of the founding members of the Islamic Institute of Civil Justice. The mandate of the institute is to resolve disputes within existing Canadian laws by using the principles of conflict resolution from Islamic Law, or sharia."

His column is clear. He wanted to bring sharia to Canada and even helped found the organization that spearheaded the drive to do so.

But in our meeting, Soharwardy denied his own column. "I never asked to bring sharia in Canada," he now insists.


02-18-2008, 01:02 PM
A muslim telling lies, imagine that.

02-19-2008, 12:53 PM
The Imam's own previous writings/statements indict him as a liar or hypocrite.

With their mouths they say they want peace, but the underlying agenda is that all of the world live under Islamic Law.

I see very little difference between their motives of operation and Marxian concepts of domination.

Funny how Hitler kept on saying a similar thing in the 1930's. He was only conquering to free people from Jewish oppression.

Oh, Islam, save us from our Western Culture.

With Islam as law, the God given free-will of man is shackled.