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02-18-2008, 09:58 AM

Will the media treat it the same?

Will they ignore the evidence to the contrary like they did with Kerry?

02-18-2008, 10:07 AM

Will the media treat it the same?

Will they ignore the evidence to the contrary like they did with Kerry?

Don't you just hate when posters go from one board to another with the exact same post? Wonder if they are doing a comparison study or something regarding more liberal boards and more conservative boards?

As someone already pointed out at another place, the video is boring and won't see air time.

02-18-2008, 10:09 AM
So you are sugesting I should not talk about this will other people ?

Kathy why do you find it objectional?

You seem to have this tendency to see others as trying to fool someone all the time?

I have found that those who see the world full of cheats have very deep seeded reasons for doing so.

02-18-2008, 10:11 AM
So you are sugesting I should not talk about this will other people ?

Kathy why do you find it objectional?

Why do you find it compulsive? That and writing about how closed minded everyone here is, lies about you, and isn't fair to you? Oh yeah and how you aren't going to post here anymore, because the owner is so mean?

02-18-2008, 10:14 AM
Those people over there I have known for years.

I never said I was not going to post here ever again.

I did not say he was mean that I can recall? That was not the word I used.

02-18-2008, 10:17 AM
Those people over there I have known for years.

I never said I was not going to post here ever again.

I did not say he was mean that I can recall? That was not the word I used.

Unfair I believe was the word. Lying about what you posted, etc.

Doesn't matter, you can post here. All I was saying was I find posting the same thing on various boards not so interesting.

02-18-2008, 10:30 AM
Then only read the one sites thread.

I dont post it for only you Kathy.

I have friends here and there I like to talk to.

You have already made it very clear to me that you dont want me as a friend so just realize I post it on both sites for people other than you.

Does anyone want to talk about McCain and this new swiftboating thing?

Will we now have a country where a Veteran can not run for office without his Military carreer being smeared?

02-18-2008, 10:51 AM
McCain is not being smeared for his military career. It's his voting record and political career that is under question.

Some are going to try but it will never have the affect it did with kerry. kerry lied about his service while McCain was a POW. Attacks on his service are not going to work.

02-18-2008, 10:52 AM
Don't you just hate when posters go from one board to another with the exact same post? Wonder if they are doing a comparison study or something regarding more liberal boards and more conservative boards?

As someone already pointed out at another place, the video is boring and won't see air time.

Hey? I didn't know that if I started posting here, I could never go back to any of the other boards I post on? ;)


02-18-2008, 11:08 AM
McCain is not being smeared for his military career. It's his voting record and political career that is under question.

Some are going to try but it will never have the affect it did with kerry. kerry lied about his service while McCain was a POW. Attacks on his service are not going to work.

What lies did Kerry say about his carreer?

The swift boat evidence was utter crap. The Military records all backed Kerry.

Realize the reason the Kerry thing was big was because the news reported it daily and never spoke of the obvious lies the swiftboaters were telling.

Will they do the same with these charges? These charges might have a congressional record to back some of the claims? Did McCain block this legislation?If he did that part of their claim will be in the record for them to sight.

02-18-2008, 11:18 AM
Hey? I didn't know that if I started posting here, I could never go back to any of the other boards I post on? ;)


That's just silly and diversionary. I post on 5 boards, as many here overlap on many of those same boards. In most every case, people seem to 'know' the various boards and start threads where they bring something to that particular community. If I have info here for instance where I start a thread, I may respond to a post on another site with the same URL, but my own writing will be regarding the other information.

I know that there are many from the board TM and I are speaking of that frequent both boards, it 'bothers' me to see the same title, same words, I forget which board I'm on. But heh, that's me and I was making my own observation and point. Not attempting for force anyone else to do anything, Just said I hate when I see it, regularly. Of course if it was something that 'was breaking', that is different.

02-18-2008, 11:21 AM
That's just silly and diversionary. I post on 5 boards, as many here overlap on many of those same boards. In most every case, people seem to 'know' the various boards and start threads where they bring something to that particular community. If I have info here for instance where I start a thread, I may respond to a post on another site with the same URL, but my own writing will be regarding the other information.

I know that there are many from the board TM and I are speaking of that frequent both boards, it 'bothers' me to see the same title, same words, I forget which board I'm on. But heh, that's me and I was making my own observation and point. Not attempting for force anyone else to do anything, Just said I hate when I see it, regularly. Of course if it was something that 'was breaking', that is different.

And I WAS just teasing you.

I knew you weren't saying we couldn't post elsewhere or even post about the same things on different boards, but it was how it sounded to me the way you wrote it.


02-18-2008, 11:25 AM
What lies did Kerry say about his carreer?

The swift boat evidence was utter crap. The Military records all backed Kerry.

How do you know that? Have you seen the records? They were only released to a Boston newspaper, and the records were never available for public view. Why do you think he refused to release them for public view?

02-18-2008, 11:26 AM
And I WAS just teasing you.

I knew you weren't saying we couldn't post elsewhere or even post about the same things on different boards, but it was how it sounded to me the way you wrote it.


Well the 'way I said' it probably had more to do to whom I was responding to. ;)

02-18-2008, 11:52 AM
And the difference between the "swiftboating" of a Dem candidate and a GOP candidate is ...

One perhaps is more acceptable?

02-18-2008, 12:00 PM
swiftboating simply means you tell the truth about someone.

Lying about them doesnt do it.

02-18-2008, 12:07 PM
The "swift boat" claims were discredited pretty quickly. They worked because Kerry did not move quick enough to rebut them.


02-18-2008, 12:09 PM
The "swift boat" claims were discredited pretty quickly. They worked because Kerry did not move quick enough to rebut them.

But the things that interest most can only be verified via military records, which he has refused to release to the public. If I were him, I would release the info, especially the medical records, to prove everyone wrong. Why do you think he refuses to release this information publicly and put things to rest once and for all?

02-18-2008, 12:16 PM
But the things that interest most can only be verified via military records, which he has refused to release to the public. If I were him, I would release the info, especially the medical records, to prove everyone wrong. Why do you think he refuses to release this information publicly and put things to rest once and for all?

Especially when he could now pick up $1 million for doing so:


Kerry Takes Pickens $1 Million Swift Boat Bet
James Joyner | Saturday, November 17, 2007

John Kerry Winter Soldiers Testimony Photo Famed oilman T. Boone Pickens has offered $1 million to anyone who can disprove claims my by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth against John Kerry — and John Kerry has taken him up on it.

Sen. John Kerry, whose 2004 presidential campaign was torpedoed by critics of his Vietnam War record, said Friday he has personally accepted a Texas oilman’s offer to pay $1 million to anyone who can disprove even a single charge of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

In a letter to T. Boone Pickens, the Massachusetts Democrat wrote: “While I am prepared to show they lied on allegation after allegation, you have generously offered to pay one million dollars for just one thing that can be proven false. I am prepared to prove the lie beyond any reasonable doubt.” Kerry, a Navy veteran and former prosecutor, said he was willing to present his case directly to Pickens, who provided $3 million to bankroll the group during Kerry’s race against President Bush.

Pickens has responded by raising the stakes:...

02-18-2008, 12:17 PM
McCain is not being smeared for his military career. It's his voting record and political career that is under question.

Some are going to try but it will never have the affect it did with kerry. kerry lied about his service while McCain was a POW. Attacks on his service are not going to work.

Exactly so. Too bad the pathetic lefties can't get it through their thick skulls that calling McCain out on his political record is NOT "swiftboating" in any way, shape or form.

02-18-2008, 12:17 PM
I have no idea. Perhaps the same reason that McCain will not answer charges that he collaborated with the enemy while held as a POW in Viet Nam.

02-18-2008, 12:19 PM
But the things that interest most can only be verified via military records, which he has refused to release to the public. If I were him, I would release the info, especially the medical records, to prove everyone wrong. Why do you think he refuses to release this information publicly and put things to rest once and for all?

Actually, there could be any number of reasons. There could be information in there having nothing to do with the swiftboat claims that he doesn't want everyone to know, i.e. cancer, heart disease or any number of illnesses that might affect his chances of getting elected now or in the future. That's just speculation, but we all assume he's hiding something in re the swiftboat claims, but it might have nothing at all to do with that.


02-18-2008, 12:21 PM
I have no idea. Perhaps the same reason that McCain will not answer charges that he collaborated with the enemy while held as a POW in Viet Nam.

Not the same as releasing available records. In fact, Kerry promised to release the records, then went back on his word. And even what he did release, which was only to the Boston Globe, was extremely limited. The accusations can very easily be proven wrong, yet he chooses not to.


Another interesting article:

Navy Contradicts Kerry on Release of Military Records

http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewSpecialReports.asp?Page=\SpecialReports\archiv e\200409\SPE20040916a.html

02-18-2008, 12:23 PM
Actually, there could be any number of reasons. There could be information in there having nothing to do with the swiftboat claims that he doesn't want everyone to know, i.e. cancer, heart disease or any number of illnesses that might affect his chances of getting elected now or in the future. That's just speculation, but we all assume he's hiding something in re the swiftboat claims, but it might have nothing at all to do with that.


He can just as easily have those specific sections redacted or blurred out, but leave pertinent information regarding the outstanding questions. Plus, again, he has already stated he would release the information but has not been truthful.

02-18-2008, 12:25 PM
He can just as easily have those specific sections redacted or blurred out, but leave pertinent information regarding the outstanding questions. Plus, again, he has already stated he would release the information but has not been truthful.

I can't and won't disagree with that.


02-18-2008, 12:40 PM
Not the same as releasing available records. In fact, Kerry promised to release the records, then went back on his word. And even what he did release, which was only to the Boston Globe, was extremely limited. The accusations can very easily be proven wrong, yet he chooses not to.


Another interesting article:

Navy Contradicts Kerry on Release of Military Records

http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewSpecialReports.asp?Page=\SpecialReports\archiv e\200409\SPE20040916a.html
Your last link is from 2004 and Kerry has and did sign the 180 and all of his records were released by the Navy....YES to the Boston Globe....why the Boston Globe? Because the Boston Globe since 2003 had been on Kerry's back to release the 180 so they could get all the pertinent records and info on him BUT Kerry was refusing to sign it....they battled over this for a few years and FINALLY kerry signed the 180 form to release ALL of his records to the globe that they FORMALLY requested.

There's is nothing much new in Kerry's full records that he had not ALREADY released to the public....other than accomodations from all the officers that he worked with and praise from here to high heaven on his ability to lead and perform his duties and some....

But hey, go on and continue your bashing trip and speculations and swiftboating!!!! lol :laugh2:


http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2005/06/07/kerry_allows_navy_release_of_military_medical_reco rds/

02-18-2008, 12:48 PM
What the Globe actually got, which is why the reporting on Swiftboat accusations was never on par:


02-18-2008, 01:06 PM
How do you know that? Have you seen the records? They were only released to a Boston newspaper, and the records were never available for public view. Why do you think he refused to release them for public view?

The people who gave awarded him the medals did have access to him records and deemed him worthy of them. All the public records said he deserved them.

To think people should have no privacy because they have served in the military is pretty sad.

McCain should not have to release his entiure record either. If they did something to him in that prison he doesnt want to talk about I dont think he should have to.

Kerry earned his medals. His commanding officers deemed him worthy of them.

I just hate that Americans would turn on an American soldier for political reasons.

The men whos lives he saved all said he deserved the medals.

02-18-2008, 01:09 PM
But the things that interest most can only be verified via military records, which he has refused to release to the public. If I were him, I would release the info, especially the medical records, to prove everyone wrong. Why do you think he refuses to release this information publicly and put things to rest once and for all?

Maybe he got a souvenier of Vietnam he doesnt want to talk about.

Should a guy who is serving in one of the most dangerous jobs in the military be forced to admit he got the crabs while in country?

CNS news is a biased site

02-18-2008, 01:16 PM
To think people should have no privacy because they have served in the military is pretty sad.

Actually, the reason he has no privacy is because he wanted to be the President of the United States. Such a position requires that you be open to the American people. We don't want anyone in there who can be black-mailed. Therefore, he should be open to scrutiny.

I just hate that Americans would turn on an American soldier for political reasons.

One might argue (I won't) that when he threw his metals away and appeared before Congress, he turned his back on the American Soldier for political reasons.

I suppose that it is all in your perspective.


02-18-2008, 01:21 PM
Perspective isnt reality and needs to be based on fact to be worth anything.

Kerry did not deserve the attacks because he was running for president and if any decent news outlet had done the investigating into at the time they would have realized the swift vets were liars backed by republican money.They did not just like they did not investigate the bullshit we were handed at the onset of the Iraq war.

I wonder why a "liberal" press would do that?

02-18-2008, 01:25 PM

I just hate that Americans would turn on an American soldier for political reasons.

.And yet not a peep out of you when Dan Rather "attempted" to discredit the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and his Military record. Nice that you are selective in your honor....... Only to those YOU deem worthy of your protection.....:salute:

02-18-2008, 01:32 PM
Well if you are going to call for Kerry to release all his military records maybe we can have all of Bush's?

02-18-2008, 01:34 PM
Perspective isnt reality and needs to be based on fact to be worth anything.

And the vast majority of your posts are based on your perspective. Nice, to know you are finally beginning to understand that concept.



02-18-2008, 01:36 PM
And the vast majority of your posts are based on your perspective. Nice, to know you are finally beginning to understand that concept.



Immie, you first anything TM says, links to, perceives is auto factual, you have to UNDERSTAND! :coffee:

02-18-2008, 01:36 PM
Well if you are going to call for Kerry to release all his military records maybe we can have all of Bush's?
His have been released they just didn't say what Danny boy wanted them to say soo he bought fake ones instead. Where is your defense of his honor?? Why does he not deserve the same as Kerry? You are such a one trick pony its laughable.

YOU hate ALL republicans yet expect all republicans to give you a pass and all liberals a pass. HYPOCRIT!!!!!!!

02-18-2008, 01:39 PM
Actually, the reason he has no privacy is because he wanted to be the President of the United States. Such a position requires that you be open to the American people. We don't want anyone in there who can be black-mailed. Therefore, he should be open to scrutiny.

One might argue (I won't) that when he threw his metals away and appeared before Congress, he turned his back on the American Soldier for political reasons.

I suppose that it is all in your perspective.


on your first note....yeah, just like FDR let the whole world know he was a cripple

and just like Kennedy let everyone in on his medical records showing he had addison disease.....


and on your second note

I agree that one might "argue" that, but imo it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the time he served his country or his record while in the military and does not justify the lies that were made up and thrown out at him, period.

Anyway, good afternoon Immanuel.


02-18-2008, 01:39 PM

Should that be edited to read:

Immie, you first have to UNDERSTAND, anything TM says, links to, perceives is auto factual. :coffee:

if not, I don't undersand?

Too much :coffee: this morning? :D


02-18-2008, 01:40 PM

Should that be edited to read:

if not, I don't undersand?

Too much :coffee: this morning? :D


Oh my, guess so! :laugh2:

02-18-2008, 01:45 PM
on your first note....yeah, just like FDR let the whole world know he was a cripple

and just like Kennedy let everyone in on his medical records showing he had addison disease.....

Actually, I disagre with you here. I don't think his medical records are of concern. I would be more concerned about his military record and if there was anything in there (skeletons in the closet) that could be used against him.

FDR's and JFK's either one, Kennedy or Kerry, medical records are not important... unless of course Kerry's were to say that he had a year to live max at the time he was running.

I'm not saying that there is anything there, but it is my belief that if there was the citizens should know about it. Not that we would know about it, but we should.

And a superb afternoon to you as well,


02-18-2008, 01:48 PM
And the vast majority of your posts are based on your perspective. Nice, to know you are finally beginning to understand that concept.



In all the years you have known me I have proved to be right about many things.

I dont know if you will admitt that here at this site?

The me you know has never changed and always played fair.

The facts have been much more in my favor over the years.

I do type and spell a little better though.

02-18-2008, 01:49 PM
The FDR-Kennedy administrations were much different times in American history. It doesn't compare to today, when we have competitive 24-hour news channels with lots of time to fill.

There is also internet and the rise of blogging, on both sides. There is a lot of dirt to be dug and thrown. You saw it with Kerry, and you no doubt will see it in 2008.

02-18-2008, 01:51 PM
I really dont think we need to force people to release 40 year old medical records.

I dont need to know that Hillary had a yeast infection in college ,that McCain had hemroids or that Kerry was depressed when he left Vietnam.

02-18-2008, 01:54 PM
In all the years you have known me I have proved to be right about many things.

I dont know if you will admitt that here at this site?

The me you know has never changed and always played fair.

The facts have been much more in my favor over the years.

I do type and spell a little better though.

We've all been right about many things, you will, however, never admit that.

Playing fair is really not a strong suit of yours. You are extremely biased. I will admit there are times you post something anti-Democratic Party but that is rare.

Facts in your favor? No, that is your perspective. No one will ever change you mind on that. We could beat you over the head (knocking you sillier than you already are) and never convince you that you are wrong. Most of us have given up.

Typing and spelling? Well, you have your ups and downs. ;)

But, that said, as far as I am concerned, your an important part of these sites. I for one am glad you are here and my friend.


02-18-2008, 01:55 PM
In all the years you have known me I have proved to be right about many things.

I dont know if you will admitt that here at this site?

The me you know has never changed and always played fair.

The facts have been much more in my favor over the years.

I do type and spell a little better though.

:laugh2::lol::lol::lmao::lmao::cuckoo::cuckoo: :alcoholic::alcoholic:

02-18-2008, 01:58 PM
What the Globe actually got, which is why the reporting on Swiftboat accusations was never on par:

http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/010685.phpI read the blog link kathianne and it appears to be ALL speculation and inuendo and really a twist and turn and twist and turn type article that has absolutely no factual proof or information to show what they speculate is true imo...


02-18-2008, 02:03 PM
I read the blog link kathianne and it appears to be ALL speculation and inuendo and really a twist and turn and twist and turn type article that has absolutely no factual proof or information to show what they speculate is true imo...


JD, if you look at that and look at what came from the Globe, well inferences lead where they will.

BTW, did you catch that post of Gabby's regarding Katrina?

02-18-2008, 02:12 PM
We've all been right about many things, you will, however, never admit that.

Playing fair is really not a strong suit of yours. You are extremely biased. I will admit there are times you post something anti-Democratic Party but that is rare.

Facts in your favor? No, that is your perspective. No one will ever change you mind on that. We could beat you over the head (knocking you sillier than you already are) and never convince you that you are wrong. Most of us have given up.

Typing and spelling? Well, you have your ups and downs. ;)

But, that said, as far as I am concerned, your an important part of these sites. I for one am glad you are here and my friend.


Immy who was right about the WMDs, AQ ties to Sadam, White Phospherous in Fallugia, the voting machines?

I understand you are at a very right wing site but please?

All things I have stood hard on I was proven right.

I guess its just more fun to buddy up with people who agree with you?

02-18-2008, 02:34 PM
Immy who was right about the WMDs, AQ ties to Sadam, White Phospherous in Fallugia, the voting machines?

I understand you are at a very right wing site but please?

All things I have stood hard on I was proven right.

I guess its just more fun to buddy up with people who agree with you?

That is hilarious! :laugh2: I buddy up with you and we don't agree on much at all. My best friend on these sites has for a long time been jd and we agree on so very little. The person whose point of view I value most (because he is fair and straight forward) is MFM and we don't agree on many issues.

You have not proven yourself right on those issues. Take electronic voting for instance, I have always agreed with you that there is a potential of abuse... you have never proven that there was abuse which is your claim.

WMD's? You have not proven that there were no WMD's. The only thing that can be said, is that none have been found. AQ ties to Saddam? Again, no proof has been presented. Rather it cannot be proven by the other side that there were ties. The only way for you to be proven wrong is for ties to be found... you cannot claim to be right simply because you have not yet been proven wrong.

You can claim, I WIN I WIN, because no one has proven you wrong about those things, but that does not make you right. That is like OJ Simpson claiming to be innocent because Marcia Clark didn't prove him guilty.

So you just go on believing that you are never wrong. Most of us have come to realize that it is less painful and more rewarding to beat our heads against a brick wall than trying to teach you the difference between facts and evidence, proof and conjecture etc.


02-18-2008, 02:37 PM
That is hilarious! :laugh2: I buddy up with you and we don't agree on much at all. My best friend on these sites has for a long time been jd and we agree on so very little. The person whose point of view I value most (because he is fair and straight forward) is MFM and we don't agree on many issues.

You have not proven yourself right on those issues. Take electronic voting for instance, I have always agreed with you that there is a potential of abuse... you have never proven that there was abuse which is your claim.

WMD's? You have not proven that there were no WMD's. The only thing that can be said, is that none have been found. AQ ties to Saddam? Again, no proof has been presented. Rather it cannot be proven by the other side that there were ties. The only way for you to be proven wrong is for ties to be found... you cannot claim to be right simply because you have not yet been proven wrong.

You can claim, I WIN I WIN, because no one has proven you wrong about those things, but that does not make you right. That is like OJ Simpson claiming to be innocent because Marcia Clark didn't prove him guilty.

So you just go on believing that you are never wrong. Most of us have come to realize that it is less painful and more rewarding to beat our heads against a brick wall than trying to teach you the difference between facts and evidence, proof and conjecture etc.

Another classic TM post, capping off a good chunk of the thread:


Then there was the lies she told about what I said. Then she lied about Jim. I have no doubt there are many others, but she's always the 'truthful' one and the 'right' one. Then cries victim when people 'don't want to be friends'. :laugh2:

02-18-2008, 02:39 PM
Never said I was never wrong Immy.

02-18-2008, 02:42 PM
Kathy there is a long list of people who have told me about your dealings with them

I will not go into them.

Your reputation precedes you.

Immy you have known me for years. Am I a liar?

02-18-2008, 02:42 PM
Kathy there is a long list pf people who have told me about your dealings with them

I will not go into them.

Your reputation precedes you.

Whatever. No need to go to 'others' it's all been online here.

02-18-2008, 02:43 PM
Never said I was never wrong Immy.

Ha, but find a post where you ever admitted to being wrong. ;)

I am not going to say you have never done so, but I would sure like to see it. :laugh2:

For the record, I've admitted to it several times. There was one politics.com (boy that goes back a long way) where I said something about the economy under Bill Clinton. I found that I was wrong, and I started a very long thread about my mistake.

I have also admitted being wrong here, but, I'm not searching for it.


02-18-2008, 02:44 PM
Ha, but find a post where you ever admitted to being wrong. ;)

I am not going to say you have never done so, but I would sure like to see it. :laugh2:

For the record, I've admitted to it several times. There was one politics.com (boy that goes back a long way) where I said something about the economy under Bill Clinton. I found that I was wrong, and I started a very long thread about my mistake.

I have also admitted being wrong here, but, I'm not searching for it.


As have most of us. Seems just today I had a little word order problem. :laugh2:

02-18-2008, 02:44 PM
Am I a liar like Kathy claims I am?

Senior Member Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 3,296
Rep Power: 127
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Originally Posted by Mr. P
Maybe you need a remedial math class to go along with remedial reading comprehension.

9% of 5,915 is 532.35, not 54. MORON!

You got me there.

I sure hope those number are correct because it would mean many more lives saved.

I blew it big time there.

I sure wish that OSHA would document their numbers like the GOA asked.


This is from a couple of days ago.

02-18-2008, 02:49 PM
Am I a liar like Kathy claims I am?

Does telling untruths make one a liar or someone who has lied?

02-18-2008, 02:50 PM
Am I a liar like Kathy claims I am?

I would never say a friend was a liar, unless you just plain ticked me off, then later I would regret it.

No, I do not believe you are a liar. Biased? Absolutely, but a liar, no.

Does telling untruths make one a liar or someone who has lied?

One, can pass on untrue information believing it to be correct and not be a liar.

If I were color blind and I told you that the sky was pink on a clear blue day, that would not make me a liar.


02-18-2008, 02:51 PM
I would never say a friend was a liar, unless you just plain ticked me off, then later I would regret it.

No, I do not believe you are a liar. Biased? Absolutely, but a liar, no.


Thank you Immy.

I once felt threatened by someone on here and expressed it. That person then claimed it was not a threat. Then they called me a liar.

02-18-2008, 02:57 PM
Thank you Immy.

I once felt threatened by someone on here and expressed it. That person then claimed it was not a threat. Then they called me a liar.

I hope you are not speaking of me.

I would never want you to feel threatened by me.


02-18-2008, 03:05 PM
I hope you are not speaking of me.

I would never want you to feel threatened by me.


No not you but the person who likes to call me a liar for seeing a threat in their PM to me.

You are an honorable man who would never threaten someone with black mail like ohters might.

02-18-2008, 03:12 PM
No not you but the person who likes to call me a liar for seeing a threat in their PM to me.

You are an honorable man who would never threaten someone with black mail like ohters might.

Are you forgetting that the ENTIRE pm exchange between yourself and Kathianne was posted on the board for everyone to see?

I'll say it, and it's been proved - she NEVER threatened you - and you LIED and are a LIAR for stating anything otherwise.

02-18-2008, 03:22 PM
When you tell someone that if they dont do your bidding you will do something in return ( like telling everyone to go to the other site to oppose them) it is a threat of blackmail.

Funny thing was is I did not care if others went to the other site and did not care if they knew I was desh there.

You can pretend it was not a threat but it was in any rational persons book.

02-18-2008, 03:30 PM
When you tell someone that if they dont do your bidding you will do something in return ( like telling everyone to go to the other site to oppose them) it is a threat of blackmail.

Funny thing was is I did not care if others went to the other site and did not care if they knew I was desh there.

You can pretend it was not a threat but it was in any rational persons book.

Too bad none of that was stated in the PM exchange!

Starting on page 17, post #254. Everyone is free to read the entire exchange which goes on for multiple pages. You outright lied and were busted.


02-18-2008, 03:34 PM
Steel cage?

02-18-2008, 03:36 PM
Yeah, why not, this twit and her rambling lies aren't doing any good up here. It's hilarious that she'll still continue to lie when they entire event is recorded right here for all to see! I've honestly never come across anyone more stupid.

02-18-2008, 03:47 PM
Steelers in '08!
DP Staff Join Date: Jan 2007
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Kathianne stated:

Desh, I'm tired of your mocking all. If you do not cease and desist, I will make them aware of the other site and your ability to think somewhat cogently.

Darla dropped out of this for a reason, I'd like to think for good reasons, but...

You replied with:

I just realised you are threatening me.

wow how classy.

Kathianne stated:

not a threat.

You replied with:

You tell me to stop "mocking you" = argueing with you or you will do the same to me that you did to Darla which forced her to leave this site.

I have been doing nothing but discussing the issues adn defending myself from the lies people here tell about what I said (like they do to everyone who is on the left of them) like any sane perso would.

If you truely think this does not qualify as a threat then you are blind.

I am truely begining to understand the charactor of the people still remaining to defend the Republican party by the actions of people here

Kathianne stated:

didn't do anything to Darla/John Doe, quite the contrary she made many fine points. She didn't turn topics on their head then spin them like the Exorcist.

You have been posting nonsense, pretending to be illiterate and unable to keep to a topic. Problem is, you can and I know it. So why are you doing so? To go back to JP and laugh at how you 'tied' the cons in knots? Well why don't you try to do just that, by making serious points?

BTW I did say I KNOW you can do what you are pretending not. I think Darla just got tired of trying to catch you before you burned. Wish she'd come back, on her own. Worthy poster she is.

You stated:

I have done nothing here but what I always do. I have made perfect sense and defended my arguemetns well. You people turn every discussion into a personal attack some do it by lying about what is said. I defend my self against the lies and you use this duplicitous manner to insult my arguements.

Why are you doing this?

Kathianne stated:

I've never lied about you. I really cannot speak for 'the board.'

Now please show us where Kathianne either:

Told you to leave this site


Threatened to send "Cons" over to the other site.

This contains what you said to me.

Desh, I'm tired of your mocking all. If you do not cease and desist, I will make them aware of the other site and your ability to think somewhat cogently.

Darla dropped out of this for a reason, I'd like to think for good reasons, but... " for some reason you left off but lets just examine what she said.

If you dont cease and desist I will ( do whatever)

"Darla dropped out of this for a reason"

She demanded a behavior of me , then said what she would do If I did not comply with her demand, then she gave an example where her past behavior had the result she desired.

It is a threat plain and simple.

02-18-2008, 03:51 PM
Good lord, been here, done that. Not 28 pages, noooooo!!!!!

02-18-2008, 03:53 PM
Thank you for making a half hearted attempt at summing up what transpired for us. Of course you're still too dumb to use the quote feature properly, but oh well...

And you're quotes just reinforced what was stated - you were never threatened by Kathianne. She never threatened to "send cons" over to another site. The entire exchange is there for all to see and none of these things were stated. You are either lying, or too stupid to comprehend what was written. Either way, you're a damn idiot!

02-18-2008, 03:55 PM
:lol: i like how the things that she post show how wrong she is. it almost makes my day!....almost......

02-18-2008, 03:58 PM
Thank you for making a half hearted attempt at summing up what transpired for us. Of course you're still too dumb to use the quote feature properly, but oh well...

And you're quotes just reinforced what was stated - you were never threatened by Kathianne. She never threatened to "send cons" over to another site. The entire exchange is there for all to see and none of these things were stated. You are either lying, or too stupid to comprehend what was written. Either way, you're a damn idiot!

I tried to use it but all it recorded where your remarks and not the PM info.

02-18-2008, 03:59 PM
If you dont do this I will do that.

That my friends IS a threat.

02-18-2008, 04:00 PM
Those 'quote thingies' are tough. Now in English 'making aware of' and 'sending others to another place' have different meanings. Perhaps English is not your first language?

02-18-2008, 04:01 PM
If you dont do this I will do this.

That my friends IS a threat.

The only time she remotely stated anything like that is when she "threatened" to state another site you post at and post/act differently. She never threatened YOU nor did she EVER threaten to "send cons" over there as you stated.

It's all there in black and white. YOU made your specific accusations and they simply do not exist!

02-18-2008, 04:02 PM
Those 'quote thingies' are tough. Now in English 'making aware of' and 'sending others to another place' have different meanings. Perhaps English is not your first language?

I speak English and can speak a little Spanish. My wife speaks English, Spanish and Italian.

TM only speaks Stupid.

02-18-2008, 04:02 PM
damn her and her threatening to tell people how you can actually make sense! DAMN HEERRRRRR!!!!


02-18-2008, 04:04 PM
If you dont do this I will do that . It worked to make the other person go away.

It is so very unfair of people to insist this is not a threat.

Did it scare me? NO , is it a very effective threat ?NO Is it a silly threat? Yes.

That does not change the fact that it is by definition a threat.

02-18-2008, 04:07 PM
If you dont do this I will do that . It worked to make the other person go away.

It is so very unfair of people to insist this is not a threat.

Did it scare me? NO , is it a very effective threat ?NO Is it a silly threat? Yes.

That does not change the fact that it is by definition a threat.

Only in your private world TM. Those are the facts, why do you refuse to see?

02-18-2008, 04:11 PM
Only in your private world TM. Those are the facts, why do you refuse to see?

she likes to be right at the expense of being correct......

02-18-2008, 04:14 PM
guys, don't you see the typical librull pattern emerging? When her lies are exposed, truthdoesntmatter will try to deflect and derail the thread with other garbage.

02-18-2008, 04:18 PM
When you say to someone If you dont do this I will do that. And then you add an example where it had an effect you desired and were happy with.

You have just stated a threat.

Any fair minded person would see this .

"Fred if you dont improve the speed in which you write up these sells reports I will terminate you.

I told BOB the same thing last week and now he writes his report in a more timely fashion."

Fred went home and told his wife his boss threatened to fire him.

Do you see the correlation?

02-18-2008, 04:22 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ladies and Gentleman - you are all witnessing stupidity at it's best. TM's accusation of a "threat" was because Kathianne stated she would tell others where there is a place that TM posts and is a bit more lucid.

No "threat" of harm. No threat of "sending cons" to the other site as she claimed. She lied outright about that one.

The only threat here is to anyone's brain cells that reads more of TM's posts.

02-18-2008, 04:24 PM
no tm, the metaphor does not work in this situation.

02-18-2008, 04:36 PM
"Darla dropped out of this for a reason"

You made it perfectly clear that you wanted the same result.

That was what you wanted to see repeted by telling me what you were telling me.

You people can pretend together this was not what was being communicated but any fair minded person reading this completely understands my poin ot view on this subject.

02-18-2008, 04:38 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ladies and Gentleman - you are all witnessing stupidity at it's best. TM's accusation of a "threat" was because Kathianne stated she would tell others where there is a place that TM posts and is a bit more lucid.

No "threat" of harm. No threat of "sending cons" to the other site as she claimed. She lied outright about that one.

The only threat here is to anyone's brain cells that reads more of TM's posts.

Going along with that! :cheers2:

02-18-2008, 04:39 PM
What did you mean by that line then Kathy?

02-18-2008, 04:44 PM
What did you mean by that line then Kathy?

Going to try and make this the last, but since you previously could not get it, in 28 pages, 2 board owners, doubt we'll have success.

1. I was wrong with the name 'Darla'. Admitted that then and now. That should have been John Doe, who has since returned I am happy to say.

2. It wasn't I who claimed to 'run her off', it was you.

3. My claim was the appearance of her trying to come to your aid, but your failing to be able to take it. That gets embarrassing, I mean if you understand how to grab a lifeline.

4. There is no #4, it's 'the end.'

02-18-2008, 04:52 PM
How int the HELL was I to know that is what you were trying to say?

How was I supposed to KNOW you thought Darla and Care were the same person?

So you now think Care left this site because she tried to defend me?
Why dont we ask Care why she left?

Kathy, you have to agree you were wrong about so many aspects of this situation (like who is who and why they left here) that it is really hard for you to call me a liar for reading your message the way I did.

I still cant see why it is not a threat even with all the personal insights added.

02-18-2008, 04:58 PM
How int the HELL was I to know that is what you were trying to say?

How was I supposed to KNOW you thought Darla and Care were the same person?

So you now think Care left this site because she tried to defend me?
Why dont we ask Care why she left?

Kathy, you have to agree you were wrong about so many aspects of this situation (like who is who and why they left here) that it is really hard for you to call me a liar for reading your message the way I did.

I still cant see why it is not a threat even with all the personal insights added.

Told you so.

All this was gone over then, now you want to do so again. No.

02-18-2008, 05:00 PM
You were the one who brough ti up honey

02-18-2008, 05:11 PM
To all who were reading this thread about the swift-boating of John McCain,

Let me apologize for my part in starting this up again. I had no intention of doing so, but you all have my permission to beat me with a wet noodle if you should ever lay eyes on me.


02-18-2008, 05:13 PM
Well I never bring it up. I only answer to the accusations of liar when they are thrown at me. I tried to do it without starting this one up but it was not to be.

02-18-2008, 05:23 PM
You were the one who brough ti up honey

no, you did in #3. Of course, you could have ignored #2, where I did nothing other than comment on something that bothered me generally.

02-18-2008, 05:38 PM
If TM starts a thread I bypass it. I know it will be an anti-American or anti-Bush thread immediately. If it contains facts they will be misrepresented and twisted to her particular way of thinking. She either has a comprehension problem or choses to ignore the facts she doesn't like. She twists things around so she can appear "right" in her mind. Is she a lair? Absolutely. She lies not only to everyone on this board but to herself as well.

In my book she's starting to come across as another psycobabble and is destined for my ignore list. He's been there for a year and she is going to join him soon.

02-18-2008, 05:42 PM
no, you did in #3. Of course, you could have ignored #2, where I did nothing other than comment on something that bothered me generally.

Kathy you called me a liar and I defended myself.

02-18-2008, 05:46 PM
Kathy you called me a liar and I defended myself.

After #3 and you didn't do such a great job of it either. Then again, the truth is hard to overcome, so you had a great reason.

02-18-2008, 05:48 PM
Another classic TM post, capping off a good chunk of the thread:


Then there was the lies she told about what I said. Then she lied about Jim. I have no doubt there are many others, but she's always the 'truthful' one and the 'right' one. Then cries victim when people 'don't want to be friends'. :laugh2:

You brought it up girl.

Funny thing is that link you give there , I was right.

02-18-2008, 05:49 PM
You brought it up girl.

Once again Ms. Delusional, #3 came first. You cannot repeat it away, no matter how often, whether responded to or not. It will not 'become the truth' other than in your sad mind.

02-18-2008, 05:52 PM
So you are sugesting I should not talk about this will other people ?

Kathy why do you find it objectional?

You seem to have this tendency to see others as trying to fool someone all the time?

I have found that those who see the world full of cheats have very deep seeded reasons for doing so.

Oh please that is a real stretch.

"Then there was the lies she told about what I said. Then she lied about Jim"

Are you really that dishonest?

02-18-2008, 05:52 PM
Well I never bring it up. I only answer to the accusations of liar when they are thrown at me. I tried to do it without starting this one up but it was not to be.

And you are a PROVEN LIAR - unless you can show us where there were threats to "send cons" to another site. You outright made that up and now it's biting you right in your lying ass!

02-18-2008, 05:55 PM
Oh please that is a real stretch.

"Then there was the lies she told about what I said. Then she lied about Jim"

Are you really that dishonest?

Once again, it's all here, for all to see. Funny thing, truth.

02-18-2008, 05:58 PM
Once again, it's all here, for all to see. Funny thing, truth.

I'll be damned! Truth DOES matter!

Oh the irony....

02-18-2008, 05:59 PM
I will make them aware of the other site and your ability to think somewhat cogently.

Darla dropped out of this for a reason, I'd like to think for good reasons, but...

Darla droped out of the site.

Why was did this have anything to do with this conversation if it did not have a bearing on this short statement above it?

How did locking that thread keep it accessable Jim? it did just the opposite. Why would you want to hide it if it "proves " what you say it does?

Where did this say anything about the situation?

"So you are sugesting I should not talk about this will other people ?

Kathy why do you find it objectional?

You seem to have this tendency to see others as trying to fool someone all the time?

I have found that those who see the world full of cheats have very deep seeded reasons for doing so."

02-18-2008, 06:03 PM
One more time, repeating the same will not change truth or reality.

02-18-2008, 06:13 PM
How did locking that thread keep it accessable Jim? it did just the opposite. Why would you want to hide it if it "proves " what you say it does?

First, you are correct, it does prove that you lied. It's black and white and it appears every last person who read, or reads it now, agrees that you lied or are stupid.

Secondly, I locked it to keep you from editing any of your posts. Not only are you a liar, but you once before went to a thread and edited like 20-30 of your posts in a thread and deleted everything you stated in said thread. We won't be having repeats of you "attempting" to cover up your idiocy.

02-18-2008, 06:19 PM
First, you are correct, it does prove that you lied. It's black and white and it appears every last person who read, or reads it now, agrees that you lied or are stupid.

Secondly, I locked it to keep you from editing any of your posts. Not only are you a liar, but you once before went to a thread and edited like 20-30 of your posts in a thread and deleted everything you stated in said thread. We won't be having repeats of you "attempting" to cover up your idiocy.

For certain, as she's been playing editing games all afternoon. Just so you know TM, they are timestamped. ;)

02-18-2008, 06:30 PM
First, you are correct, it does prove that you lied. It's black and white and it appears every last person who read, or reads it now, agrees that you lied or are stupid.

Secondly, I locked it to keep you from editing any of your posts. Not only are you a liar, but you once before went to a thread and edited like 20-30 of your posts in a thread and deleted everything you stated in said thread. We won't be having repeats of you "attempting" to cover up your idiocy.

I edit my posts when I find a misspelling just like everyone else.

I have not edited anything to change the context.

I know full well they are all time stamped.

There is very little fairness on this sight and I have run into people all over the chat sites who have stories about this place. I follow the rules and refrain from name calling. I play much more decently than many here.

02-18-2008, 06:32 PM
I edit my posts when I find a misspelling just like everyone else.

I have not edited anything to change the context.

I know full well they are all time stamped.

Again, you once before went to a thread where you made an ass out of yourself and edited every last post you made in that thread within a few minutes. Too bad you were too stupid to realize all of your posts were quoted by others anyway. I'm not taking a chance that you'll try and edit your lies.

02-18-2008, 06:35 PM
There is very little fairness on this sight and I have run into people all over the chat sites who have stories about this place. I follow the rules and refrain from name calling. I play much more decently than many here.

It's a "site", not sight. And what other whacked out far left liberals think about everyone here doesn't faze me. Seems only a small handful of people claim things are unfair, and it's always the brain dead and those who can't follow the rules. Almost every liberal here except for you will admit we are fair. You don't need to agree with our viewpoints to acknowledge we are fair in running the site. You're just upset because you are made to look like a fool in every thread you enter and everyone laughs at you.

02-18-2008, 06:36 PM
No and the fact that you would say that is very telling .

I already discussed this with you Jim.

Arround a month after I got here I was going to leave due to the hostility of the posters here. I went back and Xed out all my posts. I wanted to leave you with as little of me as possible. I then changed my mind and came back.

I told you this before Jim and you know it.

02-18-2008, 06:38 PM
It's a "site", not sight. And what other whacked out far left liberals think about everyone here doesn't faze me. Seems only a small handful of people claim things are unfair, and it's always the brain dead and those who can't follow the rules. Almost every liberal here except for you will admit we are fair. You don't need to agree with our viewpoints to acknowledge we are fair in running the site. You're just upset because you are made to look like a fool in every thread you enter and everyone laughs at you.

How many liberals are here ?

How many cons?

I know you dont care Jim and you dont have to care. I was just telling you the truth about how this site is viewed by others and why so many leave.

02-18-2008, 06:41 PM
How many liberals are here ?

How many cons?

I know you dont care Jim and you dont have to care. I was just telling you the truth about how this site is viewed by others and why so many leave.

I'm pretty liberal, moreso than most here. But you prefer to wallo in mellow drama, unlike, moi.

02-18-2008, 06:41 PM
No and the fact that you would say that is very telling .

I already discussed this with you Jim.

Arround a month after I got here I was going to leave due to the hostility of the posters here. I went back and Xed out all my posts. I wanted to leave you with as little of me as possible. I then changed my mind and came back.

I told you this before Jim and you know it.

And that doesn't change the fact that you did it.

How many liberals are here ?

How many cons?

I know you dont care Jim and you dont have to care. I was just telling you the truth about how this site is viewed by others and why so many leave.

Don't keep counts of party affiliations, but we have plenty on both sides posting here. And how others perceive this site doesn't change the fact that we are growing faster than most of them and get more traffic than most of them. And "so many leave"? LOL Sorry, beanhead, but we don't have a lot of people leaving no matter how hard you wish to give that impression. But if you feel otherwise, go ahead and list the people that have left because we are unfair. I'll wait for your list to backup your claim...

02-18-2008, 06:42 PM
No and the fact that you would say that is very telling .

I already discussed this with you Jim.

Arround a month after I got here I was going to leave due to the hostility of the posters here. I went back and Xed out all my posts. I wanted to leave you with as little of me as possible. I then changed my mind and came back.

I told you this before Jim and you know it.

A rather childish action, IMHO. Along the lines of taking your toys and going home.

02-18-2008, 06:43 PM
And that doesn't change the fact that you did it.

Don't keep counts of party affiliations, but we have plenty on both sides posting here. And how others perceive this site doesn't change the fact that we are growing faster than most of them and get more traffic than most of them. And "so many leave"? LOL Sorry, beanhead, but we don't have a lot of people leaving no matter how hard you wish to give that impression. But if you feel otherwise, go ahead and list the people that have left because we are unfair. I'll wait for your list to backup your claim...

Don't sweat it. P/A people are also crisis addicts. If they aren't being abused randomley by an abusor, they create situations wherein they become the victim and you the abusor. Don't fall for it Jim. :laugh2:

02-18-2008, 06:50 PM
Don't sweat it. P/A people are also crisis addicts. If they aren't being abused randomley by an abusor, they create situations wherein they become the victim and you the abusor. Don't fall for it Jim. :laugh2:

I know, I should know better. But I've been hearing about "unfairness" for years now. Funny thing is, I see it on EVERY political board. There are always going to be some that feel the moderators/owner are unfair or biased.

But I'd be willing to bet ANYTHING that if I placed a poll on here, or asked for feedback, almost everyone, including the liberals, would readily admit that I am MORE than fair with them. Not whether they like me, or if they feel I'm a prick, but whether they've been treated fairly as far as moderation or me being the owner.

Whaddya say, TM, put your money where your mouth is? I'll start a thread and see how the entire site feels and allow everyone to speak. If the majority of liberals admit that I am fair to them, you give me $20. If the majority state that I have been unfair to them, I will give you $500. How can you go wrong?

02-18-2008, 06:57 PM
Just my 2 cents, she earlier said the others had told her about me. Sounds very familiar. Often bullies bring imaginary playmates to back them up, for they don't have a lot that really are friends. To have one, gotta be one. Friends will forgive, but gotta admit you were wrong.

I've seen the responses to her 'victim' stories on other sites, they don't agree with her. They cluck and then point out, (after viewing), that she may have gotten it wrong. Just saying, she might not be quite 'truth' ful. ;)

02-18-2008, 07:01 PM
I know, I should know better. But I've been hearing about "unfairness" for years now. Funny thing is, I see it on EVERY political board. There are always going to be some that feel the moderators/owner are unfair or biased.

But I'd be willing to bet ANYTHING that if I placed a poll on here, or asked for feedback, almost everyone, including the liberals, would readily admit that I am MORE than fair with them. Not whether they like me, or if they feel I'm a prick, but whether they've been treated fairly as far as moderation or me being the owner.

Whaddya say, TM, put your money where your mouth is? I'll start a thread and see how the entire site feels and allow everyone to speak. If the majority of liberals admit that I am fair to them, you give me $20. If the majority state that I have been unfair to them, I will give you $500. How can you go wrong?

Jim I dont want your money. I want honesty.

You know that was a threat every honest person would agree. I also NEVER posted an entire article. I already told you about the Xed out posts long ago.
These are all the truth

These are the main things I have called unfair.

I know you own the site and can do whatever you want.

How about asking the liberals if they understand why I saw her statement as threat?

02-18-2008, 07:02 PM
Look at it this way, Jim. It's your Desh-tiny to have whiners peeking out from time to time, always complaining that they've been wronged. Anyone in an administrative position (or any leadership position) can attest to such.

02-18-2008, 07:03 PM
Jim I dont want your money. I want honesty.

You know that was a threat every honest person would agree. I also NEVER posted an entire article. I already told you about the Xed out posts long ago.
These are all the truth

These are the main things I have called unfair.

I know you own the site and can do whatever you want.

How about asking the liberals if they understand why I saw her statement as threat?

Better yet, let's see who thinks you told lies? Try to spread rancor between board owners that have been online friends?

02-18-2008, 07:05 PM
A rather childish action, IMHO. Along the lines of taking your toys and going home.


I have seen what you consider adult talk

02-18-2008, 07:05 PM
These are the main things I have called unfair.

I know you own the site and can do whatever you want.

And as far as running the site, it's fair to everyone. YOU made the claim that it's unfair here, and that many people have left because of that. I asked for names, and offered a bet. Are you going to provide the names, or accept the bet?

As far as anyone else perceiving what Kathianne stated as a threat - feel free to PM or ask publicly ANY liberal here to read her comments and throw in their 2 cents. Anyone who sees what she stated as a threat needs their head examined!

She stated she would point out to others where you post elsewhere, because you post differently there, and you claim that is a threat. That's nothing but absurd.

02-18-2008, 07:11 PM

I have seen what you consider adult talk

You mean handing you or your little librull buddies your asses in a debate? Yeah, that would be adult. And of course, like in this thread, you dodge and weave to try to evade the fact that gets repeatedly established - that you're a delusional hack, incapable of carrying on a factual debate. You're the board equivalent of a Chihuahua, all bark at first, and then scurrying away with tail tucked when challenged.

Cry some more, little one. And find a nice, absorbent hankie to wipe your tears on.

02-18-2008, 07:15 PM
And as far as running the site, it's fair to everyone. YOU made the claim that it's unfair here, and that many people have left because of that. I asked for names, and offered a bet. Are you going to provide the names, or accept the bet?

As far as anyone else perceiving what Kathianne stated as a threat - feel free to PM or ask publicly ANY liberal here to read her comments and throw in their 2 cents. Anyone who sees what she stated as a threat needs their head examined!

She stated she would point out to others where you post elsewhere, because you post differently there, and you claim that is a threat. That's nothing but absurd.

I will not tell you names of posters who told me in confidence what they think of this site and its opperation. I will not bet. I am more polite here than at the other site you people know. That is about the ONLY differance in my posting style from board to board. I have known those people longer and they are my friends. The people who have known me years ( even the ones who dont agree with me) will tell you I am not a liar. It is only here that I get that one and its never for anything real.

02-18-2008, 07:16 PM
I will not tell you names of posters who told me in confidence what they think of this site and its opperation. I will not bet. I am more polite here than at the other site you people know. That is about the ONLY differance in my posting style from board to board. I have known those people longer and they are my friends. The people who have known me years ( even the ones who dont agree with me) will tell you I am not a liar. It is only here that I get that one and its never for anything real.

Good reason to leave IMHO

02-18-2008, 07:19 PM
I will not tell you names of posters who told me in confidence what they think of this site and its opperation. I will not bet. I am more polite here than at the other site you people know. That is about the ONLY differance in my posting style from board to board. I have known those people longer and they are my friends. The people who have known me years ( even the ones who dont agree with me) will tell you I am not a liar. It is only here that I get that one and its never for anything real.

In other words, your claims are bullshit. How appropriate your BS claims are in a thread that is discussing your prior lies.

1- You stated Kathianne threatened you.
2- You stated she threatened to "send cons" to another site
3- You claim this site is unfair
4- You claim many members have left here because this site is unfair

Lies and unsubstantiated claims.

02-18-2008, 07:20 PM
Good reason to leave IMHO

I dont scare that easily

02-18-2008, 07:51 PM
I will not tell you names of posters who told me in confidence what they think of this site and its opperation. I will not bet. I am more polite here than at the other site you people know. That is about the ONLY differance in my posting style from board to board. I have known those people longer and they are my friends. The people who have known me years ( even the ones who dont agree with me) will tell you I am not a liar. It is only here that I get that one and its never for anything real.

Do you ever ask your friends if you can post their post comments here, as your own words? I'm not saying you do this all the time, but you've done it at least twice - verbatim. Not that I care or anything. :laugh2:

02-18-2008, 07:58 PM
Not if they have posted them in public already. These were not told to me in a public forum.

It really makes no difference because people here dont even believe me when I post unrefutable proof.

02-18-2008, 08:04 PM
Not if they have posted them in public already. These were not told to me in a public forum.

It really makes no difference because people here dont even believe me when I post unrefutable proof.

Well, when you get around to actually posting some irrefutable proof, we might take notice. Hell, it'd be an occasion for celebration as such is indeed a rarity.

02-18-2008, 08:07 PM
And maybe some time you will post something to me besides a personal insult.

02-18-2008, 08:10 PM
And maybe some time you will post something to me besides a personal insult.

Do you see LN getting this treatment? Said1? Even Bully doesn't. Why you? Think about it.

02-18-2008, 08:29 PM
And maybe some time you will post something to me besides a personal insult.

I tend to believe that the best method for treating "stupid" is with a quick, firm slap upside the back of one's head.

Once again, when you get around to formulating a set of valid premises, and then present your steps used to reach your conclusion (along with the valid logic supporting such steps), THEN I might take you seriously.


That's not a personal insult to you, tm. That's reality telling you to wake up and take your psychotropic prescriptions before your delusional state becomes so ingrained that medications CAN'T help and you're resigned to life in a straight-jacket.

02-18-2008, 09:33 PM
Not if they have posted them in public already. These were not told to me in a public forum.

It really makes no difference because people here dont even believe me when I post unrefutable proof.

It's ok. I forget things too. :)

I'm with Cocky on this. I've given you ample opportunity to articulate your thoughts. Instead, you try to 'change us'. We're like your abusive, alcoholic boyfriend you can't leave because you can change him. Classic passive/aggressive co-dependency behaviors. Look it up, you'll probably tick most of the boxes on the questionaire. And I mean that in the nicest way. Honest!

Abbey Marie
02-18-2008, 11:35 PM
I dont scare that easily

Then why were you so scared about a non-threat from Kathianne?

02-18-2008, 11:36 PM
Then why were you so scared about a non-threat from Kathianne?

she wanted to be wrong again.....

02-19-2008, 01:19 AM
Not if they have posted them in public already. These were not told to me in a public forum.

It really makes no difference because people here dont even believe me when I post unrefutable proof.


are you stup3d or something?