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02-18-2008, 03:46 PM
Cleon Skoussen would say, “I told you so.”

With the coming general election, and the impressive youth movement within, one can only conclude Skoussen was a visionary. When watching today’s young people gush over Barack Obama, pledging allegiance to the Democrat Party, the phrase “Mission Accomplished” comes to mind.

The former FBI agent, in his 1958 book, “The Naked Communist”, enumerated several goals the left would take to obtain, and maintain, power in the United States. Some of those “goals” included…

“Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current communist propaganda.

“Get control of the teachers associations.

“Gain control of all student newspapers.”

But when it comes to today’s successful infiltration into academia, the phrase “Give ‘em an inch, and they think they’re rulers” come to mind.

According to Paul Rogers of The Mercury News, “A Silicon Valley lawmaker is gaining momentum with a bill that would require "climate change" to be among the science topics that all California public school students are taught.

"You can't have a science curriculum that is relevant and current if it doesn't deal with the science behind climate change," Simitian said. "This is a phenomenon of global importance and our kids ought to understand the science behind that phenomenon."

It’s not enough that today’s youth seem ill equipped with the basics. There is this FedEx commercial where a young employee can’t find China on a map. We have another commercial where a young man completes an online stock transaction for a company in Shanghai, and then tries to impress up with his knowledge that Shanghai is in China. Insurance commercials targeting young buyers today use cartoons.

And we wonder why Russia and China are so cocky.

While I’m only the son of an educator, wouldn’t we best spend our time teaching kids the basics, instead of pumping their little heads full of science that is, despite what Al Gore says, not conclusive?

I asked Dr. Timothy Ball about his thoughts on this California curriculum proposal and he replied, “The blunt truth is if you don't understand the science you simply have discussions in ignorance. You also have the problem that teachers can push there own political agenda consciously or subconsciously. Unfortunately, most parents have no idea what is being taught in the classroom, and too often it is not education it is indoctrination. This extends through to the university, where idealistic young minds are like a tabula rasa eager for ideas and vulnerable without experience.

Turning our kids into little, intolerant Democrats may have served a short-term goal, but mandating schools spend valuable class time “teaching” climate change that conveniently omits The Sun as a “warming” factor is a continued and dubious disservice, and waste of taxpayer money.

read the rest..

02-24-2008, 12:12 AM
I think I've done OK with my kids, staphy. They are all Democrats or at least they tell me they are?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?

Seriously, chickadee, education is the key to democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. P
02-24-2008, 12:25 AM
I think I've done OK with my kids, staphy. They are all Democrats or at least they tell me they are?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?

Seriously, chickadee, education is the key to democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, indoctrination is the key to democracy, education is the key to freedom!!!!!!!!!!!

02-24-2008, 12:51 AM
I think I can agree somewhat at least, Mr. P.

Seriously, indoctrination is the key to democracy, education is the key to freedom!!!!!!!!!!!

Please clarify.

Hagbard Celine
02-25-2008, 11:05 AM
Why does paranoid hogwash always read like a chain e-mail?

02-25-2008, 02:21 PM
Why does paranoid hogwash always read like a chain e-mail?Because it is so close to the pull chain of the crapper!

02-25-2008, 03:47 PM
Why does paranoid hogwash always read like a chain e-mail?

cuz repubs don't have them there fancy MACs that Dems do

02-25-2008, 03:51 PM
Why does paranoid hogwash always read like a chain e-mail?

have any kids in public school?

02-25-2008, 03:56 PM
I'm really so sick of the Rep/Dem rhetoric, The Dems whine, piss, and moan that their hands are tied because the Reps have all the power, and the Reps whine, piss and moan about how the Dems have all the power.

They are playing the damned underdog card at every chance, spinning their version of events, so that they can pluck at our natural instinct to back the 'little guy'. It's all posturing, all of it.

Replace Obama with McCain having the youth vote, and you would have the democrats complaining against the republicans. Nothing else in the article would change.

02-27-2008, 01:51 AM
You have to look a little deeper into the discussion, DS'72. The pukes whine and cry even when they are winning. Which side of that argument do you fall?

02-27-2008, 03:24 AM
You have to look a little deeper into the discussion, DS'72. The pukes whine and cry even when they are winning. Which side of that argument do you fall?

I think we should can the whole lot of them. They are ineffective in carrying out the job for which they were hired, and further, consistently run us into greater debt. If we had any employee like any one of our politicians, he'd have been shitcanned in the first week.

02-27-2008, 03:30 AM
I don't mean to be disrepectful, DS'72, but you haven't ever actually run anything larger than maybe a french fry operation in a local McDonalds, have you?

I think we should can the whole lot of them. They are ineffective in carrying out the job for which they were hired, and further, consistently run us into greater debt. If we had any employee like any one of our politicians, he'd have been shitcanned in the first week.

Don't feel so all alone. I don't think gwb ever did either.

02-27-2008, 03:48 AM
I don't mean to be disrepectful, DS'72, but you haven't ever actually run anything larger than maybe a french fry operation in a local McDonalds, have you?

Don't feel so all alone. I don't think gwb ever did either.

You're telling me you routinely hire people who have a history of not doing the job they're hired for? And do you keep them in that job for decades of not doing that job? No of course not, especially when they are cost you money.

It does not take a great leader to recognize bad ones, just as it does not take good drivers to recognize the bad ones. Understand, I'm stating this of both "sides", they both do these things, they both abuse this system. they toe the party line, regardless, so it won't ever matter what they promise you, the voter, the person hiring them, if their party goes against it, then they are constrained to go with it as well.

What we really need is more independent leaders, who are not bound by party affiliation when dealing with us.

As it is, I am getting aggravated enough with this stuff to try and lead myself. I would love it if the kind of leader I'd want to follow would step up, but if that won't happen, then the obvious solution is to become that kind of leader. Otherwise, should I do nothing about the problem, then I've no right to keep complaing about it.

02-27-2008, 04:07 AM
I can't and don't pretend to tell you a damn thing, DS'72. Just who are you trying to defend or attack? Your lies and obfuscations aren't helping in the conversation.

You're telling me you routinely hire people who have a history of not doing the job they're hired for? And do you keep them in that job for decades of not doing that job? No of course not, especially when they are cost you money.

It does not take a great leader to recognize bad ones, just as it does not take good drivers to recognize the bad ones. Understand, I'm stating this of both "sides", they both do these things, they both abuse this system. they toe the party line, regardless, so it won't ever matter what they promise you, the voter, the person hiring them, if their party goes against it, then they are constrained to go with it as well.

What we really need is more independent leaders, who are not bound by party affiliation when dealing with us.

As it is, I am getting aggravated enough with this stuff to try and lead myself. I would love it if the kind of leader I'd want to follow would step up, but if that won't happen, then the obvious solution is to become that kind of leader. Otherwise, should I do nothing about the problem, then I've no right to keep complaing about it.

Wuzza matta, dumplin'? You couldn't make it at McDonalds?

02-27-2008, 04:21 AM
wow, so basically, you're just going to slap at the fact that I'm dissatified with the current choices, and would like it if we stopped voting for the least terrible candidate, and instead voted for a good one? Or the point that if you can't find the kind of leader you'd want to follow, then do your best to be that kind of leader? Which of these is missing you?

So many people are dissatisfied with the government at this point, across the board, that obviously, yes, we need a changing of the guard. If all the choices suck, maybe it's time to consider new options. This is what I am saying, I'm sick of Democrats whining, I'm sick of Republicans whining, it's nothing but a dog & pony show.

Care to suggest any solutions, or would you prefer to just hurl insults?

02-27-2008, 04:33 AM
I would suggest that you get involved, DS'72. I am involved every day of my life and I like it that way. Please don't attempt to blame your shortcomings on me, OK?

America has a political system with which I am dissatisfied but with which I am a part. If you don't like the system or your part maybe the ex-patriot thing should be your escape? I intend to stay here and fight the good fight.