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View Full Version : Jill Derby Plans Another Run Against Congressman Heller

02-20-2008, 08:52 PM
just read about this today. She is stepping down as the state Democratic Chairwoman to run again. You think she would have learned already, the voters don't want her in that office. Her stances on the issues are not good and cant win on them so she has to result to personal attacks. I think Congressman Heller has done an awesome job as Congressman and definatly speaks for all the voters in all 17 counties he represents.

Here is the statement Jill Derby has prepared and sent out in a mass email.................

Dear Friends,

Today I am announcing my candidacy for Congress in Nevada's Second District.

This was not a decision I undertook lightly, particularly given how seriously I view my commitment to the Nevada State Democratic Party.

Serving as chair for most of the past year has been a remarkable experience in a remarkable year for Democrats.

It is because of the strides we have made across Nevada in the past year that I feel I must take advantage of our strong position to defeat Dean Heller. This, of course, is a task to which I must devote myself full-time.

I have notified A'shanti Gholar, Secretary of the NSDP, that I am stepping down as chair immediately. First Vice-Chair Sam Lieberman will assume the chairmanship, and Travis Brock will continue in his capacity as Executive Director. Sam, Travis, and I have worked closely together for the past year, and I am confident that the transition in leadership will be seamless.

As the Second District covers all seventeen counties in Nevada, I look forward to our paths crossing often in the coming months. I am truly grateful for the experience of having served as your chair.


Jill Derby

Blah, she is more of the same of the Looney Left Club.

02-20-2008, 08:55 PM
She's just counting on the voters being forgetful. She figures enough time has pasted to go for it again.

02-20-2008, 09:05 PM
She's just counting on the voters being forgetful. She figures enough time has pasted to go for it again.

It's only been a year.............:laugh2: