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View Full Version : Obama supports indiv gun rights - except where they conflict with DC's total gun ban

02-21-2008, 04:04 PM
Are we beginning to see some cracks in the shining structure of rhetoric built up by Barack Obama for these many months and years?



Obama's Silver Tongue is Forked

by Ken Blackwell
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Senator Barack Obama recently gave us a disturbing foretaste of the contradictory doublespeak we could expect under an Obama presidency.

Last week, a deeply disturbed young man went on a criminal rampage at Northern Illinois University, murdering several innocent people before taking his own life.

Mr. Obama spoke out last Friday on the tragic event, and exposed the crucial disconnect between his rhetoric and his politics.

Speaking of his determination to do “whatever it takes” to end gun violence, Mr. Obama nonetheless acknowledged that the Second Amendment secures a right to individual citizens to keep and bear arms.

Noting that some argue the Second Amendment only grants state governments the power to arm National Guard units, Mr. Obama said he rejected that view in favor of the widely held belief that the Second Amendment—like the rest of the Bill of Rights—involves rights held by American citizens.

The Drudge Report last week even carried the story with the title, “Obama Supports Individual Gun Rights.”

But that title was wrong.

EDIT: the rest of the story is at the link.

02-21-2008, 05:10 PM
You have to wonder if the author hasn't made a scarily accurate prediction of what we will hear from Barack Obama in the future, if/when he clinches the Dem nomination.

Obama has long insisted that he will pull our troops out of Iraq quickly, with little regard to the results. But he was asked about that recently, and this time replied that he would not commit himself on that now, but would wait to see what the actual situation in Iraq was at the time.

And now this waffle on "I support individual people's right to own and carry a gun". What other formerly firm statements of his, will he change next?

Maybe this is what Obama means when he says he will "bring change"? :D