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View Full Version : The Machinist - 2004 (Possible Spoiler Alert!)

02-22-2008, 07:03 AM
This movie was released in 2004, so I don't feel too badly about revealing more than what you may see in the trailer. If you want to see it and don't want and hint of spoilers, stop reading now!

The movie stars Christian Bale and Jennifer Jason Leigh. Christian Bale's character works in a small factory as a machinist (duh!). He literally dropped his weight in this movie to 120lbs for the part, so that he could look like a bag of bones. But the premise is that he hasn't slept in nearly a year and is basically haunted by insomnia.

Jennifer is a prostitute in this movie who Bale visits often and does more talking with her than he does screwing. His head is messed up and he only feels like he can speak with her about it. He also visits a coffee shop at the airport everyday and likes to chat up the waitress there.

Throughout the movie you are constantly reminded about how fragile not only his body has become but also his mind. Someone is leaving him post it notes in his home with little clues. The guys at his work are messing with him, and in particular a new guy working there who appears and disappears throughout. Strange things keep happening at home, work and everywhere he goes. He thinks everyone is in on a plot to mess with him.

Sleepless for a year. Cast aside at work an nobody likes him. A mysterious guy that is messing with him. Weird sightings. The poor bastard is so tired and so messed up in the head. He wants to find out where the guy who keeps messing with him and disappearing is located, so he walks in front of a car and gets run over. He then goes to the police and reports a "hit and run" and gives the license plate of his disappearing friends car as the one who hit him. Problem is, the police run the tags and find out it's his own car that he gave them and it was reported to have been in a wreck a year prior.

To make a rambling review shorter - the entire thing is in his mind, and the guy that keeps appearing and disappearing is himself. Bale was driving down the road a year prior and went to use the cars cigarette lighter. When he looked down to light his smoke he accidentally runs over a little boy. This accounts for his guilt, and lack of sleep. The rest of the happenings in the movie are nothing more than his mind playing tricks on him to make him feel more guilty.

Tired and at the end of his wits, he goes to the police again and reports a hit and run. This time he reports himself from the accident a year before. He remembered everything in a flashback and why he was imagining so many things, it was all his guilty conscience.

Maybe not the best "filmed" movie but this was perhaps one of the best written movies I've seen in quite a few years!