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02-22-2008, 10:09 PM
Since her foray into not being proud of America, seems the problems are longstanding:


Michelle Obama thesis was on racial divide

By: Jeffrey Ressner
Feb 22, 2008 04:20 PM EST
Updated: February 22, 2008 08:07 PM EST

Michelle Obama's senior year thesis at Princeton University, obtained from the campaign by Politico, shows a document written by a young woman grappling with a society in which a black Princeton alumnus might only be allowed to remain "on the periphery." Read the full thesis here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.

"My experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my 'blackness' than ever before," the future Mrs. Obama wrote in her thesis introduction. "I have found that at Princeton, no matter how liberal and open-minded some of my white professors and classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really don't belong. Regardless of the circumstances underwhich I interact with whites at Princeton, it often seems as if, to them, I will always be black first and a student second."

The thesis, titled "Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community" and written under her maiden name, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson, in 1985, has been the subject of much conjecture on the blogosphere and elsewhere in recent weeks, as it has been "temporarily withdrawn" from Princeton's library until after this year's presidential election in November. Some of the material has been written about previously, however, including a story last year in the Newark Star Ledger....

02-22-2008, 10:33 PM
interesting find......if you have watched her speeches she picks her words very carefully and she knew exactly what she was saying.....

Hugh Lincoln
02-24-2008, 02:31 PM
I love how blacks can get away with the most self-referential (and self-reverential) crap on earth as their "scholarship." Iconography of St. Joseph in Europe? Quantum Mechanics, a Critique? No, my essay be about how I be a sistah at da white man's school! I think for my Princeton paper I'll write, "Suburban Dad on Computer Complaining About What's Happening to Whites". I'm an expert on that.

02-24-2008, 02:41 PM
This annoys me. Someone treats her like one of their own and her paranoid fear of racism is so bad that she has to question them. Now,their trying too hard. Give me a break.