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View Full Version : Bill Would Outlaw Nooses in Public

02-23-2008, 01:41 PM

Hanging a noose in public could be against the law under a bill filed by a black state lawmaker, a reaction to recent intimidating uses of the lynching symbol.

The bill, filed last week, would prohibit a person from placing a noose in a public place, on the property of another without written permission of the owner or in an exhibit of any kind with the intention of intimidating another person.

Violating the proposed law could lead to up to a year in jail.

The bill's sponsor, Sen. Larcenia Bullard, D-Miami, said Thursday there is a movement among several black advocacy groups to have similar laws adopted in every state.

some comments at the site..

02-23-2008, 01:45 PM
Can they outlaw Code Pink also, those freaks are intimidating.

02-23-2008, 01:48 PM
that is an excellent point.

They are being very politically correct, lets only ban some things that offend some people

how about we just ban everything, so no one is offended?

Can they outlaw Code Pink also, those freaks are intimidating.

02-23-2008, 02:01 PM

Hanging a noose in public could be against the law under a bill filed by a black state lawmaker, a reaction to recent intimidating uses of the lynching symbol.

The bill, filed last week, would prohibit a person from placing a noose in a public place, on the property of another without written permission of the owner or in an exhibit of any kind with the intention of intimidating another person.

Violating the proposed law could lead to up to a year in jail.

The bill's sponsor, Sen. Larcenia Bullard, D-Miami, said Thursday there is a movement among several black advocacy groups to have similar laws adopted in every state.

some comments at the site..

I say we go hang one up infront of Obama's Campaign Headquarters. :D

02-23-2008, 04:50 PM
what a nooseworthy thing to propose. as if black people were the only people ever put in a noose

Hugh Lincoln
02-24-2008, 08:55 AM
How about a ban on black people appearing in public? Because they offend me.

02-24-2008, 09:06 AM
I say we go hang one up infront of Obama's Campaign Headquarters. :DIf you want to have some fun with older black folks hang up a root over the door and then invite them over for dinner.

I knew a CSM that managed the Army motel-hotel for Fort Lee and among his duties were management of the staff that cleaned and made up the rooms... the workforce was almost all black and he would call them into his office for pay raises and for negative counseling and would hang up a root over the door to his office... They would refuse to enter and he would tell them I'm not going to give you a raise or I'll fire you if you don't and they wouldn't enter... He said his dad used the same method to keep them out of his watermelons and corn corps as a kid. Something to do with voodoo

02-25-2008, 05:20 PM
I mean there were whites that were also lynched if you go back and study the lynching history. Anyways its just a knot on a rope so who cares.... They need to get over it already. We don't owe the blacks shit. Just because some of our ancestors made them slaves doesn't mean that we own them anything. Doesn't mean that I was the one who made them a slave. They got freed fine dandy just FUCKING DROP IT ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!

02-25-2008, 10:22 PM
here you go :chillpill:

02-25-2008, 11:05 PM
Hey Mr. Hangman
Won't you show your face tonight...

02-25-2008, 11:17 PM
can we outlaw liberalism, it offends me :lol:

02-25-2008, 11:19 PM
with all due respect, why dont a percentage of black people, and guilt ridden white liberals, stop whining, stop demanding freebies for the past, and stop choosing to be victims

I offer them a chill people too

I am not responsible for slavery or jim crowe, and will not allow anyone to make me feel guilty


here you go :chillpill:

02-26-2008, 01:28 AM
How about a ban on black people appearing in public? Because they offend me.

Poor Hugh just can't admit his true feelings. Like this link from his "favorites" list: