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View Full Version : Clinton says Obama's campaign mailings are "Wrong"

02-23-2008, 06:23 PM
This is great. Hillary is getting punk'd by a member of her own party on the pitfalls of HillaryCare. This picture is excellent.


By Michael Finnegan, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
12:05 PM PST, February 23, 2008

CINCINNATI -- An angry Hillary Rodham Clinton scolded Democratic presidential rival Barack Obama today for campaign mailings that she described as false and shameful attacks on her record.

Clinton's rhetorical blast, the most bellicose of her campaign, came 10 days before Ohio and Texas primaries that could doom her candidacy if she fails to stop her 11-contest losing streak.

Waving two Obama mailings at a press conference, Clinton raised her voice and accused the Illinois senator of distorting her positions on healthcare and foreign trade.

"Enough with the speeches and the big rallies, and then using tactics right out of Karl Rove's playbook," she said, alluding to President Bush's former chief political advisor. "This is wrong, and every Democrat should be outraged."

One of the mailings says that Clinton's healthcare plan would force Americans to buy coverage even if they could not afford it.

The other says that Clinton "was not with Ohio when our jobs were on the line," describing her as a champion of the North American Free Trade Agreement approved by her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

In response to Clinton's attack, Obama spokesman Bill Burton said: "Everything in those mailers is completely accurate, unlike the discredited attacks from Hillary Clinton's negative campaign that have been rejected in South Carolina, Wisconsin, and across America."

The senator from New York accused Obama of spending "millions of dollars perpetuating falsehoods."


02-23-2008, 07:05 PM
holy crap, i read that article and did not even think of punk'd... LOL. nice one jeff, my abs thank you.

though didn't news(something) write and article about how obama did in fact twist the story and that obama in fact was full of horse pucky?