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02-24-2008, 12:27 AM
The sleazy part of all this is how the same liberal media that tried to bury McCain without a shred of evidence regrading an affair with this woman, are now grasping at straws to paint Obama as some reformer of the evil lobbyist, and McCain has somehow beholden to the oga boga Lobbyist.

However Obama has ties to lobbyist himself...

Obama’s K Street project

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) is benefiting from the support of well-connected Washington lobbyists...

Lobbyist working to build momentum for Obama are former Sen. Tom Daschle (D-S.D.), a consultant for Alston & Bird; Broderick Johnson, president of Bryan Cave Strategies LLC; Mark Keam, the lead Democratic lobbyist at Verizon; Jimmy Williams, vice president of government affairs for the Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America; Thomas Walls, vice president of federal public affairs at McGuireWoods Consulting; and Francis Grab, senior manager at Washington Council Ernst & Young.

Lobbyists tend to be cautious creatures. Evidence that they are flocking to Obama’s camp shows that his campaign has gained substantial momentum among the politically sophisticated.

http://thehill.com/leading-the-news/obamas-k-street-project-2007-03-28.htmlPoint is it's our right to 'lobby' or petition our government. Are Children's cancer lobbyist, evil people? All types of people lobby the government, what we need is a man like McCain, who can fix the problem at hand, which isn't our right to petition our government, but how money can drive that process, and the only candidate running that has a record of being able to bring about the bi-partisan reform to many area's, is John McCain. Obama likes to talk the talk, but has no record of walking the walk. John McCain does, he co-sponsored many pieces of legislation cutting through the bitter divide to get things done in Washington. Obama has one term under his belt, and in that term he used it to gain the ranking of being the most liberal member of the Senate.

Fighting cancer, as a patient and a lobbyist

The Wyatt's have been active ever since in promoting awareness of childhood cancer, which is the No. 1 killer of children in the United States. In Minnesota, about 160 children are diagnosed with cancer each year, and about 25 die.

On Nov. 14, the Rechs celebrated Wyatt's 6th birthday and a significant victory. That day, the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee approved the Conquer Childhood Cancer Act, which would provide $30 million per year until 2012 to expand childhood cancer research.
Republican Sen. Norm Coleman co-authored the measure. Sen. Amy Klobuchar, a Democrat, is a co-sponsor.


02-24-2008, 12:30 AM
This is a brilliant thread, we do have the right to lobby our government, and together we can achieve more, then we ever could alone.

lobbying is simply trying to get something accomplished.

The media lies when it makes out being a lobbyist an evil, and scuzzy thing.

The sleazy part of all this is how the same liberal media that tried to bury McCain without a shred of evidence regrading an affair with this woman, are now grasping at straws to paint Obama as some reformer of the evil lobbyist, and McCain has somehow beholden to the oga boga Lobbyist.

However Obama has ties to lobbyist himself...
Point is it's our right to 'lobby' or petition our government. Are Children's cancer lobbyist, evil people? All types of people lobby the government, what we need is a man like McCain, who can fix the problem at hand, which isn't our right to petition our government, but how money can drive that process, and the only candidate running that has a record of being able to bring about the bi-partisan reform to many area's, is John McCain. Obama likes to talk the talk, but has no record of walking the walk. John McCain does, he co-sponsored many pieces of legislation cutting through the bitter divide to get things done in Washington. Obama has one term under his belt, and in that term he used it to gain the ranking of being the most liberal member of the Senate.

02-24-2008, 12:40 AM
Thank you. It's sleazy how this stated as a baseless charge of an affair, was totally debunked, and now it's morphing into McCain/lobbyist. And that Lobbyist's are of course all evil... And Obama's being falsely portrayed as against lobbyist, a fighter against those evil people. It's all been spun so out of control by the MSM.

02-24-2008, 12:42 AM
every politician deals with lobbyists, the media is liberally biased, and fundamentally dishonest

Thank you. It's sleazy how this stated as a baseless charge of an affair, was totally debunked, and now it's morphing into McCain/lobbyist. And that Lobbyist's are of course all evil... And Obama's being falsely portrayed as against lobbyist, a fighter against those evil people. It's all been spun so out of control by the MSM.

02-24-2008, 04:55 PM
Well as I said it's our right to petition our government, so of course there will be interaction, but to slander a man, claim an unfounded affair, and favors is just distasteful. I can agree that sometimes those with the most money, get the loudest voice. And once again, there is no better candidate to tackle such issues than John McCain...