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View Full Version : Forced Acceptance is akin to intellectual rape

02-24-2008, 12:12 PM
Here is how I got there.

Today the cultural left in america doesnt merely want tolerance, they want acceptance.

Anyone who disagrees with the democratic party is sexist, racist, homophobic, islamophobic.

Let me give some clear cut examples.

It is not merely enough to tolerate islam, one must not utter negative word, or criticism against islamic terrorism or jihadists, because that would be judging

Any minority, who is not a democratic in an uncle tom, or just too stupid to realize he should be a democrat

Any conservative who merely believe marriage is between a man and a woman, or that homosexuality is a sin, is a facist and a homophobe.

The cultural left wants to brain wash your children their sick twisted values, from k-12 to college graduation

The left is engaged, in a hate campaign against different ideas, a campaign i call intellectual rape: forcing their ideas on you and your children, and forcing you to accept them whether you want to or not

02-25-2008, 01:37 AM
How dangerous do you believe the cultural left is, and will be destroyed from within by the cultural left or without by the jihadists?

02-25-2008, 03:17 AM
Hi Martin
Sorry for the delay, but I was sound asleep. U know Iam on the other side of earth.
Thank you for your attention.
You asked how long have I been in Saudi Arabia..
If I tell ya that Iam a Saudi, will you still respect me?
Yes, I went to school at ISU, IN. but all my life is lived in Saudi.
I work on Petrochemicals offshore. less than 80 miles of waters is Iran. 150 up is Iraq then Kuwait.
I look forward to exchange info with you and my old friends in the beautiful U.S of A.
As a starter, I can see that you Martin, as much as, 95% of all Americans got general information based on the Government's foriegn office headlines.
Our generation is in deep need to open eyes wide, sharpen memory, and use own judgement to spring out off the dark well of prejudice and political extortion.
My group of thinkers include Moslems, jews, christians, athiests, and others as it includes Arabs, Persians, whites and black.

I will be ready to give a view on all matters of US foreign policy on ME.
I will not claim superiority of openion at all. My contribution will be in most informational. Meaning that it is free of all political propaganda and extortion.

thanks again.

p.s. We can go to other rooms for other subjects. I love America ( I consider Evansville, Ky) home. I have a passion for La Mesa, San Clemente, El Cajun, and San Diego) but I hate the Chargers and what they did to us in 84.
I love the LA lakers and IN Pacers. and hate the Celtics and anything in green.
What else....


02-25-2008, 08:34 AM
Here is how I got there.

Today the cultural left in america doesnt merely want tolerance, they want acceptance.

Anyone who disagrees with the democratic party is sexist, racist, homophobic, islamophobic.

Let me give some clear cut examples.

It is not merely enough to tolerate islam, one must not utter negative word, or criticism against islamic terrorism or jihadists, because that would be judging

Any minority, who is not a democratic in an uncle tom, or just too stupid to realize he should be a democrat

Any conservative who merely believe marriage is between a man and a woman, or that homosexuality is a sin, is a facist and a homophobe.

The cultural left wants to brain wash your children their sick twisted values, from k-12 to college graduation

The left is engaged, in a hate campaign against different ideas, a campaign i call intellectual rape: forcing their ideas on you and your children, and forcing you to accept them whether you want to or notI posted a thread on Jonah Goldberg, in his new book Liberal Fascism http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?t=12040 who also agrees with you completely and goes into details of how this has and is taking place.

For me personally, I don't recognize America as the same country from my childhood in comparison to today. America was very conservative in the 1950's and early 60's and changed drastically in the late 60's and early 70's. I grew up being taught specific values of success as a citizen with a equally specific set of rules of tolerance the values must work within. The values and tolerance went something like this:

Follow the 10 Commandments.

All of your actions will be judged by "man" and "God".

Personal responsibility: All persons were held personally responsible to live their lives responsibly, abuses of credit, debt, ethics and family responsibility were not tolerated.

Actions: Work ethic: Children have chores & studies and adults have work and all chores and work will be done to an excellent standard within each persons capabilities. Position in life had nothing to do with it, form a ditch digger to a brain surgeon all tasks must be performed to excellence. Adults will sacrifice comfort to make a better life for their children than they had. Adults will help other adults within the community that failed through no fault of their own which had lived up to the 10 Commandments and work ethic standards. Persons with poor work/life ethics people were not tolerated by community but were ignored by all but the church and family.

What happened? A struggle of two forces, good and evil worked to break down the above structure. Evil or indifference to standards of conduct left a grey area for evil to flourish.

Weakening factors:
Women's rights.
Government social programs replacing family and church caring for tolerance violators.

Of these weakening factors the key factor was Hollywood selling the negative. The sales pitch is subtle and hidden with background laughter, applause or Oh's and Ah's telling the youth how to see "change" and what is right and what is wrong.

02-25-2008, 09:15 AM
Like I said in a different thread, this is a problem I see on both sides, right and left. Here's the thing: the right is hoping for things to stay the same... forever. The left is hoping for everything to change... immediately. Both sides need to realize that these are both completely out of reach for our society. Change happens slowly, not all at once, but it does happen and there's no way to stop it.

I think if everyone (and I do mean everyone, right and left wing) took a step back and was a bit more open-minded, things would be better off.

02-25-2008, 09:19 AM
Here is how I got there.

Today the cultural left in america doesnt merely want tolerance, they want acceptance.

Anyone who disagrees with the democratic party is sexist, racist, homophobic, islamophobic.

Let me give some clear cut examples.

It is not merely enough to tolerate islam, one must not utter negative word, or criticism against islamic terrorism or jihadists, because that would be judging

Any minority, who is not a democratic in an uncle tom, or just too stupid to realize he should be a democrat

Any conservative who merely believe marriage is between a man and a woman, or that homosexuality is a sin, is a facist and a homophobe.

The cultural left wants to brain wash your children their sick twisted values, from k-12 to college graduation

The left is engaged, in a hate campaign against different ideas, a campaign i call intellectual rape: forcing their ideas on you and your children, and forcing you to accept them whether you want to or not

There is no clearer cut example of "thought police" in this country than the liberals and the Democratic party.

02-25-2008, 09:24 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. I agree, many things that the left push are Anti~America.
2. They have been pushing this ever since the 60's, yeah, its the dumb-ass hippies.
3. They are the ones behind the liberal agenda.
4. Clinton and *Da Hildabeast* are two of the same.
5. The liberals want to legalize all drugs.
6. Even have *Drug Rooms* in schools.
7. Don't fool yourself.


02-25-2008, 09:27 AM
[B][FONT="Georgia"]Hi Martin
....[/I] What's up with the damn font? Do you think that your're better than we are?

02-25-2008, 10:15 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. I agree, many things that the left push are Anti~America.
2. They have been pushing this ever since the 60's, yeah, its the dumb-ass hippies.
3. They are the ones behind the liberal agenda.
4. Clinton and *Da Hildabeast* are two of the same.
5. The liberals want to legalize all drugs.
6. Even have *Drug Rooms* in schools.
7. Don't fool yourself.

SirJamesofTexasConservatives believe all men are created equally and liberals say no they are not but we will make them equal.

In my earlier post I didn't want to leave people with the idea we should still be stuck in the 1950's because it was much better then than now but to show that now is not better than then. We are not better off as a culture because natural change hasn't taken place but a change caused by an outside force. A very small segment of our culture is brain washing the masses and systematically removing values and standards leaving America not worth fighting for.

Not worth fighting for? Would you fight for what we stand for? What do we stand for? Importance is rearranged so much that there is no nation to represent. We defend our family. But, collectively life is less and less of value as are key ethics and values erode. Ask a veteran on the board that grew up in the 50's and 60's about nationalism? There was a draft and families, no young people planned their lives around service to the nation. Service was actually a debt owed to the nation... Nationalism! Ask a person that was drafted did you hold off getting married because of the draft? Did you consider the military wage at the time of the Vietnam war was entry level 25% of that on the economy? My first wage from the Army was less than $100 for an entire month. Working pumping gas and wiping bugs off airplanes at Princeton Airport, Princeton NJ paid about $450 a month. A married soldier got an extra $25 a month when drafted... it was a "service". Would you take a 75% cut in pay to serve your nation today? Would your rearrange marriage plans, auto purchases and your life for your country? No, you wouldn't and you now live in a country that demands equal of the government of what the government the government used to expect of you. Everything is backwards and is a recipe for the end of our nation which is no longer served as a "service" but in a selected few that retain those original values I spoke about in the earlier post. Send them a gay Captain or Sergeant and they will not "SERVE" either.

02-25-2008, 01:53 PM
I disagree with the title and premise of the thread.

For one, there are very few things in the world as horrible as rape and I dont think we should analogize to it without some drastic need. There are ways to get similiar points across without resorting to such drastic imagery.

I also dont believe anyone can force you to accept something.

Black Lance
02-25-2008, 04:25 PM
I also dont believe anyone can force you to accept something.

No, but that wasn't his point. The point is that the left attempts to control hearts and minds, or at least pre-determine some aspects of human behavior, by manipulating the sources of information.

Until some diabolical psychologist invents a method of truly brainwashing human beings, nobody can directly control your thoughts. However, someone can force you to pretend that you accept their ideas by threatening to punish you for not accepting their packaged ideology. And being forced to behave in a certain way often renders your real opinion of that behavior unimportant. This is going on now, in America. How many students at publicly funded universities are currently writing an essay full of left-wing trash they don't believe a word of so their far-left professor will agree with the essay and give that student a good grade?

02-25-2008, 05:35 PM
Hi Martin
Sorry for the delay, but I was sound asleep. U know Iam on the other side of earth.
Thank you for your attention.
You asked how long have I been in Saudi Arabia..
If I tell ya that Iam a Saudi, will you still respect me?

ME: Yes sir, I can already tell you are a sincere, pleasantly nice fellow. I look forward to getting to know you.

Yes, I went to school at ISU, IN. but all my life is lived in Saudi.
I work on Petrochemicals offshore. less than 80 miles of waters is Iran. 150 up is Iraq then Kuwait.

ME: awesome

I look forward to exchange info with you and my old friends in the beautiful U.S of A.

ME: thanks :)

As a starter, I can see that you Martin, as much as, 95% of all Americans got general information based on the Government's foriegn office headlines.
Our generation is in deep need to open eyes wide, sharpen memory, and use own judgement to spring out off the dark well of prejudice and political extortion.

ME: many americans are lied to by their media, who lies,distorts and brain washes people, and at our college and even some high schools, people are brain washed, not taught how to think but what to think and yes our politicians, like probably politics itself have lied about atleast something since the beginning of time

My group of thinkers include Moslems, jews, christians, athiests, and others as it includes Arabs, Persians, whites and black.

ME: cool, I admit im not the biggest fan of some of the passages in the koran, but I have had, and respect individual muslims as fellow human beings, who deserve to be judged on the content of the character, not the religion or skin color.

I will be ready to give a view on all matters of US foreign policy on ME.
I will not claim superiority of openion at all. My contribution will be in most informational. Meaning that it is free of all political propaganda and extortion.

ME: I try to be free of bias, but when it comes to israel i freely admit being biased, after all i am half israeli, and jewish, but will listen and try my best to be civil, and friendly at all times sir.

thanks again.

p.s. We can go to other rooms for other subjects. I love America ( I consider Evansville, Ky) home. I have a passion for La Mesa, San Clemente, El Cajun, and San Diego) but I hate the Chargers and what they did to us in 84.

ME: i live in san diego, and am a chargers fan :laugh2:, what did they do in 84?

I love the LA lakers and IN Pacers. and hate the Celtics and anything in green.
What else....


ME: you sound like a very intellectually honest man, and i promise you, I will not pre judge you, or allow others, to be openly rude or hostile to you simply because your from saudi arabia, ok?

ME: im an honest man, even when im an idiot.

02-25-2008, 06:21 PM
I respect your opinion, However I feel the cultural left is engaging in a form of rape, intellectually speaking where you cant disagree, merely tolerate or discuss there ideas in any way then blind acceptance, feelings, and mantras

and for the record, men get raped, molested , and are the victims or domestic abuse as well

I disagree with the title and premise of the thread.

For one, there are very few things in the world as horrible as rape and I dont think we should analogize to it without some drastic need. There are ways to get similiar points across without resorting to such drastic imagery.

I also dont believe anyone can force you to accept something.

02-25-2008, 06:42 PM
I respect your opinion, However I feel the cultural left is engaging in a form of rape, intellectually speaking where you cant disagree, merely tolerate or discuss there ideas in any way then blind acceptance, feelings, and mantras

and for the record, men get raped, molested , and are the victims or domestic abuse as well

Did Avatar say differently?

02-25-2008, 06:45 PM
what avatar?

Did Avatar say differently?

02-25-2008, 06:48 PM
#10, that you responded to? :confused:

02-25-2008, 06:54 PM
I disagree with the title and premise of the thread.

For one, there are very few things in the world as horrible as rape

ME: I would agree, however I thought it applied, and it would get your attention

and I dont think we should analogize to it without some drastic need.

ME: Perhaps i was wrong. i had no intention of offending you or anyone

There are ways to get similiar points across without resorting to such drastic imagery.

ME: im sorry, my intent was not to offend anyone, it was to say the left is doing a new form of rape, but yes, I could have done it differently. I appreciate your point of view, I will try to tone down the language on future threads, thank you for the feedback.

I also dont believe anyone can force you to accept something.

ME: I believe the left is trying to do just that

02-25-2008, 06:57 PM
#10, that you responded to? :confused:

forgive me, i dont want to be rude, but i dont understand what your point is?, or if your asking or telling me something

im sorry

02-25-2008, 07:09 PM
forgive me, i dont want to be rude, but i dont understand what your point is?, or if your asking or telling me something

im sorry

You asked who or what 'avatar' was, I was responding. He never limited rape as female only, you went there.

02-25-2008, 07:11 PM
I never said he was limiting it, I feel it is limited, and i expanded it

You asked who or what 'avatar' was, I was responding. He never limited rape as female only, you went there.

02-25-2008, 07:12 PM
I never said he was limiting it, I feel it is limited, and i expanded it

No, you posted as if you didn't know who or what I was referring to.

02-25-2008, 07:17 PM
at that moment i didnt, but now i do :coffee:

No, you posted as if you didn't know who or what I was referring to.

02-25-2008, 07:18 PM
My dear kathianne, when rape or domestic violence is talked about, it is preety rare for men to be brought up as victims, even though they are,

I was in an anger management class, i heard the skewed stats on domestic violence.

02-25-2008, 07:32 PM
My dear kathianne, when rape or domestic violence is talked about, it is preety rare for men to be brought up as victims, even though they are,

I was in an anger management class, i heard the skewed stats on domestic violence.

But Avatar did not limit the conversation to that. I may have, but didn't have the chance, he didn't. Then you piped up about males, but it wasn't limited. That's all I was saying.

02-25-2008, 08:53 PM
I feel like my brain is being molested any time I go to a church or turn on a religious program that says that people of different backgrounds have no business agreeing with each other about anything. And yes, there are open-minded churches and religious programs, that was just an example.

02-25-2008, 09:09 PM
I feel like my brain is being molested any time I go to a church or turn on a religious program that says that people of different backgrounds have no business agreeing with each other about anything. ..... Wow, I've gone to church at least 40 times a year for nearly 50 years and I missed that part. I'm glad that you posted that!

02-26-2008, 12:00 PM
I feel like my brain is being molested any time I go to a church or turn on a religious program that says that people of different backgrounds have no business agreeing with each other about anything. And yes, there are open-minded churches and religious programs, that was just an example.

Either you made that up or have had a rather poor sampling of the bottom 1% of churches.

As far as comparing it to rape, I think it's a valid, if extreme analogy. Maybe abuse would have been better, but I digress. Do yourself a favor sometime. Find a liberal arts, journalism, or poli-sci major just entering college who is an unashamed conservative. Look at his walk, his stance. Look at the fire in his eyes. Look at how unflinchingly he holds to his beliefs and how willing he is to stand up for them. Now, find that same guy his senior year. He may still be conservative, but the fire and passion will be gone. Look at how he walks, head down, eyes glazed over, taking all manner of verbal abuse from some feminist who wants to be his husband and thinks she can bully her way into a marriage, and all without batting an eyelash or even shaking out of that horrid state. That is what four years of indoctrination will do to an unwilling subject. For four years, that man has been forced to agree with things he wholeheartedly opposes. For four years, he has had his opinions demonized and cast down for being 'incorrect.' And he has had to endure all of that just to keep a passing GPA and stay in his major of choice. Why, by the time graduation rolls around, you may not even recognize this listless, lifeless shell of a man who, with the passion of a true believer, started college just four years ago. Rape? Yeah, it's a bit extreme, but is it really that far off the mark?