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02-23-2007, 02:09 AM
The envirowackos will stoop to any low....

Global warming concerns are keeping children awake at night
Half of young children are anxious about the effects of global warming, often losing sleep because of their concern, according to a new report today.

A survey of 1,150 youngsters aged between seven and 11 found that one in four blamed politicians for the problems of climate change.

Are you doing enough?

One in seven of those questioned by supermarket giant Somerfield said their own parents were not doing enough to improve the environment.

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The most feared consequences of global warming included poor health, the possible submergence of entire countries and the welfare of animals.

Most of those polled understood the benefits of recycling, although one in 10 thought the issue was linked to riding a bike.

Pete Williams, of Somerfield, said: "Concerns over our environment dominate the media at present and kids are exposed to the hard facts as much as anybody.

"While many adults may look the other way, this study should show that global warming is not only hurting the children of the future, it's affecting the welfare of kids now.

"By raising awareness amongst today's young, hopefully we are improving our chances of reaching a solution.''

The study marked Somerfield's drive to reduce the eight billion plastic bags wasted by UK households every year.


Yikes.....I'd keep my pets away from this child...

02-23-2007, 08:14 AM
Oh for f---ing crying out loud... this is just too much...

This all reminds me of a few things ...

In 1970, I remember a news anchor warned the audience in stern tones that we only had 15 to 20 years tops before a man made environmental catastrophe would wipe out all life on the planet. I am reminded of this because the kid said something about "no fish in the sea"

In the mid 1970s, scientists warned in dire tones that we were headed for an ice age...

In the 1980s, children all across the country were having nightmares about nuclear war. Thanks in part to the hyperventilation media and the Greens anti-US nuke propaganda. The anti-nuke movement, by the way, was funded by the Soviet KGB.

Al "Chicken Little" Gore at the global warming summit

02-23-2007, 08:21 AM
Oh for f---ing crying out loud... this is just too much...

This all reminds me of a few things ...

In 1970, I remember a news anchor warned the audience in stern tones that we only had 15 to 20 years tops before a man made environmental catastrophe would wipe out all life on the planet. I am reminded of this because the kid said something about "no fish in the sea"

In the mid 1970s, scientists warned in dire tones that we were headed for an ice age...

In the 1980s, children all across the country were having nightmares about nuclear war. Thanks in part to the hyperventilation media and the Greens anti-US nuke propaganda. The anti-nuke movement, by the way, was funded by the Soviet KGB.

Al "Chicken Little" Gore at the global warming summit

I'm paying more attention to "carbon credits" and erasing your carbon "footprints". There is enough insanity in these movements to make jokes forever. Gore is certifiable !!! :cuckoo:

02-23-2007, 11:40 AM
That is just low. Using f---ing CHILDREN and making them paranoid just to push a bullsh*t agenda. This is even worse than that "tick tick tick" commercial or the one where the train is going to hit the kid. I remember when Weekly Reader was scaring me into thinking Florida would be nothing but a memory by now, and I'm pissed off that they're doing even more to scare the kids of today.

BTW, if all they were talking about was global warming, the fish in the sea thing was an even bigger piece of bullcrap. There have been times in the past when the Earth was quite a bit warmer than it is now, and fish thrived.

02-23-2007, 11:59 AM
Can we say guilt trip? That's the weapon they are using. If people won't feel guilt about their actions for themselves, well lets get em tyo feel bad about the children.

Just take note of how often the left uses guilt trips in their propaganda.

02-23-2007, 12:11 PM
Yep, the "swim with the fish", "tree hugger", "adopt a Grizzly", "global warming" crowd can sure be proud.