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View Full Version : what is so hard to solve about pakistan's tribal area

02-25-2008, 11:07 PM
Simply give the tribal faggots 24 hours to give up bin laden, and the other islamo nazi's or we nuke your little tribal areas, and if musharef doesnt like it, we'll kill him too

enough pussy footing around

of course, i could be wrong, this is my humble opinion :coffee:

02-25-2008, 11:37 PM
Simply give the tribal faggots 24 hours to give up bin laden, and the other islamo nazi's or we nuke your little tribal areas, and if musharef doesnt like it, we'll kill him too

enough pussy footing around

of course, i could be wrong, this is my humble opinion :coffee:

ask the russians how they did in the afgan mountains.....

02-25-2008, 11:43 PM
the russians lost because we helped the aghans

Second, i never said invade, I said bomb the shit out of the tribal areas, so not even a moth could exist there.

we gotta get tough with these scum

ask the russians how they did in the afgan mountains.....

02-25-2008, 11:46 PM
the russians lost because we helped the aghans

Second, i never said invade, I said bomb the shit out of the tribal areas, so not even a moth could exist there.

we gotta get tough with these scum

and the chinese, russians etc...are funding the taliban through iran.....conventional forces can not win an asymmetrical war in the mountains

02-25-2008, 11:51 PM
War with china and russia is only a matter of time, or perhaps we are in an economic war with china, and a new cold war with russia

and the chinese, russians etc...are funding the taliban through iran.....conventional forces can not win an asymmetrical war in the mountains

02-25-2008, 11:54 PM
we dont need to go into the tribal areas, we could just nuke them.

As long as russians and chiniese dont arm them with weapons, i think we could win, a ground invasion.

Im not saying we should do a ground invasion

02-25-2008, 11:55 PM
War with china and russia is only a matter of time, or perhaps we are in an economic war with china, and a new cold war with russia

there will never be a convential war with china and russia.....

russia will always be war by proxy.......china will wage economic war......

the middle east .... well they like to die for their cause.....and they will....a nucular missle is the ultimate suicide bomb.....

02-25-2008, 11:57 PM
the russians lost because we helped the aghans

Second, i never said invade, I said bomb the shit out of the tribal areas, so not even a moth could exist there.

we gotta get tough with these scum

all the women and children in that area need to ge gotten tough with, eh? Or is killing innocents only a bad thing when it happens to us?

02-26-2008, 12:00 AM
all the women and children in that area need to ge gotten tough with, eh? Or is killing innocents only a bad thing when it happens to us?

and your solution......

02-26-2008, 12:02 AM
and your solution......

It is late and I am off to bed...suffice it to say that my solution would NOT involve nuclear weapons.

02-26-2008, 12:03 AM
It is late and I am off to bed...suffice it to say that my solution would NOT involve nuclear weapons.

the president would stay up an solve this problem......

02-26-2008, 12:05 AM
the president would stay up an solve this problem......

the current one would undoubtedly arrive at a faulty solution...but regardless....I am off to bed!

02-26-2008, 12:22 AM
your right, better our men and women come home in body bags.

Secondly, those women and children are not peace loving hippies, you dont think they are being educated to hate the U.S., and the israelies?

And if your gonna bash me, what is your solution.

I sincerely disagree, that anyone living in those tribal areas is innocent, they are islamo nazi's living in the 7th century, they not watching tv, and going to night clubs

To equate innocent americans, with 7th century terrorist thugs is disgusting, inaccurate, and dishonest of you in my opinion.

Lets compare apples to apples not the 7th century blood thirsty pigs, to 21 first century civilization.

Or maybe you believe everything is morally equivalent?

all the women and children in that area need to ge gotten tough with, eh? Or is killing innocents only a bad thing when it happens to us?

02-26-2008, 01:55 AM
Martin, have you forgotten that the Pakistani government has nuclear weapons?

Before you respond, go watch Threads and Testament.

02-26-2008, 07:10 AM
your right, better our men and women come home in body bags.

Secondly, those women and children are not peace loving hippies, you dont think they are being educated to hate the U.S., and the israelies?

And if your gonna bash me, what is your solution.

I sincerely disagree, that anyone living in those tribal areas is innocent, they are islamo nazi's living in the 7th century, they not watching tv, and going to night clubs

To equate innocent americans, with 7th century terrorist thugs is disgusting, inaccurate, and dishonest of you in my opinion.

Lets compare apples to apples not the 7th century blood thirsty pigs, to 21 first century civilization.

Or maybe you believe everything is morally equivalent?

so Pakistanis living a hardscrabble life eking out an existence in primitive villages in the mountains of Pakistan are seventh century terrorist thugs? Not watching TV and going to night clubs means that dropping a nuclear weapons and killing thousands of them in their beds - many women and young children - is a perfectly acceptable thing to do? And tell me, martin... when was the last time you visited the mountains of Pakistan where you developed your opinion of the people there as blood thirsty pigs?

Let me ask you... if Pakistan dropped a nuke on US, how do you think WE would respond?

The fact that your naivete is so colored with thoughtless aggression is both pathetic and creepy.

02-27-2008, 12:31 AM
the poor pakis, we should let our men and women die so the poor terrorists can live and breed more terrorists.

Before you call me names, try to stick to the topic, instead of playing the liberal feeling card.

Whats your solution dip shit

so Pakistanis living a hardscrabble life eking out an existence in primitive villages in the mountains of Pakistan are seventh century terrorist thugs? Not watching TV and going to night clubs means that dropping a nuclear weapons and killing thousands of them in their beds - many women and young children - is a perfectly acceptable thing to do? And tell me, martin... when was the last time you visited the mountains of Pakistan where you developed your opinion of the people there as blood thirsty pigs?

Let me ask you... if Pakistan dropped a nuke on US, how do you think WE would respond?

The fact that your naivete is so colored with thoughtless aggression is both pathetic and creepy.

02-27-2008, 02:29 AM
the poor pakis, we should let our men and women die so the poor terrorists can live and breed more terrorists.

Before you call me names, try to stick to the topic, instead of playing the liberal feeling card.

Whats your solution dip shit

Do you honestly think dropping a nuclear bomb on a region that hasnt even left the tribal systems of government is going to stop terrorism?

Let's say you drop the nuke and Osama is killed. Does that end terrorism?

Of course not. Another terrorist will rise up. Because nuking entire civilizations to get one person will make the rest of the world look at us and be like "Holy crap! We need to take them out before they decide there is something wrong with us."

I'm all for defending ourselves and using force when necessary. But you do something like that and we will see more attacks, not less. And we might turn our friends away from us while doing it.

02-27-2008, 06:46 PM
Actually it wont stop it completely, nothing will.. but this will help...

right now the u.s. military in afghanistan is fighting the war with one hand tied behind its back, the terrorists have a safe haven in the tribal areas, but we should do nothihg?

Pakistan is our friend out of convience, im all for losing friends instead of our boys

Do you honestly think dropping a nuclear bomb on a region that hasnt even left the tribal systems of government is going to stop terrorism?

Let's say you drop the nuke and Osama is killed. Does that end terrorism?

Of course not. Another terrorist will rise up. Because nuking entire civilizations to get one person will make the rest of the world look at us and be like "Holy crap! We need to take them out before they decide there is something wrong with us."

I'm all for defending ourselves and using force when necessary. But you do something like that and we will see more attacks, not less. And we might turn our friends away from us while doing it.

02-27-2008, 09:43 PM
Actually it wont stop it completely, nothing will.. but this will help...

right now the u.s. military in afghanistan is fighting the war with one hand tied behind its back, the terrorists have a safe haven in the tribal areas, but we should do nothihg?

Pakistan is our friend out of convience, im all for losing friends instead of our boys

I have always thought that our reliance on Musharref was foolish. That does not mean that killing thousands of innocent people - most of whom have no freakin' idea where Osama is in the first place - is a barbaric solution that will serve to radicalize and enrage the entire islamic world. Do you really think that is a good idea?

I say again...if we really want to get muslims to stop wanting to kill us, and the method we chose to get that point across is to indiscriminately kill muslims, then we have to be prepared to kill all 1.8 BILLION of them - including the 6 MILLION Of them who are American citizens.

And I repeat: The fact that your naivete is so colored with thoughtless aggression is both pathetic and creepy.

02-27-2008, 10:02 PM
I have always thought that our reliance on Musharref was foolish. That does not mean that killing thousands of innocent people - most of whom have no freakin' idea where Osama is in the first place - is a barbaric solution that will serve to radicalize and enrage the entire islamic world. Do you really think that is a good idea?

I say again...if we really want to get muslims to stop wanting to kill us, and the method we chose to get that point across is to indiscriminately kill muslims, then we have to be prepared to kill all 1.8 BILLION of them - including the 6 MILLION Of them who are American citizens.

And I repeat: The fact that your naivete is so colored with thoughtless aggression is both pathetic and creepy.

muslims are killing more people than just "us".......but setting that aside....what is your recomendation on how to get them to stop....if i recall correctly the have been killing "us" for some time now.....30 years that i remember....

02-27-2008, 10:07 PM
muslims are killing more people than just "us".......but setting that aside....what is your recomendation on how to get them to stop....if i recall correctly the have been killing "us" for some time now.....30 years that i remember....

My recommendations are multifaceted.... and I may get the energy up to perhaps do a blog entry on them, but suffice it to say, dropping nukes on Pakistan is not one of them.

02-28-2008, 12:29 AM
My recommendations are multifaceted.... and I may get the energy up to perhaps do a blog entry on them, but suffice it to say, dropping nukes on Pakistan is not one of them.

sounds like you have a plan.....kerry edwards said that a lot......they never did share thier plans.....

02-28-2008, 07:26 AM
sounds like you have a plan.....kerry edwards said that a lot......they never did share thier plans.....

I wouldn't say I have a plan, I would say I have ideas. Do YOU ever have ideas? Do YOU think that Martin's plan to nuke Pakistan is a good idea?

for right now, let's just say that it sounds like I think that dropping nuclear weapons on northwestern Pakistan is a stupid, barbaric and altogether profoundly counterproductive act.

The Reverend
02-28-2008, 07:34 AM
we dont need to go into the tribal areas, we could just nuke them.

As long as russians and chiniese dont arm them with weapons, i think we could win, a ground invasion.

Im not saying we should do a ground invasion

You seem to forget what wil happen if we nuke Pakistan.
First since they are our allies that will make out allies wonder if they are next.
Second you seem to forget that they have nukes as well, what do you think they will do if we fire ours at them? Just sit there? Not likely more likely they will fire back and if they can't hit us Israel will be their next most likely target.

02-28-2008, 04:19 PM
I have always thought that our reliance on Musharref was foolish.

ME: agreed

That does not mean that killing thousands of innocent people - most of whom have no freakin' idea where Osama is in the first place -

ME: I thought our government believes hs is there, and lets say im wrong, how are we gonna win the war in afghanistan, if the terorrists have sanctuary in the tribal areas?

is a barbaric solution that will serve to radicalize and enrage the entire islamic world. Do you really think that is a good idea?

ME: no matter what we do or dont do, islamo nazi's will hate us

I say again...if we really want to get muslims to stop wanting to kill us, and the method we chose to get that point across is to indiscriminately kill muslims, then we have to be prepared to kill all 1.8 BILLION of them - including the 6 MILLION Of them who are American citizens.

ME: I never said kill all muslims, but we cant allow islamic terrorists to hide out in civilian populations, and do nothing because we will have to kill civilians as well, which I put sole blame on the terrorists for living in high civilian population, not us for going after them. Again, we wont win the war, if were afraid of making muslims angry

And I repeat: The fact that your naivete is so colored with thoughtless aggression is both pathetic and creepy.

ME: and again, you offer no solution except to personally attack me, by calling me names, thats classy :laugh2:

02-28-2008, 04:20 PM
It cant be any worse then doing nothing, and allowing safe haven for terrorists who are killing our men and women in uniform, can it?

Its an idea mate, chillax :laugh2: :coffee:

I wouldn't say I have a plan, I would say I have ideas. Do YOU ever have ideas? Do YOU think that Martin's plan to nuke Pakistan is a good idea?

for right now, let's just say that it sounds like I think that dropping nuclear weapons on northwestern Pakistan is a stupid, barbaric and altogether profoundly counterproductive act.

02-28-2008, 04:22 PM
ME: and again, you offer no solution except to personally attack me, by calling me names, thats classy :laugh2:

I am not attacking you. I am saying that I find your naivete and thoughtless agression to be disturbing. that's a fact.

02-28-2008, 04:23 PM
here we go :laugh2:

You seem to forget what wil happen if we nuke Pakistan.

ME: not all of pakistan, just the tribal areas, that the government has no control over now

First since they are our allies that will make out allies wonder if they are next.

ME: they are not our truly allies, just allies of convience.

Second you seem to forget that they have nukes as well, what do you think they will do if we fire ours at them?

ME: if they do anything stupid, they will pay

Just sit there? Not likely more likely they will fire back and if they can't hit us Israel will be their next most likely target.

ME: and if they go after israel, I hope israel nukes them, or if not we should

02-28-2008, 05:00 PM
post 27 remains germane.

The Reverend
02-28-2008, 07:02 PM
here we go :laugh2:

ME: not all of pakistan, just the tribal areas, that the government has no control over now

Doesn't matter it is still part of the country. How would you feel if someone decided to nuke a part of the US that our government couldn't control.
ME: they are not our truly allies, just allies of convience.

Allies none-the-less.
ME: if they do anything stupid, they will pay
Are you really winnling to take that risk? China another Pakistan ally doesn't like us and this would be a good enough excuse for them to attack us. They have plenty of nukes and they can reach us.

ME: and if they go after israel, I hope israel nukes them, or if not we should
Israel is small, one well placed nuke would totally incapicitate them.

Another reason not to. Say we nuke them. Pakistan has another route to get back at us. Give the terrorists nuclear weapons. Something the US is trying to prevent. Are you willing to risk nukes getting into teh hands of the same people that hit us on 9/11? Are you that confident that our borders are secure enough to make sure no one gets through?

02-28-2008, 07:11 PM
fair enough. I am not attacking you either by the way, just your ideas.

I dont think its thoughtless, we need a way to end the sanctuary for terrorists, got any better ideas?

I am not attacking you. I am saying that I find your naivete and thoughtless agression to be disturbing. that's a fact.

02-28-2008, 08:28 PM
fair enough. I am not attacking you either by the way, just your ideas.

I dont think its thoughtless, we need a way to end the sanctuary for terrorists, got any better ideas?

do I have any better ideas than dropping nuclear weapons on Pakistan?

as many ideas as there are stars in the heavens.

dropping nuclear weapons on Pakistan and killing thousands of innocent civilians would absolutely ENRAGE the Islamic world to the point where terrorists wouldn't need "sanctuary"...the muslims who opposed violent retribution against America would need sanctuary.

I think we need to really ramp up our HUMINT capabilities and activities.
I think we need to get special operations teams trained up and trained up fast and drop them into those areas where we have actionable intelligence.
I think we need to consider cruise missile attacks on strong intelligence that are targeted to totally minimize collateral damage.
I think we need to do the hard investigative work necessary to seize their funds and cut off their funding sources.
I think we need to work extremely hard at rebuilding relationships with arab nations so that they might assist us in all of the above.

that's five that I just rattled off the top of my head....but again...anything is better than doing something profoundly stupid that would most certainly make matters infinitely worse than they are now.

It is like....
me: "your house in on fire, martin...what do you suggest"?
you: "how about siphoning off the gas from my car and pouring it on the house?
me: "that is naive and incredibly stupid"
you: "got any better ideas?"
me: "damn near anything else would be better"

it's like that.

02-28-2008, 08:55 PM
Well, sounds reaonsboel, I admit i was a bit rash, and harsh. :laugh2:

do I have any better ideas than dropping nuclear weapons on Pakistan?

as many ideas as there are stars in the heavens.

dropping nuclear weapons on Pakistan and killing thousands of innocent civilians would absolutely ENRAGE the Islamic world to the point where terrorists wouldn't need "sanctuary"...the muslims who opposed violent retribution against America would need sanctuary.

I think we need to really ramp up our HUMINT capabilities and activities.
I think we need to get special operations teams trained up and trained up fast and drop them into those areas where we have actionable intelligence.
I think we need to consider cruise missile attacks on strong intelligence that are targeted to totally minimize collateral damage.
I think we need to do the hard investigative work necessary to seize their funds and cut off their funding sources.
I think we need to work extremely hard at rebuilding relationships with arab nations so that they might assist us in all of the above.

that's five that I just rattled off the top of my head....but again...anything is better than doing something profoundly stupid that would most certainly make matters infinitely worse than they are now.

It is like....
me: "your house in on fire, martin...what do you suggest"?
you: "how about siphoning off the gas from my car and pouring it on the house?
me: "that is naive and incredibly stupid"
you: "got any better ideas?"
me: "damn near anything else would be better"

it's like that.