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View Full Version : Aussie Oscar winner Eva Orner slams US as 'war criminals'

02-26-2008, 02:46 AM
The Australian filmmaker won an Academy Award for best feature documentary as co-producer of Taxi to the Dark Side, a film about the US Government's use of torture in its war against terror.

The documentary features interviews with US soldiers who participated in the torture of suspects in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay.

Orner said she did not blame low-ranking soldiers for such behaviour.

"Obviously, everyone's responsible for their own actions, but you put people in bad situations who are ill-equipped, not trained, under enormous pressure and getting orders from above to do bad things," she told ABC Radio from Los Angeles today.

"I don't really believe it is terribly much their fault, it comes from much higher sources. The current administration are a bunch of war criminals and they need to be stopped. People need to know what's going on."

Orner said she was surprised such a dark film - directed by Alex Gibney - had won the Oscar.

"This is one of the toughest films I think either of us has made," she said.

"It wasn't a lot of fun."


02-26-2008, 04:04 AM
Bush thinks her name is Eva Ornery :cheers2:

02-26-2008, 04:34 AM
Bush thinks her name is Eva Ornery :cheers2:

Well it's also evident.....just cause you might look nice, doesn't mean you have two brain cells that you can rub together and hope it makes you sound smart.......so winning an Oscar doesn't necessarily mean you are.........smart, eh.....:laugh2:

02-26-2008, 04:48 AM

02-26-2008, 06:11 AM
Most people win an Oscar for pretending to be someone else - how bloody weird is that?????? :laugh2:

02-26-2008, 06:27 AM
Most people win an Oscar for pretending to be someone else - how bloody weird is that?????? :laugh2:

Well.........they are actors......no said they were world scholars........

02-26-2008, 07:16 AM
No wonder the TV audience was down 21% from last year. Who wants to watch a bunch of whining ingrates?

02-26-2008, 07:30 AM
So steph...have you SEEN the movie?

02-26-2008, 12:19 PM
So steph...have you SEEN the movie?

Why watch the movie when you can cut-and-paste criticizing articles? Requires a lot less effort and, more importantly, a lot less thinking.

Abbey Marie
02-26-2008, 01:11 PM
Didn't these Oscars have the lowest ratings of all time? People don't want to see these dark, depressing movies (I refer to the Best Picture nominees), therefore don't give a hoot which one wins. And anti-war pics have been box office disasters of late. Hollywood is hopelessly out of synch with the public.

As Dillo has been telling us lately in another thread, IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER.

02-26-2008, 03:31 PM
Why watch the movie when you can cut-and-paste criticizing articles? Requires a lot less effort and, more importantly, a lot less thinking.

you should win an oscar..you repeat the same lines over and over and over....:coffee:

02-26-2008, 03:34 PM
ooooooo... slamming the US about the war. that is why she won....just so.....original, ya know? a breath of freash air with that in depth and thought provoking...um....thought.

02-26-2008, 06:40 PM
Well.........they are actors......no said they were world scholars........

Exactly! And guess what? They speak words someone else wrote for them! :laugh2:

02-26-2008, 06:41 PM
ooooooo... slamming the US about the war. that is why she won....just so.....original, ya know? a breath of freash air with that in depth and thought provoking...um....thought.

So, let's see how her film does in the markeplace of ideas.

02-26-2008, 07:00 PM
So steph...have you SEEN the movie?

Nope.....we don't have a theater in my town of 350 people..

Your point???:poke:

02-27-2008, 12:26 AM
how do i contact this liberal piece of garbage?

The Australian filmmaker won an Academy Award for best feature documentary as co-producer of Taxi to the Dark Side, a film about the US Government's use of torture in its war against terror.

The documentary features interviews with US soldiers who participated in the torture of suspects in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay.

Orner said she did not blame low-ranking soldiers for such behaviour.

"Obviously, everyone's responsible for their own actions, but you put people in bad situations who are ill-equipped, not trained, under enormous pressure and getting orders from above to do bad things," she told ABC Radio from Los Angeles today.

"I don't really believe it is terribly much their fault, it comes from much higher sources. The current administration are a bunch of war criminals and they need to be stopped. People need to know what's going on."

Orner said she was surprised such a dark film - directed by Alex Gibney - had won the Oscar.

"This is one of the toughest films I think either of us has made," she said.

"It wasn't a lot of fun."


02-27-2008, 12:31 AM
how do i contact this liberal piece of garbage?

http://www.whitepages.com.au :laugh2:

02-27-2008, 02:31 AM
Most people win an Oscar for pretending to be someone else - how bloody weird is that?????? :laugh2:

This one just pretended something that's not true is true. Not a big difference.

02-27-2008, 02:35 AM
Not a very big surprise is it? Hollywood supporting a "documentary" depicting the US as war criminals. What a surprise. I thought Hollywood was all for the war. Let me know when any of the movie producers or those that choose who wins Oscars get a law degree.

Oh, and isnt it completely amusing that Hollywood spends billions of dollars creating violent movies for little children to see and then turns around and denounces those little children when they grow up and actually are violent? I mean if they hate war so much why dont they stop glorifying it?

02-27-2008, 02:47 AM
This one just pretended something that's not true is true. Not a big difference.

I haven't seen the film so you've got me at a disadvantage.

02-27-2008, 02:48 AM
Not a very big surprise is it? Hollywood supporting a "documentary" depicting the US as war criminals. What a surprise. I thought Hollywood was all for the war. Let me know when any of the movie producers or those that choose who wins Oscars get a law degree.

Oh, and isnt it completely amusing that Hollywood spends billions of dollars creating violent movies for little children to see and then turns around and denounces those little children when they grow up and actually are violent? I mean if they hate war so much why dont they stop glorifying it?

Hollywood has made billions out of glorifying war. They've also made billions out of condemning it. Either way they can't lose.

02-27-2008, 03:07 AM
Given a truly international Court of War Crimes gwb and Tony Blair would certainly be held accountable for their war crimes.

02-27-2008, 03:13 AM
Given a truly international Court of War Crimes gwb and Tony Blair would certainly be held accountable for their war crimes.

Just read a really interesting novel by Robert Harris - "Ghost". Very interesting storyline about the retired British PM "Adam Lang". It wasn't a roman a clef or something but I kept seeing good old Tony every time Harris' protagonist mentioned Lang.

02-27-2008, 03:19 AM
I'll be certain to read that book, doc, and thanks alot!!!!!!!!!

Just read a really interesting novel by Robert Harris - "Ghost". Very interesting storyline about the retired British PM "Adam Lang". It wasn't a roman a clef or something but I kept seeing good old Tony every time Harris' protagonist mentioned Lang.

Wasn't that book profiled on C-Span BookTV a week or so ago?

02-27-2008, 04:11 AM
Okay, she isn't really taking a swipe at troops, she's particular about stating the admin, the people in charge of the troops. And yes, when you send troops into minus basics like blankets, bulletproof, and proper medical facilities, then yeah, you're gonna get bitch slapped for a good long time.

She is slapping all americans even, just the president, and hell, 70% percent of the country does that much already, so I see no particular problem with this.

Didn't see the movie either, because, well, I go to be entertained at the movies, and there are too many of these coming out, although I am giving a look at Stop-Loss.

02-27-2008, 04:14 AM
Are you drunk or stupid, DS'72? What's your poison?

02-27-2008, 04:27 AM
Are you drunk or stupid, DS'72? What's your poison?

Well, if you bother to read the article and not the headline, then you'll see that she was specific in what she said. As to people bad mouthing Bush, look at just about every single thread on this forum, then go to other political forums. Even other republicans have gone against Bush & Co. by this point, I mean, it's not like she said it two days after 9/11. I'm not even saying she's right or wrong, I'm saying that she has that right.

She isn't saying anything controversial, it was a very safe subject. It's her American right to be as pissed as she wants with the admin, same as you. Our liberty allows for that.

02-27-2008, 04:38 AM
I responded more to your post than the article, DS'72. What's that you said about her dissing all Americans? She is not an American so why or how do you suspect she should claim her American rights? Two questions, DS'72, please address both of them.

02-27-2008, 04:57 AM
I haven't seen the film so you've got me at a disadvantage.

One doesnt have to see the film to know that they have no case for the war criminals claim. if they did, we would be seeing it in court, not a "documentary". And with Hollywoods track record of of supporting political documentaries, i see no reason to take it seriously.

02-27-2008, 05:07 AM
She isn't dissing all Americans, just the administration. It's her right, from our perspective, or did you miss that little section of our opening documents?

We didn't say Americans are entitled to Free Speech, we see it as a basic human right. Read the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights, I swear to you, it's in there.

Free speech means accepting that, sometimes, people are going to say things you don't like, and don't agree with. She has that right.

02-27-2008, 05:12 AM
She isn't dissing all Americans, just the administration. It's her right, from our perspective, or did you miss that little section of our opening documents?

We didn't say Americans are entitled to Free Speech, we see it as a basic human right. Read the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights, I swear to you, it's in there.

Free speech means accepting that, sometimes, people are going to say things you don't like, and don't agree with. She has that right.

You keep saying she isn't bashing the troops...what do you call this..

"Obviously, everyone's responsible for their own actions, but you put people in bad situations who are ill-equipped, not trained, under enormous pressure and getting orders from above to do bad things," she told ABC Radio from Los Angeles today.

and you're right she has the freedom of speech....and we have the freedom to call her a stupid ignorant bitch for saying what she said...

02-27-2008, 06:23 AM
I'll be certain to read that book, doc, and thanks alot!!!!!!!!!

Wasn't that book profiled on C-Span BookTV a week or so ago?

Dunno PB, I can't get C-Span here. But it was a really good read, Harris is not just a very good writer, he's also got a fine eye for irony.

02-27-2008, 06:27 AM
One doesnt have to see the film to know that they have no case for the war criminals claim. if they did, we would be seeing it in court, not a "documentary". And with Hollywoods track record of of supporting political documentaries, i see no reason to take it seriously.

If you can get hold of "Ghost" the Robert Harris book I mentioned in talking with PB you'll see the problem with getting Bush/Cheney and the rest of the cabal in front of a war crime tribunal. You'll also see that Bush/Cheney when they leave the White House will be very careful about overseas travel. Bush will probably go back to Midland and vegetate there. Cheney will wander the continental US shooting things. Both will probably not travel outside the US a great deal. I loved the reference in the Harris book about "emergency landings".

I don't know if I'll see the film either.

02-27-2008, 08:47 AM
I responded more to your post than the article, DS'72. What's that you said about her dissing all Americans? She is not an American so why or how do you suspect she should claim her American rights? Two questions, DS'72, please address both of them.

he didn't say "American Rights", just that it was her right to say what she wanted.

and what? an Aussie can't have rights but a terroist, drug smuggler and whoever can?

read the post and talk about it instead of being a fucking Troll Psycho.

02-27-2008, 09:09 AM
You keep saying she isn't bashing the troops...what do you call this..

"Obviously, everyone's responsible for their own actions, but you put people in bad situations who are ill-equipped, not trained, under enormous pressure and getting orders from above to do bad things," she told ABC Radio from Los Angeles today.

To me, this comment is not dissing the troops one bit, but is bashing the leadership and authorities over the troops....primarily the orders of the CIC.


02-27-2008, 09:30 AM
To me, this comment is not dissing the troops one bit, but is bashing the leadership and authorities over the troops....primarily the orders of the CIC.


Your opinion dear......I see it differently.......she is saying that our troops are too stupid, and untrained to understand an order...

"Obviously, everyone's responsible for their own actions, but you put people in bad situations who are ill-equipped, not trained, under enormous pressure and getting orders from above to do bad things," she told ABC Radio from Los Angeles today.

and what the hell does an actress know what the hell would go on in a combat situation anyway........what she reads from the rolling stone magazine...

We agree to disagree......I can't stand people like this who live high off in some dream world who probably never has any contact with REAL PEOPLE, and if they do they wear wigs and hid their faces cause they are so much better than the rest of us little people and if those ordinary folks just want to get a peek at them they are bother by them.......all they want is their money from those little people.And then make statements to try and act like they are really really not STUPID.....REALLLLLLLLY MAN :laugh2:

02-27-2008, 12:06 PM
If you can get hold of "Ghost" the Robert Harris book I mentioned in talking with PB you'll see the problem with getting Bush/Cheney and the rest of the cabal in front of a war crime tribunal. You'll also see that Bush/Cheney when they leave the White House will be very careful about overseas travel. Bush will probably go back to Midland and vegetate there. Cheney will wander the continental US shooting things. Both will probably not travel outside the US a great deal. I loved the reference in the Harris book about "emergency landings".

I don't know if I'll see the film either.

I highly doubt the President or Vice President will have any problem traveling anywhere after they are done. unless of course the next President does something very stupid to make people hate Americans.

I'm not saying he is planning a trip to Venezuela or Iran. Those nations are hostile to us and I'm not sure I'd want the actual President going there let alone a former President.

Abbey Marie
02-27-2008, 01:42 PM
Your opinion dear......I see it differently.......she is saying that our troops are too stupid, and untrained to understand an order...

And she is saying the troops are responsible for their own actions. In fact, I don't see any way she is not blaming the troops. She is just blaming the admin even more.

02-28-2008, 02:06 AM
And she is saying the troops are responsible for their own actions. In fact, I don't see any way she is not blaming the troops. She is just blaming the admin even more.here's what she said abbey and stephanie in full context.....i guess for some REASON it is hard for you to comprehend what she said but it is CLEAR as day to me, and she is not bashing the troops but JUST the OPPOSITE!

Orner said she did not blame low-ranking soldiers for such behaviour.

"Obviously, everyone's responsible for their own actions, but you put people in bad situations who are ill-equipped, not trained, under enormous pressure and getting orders from above to do bad things," she told ABC Radio from Los Angeles today.

"I don't really believe it is terribly much their fault, it comes from much higher sources. The current administration are a bunch of war criminals and they need to be stopped. People need to know what's going on."

now, i agree with stephanie that some actress doesn't know poopie about what is going on militarily, but imo she has every right to say her opinion as you and stephanie have noted your opinions of her and what she said, as have i noted my opinion! all's ok!

free speech is not that complicated to me!


02-28-2008, 02:11 AM
The Australian filmmaker won an Academy Award for best feature documentary as co-producer of Taxi to the Dark Side, a film about the US Government's use of torture in its war against terror.

The documentary features interviews with US soldiers who participated in the torture of suspects in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay.

Orner said she did not blame low-ranking soldiers for such behaviour.

"Obviously, everyone's responsible for their own actions, but you put people in bad situations who are ill-equipped, not trained, under enormous pressure and getting orders from above to do bad things," she told ABC Radio from Los Angeles today.

"I don't really believe it is terribly much their fault, it comes from much higher sources. The current administration are a bunch of war criminals and they need to be stopped. People need to know what's going on."

Orner said she was surprised such a dark film - directed by Alex Gibney - had won the Oscar.

"This is one of the toughest films I think either of us has made," she said.

"It wasn't a lot of fun."


This bitch needs to be clipped too.

02-28-2008, 02:14 AM
here's what she said abbey and Stephanie in full context.....i guess for some REASON it is hard for you to comprehend what she said but it is CLEAR as day to me, and she is not bashing the troops but JUST the OPPOSITE!

now, i agree with Stephanie that some actress doesn't know poopie about what is going on militarily, but IMO she has every right to say her opinion as you and Stephanie have noted your opinions of her and what she said, as have i noted my opinion! all's ok!

free speech is not that complicated to me!


jeesh Jd...I said in my earlier post we will have to agree to disagree...
I just don't appreciate foreign movie actors coming to our homes and insulting us..........Hell I don't like too many of the movie actors and actresses today...I'm just old and grumpy that way...

we be cool...:cheers2:

Abbey Marie
02-28-2008, 09:35 AM
No, JD, I am having no comprehension problems. Just what part of "everyone is responsible for their own actions" do you not understand?

Let's break it down:
Film-maker says: Everyone is responsible for their own actions.
Everyone includes the group "soldiers"
Actions= torture, etc.
Torture, etc. = evil, bad
Conclusion: Soldiers = evil, bad.

Perhaps you'd like to explain to us how someone can be responsible for their own condemned actions, yet not to blame for them?

As I said, she is just blaming the admin more, which is the lefty PC thing to do these days. She is not giving the soldiers a pass by any means, and to think she is is naive.