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View Full Version : Illegal immigration momentum up or down

02-29-2008, 08:28 AM
There is a lot of news about states, cities and communities that offer illegal immigrants protection or sanction but, more and more states are addressing illegal immigration as a state issue as the economy slows down.

I thought it would be a worthwhile debate topic to gauge the temperature in different states as to how the average person sees the issue within their states and communities.

Texas is having a referendum on whether or not to enforce or cooperate with federal immigration law enforcement. Reports are that it will pass overwhelmingly and the state will be cleansed of illegal Mexican immigrants in upcoming years. As more and more states take these actions other states that now seem to welcome illegals will have to welcome more and more illegals to the point there will be a tipping point.

Politicians have wet dreams of illegal immigrants voting for their political party into infinity so the question for debate is who will win, the politicians or the American people? Will there be more or less illegal immigrants in the US by 2012 when we go to the polls once again?

02-29-2008, 01:18 PM
I think the people will win this one.

As to your question on the number of illegals in 2012, IF the fence is completed, the states continue toughening up their laws and ICE continues to deport almost 300,000 per year than yes I see the number going down considerably.