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Pale Rider
03-01-2008, 03:53 AM
McCain Refuses To Pander

By Stephen Dinan
February 14, 2008

EXIT POLL: Sen. John McCain shared a laugh with Reps. Roy Blunt (left), John A. Boehner (behind) and Adam H. Putnam (right) at the Capitol Hill Club yesterday, but the party is still far from unified behind his Republican presidential candidacy.

John McCain's campaign manager yesterday said the candidate will not pander for conservative support, even as his surrogates have made a second overture to see why chief competitor Mike Huckabee has not dropped out of the Republican presidential race.


Just for you rev.... now tell me again how ALL the conservatives are behind mclame.... :laugh:

03-01-2008, 04:24 AM
or you could make up a bunch of overblown lies, and tear the party apart, what a great idea, lets give a bunch of socialists all three branches of government...

03-01-2008, 05:47 AM
but the party is still far from unified behind his Republican presidential candidacy

it's true....some of the more weakminded are still holding out......

The Reverend
03-01-2008, 09:08 AM
The Rushbots need deprograming.

03-01-2008, 09:39 AM
He only panders to liberals.

The Reverend
03-01-2008, 10:11 AM
He only panders to liberals.

Again that is not true. His record says opposite.

03-01-2008, 10:39 AM
McCain refuses to pander...? Pandering is the basis of his whole campaign.

03-01-2008, 11:41 AM
He has definitely lost some support in Southwest Ohio by apologizing for Bill Cunningham's mentioning of Obama's middle name, Hussein, while introducing him in Ohio last week. It made him look like a poltical correctness junkie. Just when some of the local talk show hosts were starting to warm up to him. He isn't racking up any new points with Conservatives,that's for sure.

03-01-2008, 12:15 PM
Again that is not true. His record says opposite.

Oh really?

McCain Kennedy?
McCain Feingold?
McCain Lieberman?
McCain Daschle?
The 'Gang of 14'?
$50.00 an hour to pick lettuce? (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?t=10765)

That's a broken record that doesn't belong in the White House.

The Reverend
03-01-2008, 12:34 PM
Oh really?

McCain Kennedy?
McCain Feingold?
McCain Lieberman?
McCain Daschle?
The 'Gang of 14'?
$50.00 an hour to pick lettuce? (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?t=10765)

That's a broken record that doesn't belong in the White House.

Another Rushbot I see.


83% lifetime conservative rating (the same as Reagan)
NEVER voted for a tax hike.
NO earmarks.
Was RIGHT about how the war should be handled.

McCain is almost a photocopy of Reagan, reaching across the aisle (Reagan Democrats), voting record, military stance. The difference is that Reagan approved tax hikes and McCain has not. Reagan pushed a true amnesty bill McCain has not.

I like FACT as compared to the Rush myths and lies

03-01-2008, 12:45 PM
Another Rushbot I see.


83% lifetime conservative rating (the same as Reagan)
NEVER voted for a tax hike.
NO earmarks.
Was RIGHT about how the war should be handled.

McCain is almost a photocopy of Reagan, reaching across the aisle (Reagan Democrats), voting record, military stance. The difference is that Reagan approved tax hikes and McCain has not. Reagan pushed a true amnesty bill McCain has not.

I like FACT as compared to the Rush myths and lies

Rush is a blowhard and I don't listen to him. I have a job that keeps me from listening to the radio during working hours. How about defending the statement I made instead of hitting me with a puff piece? Defend them with the facts that you enjoy so much.

The Reverend
03-01-2008, 01:29 PM
Rush is a blowhard and I don't listen to him. I have a job that keeps me from listening to the radio during working hours. How about defending the statement I made instead of hitting me with a puff piece? Defend them with the facts that you enjoy so much.

OK First FACT is that McCain Kennedy is not an amnesty bill. I requires them to GO BACK HOME to apply for a visa or citizenship, as well as pay fines for breaking the law.

Second fact is that McCain Feinngold has done NOTHING to stop free speech.
More people are involved in donating to candidates and causes than before the legislation. Fact is NO conservative has called for its repeal.

Third FACT Lieberman-McCain wouls not have affected businesses the way you claim.
If passed, it would have capped 2010 CO2 emissions at the 2000 level. Residential and agricultural areas, as well as areas deemed "not feasible", would be exempt. The bill would have also established a scholarship at the National Academy of Sciences for those studying climatology.

Fourth FACT the gang of fourteen,
This group of seven Republicans and Seven Democrats (representing a full 14% of the US Senate, obviously) ultimately broke the logjam that had delayed confirmation of some of the most conservative nominees of President Bush. Because of McCain’s leadership, Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Samuel Alito won Supreme Court confirmation without filibuster from the Democrats. He also secured the previously blocked confirmations of Appellate Judges William Pryor, Janice Rogers Brown, Priscilla Owen, and Brett Kavanaugh, previously filibustered by Democrats. At the same time, McCain and his “gang” managed to protect the right to filibuster – an important tool with obvious value now that Republicans find themselves in the minority. McCain has never opposed a Republican nominee for the Supreme Court; unlike some of his prominent fellow Republicans, he actively supported the nomination of Judge Robert Bork. His disagreement with Senate Republican leader Bill Frist on the “Gang of Fourteen” issues involved questions of tactics, not the goal of securing a judiciary that honors the principles of strict construction..

The rest is in th st "puff piece" which is fact unlike your fictional article.

Even going on the premise that those were liberal acts (which they weren't)
Fact it that he still has NEVER ONCE voted for a tax increase (unlike ALL the other candidates). Has a 83% lifetime conservative rating form the ACU.
Has not requested ANY earmarks.

Another fact is that if he is so bad on immigration why then has Arizona (one of the hardest hit by illegals) re-elected him over and over and most of the time by a very large majority.

The Reverend
03-01-2008, 01:40 PM
I wonder why if no Conservative like McCain and will not vote for him, how he is winning the nomination and why the "real" conservatives are now out of the running. If there were that many "true" conservatives against McCain surely they could have defeated him by now.

What happened to all those "true" conservative candidates?

Or did the "true" conservatives choose not to vote for their conservative candidate and let the Dems purposely win?

My thought is that most true conservatives (not neocons or brainwashed Rushbots) realize that McCain is both a conservative and the best way to beat the Democrats.

03-01-2008, 01:43 PM
I wonder why if no Conservative like McCain and will not vote for him, how he is winning the nomination and why the "real" conservatives are now out of the running. If there were that many "true" conservatives against McCain surely they could have defeated him by now.

What happened to all those "true" conservative candidates?

Or did the "true" conservatives choose not to vote for their conservative candidate and let the Dems purposely win?

My thought is that most true conservatives (not neocons or brainwashed Rushbots) realize that McCain is both a conservative and the best way to beat the Democrats.

because the gop does winner take all and has open primaries......have you noticed the total votes cast by dems vs the total votes cast by pubs......doesn't look good for the pubs....

Pale Rider
03-01-2008, 02:12 PM
I wonder why if no Conservative like McCain and will not vote for him, how he is winning the nomination and why the "real" conservatives are now out of the running. If there were that many "true" conservatives against McCain surely they could have defeated him by now.

What happened to all those "true" conservative candidates?

Or did the "true" conservatives choose not to vote for their conservative candidate and let the Dems purposely win?

My thought is that most true conservatives (not neocons or brainwashed Rushbots) realize that McCain is both a conservative and the best way to beat the Democrats.

Aside from the fact that you look like one of nevadamedics friends he's put up to joining the board and doing your best you rah rah for mclame, you did however hit on something very important, and that's the apparent fact that "true" conservatives are numbering fewer and fewer every year. The moral attitude of this country is falling further and further into the toilet with the passing of every generation. The people taking the places of the great Americans that built this country are no longer reflecting their past, or appreciative of the blood, sweat and tears it took to build it. This country is turning liberal. juan mccain is a liberal. That's why he's picked up the votes of so many democrats and swing voters that don't like hussein or hitlery. He's just liberal enough for many democrats. That is how he's gotten to where he is. But, had the "true" conservative vote not been split between Romney, Huckabee, Hunter, Tancredo and Paul, mclame would be the one that's had to drop out, because the "true" conservative vote was split into so many different places, practically none of which mccain received. And now mccain realizes he needs the conservative vote to win the general election. Problem is, he doesn't have it, and as the article states, "he's not going to pander to the conservatives to get it." Well, get used to saying "President obama."

The Reverend
03-01-2008, 02:25 PM
Joined the board on my own. Don't know anybody here.

McCain's Conservative rating is higher or about the same as all those you listed.

JOHN McCain is not a liberal and you can't have haven't proven otherwise.

So I guess you think Reagan was a liberal as well. Seeing as Reagan pick up Democrat Independent, and swing votes.

Facts mean nothing to you do they.

The Reverend
03-01-2008, 02:26 PM
because the gop does winner take all and has open primaries......have you noticed the total votes cast by dems vs the total votes cast by pubs......doesn't look good for the pubs....

Sorry the primaries are decided state by state and alll are not "open"

03-01-2008, 02:31 PM
Sorry the primaries are decided state by state and alll are not "open"

the closed primaries were won by whom....and the open ones....and tell me which ones were not winner take all.....

lastly how do you see sydney closing the gap in the number of voters.....people are voting dem almost 2:1

Pale Rider
03-01-2008, 02:32 PM
Joined the board on my own. Don't know anybody here.

McCain's Conservative rating is higher or about the same as all those you listed.

JOHN McCain is not a liberal and you can't have haven't proven otherwise.

So I guess you think Reagan was a liberal as well. Seeing as Reagan pick up Democrat Independent, and swing votes.

Facts mean nothing to you do they.

mclame wouldn't make a pimple on Reagons ass. mclame is a RINO.

The Reverend
03-01-2008, 02:42 PM
the closed primaries were won by whom....and the open ones....and tell me which ones were not winner take all.....

lastly how do you see sydney closing the gap in the number of voters.....people are voting dem almost 2:1

Never argued the point that dems are coming out in droves.

The Reverend
03-01-2008, 02:45 PM
mclame wouldn't make a pimple on Reagons ass. mclame is a RINO.

That funny when their policies are almost the same.

You are a hypocrit and a Rushbot.

03-01-2008, 02:48 PM
McCain is the biggest panderer on the Republican side. Since when is asking him to stand on principles pandering?

Pale Rider
03-01-2008, 03:00 PM
That funny when their policies are almost the same.

You are a hypocrit and a Rushbot.

Well you've been touting how wrong I am, I guess it's my turn now... first off, I rarely listen to Limbaugh. I'd rather listen to music. Second, I've said absolutely nothing to make me a hypocrite, and by the way, hypocrite is the correct spelling, not hypocrit. Not very smart are you?

Your throwing mud to see how much will stick now... problem is cherry, you haven't been here long enough to even have a clue who you're fucking with, and all the rest of us old timers that have been here for years know just exactly moronic you sound.

Take a time out son... regroup... you need it, and new approach.

03-01-2008, 03:41 PM
Never argued the point that dems are coming out in droves.

and your analysis of the gop primaries....and the impact of winner take all and open vs closed....

03-01-2008, 04:02 PM
OK First FACT is that McCain Kennedy is not an amnesty bill. I requires them to GO BACK HOME to apply for a visa or citizenship, as well as pay fines for breaking the law.

So you have just placed a $2000.00 price tag on American citizenship. That's just peachy. Amnesty gives innocence to a guilty person. That is what his bill would do.

Second fact is that McCain Feinngold has done NOTHING to stop free speech.
More people are involved in donating to candidates and causes than before the legislation. Fact is NO conservative has called for its repeal.

Really? Since 2003, when the Supreme Court upheld it, McCain-Feingold has failed spectacularly in its stated goal of reining in fat-cat donors. Yet its uncompromising language has helped to gag practically every other politically active entity--from advocacy groups to labor unions. Now the FEC is being asked to censor another segment of society, the millions of individuals who engage in political activity online. (http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110006458)

Third FACT Lieberman-McCain wouls not have affected businesses the way you claim.
If passed, it would have capped 2010 CO2 emissions at the 2000 level. Residential and agricultural areas, as well as areas deemed "not feasible", would be exempt. The bill would have also established a scholarship at the National Academy of Sciences for those studying climatology.

In other words he was pandering to liberals.

Fourth FACT the gang of fourteen,
This group of seven Republicans and Seven Democrats (representing a full 14% of the US Senate, obviously) ultimately broke the logjam that had delayed confirmation of some of the most conservative nominees of President Bush. Because of McCain’s leadership, Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Samuel Alito won Supreme Court confirmation without filibuster from the Democrats. He also secured the previously blocked confirmations of Appellate Judges William Pryor, Janice Rogers Brown, Priscilla Owen, and Brett Kavanaugh, previously filibustered by Democrats. At the same time, McCain and his “gang” managed to protect the right to filibuster – an important tool with obvious value now that Republicans find themselves in the minority. McCain has never opposed a Republican nominee for the Supreme Court; unlike some of his prominent fellow Republicans, he actively supported the nomination of Judge Robert Bork. His disagreement with Senate Republican leader Bill Frist on the “Gang of Fourteen” issues involved questions of tactics, not the goal of securing a judiciary that honors the principles of strict construction..

14%? That means 86% disagreed with him. Nice spin on the rest.

The rest is in th st "puff piece" which is fact unlike your fictional article.

Fictional? It was all backed up.

Even going on the premise that those were liberal acts (which they weren't)
Fact it that he still has NEVER ONCE voted for a tax increase (unlike ALL the other candidates). Has a 83% lifetime conservative rating form the ACU.
Has not requested ANY earmarks.

No earmarks? In February 2006, McCain teamed up with fellow Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl on a bill to direct $10 million over five years to help create the William H. Rehnquist Center at the University of Arizona Law School ..... And while, four years before requesting money for the Rehnquist Center, McCain successfully secured $14.3 million for the Luke Air Force base in Arizona, he has more often than not been a vehement critic of congressional pet projects and has shunned the secretive process of earmarks. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2007/10/23/mccain-criticizes-clinton_n_69539.html)

Another fact is that if he is so bad on immigration why then has Arizona (one of the hardest hit by illegals) re-elected him over and over and most of the time by a very large majority.

Running against a democrat in a republican state. Nice try.

03-01-2008, 05:09 PM
He has definitely lost some support in Southwest Ohio by apologizing for Bill Cunningham's mentioning of Obama's middle name, Hussein, while introducing him in Ohio last week. It made him look like a poltical correctness junkie. Just when some of the local talk show hosts were starting to warm up to him. He isn't racking up any new points with Conservatives,that's for sure.

God forbid their is a campaign respectful in tone. The American people are sick of the flame throwers and this sully partisanship, the Republican party as a whole would be wise to realize this. Especially if Obama is the nominee.

The Reverend
03-01-2008, 05:32 PM
Well you've been touting how wrong I am, I guess it's my turn now... first off, I rarely listen to Limbaugh. I'd rather listen to music. Second, I've said absolutely nothing to make me a hypocrite, and by the way, hypocrite is the correct spelling, not hypocrit. Not very smart are you?

Your throwing mud to see how much will stick now... problem is cherry, you haven't been here long enough to even have a clue who you're fucking with, and all the rest of us old timers that have been here for years know just exactly moronic you sound.

Take a time out son... regroup... you need it, and new approach.
Princess I have been debatingolitical sites for a long time and I know a moron when I see one.
Don't care who you think you are or how bad you think you are.
Love the only way that you can prove me wrong is by attacking my misspelling.

and your analysis of the gop primaries....and the impact of winner take all and open vs closed....
All i was saying was that not all primaries were open.

03-01-2008, 05:35 PM
So you have just placed a $2000.00 price tag on American citizenship. That's just peachy. Amnesty gives innocence to a guilty person. That is what his bill would do.

Who is the candidate proposing to deport all illegals? No one, it's impossible pipe dream, making them pay back taxes, pay a fine, learn English, and get at the back of the line, is a way to deal with those in-between after the borders are secure. And is not amnesty.

Really? Since 2003, when the Supreme Court upheld it, McCain-Feingold has failed spectacularly in its stated goal of reining in fat-cat donors. Yet its uncompromising language has helped to gag practically every other politically active entity--from advocacy groups to labor unions. Now the FEC is being asked to censor another segment of society, the millions of individuals who engage in political activity online. (http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110006458)

This is amazing, really every other entity, those 527 groups are gaged right, limiting the amount of personal donations will not take out big money if more individuals contribute. When the process is dominated by pandering to the ultra rich, or corporate interests, then we get candidates beholden to their 'investors' and we the people get subbed out, we lose our voice, our 1st Amendment rights.

In other words he was pandering to liberals.

Pandering, give me a break, McCain has never pandered to anyone.

14%? That means 86% disagreed with him. Nice spin on the rest.

The gang of 14 is what got an up or down vote on Bush's nominee's, pure and simple. Otherwise they would have waited until the Democrats took over and every last one would have been voted down, McCain got many approved. It's a slanderous lie to say he formed that group for some liberal alternative motive. It was to protect the filibuster, something Republicans are again finding use for, and to get an up or down vote on the nominee's. And what are you talking about, it got them the up or down votes, clearly 86% didn't disagree, clearly a majority agreed.

Fictional? It was all backed up.

No earmarks? In February 2006, McCain teamed up with fellow Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl on a bill to direct $10 million over five years to help create the William H. Rehnquist Center at the University of Arizona Law School ..... And while, four years before requesting money for the Rehnquist Center, McCain successfully secured $14.3 million for the Luke Air Force base in Arizona, he has more often than not been a vehement critic of congressional pet projects and has shunned the secretive process of earmarks. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2007/10/23/mccain-criticizes-clinton_n_69539.html)

Throughout McCain's entire career in the Senate, he has never requested an unauthorized earmark. Learn the difference between earmarks before you attack him here.

Running against a democrat in a republican state. Nice try.


The Reverend
03-01-2008, 05:47 PM
So you have just placed a $2000.00 price tag on American citizenship. That's just peachy. Amnesty gives innocence to a guilty person. That is what his bill would do. It does more then that quite a bit more.

Really? Since 2003, when the Supreme Court upheld it, McCain-Feingold has failed spectacularly in its stated goal of reining in fat-cat donors. Yet its uncompromising language has helped to gag practically every other politically active entity--from advocacy groups to labor unions. Now the FEC is being asked to censor another segment of society, the millions of individuals who engage in political activity online. (http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110006458)
Siting OPINION does not make it fact

14%? That means 86% disagreed with him. Nice spin on the rest.
Not spin but fact

Fictional? It was all backed up.
Maybe fiction was too strong, distorted is a better word.

No earmarks? In February 2006, McCain teamed up with fellow Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl on a bill to direct $10 million over five years to help create the William H. Rehnquist Center at the University of Arizona Law School ..... And while, four years before requesting money for the Rehnquist Center, McCain successfully secured $14.3 million for the Luke Air Force base in Arizona, he has more often than not been a vehement critic of congressional pet projects and has shunned the secretive process of earmarks. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2007/10/23/mccain-criticizes-clinton_n_69539.html)

Try again.

Running against a democrat in a republican state. Nice try.
Not going to cut it since you say that McCain is a liberal anyway. What difference would it make?

03-01-2008, 05:51 PM
All i was saying was that not all primaries were open.

and which closed primaries did sydney win......

Pale Rider
03-01-2008, 06:01 PM
God forbid their is a campaign respectful in tone. The American people are sick of the flame throwers and this sully partisanship, the Republican party as a whole would be wise to realize this. Especially if Obama is the nominee.

If you haven't noticed mister mccain campaign plant number 2, the republican party is split, it is no longer a "whole." Many have LEFT the republican party, MANY, that are true, non sell out, conservatives such as myself, where compromise and holding you nose isn't part of our program. Voting for a TRUE conservative, which mccain certainly is NOT, is what we will do, and this year, it won't be for a republican.

If hussein is the dem nominee, AND he wins, then I would suggest if people don't like it to wise up, and quit voting liberals into nominations during primaries and we won't have that problem anymore. Thing is though, if hussein is elected President, then the American people are going get exactly what they deserve.

03-01-2008, 06:02 PM
Who is the candidate proposing to deport all illegals? No one, it's impossible pipe dream, making them pay back taxes, pay a fine, learn English, and get at the back of the line, is a way to deal with those in-between after the borders are secure. And is not amnesty.

Did I mention deportation? How do you expect them to pay back taxes on a stolen identification? Did you know that when two people are depositing SSAN funds into the same account that neither gets credit for it? How about reparations to actual Americans that get fucked by your plan? How do you feel about placing a $2,000.00 price tag on my birthright? As I said, it is amnesty. You are granting innocence to a guilty party. Read the dictionary if you don't believe me.

This is amazing, really every other entity, those 527 groups are gaged right, limiting the amount of personal donations will not take out big money if more individuals contribute. When the process is dominated by pandering to the ultra rich, or corporate interests, then we get candidates beholden to their 'investors' and we the people get subbed out, we lose our voice, our 1st Amendment rights.

Limiting? Your words, not mine. You just infringed upon my 1st Amendment Right.

Pandering, give me a break, McCain has never pandered to anyone.

Nope, not a soul. Not the illegals. Not the enviro's. Nope. No one.

The gang of 14 is what got an up or down vote on Bush's nominee's, pure and simple. Otherwise they would have waited until the Democrats took over and every last one would have been voted down, McCain got many approved. It's a slanderous lie to say he formed that group for some liberal alternative motive. It was to protect the filibuster, something Republicans are again finding use for, and to get an up or down vote on the nominee's. And what are you talking about, it got them the up or down votes, clearly 86% didn't disagree, clearly a majority agreed.

So the filibuster was designed to be used on judicial nominees?

Throughout McCain's entire career in the Senate, he has never requested an unauthorized earmark. Learn the difference between earmarks before you attack him here.

Hey Sunshine, why don't you show me where earmarks are authorized in the Constitution? I think I missed that part.

Pale Rider
03-01-2008, 06:07 PM
....... what's that?.......

Do you drink.... too much? Ever hear about the old "first impression?" You know... try and make a good one? Well your's is in the toilet right now plow boy. Maybe that's how they act in slambutt mountain cowtown, TX, but around here, you'll get a lot better debate from people if you don't come on like a gang buster from hell... that drinks... and can't spell worth shit all while disrespecting everyone on the board.

The Reverend
03-01-2008, 06:11 PM
and which closed primaries did sydney win......
New York
District of Columbia
California Republicans currently have a closed primary.


Now granted this is just the list of closed primaries that he won and lost

The Reverend
03-01-2008, 06:14 PM
....... what's that?.......

Do you drink.... too much? Ever hear about the old "first impression?" You know... try and make a good one? Well your's is in the toilet right now plow boy. Maybe that's how they act in slambutt mountain cowtown, TX, but around here, you'll get a lot better debate from people if you don't come on like a gang buster from hell... that drinks... and can't spell worth shit all while disrespecting everyone on the board.
Debating on political
Don't drink and didn't realize you were the spelling police princess. I amnot disrespecting everyone princess just you and a couple of others. Besides I was nice till that rep I got from you.

03-01-2008, 06:15 PM
If you haven't noticed mister mccain campaign plant number 2, the republican party is split, it is no longer a "whole." Many have LEFT the republican party, MANY, that are true, non sell out, conservatives such as myself, where compromise and holding you nose isn't part of our program. Voting for a TRUE conservative, which mccain certainly is NOT, is what we will do, and this year, it won't be for a republican.

If hussein is the dem nominee, AND he wins, then I would suggest if people don't like it to wise up, and quit voting liberals into nominations during primaries and we won't have that problem anymore. Thing is though, if hussein is elected President, then the American people are going get exactly what they deserve.

Well it's something to see that you know more than the American Conservative Union, perhaps I should post their lifetime rating for John McCain how they break down their rating based on his voting record and you can then dispute their results?

03-01-2008, 06:16 PM
It does more then that quite a bit more.
Care to elaborate?

Siting OPINION does not make it fact

The WSJ, a favorite amongst the Open Borders Crowd is a good source of information. The quote wasn't from their Op Ed page.

Not spin but fact

Prove it.

Fictional? It was all backed up.
Maybe fiction was too strong, distorted is a better word.

Show me the distortions.

Try again.

That is two requested earmarks which I quoted and sourced.

03-01-2008, 06:23 PM
Did I mention deportation? How do you expect them to pay back taxes on a stolen identification? Did you know that when two people are depositing SSAN funds into the same account that neither gets credit for it? How about reparations to actual Americans that get fucked by your plan? How do you feel about placing a $2,000.00 price tag on my birthright? As I said, it is amnesty. You are granting innocence to a guilty party. Read the dictionary if you don't believe me.

Wow, what a thought out well reasoned post. So maybe you'll get around to your great solution.

Limiting? Your words, not mine. You just infringed upon my 1st Amendment Right.

My 1st amendment right is infringed because I can't pump millions into a candidate. When money = speech then more peoples 1st amendment rights are violated than a system where everyone gets a say.

Nope, not a soul. Not the illegals. Not the enviro's. Nope. No one.

Sarcasm isn't much of a debate.

So the filibuster was designed to be used on judicial nominees?

The Republicans where threatening the 'nuclear option' with filibusters, and the gang of 14 was created to do away with that, and get enough votes to end the Democrats filibusters so an up or down vote could be make on the Judicial nominees. Perhaps you should do a little reading yourself before pointing me to the dictionary.

Hey Sunshine, why don't you show me where earmarks are authorized in the Constitution? I think I missed that part.

Misrepresentation of the issue, look this one up, I've got to go...



03-01-2008, 06:28 PM
. I drink Juan McAmnesty's Kool-Aid.


Thanks for the non-answers.

Pale Rider
03-01-2008, 06:29 PM
Debating on political
Don't drink and didn't realize you were the spelling police princess. I amnot disrespecting everyone princess just you and a couple of others. Besides I was nice till that rep I got from you.

Well if you don't drink, then your education level is gutter poor, because you can't spell or construct a sentence worth shit.

And you've had a piss poor attitude since before I negged ya slambutt... that's WHY you got the neg duh. Wise up boy. Get your act together and treat people here decent, or you'll have people on your case all the while you're here.

The Reverend
03-01-2008, 08:06 PM
Actually no I was treating people here decent. Just not you. Here is your FIRST post to me

I don't know who is supposed to buy that shit, but that's about as big of a lie that's ever been told. mcillegal was, is, and hasn't denied yet that he's all about giving ALL the illegal aliens amnesty. He even hired this "mexico first" dick head named juan hernandez to help run his campaign.

So whoever wrote up your list, they're fucking cracked.

juan mcamnesty - "is pro illegal alien."
juan mcamnesty - "is a maverick."
juan mcamnesty - "likes to stick it to his own party."
juan mcamnesty - "is the most hated senator by his own party."
juan mcamnesty - "will never get the conservative vote."
juan mcamnesty - "is a RINO."
Now if that is what you call a decent post then you are more fucked up then I originally thought.

My education level is just fine. Guess that you never mistype or make mistakes. Must be nice being perfect.

God you are a true spelling Nazi, can't prove people wrong with facts so you have to attack their spelling.

The Reverend
03-01-2008, 08:10 PM
Care to elaborate?
S.1639 would have created a new class of visa, the "Z visa", that would be given to everyone who was living illegally in the United States on Jan. 1, 2007; this visa would give its holder the legal right to remain in the United States for the rest of their life, and access to a Social Security number. After eight years, the holder of a Z visa would be eligible for a United States Permanent Resident Card (a "green card") if they wanted to have one; they would first have to pay a $2000 fine, and back taxes for some of the period in which they worked. By the normal rules of green cards, five years after that the immigrant could begin the process of becoming a U.S. citizen.

S.1639 would have required such an immigrant to be in their home country when they apply for their green card.

S.1639 would have also ended so-called "chain migration", in which an immigrant who becomes a U.S. citizen can ease the process by which their relatives from outside the country can get green cards. Under the bill, only the spouse and children of a new citizen would be made eligible for green cards.[13]

S.1639 would eliminate the employer-sponsored component of the immigration system and replace it with a point-based "merit" system. Points would be awarded by the USCIS adjudicating officers for a combination of education, job skills, family connections and English proficiency. Sponsorship of a U.S. employer would not be required although additional points would be awarded if a U.S. job offer was available. The labor certification process would also be eliminated. Several family-based immigration categories would also be folded into the point system.

The WSJ, a favorite amongst the Open Borders Crowd is a good source of information. The quote wasn't from their Op Ed page.

Prove it.
I already have. Look at his RECORD and the FACTs about it.

Show me the distortions.Again already have.

03-01-2008, 09:05 PM
you haven't been here long enough to even have a clue who you're fucking with

lol, Rev, your fucking with somebody who never has known what he was talking about.......the only way he knows what "conservative" means is if somebody hands him something he can cut and paste.....if he had to figure out a position based on true conservative fundamentals his brain would melt.......

Many have LEFT the republican party

some of the fringe on the far far right.....the intelligent ones will be back by November......I don't expect to see Pale.....

Well it's something to see that you know more than the American Conservative Union

Pale is so far to the right of the ACU that McCain's 83 rating looks like the equivalent of Obama's 8 rating......

or you'll have people on your case all the while you're here

lol, I said the same things about you and it hasn't cost ME any sleep yet......fact is, if you subtract your rep club points, I probably have a higher rep than you do......

03-01-2008, 11:01 PM
God forbid their is a campaign respectful in tone. The American people are sick of the flame throwers and this sully partisanship, the Republican party as a whole would be wise to realize this. Especially if Obama is the nominee.

what exactly is disrespectful by saying a candidate's name?

What is disrespectful is throwing a guy supporting you under the bus when you haven't even heard what he said.

Pale Rider
03-02-2008, 01:58 AM
lol, Rev, your fucking with somebody who never has known what he was talking about.......the only way he knows what "conservative" means is if somebody hands him something he can cut and paste.....if he had to figure out a position based on true conservative fundamentals his brain would melt.......

some of the fringe on the far far right.....the intelligent ones will be back by November......I don't expect to see Pale.....

Pale is so far to the right of the ACU that McCain's 83 rating looks like the equivalent of Obama's 8 rating......

lol, I said the same things about you and it hasn't cost ME any sleep yet......fact is, if you subtract your rep club points, I probably have a higher rep than you do......

So you didn't get enough the last time you stirred up shit aye prick?

You're like the dog that takes a shit and then turns around and licks his own ass PmP. You've constantly got shit in your mouth. And if your rep sucks it's because you irritate people here. You rarely engage in actual debate. 90% of your posts are simple, quick, sophomoric, smart ass cracks, just like you're doing here again, and people don't like it, or you.

I'd have thought the last time you got embarrassed for being a jerk off you'd have learned. Guess not. Apparently you're just not that bright, because here comes another round of lies, distortions and character assassinations from the ass hat.

Pale Rider
03-02-2008, 02:07 AM
Well it's something to see that you know more than the American Conservative Union, perhaps I should post their lifetime rating for John McCain how they break down their rating based on his voting record and you can then dispute their results?

Perhaps you should admit that you and the Rev are mccain campaign plants sent here to "pander" to us true conservatives and try and get our vote.

Well, it isn't going to happen. Go home, and tell your boss you failed.

03-02-2008, 02:09 AM
personally, id rather seen mcdousche then mcnegro

but, im not gonna badger my dear friend pale into anything

Perhaps you should admit that you and the Rev are mccain campaign plants sent here to "pander" to us true conservatives and try and get our vote.

Well, it isn't going to happen. Go home, and tell your boss you failed.

Pale Rider
03-02-2008, 02:18 AM
personally, id rather seen mcdousche then mcnegro

but, im not gonna badger my dear friend pale into anything

The truth of the matter is pard, that I couldn't vote for mcamnesty and get up the next day and look at myself in the mirror. I have to live with my choices, and mcamnesty isn't my choice. Never was, never will be. He's a RINO, and I hate his stinking, illegal alien loving guts. He can go to hell in a hand basket before he'll ever get my vote, and I know I speak for MILLIONS of other conservatives.

That's why you now see "independent" under my board name. The republican party pushing this liberal gas bag mclame at us has also pushed me out of the party. If mcliberal is the kind of candidates they're expecting me to support, they can go fuck themselves.

The Reverend
03-02-2008, 07:41 AM
Perhaps you should admit that you and the Rev are mccain campaign plants sent here to "pander" to us true conservatives and try and get our vote.

Well, it isn't going to happen. Go home, and tell your boss you failed.

Sorry not a McCain plant. McCain was my second choice, Romney was my first.

03-02-2008, 08:31 AM
And if your rep sucks it's because you irritate people here

lol....Pale, you're such a child.....three fourths of my neg rep has come from you, including yesterday's dose...the rest came from Redstates....both of you made the same mistake, thinking that conservativism is defined by YOU.....you're nothing more than an asterisk on a true conservative's polling data.....

03-02-2008, 08:32 AM
lies, distortions and character assassinations

you mean like "McCain's a liberal"?.........

03-02-2008, 08:34 AM
I know I speak for MILLIONS of other conservatives

ROFL......like all of those who voted for Tancredo?......he did once hold a place of honor in your signature line, didn't he?