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03-26-2009, 03:45 PM
Class scheduling time is here again, my favority. So over the summer I will take.

MicroBiology and the lab
Chemistry (if I need to take to replace)
Algebra (if I don't test out)
Oral communication or ethics

For Fall

Anatomy and phys I
Intro to psychology
Critical thinking

03-26-2009, 03:57 PM
Oral communication

they're teaching people to talk now?.....

Mr. P
03-26-2009, 04:43 PM
they're teaching people to talk now?.....

Only in da South, the rest of the Country ain't got a darn clue.

06-06-2009, 11:05 AM
anyone miss me. I passed chemistry with a B by the way, so done with that.

My summer classes have just started, it's term 2 and I have 4 more weeks of micro-bio and lab. Lots of material, we are covering a chapter a day. I have three to read this weekend. Class is 4 days a week. Wish me luck.

06-06-2009, 01:17 PM
thought you had moved to some WiFi-less zone......

06-06-2009, 04:48 PM
Gas is 2.89 here this weekend.

I think the gov. can kiss the "so called" improvement in the economy goodbye if gas prices keep increasing.

People will be holding on to their money this summer.

06-06-2009, 08:08 PM
cost me $20 to fill my car up last week. Don't remember price per gallon but that isn't too bad. My family isn't holding their money, they just bought a camper and going on vactation in two weeks. I'll be in school and don't like camping anyway.

Study time, I will not put it off any longer. My gpa is 3.8 and I don't want it to go any lower so must try and get A.

here's what my my schedule looks like, the test is this coming thru.

2 Chapter 1 History of Microbiology
3 Chapter 4 Prokaryotes
4 Chapter 5 Eukaryotes
8 Chapter 6 Viruses
9 Chapter 7 Microbial nutrition & growth
10 Chapter 9 Microbial genetics
15 Chapter 11 Physical/Chemical control
Chapter 12 Chemotherapy
16 Chapter 13 Microbe/Host Interactions
17 Chapter 14 Non-specific defenses
18 Chapter 15 Specific defenses
22 Chapter 16 Disorders in immunity
23 Chapter 22 Infections of the GI Tract
25 Chapter 20 Infections of the Vascular System
29 Chapter 19 Infections of the Nervous System
30 Chapter 21 Infections of the Respiratory Tract

July 1 Chapter 23 Infections of the Genitourinary Tract
2 Chapter 18 Infections of the Skin/Eyes
6 Chapter 25 Applied Microbiology

06-06-2009, 08:55 PM
3 Chapter 4 Prokaryotes
Break Kariokayotes
4 Chapter 5 Eukaryotes

06-12-2009, 01:58 PM
So got an A on first micro test, yea for me.

Rant, jim locking every donate thread, I hates locked threads. I'd donate but I have no money in my account until fall semester starts. That's when I get the $700 a semester kees scholarship. Also looks like I failed on the other $700 semester scholarship I competed for as the winners were to be contacted this week and nada.

Mr. P
06-12-2009, 02:18 PM
So got an A on first micro test, yea for me.

Rant, jim locking every donate thread, I hates locked threads. I'd donate but I have no money in my account until fall semester starts. That's when I get the $700 a semester kees scholarship. Also looks like I failed on the other $700 semester scholarship I competed for as the winners were to be contacted this week and nada.

Same here, LN..It's the "Ask but don't tell cept in PM" policy..I think.

Abbey Marie
06-12-2009, 02:40 PM
It's a board announcement. Makes sense that Jim wouldn't want it cluttered up. I am sure he won't mind if you discuss it elsewhere, as you are already doing.

06-13-2009, 11:01 AM
SK00L = Indoctrination

Think for yourself

Bust the "emperor" for INDECENT EXPOSURE!

Mr. P
06-13-2009, 11:26 AM
NMakes sense that Jim wouldn't want it cluttered up. I am sure he won't mind if you discuss it elsewhere, as you are already doing.

No, it's a rant..nothing to do with the board. But we have it under control.

06-14-2009, 07:26 PM
So bored, I have been bored all weekend, bored all day, so bored I even read some micro chapters that I don't even need to learn yet (working ahead is very unusual for this procrastinator), bored, bored, bored.

Also new board I found in desperate need of conservatives and more posts to entertain me. http://www.thenewtopical.com/ Check it out if your in the market for a new board. Lord knows I post on 6 and nothing interesting going on at any this sunday evening.

06-14-2009, 07:30 PM
Can't even sleep I'm so bored as I slept to much to relieve my earlier boredom. Apparently there is a limit on amount of sleep your body can take in one day no matter how bored you are awake.

11-08-2009, 12:21 PM
my thread, my poor unused thread, I've come back dear, for today at least.

11-20-2009, 11:38 AM
OK I know this is LN's thread but I feel the need to bitch. I have a middle level manager who is a COMPLETE DICK!!!!!! He is one of these guys who has a little power and thinks the earth revolves around him. I am soo sick of his arogant attitude and the way he kisses my directors ass... He tells him one thing and acts totaly different around the rest of us...

Mr. P
11-20-2009, 12:20 PM
OK I know this is LN's thread but I feel the need to bitch. I have a middle level manager who is a COMPLETE DICK!!!!!! He is one of these guys who has a little power and thinks the earth revolves around him. I am soo sick of his arogant attitude and the way he kisses my directors ass... He tells him one thing and acts totaly different around the rest of us...

Just use the thread I started for this very reason "The Vent".

11-20-2009, 02:12 PM
OK I know this is LN's thread but I feel the need to bitch. I have a middle level manager who is a COMPLETE DICK!!!!!! He is one of these guys who has a little power and thinks the earth revolves around him. I am soo sick of his arogant attitude and the way he kisses my directors ass... He tells him one thing and acts totaly different around the rest of us...

I'm sorry Nuke, it sounds like you would love to punch him in the nose and smash his office supplies and then tell him how all your co worker friends think he's a big joke loser.

11-20-2009, 02:20 PM
North Carolina !!! The drivers stink there and the bears are worse yet, in two weeks I was pulled over and inspected twice, what a deal, nice to know where all your tax dollars are going

11-20-2009, 04:58 PM
It's been a long 2 days. Here's my list.

1. Patients who just show up at the hospital without appointments and demand to be fitted in.

2. Doctors with god complexes

3. patients who come in and see a FULL LOBBY and then wonder why they have to wait longer than 5 minutes.

4. People who show up without calling and want their films printed. FOR GODS SAKE CALL AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you for listening

11-20-2009, 07:11 PM
It's been a long 2 days. Here's my list.

1. Patients who just show up at the hospital without appointments and demand to be fitted in.

2. Doctors with god complexes

3. patients who come in and see a FULL LOBBY and then wonder why they have to wait longer than 5 minutes.

4. People who show up without calling and want their films printed. FOR GODS SAKE CALL AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you for listening

Your Job sound stressful !!!

11-21-2009, 08:09 PM
Your Job sound stressful !!!

healthcare can be a huge pain in the butt. That's why I'm not looking forward to this healthcare "reform".

Millions of more people all with government insurance and NO ADDITIONAL DOCTORS.

11-21-2009, 08:11 PM
healthcare can be a huge pain in the butt. That's why I'm not looking forward to this healthcare "reform".

Millions of more people all with government insurance and NO ADDITIONAL DOCTORS.

I can imagine, boy you've probably been completely stressed since swine flu outbreak eh.....I bet everyone thinks they have it whether they do or not LOL

12-21-2009, 12:12 AM
Russell should have been the victor ( in both instances both shows)....you suck Les Moonves !!! :upyours:

01-26-2010, 10:23 AM
People who slurp when they drink I CANT STAND IT, let me help you, I'd like to shove that drink up your ass !!!! thanks for letting me vent.....

Mr. P
01-26-2010, 12:00 PM
People who slurp when they drink I CANT STAND IT, let me help you, I'd like to shove that drink up your ass !!!! thanks for letting me vent.....

Worse ...people who chew with their mouth open!!!

01-26-2010, 12:22 PM
Worse ...people who chew with their mouth open!!!

True that, there's little worse. Even when i go home i have to eat away from the dinning table cus my little brother chews with his mouth open, and its not his fault, he's too young to know, but i just can't eat around him lol.

01-26-2010, 01:29 PM
True that, there's little worse. Even when i go home i have to eat away from the dinning table cus my little brother chews with his mouth open, and its not his fault, he's too young to know, but i just can't eat around him lol.

Yes noisy food eater annoy me also. I would like to punch them in the face !

01-26-2010, 02:47 PM
We scheduled for next years classes today. They changed a lot of stuff, now you don't get to pick between regular, honors, and AP classes the consolers do that by looking at your grades and test scores. You don't get a choice. The assholes have me slotted for honors English 4 instead of regular. I find this very annoying because English isn't one of my better subjects. I made A's in the classes two years in a role only because the classes were easy. They are gona go and cause me way more work to keep my all A's and B's with this crap next year. What bull. I wouldn’t have done so well on those standardized tests if I knew they were going to do this to me for it.

Now maybe, since the other classes came easy for you, it's time to push yourself harder and prove to yourself that you are able to get thru the harder course... And if you slack off on a standardized test because doing well would put you into a harder class, then the only one you are cheating is yourself....And as you grow older, you will have regretted doing so.... You will feel more proud of yourself if you have to work harder to get thru your schooling than if you just kept having courses where you could glide thru...One allows you to coast along while the other challenges your mind to see what it can do...........You are young. You have a good mind. Your memory has gotten you to where you are today....Now push that mind and memory harder to see what they are capable of doing.... Then pop in here after you've rec'd your first test scores and let us know how you did. My guess is that you will surprise yourself and do much better than you suspected you would.....

01-26-2010, 03:59 PM
More like "whine of the week". :slap:

03-11-2010, 07:30 PM
Now maybe, since the other classes came easy for you, it's time to push yourself harder and prove to yourself that you are able to get thru the harder course... And if you slack off on a standardized test because doing well would put you into a harder class, then the only one you are cheating is yourself....And as you grow older, you will have regretted doing so.... You will feel more proud of yourself if you have to work harder to get thru your schooling than if you just kept having courses where you could glide thru...One allows you to coast along while the other challenges your mind to see what it can do...........You are young. You have a good mind. Your memory has gotten you to where you are today....Now push that mind and memory harder to see what they are capable of doing.... Then pop in here after you've rec'd your first test scores and let us know how you did. My guess is that you will surprise yourself and do much better than you suspected you would.....
that was more than 3 years ago. I'm in college now.

New rant, have 5 chapters of pysch to read and an exam to take online over it by tomorrow. I didn't go to any of the classes but doubt I will need to have to get a passing grade.

This 3 credit hour class makes you do 28 hours of forced volunteer work then right a paper about it. If I have to do the time I want the credit. Costing me a fortune in gas as the site I was assigned to is an hours drive, 2 if you count coming and going.

03-12-2010, 05:17 AM
My goodness.........all are college kids like you nowadays? Wanting something for nothing. Bitching about volunteering? That's 3.5 days..........put in your two weekends and get it over with.

As for the drive.......get used to it......commuting an hour one way is par for the course for most jobs.

03-12-2010, 07:39 AM
we're in college, we don't get paid, having to drive like that is crazy.

red states rule
03-12-2010, 08:25 AM
we're in college, we don't get paid, having to drive like that is crazy.

Welcome to the real world LN. I drive 65 miles ONE WAY to my job. You will learn (at least I hope you will) you do what you have to do in order to earn a living

I hope you will stop whining and divert that energy into working harder to make your life better.

If you continue to wait for someone else to pay your way - you will have a long wait and you will find out it was a waste of time that good have been put to a more porductive use

03-12-2010, 01:06 PM
we're in college, we don't get paid, having to drive like that is crazy.

Who said that going to college means you don't get paid?!! I managed to get my degree ......... working full time running my own business, raising three kids and building a house. How? By not playing the victim and expecting the government to give me anything. It feels so good to know that I earned and paid for every single thing I have.

So, quit playing the victim.........get a job, make some money to pay for your gas so you can volunteer and learn something about life outside of your liberal classrooms.

Abbey Marie
03-12-2010, 01:30 PM
Who said that going to college means you don't get paid?!! I managed to get my degree ......... working full time running my own business, raising three kids and building a house. How? By not playing the victim and expecting the government to give me anything. It feels so good to know that I earned and paid for every single thing I have.

So, quit playing the victim.........get a job, make some money to pay for your gas so you can volunteer and learn something about life outside of your liberal classrooms.

Yup. I worked throughout college, and almost all of law school. Only way I was going to make it.

03-12-2010, 01:38 PM
Yup. I worked throughout college, and almost all of law school. Only way I was going to make it.

I'm still paying for my education. :beer:

03-12-2010, 01:42 PM
I'm still paying for my education. :beer:

I thank the good Lord every day for the GI bill, it is allowing me to not have to work right now while I go to school. 20 years of hard work are paying off in the end.

AF :salute:

Abbey Marie
03-12-2010, 02:10 PM
I thank the good Lord every day for the GI bill, it is allowing me to not have to work right now while I go to school. 20 years of hard work are paying off in the end.

AF :salute:

You just front-loaded the work, AF. :thumb:

03-12-2010, 02:17 PM
are you still ROTCing LN?

03-12-2010, 02:52 PM
I thank the good Lord every day for the GI bill, it is allowing me to not have to work right now while I go to school. 20 years of hard work are paying off in the end.

AF :salute:

Yes .... hubby is now getting his Masters. Has over 30 years in the military. Has had two commands for the last two years....just had a change of responsibility ceremony for one of them and it is now freeing up some of his time to go to night school.

This is why I get so pissssssssssssed at people like LN who bitch about having to go to class to actually pass the class.......and having to volunteer and make a sacrifice of her time and money to actually get a degree. Perhaps she just wanted to experience the liberal progressive attitude toward accomplishment .........every one is entitled regardless of level of effort and commitment.

03-12-2010, 07:42 PM
turns out I didn't need to go to that class. Got a 46 out of 50 on exam which is an A. I'm just a fucking genius I guess/joke.

03-12-2010, 07:43 PM
are you still ROTCing LN?
the time commitiment was far too heavy to do both nursing and rotc so I dropped rotc. Might direct commision later on if I am still interested. I actually did well in it except for pt in which I am and have always been an absymal failure.

03-14-2010, 03:49 PM
Good news now. I am going to washington DC and virginia beach on vacation with my aunt. My cousin is graduating from army ait so we thought we would go pick him up and then make a vacation out of it. He is even paying for our rooms since he gets a military discount. Good thing, he still owes me $40 he stole for gas money and beer before he joined the army. We were roommates for a time going to school.

03-21-2010, 07:30 PM
money, money, money, just hope the study drug don't jack me up.

13. Female Volunteers Who Have Received Gardasil…
…are Needed for an HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) Vaccine Study. Dr Stanley Gall, department of OB/GYN, 550 S. Jackson St., is conducting a 7 month study to determine the effectiveness of a new HPV vaccine in preventing 9 types of HPV cervical infection when given to females who have already received Gardasil®. To qualify you must be a healthy female 16-26 yrs old, not pregnant and have received the 3 dose series of Gardasil®. If you qualify, you will receive study related exams, study drug, and $75.00 compensation at each visit.

03-28-2010, 08:15 PM
my parents are refinancing the house, gona save like $80,000 but are still yelling and grumping at each other over the work involved. Moved to a 15 year loan plus lower interest.

03-29-2010, 05:51 AM
my parents are refinancing the house, gona save like $80,000 but are still yelling and grumping at each other over the work involved. Moved to a 15 year loan plus lower interest.

Did that over a year ago.... We will have our house payed off in about 11.5 more years. If they went to a 15 year by-weekly payment than it is really only about 13 years witht he extra payment and interest being payed down early. I will add that it is a MAJOR adjustment, even though you go to a lower rate the shorter time frame raises your payment.. It has been a little tough on us at times but we have adjusted and will have our biggest bill done in about 11 years (thats only 2 cars).... :dance:

03-29-2010, 09:47 AM
If it's so easy for you then maybe it's time to step up your game to where you'll be learning in english rather than floating thru with stuff that is apparently too easy for you....Challenge that brain you have to learn the next step....so to speak.....

03-29-2010, 10:03 AM
I was a junior in high school when I wote that. Now almost a junior in college. My english class days are long past.

03-30-2010, 06:04 AM
should I pay the thirty bucks to put em on my resume.

Your scholastic average for your freshman semesters has qualified you
for admission into the Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society. We proudly
invite you to become a member.

Phi Eta Sigma was founded in 1923 and currently has active chapters at
over three hundred universities across the country. Our purpose is to
honor students for high scholastic achievement at the beginning of their
college careers. Regardless of your scholastic achievement after your
first semester, you will receive the highest academic recognition as a
freshman at the University of Louisville. You will be continually
invited to share in the activities and experiences of this honor society
until you graduate.

In order to become a member, a membership slip has to be filled out and
returned back along with a check for $30.00 to:
Phi Eta Sigma
SAC W310
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292

* The membership slip can be picked up/filled out in Joni Burke’s
office located in SGA office in the SAC W310 as well. Also your dues
can be paid to her as well.

The induction ceremony for Spring 2010 is going to be held on Saturday,
April 10th at 2PM in the Shumaker Building at UofL’s Belknap Campus. I
understand that the date is fast approaching, so IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO
JOIN PHI ETA SIGMA, you can STOP BY JONI BURKE’s office located in the
SGA office SAC W310. You simply have to fill out the membership slip and
pay your dues to join.

If you desire to learn more about Phi Eta Sigma and the benefits of
joining the Honor Society, please visit: Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society

We hope that you will consider joining this wonderful Honor Society. We
look forward to personally welcoming you into the University of
Louisville chapter of Phi Eta Sigma.


Trisha Patel
Phi Eta Sigma

03-30-2010, 06:05 AM
should I pay the thirty bucks to put em on my resume.

Your scholastic average for your freshman semesters has qualified you
for admission into the Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society. We proudly
invite you to become a member.

Phi Eta Sigma was founded in 1923 and currently has active chapters at
over three hundred universities across the country. Our purpose is to
honor students for high scholastic achievement at the beginning of their
college careers. Regardless of your scholastic achievement after your
first semester, you will receive the highest academic recognition as a
freshman at the University of Louisville. You will be continually
invited to share in the activities and experiences of this honor society
until you graduate.

In order to become a member, a membership slip has to be filled out and
returned back along with a check for $30.00 to:
Phi Eta Sigma
SAC W310
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292

* The membership slip can be picked up/filled out in Joni Burke’s
office located in SGA office in the SAC W310 as well. Also your dues
can be paid to her as well.

The induction ceremony for Spring 2010 is going to be held on Saturday,
April 10th at 2PM in the Shumaker Building at UofL’s Belknap Campus. I
understand that the date is fast approaching, so IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO
JOIN PHI ETA SIGMA, you can STOP BY JONI BURKE’s office located in the
SGA office SAC W310. You simply have to fill out the membership slip and
pay your dues to join.

If you desire to learn more about Phi Eta Sigma and the benefits of
joining the Honor Society, please visit: Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society

We hope that you will consider joining this wonderful Honor Society. We
look forward to personally welcoming you into the University of
Louisville chapter of Phi Eta Sigma.


Trisha Patel
Phi Eta Sigma

Is that a nursing society? Then yes. If just an 'honor society', check it out. Why put it in rants?

03-30-2010, 06:09 AM
it's more of a my thread, not just rants, plus they sends me bunches of emails I have to delete.

03-30-2010, 06:14 AM
it's more of a my thread, not just rants, plus they sends me bunches of emails I have to delete.

If you don't want them, block them. Benefits of joining career associations is:
1. Recognized by those involved, like any sorority/fraternity/alumni associations-networking.
2. They keep track of seminars and grants for education updates, necessary when you go for relicensing. I don't know about nursing, but the 'institutes' put on by schools mostly suck. If you want to keep current you want those seminars for credit that don't suck. ;)

04-02-2010, 09:39 AM
awesome, I'm gona go to her speech.

Hillary Clinton to visit UofL
by UofL Today — last modified Apr 02, 2010 09:42 AM
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will speak April 9 at the University of Louisville as part of the McConnell Center’s spring lecture series.

Hillary Clinton
Her talk will begin at 2:45 p.m. in the Brown & Williamson Club on the third floor of Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium. The event is free and open to the public.

Clinton began serving as Secretary of State in January 2009. She was elected U.S. senator for the state of New York in 2000 and re-elected to that post in 2006, serving on the budget and armed forces committees, committees on health, education, labor and pensions, environment and public works, aging and the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe.

In 2007, she began her campaign for the U.S. Presidency.

As the wife of former President Bill Clinton, she was First Lady of the United States from 1992 to 2000. In that role, she advocated health-care reform and issues related to children and families and traveled to more than 80 countries to champion human rights and democracy.

In 1996, she visited UofL as a guest of the Kentucky Author Forum to promote her book, “It Takes a Village.”

Tickets are required for Clinton’s talk and will be made available by the McConnell Center on a first-come, first-served basis. To request a ticket, see www.louisville.edu/mcconnellcenter

04-13-2010, 05:29 PM
will be there.


LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- The official kick-off to the Kentucky Derby Festival is just around the corner, but the preparations are already under way.

Officials are setting up for Thunder Over Louisville and vendors are setting up the chow wagons on the riverfront.

Any time you invite more than half a million people to an event, you're going to have to spend some time doing some prep work.

The Kentucky Derby Festival would like to cordially invite you and half a million of your friends to a party on the waterfront.

Thunder Over Louisville, the official kick-off to the Derby Festival is Saturday, and the preps are under way.

And what would a party be without snacks? The chow wagons, in all their splendor, are gearing up, too.

"People don't realize in this business, when they see you have a long line, they don't see you three days before that, loading the trucks, getting the trailers, getting them in, stock, and getting things ready to go," said vendor Hank Lindsay.

Vendors come from all over the country to set up for Thunder. Many of them pay thousands of dollars just for the privilege -- even more for prime real estate.

Lindsey is glad to pay it.

"The crowds the fun," he said. "Being able to associate with everyone that comes to Thunder, we always see a lot of old friends."

It's all just a prelude to the largest annual pyrotechnics show in North America.

Part of the Thunder tradition includes street closings to ensure smooth traffic flow before, during and after the fireworks wrap up.

The following street will be closed on Friday, April 16 9:30 a.m. until Sunday, April 18 at 2 p.m.
River Road from Bingham Way to Eighth Street
The following streets will be closed on Saturday, April 17 at 1:30 a.m. until Sunday, April 18 at 9 a.m.
Bingham Way from Witherspoon Street to River Road
The following streets will be closed on Friday, April 16 at 3:30 p.m. until Sunday, April 18 at 9 a.m.
Ramp from westbound Interstate 64 to Third Street
Ramp from Second Street to eastbound Interstate 64
Witherspoon Street from Preston Street to Brook Street
River Road from Preston Street to Witherspoon Street
The following streets will be closed on Saturday, April 17 at 9:30 a.m. until Sunday, April 18 at 1 a.m. Local traffic and pass traffic will be allowed provided there are no pedestrian safety issues. Residents and businesses within the closure area will need to contact LMPD for passes.
River Road from Zorn Avenue to Witherspoon Street
Witherspoon Street from Bingham Way to Second Street
Witherspoon Street from Preston Street to River Road
Washington Street from Preston Street to Second Street
Preston Street from Main Street to Witherspoon Street
Floyd Street from Main Street to Witherspoon Street
Brook Street from Main Street to Witherspoon Street
First Street from Main Street to Witherspoon Street
Second Street from Main Street to River Road
Third Street from Main Street to River Road
The following ramp will be closed on Saturday, April 17 from 6 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Ramp from Muhammad Ali Blvd. to Interstate 65 northbound
The following interstates will be closed on Saturday, April 17, 2010 from 8 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Interstate 65 northbound from Interstate 264 (Watterson Expressway) to Interstate 64
Interstate 64 westbound from Interstate 264 (Watterson Expressway) to 22nd Street
Interstate 64 eastbound from Interstate 264 (Shawnee Expressway) to Interstate 65
Interstate 71 southbound from Interstate 264 (Watterson Expressway) to Interstate 65

The Clark Memorial Bridge (Second Street Bridge) will be closed at the following dates and times:
Thursday, April 15 -- 9:30 a.m. to Midnight
Friday, April 16 -- All day
Saturday, April 17 -- All day
Sunday, April 18 -- Midnight to 2 p.m.

Emergency Route

Only authorized emergency vehicles can use the following route from 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 17.
Muhammad Ali Blvd. from Roy Wilkins Blvd. to Clay Street
Second Street from Main Street to Jacob Street
Northbound Second Street traffic will be diverted at Breckenridge Street

04-13-2010, 05:34 PM

mine haven't been too bad yet.


LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- It's one of the worst spring seasons for allergies in 10 years, with pollen counts breaking records.

CLICK HERE: Slideshow

It's a real pain in the eyes, nose and lungs for many in Kentucky and Indiana.

In some areas, the pollen is so thick, you can see a dusting of it on cars. But surprisingly, that pollen isn't responsible for the sneezing, sniffing, scratchy eyes and asthma so many have. It's actually the pollen you can't see.

But thanks to a device used by the state, the culprits are being exposed to help give you relief.

"I looked at the accounts of April and so far, for the first two weeks of April, we've had as much pollen from the trees as we saw the entire month last year," said Dr. James Sublett of Family Allergy & Asthma.

Thanks to a late and cold winter, tree pollen has gotten a late start with tripled strength.

"So what we saw around April, may be three times worse than last year as far as the total pollen," said Sublett.

And there's more trouble.

"Grass pollen last year came out April 30. This year we saw it two weeks ago," said Sublett.

While the pollen from flowers and tree blooms can be seen on most cars, it's not causing the most discomfort.

04-17-2010, 08:49 AM

Thunder charge at public park angers citizen


LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE) - Metro Louisville Government is cashing in on Thunder. For the first time, the city is charging to watch the fireworks from Eva Bandman Park on River Road. Some call the move greedy, and asked us to get answers, so we pressed city leaders about why they made the change.

Signs at Eva Bandman Park now tell families they're going to have to pay the city anywhere from $20 to $200 to watch the fireworks from a spot that used to be free.

"I think they're greedy," said Kitty Vincent, who brings her family to Eva Bandman Park every year to watch Thunder.

When she came to stake out her spot this year, Vincent found out she better not forget her wallet. And she's not happy about it.

"You know, they're not charging to go to Lanham Park, they're not charging at the Great Lawn except the Derby pin," Vincent said. "And they shouldn't charge here."

After spending $60,000 on improvements to the park, the city decided the last thing it wanted was thousands of people trampling all their work with unsupervised and unauthorized cookouts and campsites.

"So we're trying to organize this a little better," said Marty Storch, assistant director of Metro Parks. "Trying not tear up the place so much. The last couple years, staff has spent a lot of time, cleaning up."

The city will charge $200 for each RV, $50 for a tent site and $20 for single vehicles. If all the spots sell, the city could end up making between $25,000 and $30,000. But there could also be some angry backlash.

Storch said there has already been angry calls. And many people might not find out about the new fees until they show up this weekend. The city website is about the only way the Metro Parks Department has tried to get the word out.

"My taxes pay for this and my taxes pay to have it cleaned up," Vincent said. "You know it's not right. They're greedy."

The city says if the new system is a success they are going to try to work with Kentucky Derby Festival to expand it next year possibly bringing in live music and making it part of the Thunder experience.

The park opened to campers and RVs Friday at 4 p.m. Cars could not pay for a spot until Saturday.

04-18-2010, 12:16 PM
Some pics for those interested in military planes. Question, do you salute the flag during the pledge in civvies? I just put my hand over my heart because I didn't know if it was authorized, I know vets can but can we?

The pledge was actually a bit of a stressful moment, I stopped for the flag and this witch got all up in my face about getting off "her" grass. After it was over I said I don't see your name on it hun and this is public property before walking off. I mean have a lil respect. I wasn't staying but for the pledge and flag.

Other rude people, I guy cussin at us because we had to walk on his tarp to get thru, like we were gona hurt that ragedy plastic.

Two people who cut in long line for ride, girl went up and bitched them out and there was nearly a fight when guy tried to get smart.

Guy saying not to lean on his public/city owned golfcart that wasn't moving anywhere like we were hurting it. I mean that was understandable but still rude.







04-18-2010, 12:43 PM





05-07-2010, 10:01 PM
fuckin porters broke my laptop throwin it around. Screen has a black ragged line running thru it now.

Mr. P
05-07-2010, 10:49 PM
fuckin porters broke my laptop throwin it around. Screen has a black ragged line running thru it now.

You should carry yer own valuables, Princess. :poke:

05-07-2010, 11:08 PM
it was a 4 star, they made you use porters, and we paid em to brake our stuff too.

05-07-2010, 11:14 PM
Just figured it, I will make $10,000 in basic and ait. I can gets me a new car with that if I want one. $600 for drill before I even ship.

$1300 a month while I am in school with all the stipends. Army pay ain't bad, more than I could dream of making with a part time menial job.

Mr. P
05-07-2010, 11:29 PM
it was a 4 star, they made you use porters, and we paid em to brake our stuff too.

:laugh2: Baby, I've stayed in hotels from the bottom up to 5 stars and NONE of them "Make" you use a porter.

05-07-2010, 11:34 PM
well if you wanted the cart you had to and we had too much stuff otherwise. About 6 bags including my cousins 60 pound army bags,

05-08-2010, 04:38 PM
well if you wanted the cart you had to and we had too much stuff otherwise. About 6 bags including my cousins 60 pound army bags,

There's two things I never let out of my sight and that I always carry .... my purse and my briefcase (computer bag)....regardless of whether or not we use carts ourselves or porters.

05-12-2010, 08:57 PM
I have strep throat, the teacher said I had to come in tomorrow but the doctor said I better not and gave me a note. Hope I get close enough to cough on teacher, I might still be contagious.

06-09-2010, 08:55 PM
I hate summer classes and these ones are really hard. Exam tomorrow I must do well on to make up for failing the last one. 62 on the first one was a kick in the gut and wake up call. I wish I could just drop and go to basic early like all my rsp friends.

07-24-2010, 09:15 PM
We scheduled for next years classes today. They changed a lot of stuff, now you don't get to pick between regular, honors, and AP classes the consolers do that by looking at your grades and test scores. You don't get a choice. The assholes have me slotted for honors English 4 instead of regular. I find this very annoying because English isn't one of my better subjects. I made A's in the classes two years in a role only because the classes were easy. They are gona go and cause me way more work to keep my all A's and B's with this crap next year. What bull. I wouldn’t have done so well on those standardized tests if I knew they were going to do this to me for it.

I went through the exact same thing. Honestly, it's not fair when they shove you in the harder classes, and your GPA goes down, when you could just stick with the easy ones, and have great GPA! You'd think the school board would give you a better GPA for worse grades in the harder classes.:cuckoo:

07-25-2010, 02:53 AM
Just figured it, I will make $10,000 in basic and ait. I can gets me a new car with that if I want one. $600 for drill before I even ship.

$1300 a month while I am in school with all the stipends. Army pay ain't bad, more than I could dream of making with a part time menial job.

Yeah well, they feed, clothe, and house you. They supply your heat and electric. And ammo. And TP...... Oh yeah, let's not forget your medical. So..........given that, your pay isn't bad. But if you had to pay for all of that out of your own wallet, you'd quickly find yourself struggling trying to find the money to eat on......And that isn't even if you own a vehicle. You know....that brings on auto insurance and gas, oil and keeping it fit.....AND you'd be living in a tiny shithole.... And there wouldn't be much left for entertainment.... if any.....

08-03-2010, 10:08 PM
Only 20 more days till I leave for basic.

Can't wait to go been a shit summer and I just failed a class. Pathophysiology, got a 73% and you needed a 75% to pass. First time I have ever failed a class in my life but don't even care.

I was reading thru this old thread. Loved the dadt, your going to get kicked out shit on page 19. Its bull, out of just 13 females i drilled with I know 2 who are openly lez and go to pride every year. They tell me there are a shitload of lesbians in the military. I think my love life may just pick up after basic.

08-12-2010, 07:58 PM
If you are receiving this email please be aware that your final pharm grade was entered incorrectly into the system. This occurred because of a formula problem within the excel spreadsheet used to claculate your grade. There is no rhyme or reason for the error. It was sporatic. Some of your grades will change for the better and some will change to a lower grade. However, I can assure you that they will accurately portay the grade that you earned in the class. Expect that it will take a couple of days for these changes to occur.

If you are an alternate please know that the office of student services is aware of the problems and they will be looking at your corrected grade.
Please email with any questions.
I am incredibly sorry that this problem occurred.
Mrs. K.
wondered how in the world I got a B, too bad they caught it and changed my grade back to the correct one which was a C.

08-16-2010, 05:34 PM
bored out my mind.

7 more days.

08-17-2010, 02:23 PM
fuckin porters broke my laptop throwin it around. Screen has a black ragged line running thru it now.

If I was trying to help you with your stuff and you called me a "fuckin porter", I might throw your laptop around too.

Actually I guess I wouldn't. I'm no angel, but I have a LITTLE bit of class sometimes... even when people around me don't.

Abbey Marie
08-17-2010, 02:51 PM
There's two things I never let out of my sight and that I always carry .... my purse and my briefcase (computer bag)....regardless of whether or not we use carts ourselves or porters.


Abbey Marie
08-17-2010, 02:55 PM
If you are receiving this email please be aware that your final pharm grade was entered incorrectly into the system. This occurred because of a formula problem within the excel spreadsheet used to claculate your grade. There is no rhyme or reason for the error. It was sporatic. Some of your grades will change for the better and some will change to a lower grade. However, I can assure you that they will accurately portay the grade that you earned in the class. Expect that it will take a couple of days for these changes to occur.
I am incredibly sorry that this problem occurred.
Mrs. K.

wondered how in the world I got a B, too bad they caught it and changed my grade back to the correct one which was a C.

Too bad Mrs. K cannot even spell sporadic. :rolleyes: Blind leading the blind...

Mr. P
08-17-2010, 03:16 PM
Fort Jackson South Carolina in August....Just Paradise. Enjoy.:laugh:

08-17-2010, 03:43 PM
I know. If they hold me back a month because I don't make weight tue. it might not be a bad thing but I really am ready to leave now. Underweight by 4 pounds right now.

I ran in the 88 degree heat today just one mile and it was killer.

08-17-2010, 03:44 PM
If I was trying to help you with your stuff and you called me a "fuckin porter", I might throw your laptop around too.

Actually I guess I wouldn't. I'm no angel, but I have a LITTLE bit of class sometimes... even when people around me don't.

I wouldn't have called him a fuckin porter if he hand't have broken my laptop. Anyway, my parents bought me a new one in which I am using now.

08-17-2010, 03:50 PM
still bored, the internet just isn't entertaining enough.

08-19-2010, 07:00 PM
In my neighborhood, by my house, I went walking and it ran up to me to be petted then followed me home. It was starving so I fed it and it wolfed a whole bowl of food down.

If I wasn't leaving I'd keep it as an outside cat but since I'm not going to be here the parents will prolly take it off to some other neighborhood and drop it again. Poor kitty, it's so sweet and loving with 5 toes on each foot. Why do people hafta drop pets thinking someone will be kind enough to take care of them.

08-20-2010, 05:58 PM
my new outside kitty that will hopefully still be here on my return.


08-21-2010, 12:43 PM
Riding on the way to leagrange query lake to do my open water dives and get my scuba diving cert should be fun. My last weekend at home hopefully.

08-21-2010, 06:08 PM
the diving was fun, one more time tomorrow then I get my cert.



08-22-2010, 11:06 AM
All my training is finished, I is now a certified diver.

08-22-2010, 07:29 PM
One more day, go to my rsp unit to pick up my paperwork tomorrow then tue. I will hopefully be on a plane to SC.

I'm surprisingly not nervous at all, just ready to go.

I made an online connection with a woman a few weeks ago and have had a lot of fun talking to her and phone sex but she never got a chance to come see me. (lives like 3 hours away in ohio) anyway she said she loved me and wanted to wait on me to get back (quite suprising) I wonder if I will ever hear from her again or see her when I get back tho. Never hurts to hope.

08-23-2010, 01:12 PM
well, this is goodbye for a little while forum.

About to go get my paperwork and then meps hotel for the night. Hopefully all we go well.

08-24-2010, 03:28 AM
Best of luck, hopefully you will learn a lot about the world and yourself and grow as a soldier, a nurse and a woman........ go get em Tiger and stay safe!:thumb:

08-24-2010, 03:52 AM
Thanks few more hours. 4am 2 early considering I got maybe 2 hour sleep but can snooze on plane.

08-24-2010, 12:19 PM
2 flights, 5 hours and I should be in Columbia SC. Then to ft Jackson where they will takes my phone and internets away. :(

11-03-2010, 12:29 PM
Family day. Graduate basic tomorrow. It sucked.

11-04-2010, 10:13 PM
yeah, but now yer' a soldier!.......and it was supposed to suck.....it's what makes the next two years look good.....

11-14-2010, 05:18 AM
Family day. Graduate basic tomorrow. It sucked.

So, now that you've graduated .... what are you doing? School?

11-26-2010, 10:17 PM
I hate cold. Why'd it have to get cold it was 80 two days ago. And I hate listening to the drama of females in the bunk fighting beside me and I don't think they are going to shut up when the lights go out in 15 min. Or the females two bunks over watching laptop movie.

Mr. P
11-26-2010, 10:24 PM
Ln, did they scream at ya in BCT? What kind of cute names did they call ya?

11-27-2010, 02:41 AM
I hate cold. Why'd it have to get cold it was 80 two days ago. And I hate listening to the drama of females in the bunk fighting beside me and I don't think they are going to shut up when the lights go out in 15 min. Or the females two bunks over watching laptop movie.

I thought you loved females? :confused:

11-27-2010, 07:26 AM
Berrets need earmuffs attachments.

11-27-2010, 07:46 PM
Ln, did they scream at ya in BCT? What kind of cute names did they call ya?

I still have ptsd from that experience and can't talk about it. They didn't scream that much tho that I can recall. Now I'm in a "company" of 500 other soldier medics and invisible as long as I don't happen to die and miss a formation.

So it went from freezing to hot and now cold again. We had finance briefing all day which was pointless and learned nothing. One more formation and I can sleep tho. :)

11-29-2010, 08:35 PM
I thought you loved females? :confused:

I do.

Rant of the day so 4:30 get up get there 5am and we do the everyday stretching drills which includes 10 push up. Thought we were going to run but we start mmds which are easy instead of running so was like yes no running. Then like 5 min in the first sergeant gets on the pt stand has us all form up, spread out again and we start getting smoked, pushups, half jack, 8 count pushups, mountain climbers, over and over. Then the hold your arms out after that. Ends and two people pass out. The reason apparently the male bays weren't clean enough. Now the females live all the way in a different old building down the street ala the projects and after getting smoked we even get for the second time if he had room we could live in nice building and keep it clean but he doesn't have room. Smoked and crappy housing cuz males.

11-29-2010, 09:19 PM
Get to class then after lunch we have to carry our heavy but comfortable cushioned chairs downstairs and across the street to trade in for new hard plastic chairs. Luckily they were light for carrying back upstairs but why couldn't we just keep our chairs.

Mr. P
11-30-2010, 12:05 AM
Get to class then after lunch we have to carry our heavy but comfortable cushioned chairs downstairs and across the street to trade in for new hard plastic chairs. Luckily they were light for carrying back upstairs but why couldn't we just keep our chairs.

11-30-2010, 08:30 AM
Nope. My rant thread.

11-30-2010, 08:21 PM
It got cold again. We were in shorts just yesterday but today the wind was blowing and freezing cold. We had to take the linens off beds to turn in this morninglike every tue even tho no one actually sleeps on them so must make bed again. Pita that should be optional. Who washes sheets everyweek anyway especially sheets they don't sleep in.

The brightside since I've joined the army is I haven't had a period since august but getting nervous it will come back listening to these other females who get theirs. Hopefully my luck will hold tho. 17 more days to exodus.

12-01-2010, 09:16 PM
Class on Saturday the next 2 saturdays apparently. I didn't know they could make civilians work 6 days a week. Hopefully no pt tho we haven't done pt on weekends before here so maybe wake up not at 4:30 but we will see. Can't believe they stole our day off tho.

12-02-2010, 03:42 AM
Class on Saturday the next 2 saturdays apparently. I didn't know they could make civilians work 6 days a week. Hopefully no pt tho we haven't done pt on weekends before here so maybe wake up not at 4:30 but we will see. Can't believe they stole our day off tho.

I'm confused? Are you a civilian or a soldier?

12-02-2010, 07:09 AM
I'm confused? Are you a civilian or a soldier?

She may be talking about instructors. The Army can "make" employees work even 7 days a week - however, overtime is paid for more than 80hrs per pay period.

The brightside since I've joined the army is I haven't had a period since august but getting nervous it will come back listening to these other females who get theirs. Hopefully my luck will hold tho. 17 more days to exodus.

Very similar to my experience - my toenails didn't grown for 10 weeks.

12-02-2010, 08:15 AM
I'm confused? Are you a civilian or a soldier?

Our instructors are all civilians. If we have to go to class they have to work 6 days a week to teach us.

12-03-2010, 12:36 AM
Our instructors are all civilians. If we have to go to class they have to work 6 days a week to teach us.

Well, I'm a civilian and have never been paid OT because I've always had an exempt position. Perhaps they are exempt.

Mr. P
12-03-2010, 01:36 AM
I'm confused? Are you a civilian or a soldier?
National Guard. A weekend warrior, tis why she whines so damn much. That an she just hasn't grown up yet. :laugh:

12-03-2010, 08:24 AM
I can't wait to gtf out if here and be a weekend warrior if I manage to pass this. My whining is exactly what everyone else here is whining about.

12-03-2010, 08:57 AM
I can't wait to gtf out if here and be a weekend warrior if I manage to pass this. My whining is exactly what everyone else here is whining about.

Then the Army is failing you.

12-03-2010, 08:23 PM
Why would that mean the army is failing me?

12-04-2010, 08:05 PM
Today's rant. We had class on Saturday. No pt and didn't have to wake up till 6am when the bay boss decided to turn the lights on even tho it was sposed to be 6:30. I was awake anyway when at 5am some female was yelling about getting up and peoples alarms were going off. Going to take a nap tomorrow I think.

12-06-2010, 02:25 PM
Today's rant. We had class on Saturday. No pt and didn't have to wake up till 6am when the bay boss decided to turn the lights on even tho it was sposed to be 6:30. I was awake anyway when at 5am some female was yelling about getting up and peoples alarms were going off. Going to take a nap tomorrow I think.
Tell ya what when you spend over 20 years of your alarm going off at 4:45 every morning come bitch to me, not to mention a damn pager going off at all hours fo the night.....!!!!:beer:

12-06-2010, 08:40 PM
It's freakin cold. Why'd it have to get cold. Passed test today with a 94 which is good. Im great academically but can't pass a pt test to save my life. We have another one the 13th which means a 3am wakeup and I'll prolly fail it. I have to pass one to gtf out of here which must be possible for me considering I did it on my last pt test at basic. We'll see but I doubt It will be the 13th.

11 more days and I'm free. Paid my $7 for the bus to the airport to the pg today.

I think somethings not quite right with me. My knuckles keep getting cuts from nowhere and bleeding really bad. Was standing at parade rest in formation yesterday Look down at my hand is dripping blood all over the place. I stand there staring at my hand like WTF do I do with this. 2 much blood to wipe on my acus. Luckily the guy beside me had some tissue he handed me. Tiny cut to bleed that much. Then today after my shower I look down at other hand and it's bleeding as well with same type of cut luckily alone with no one to make a big deal and call a seargent.

12-07-2010, 10:28 PM
Bad breakfast this morning They marched us 2 the big defac after pt which is not only a mile away from the female bay but has bad gravy. One of the few joys here I get is good biscuits and gravy every morning we go to little dfac.

12-08-2010, 09:22 PM
Another bad breakfast and will be tomorrow as well because were going to airforce track by their nice dorms. Fuck. We aren't even sposed to run tomorrow but have to do mini pt test with partner after stretching. You should apparently be able to do it 3 or 4 times before being done. I won't be running 4 miles.

12-09-2010, 08:26 PM
I got woken up for a 2 hour fire guard shift last night even tho I wasn't on the list cuz two girls refused to do their shift and our valorous bay boss just randomly thought up two other names cuz she can't do a shift herself. The girls who refused are hold overs getting chaptered out so shouldn't even be on the list. Of course they're going to refuse. What they gona do kick them out the army faster. So 3 hours sleep vs 5. Bad breakfast but fingers crossed for tomorrow. Come on biscuits and gravy .

Mr. P
12-09-2010, 11:28 PM
I got woken up for a 2 hour fire guard shift last night even tho I wasn't on the list cuz two girls refused to do their shift and our valorous bay boss just randomly thought up two other names cuz she can't do a shift herself. The girls who refused are hold overs getting chaptered out so shouldn't even be on the list. Of course they're going to refuse. What they gona do kick them out the army faster. So 3 hours sleep vs 5. Bad breakfast but fingers crossed for tomorrow. Come on biscuits and gravy .
Holdovers used to be totally separated and looked on as leapers or some other disgusting thing. Then "kinder an gentler" crept in I guess...see the problem with that?

12-14-2010, 11:47 AM
I have heard a rumor it's your birthday.....if so I hope you get good gravy today.....:salute:

12-14-2010, 08:23 PM
I did. One bright spot but had to wake up at 3 am to take a pt test while everyone else got to sleep to 6. Took two other tests as well. Passed them. 2 more days and wake up.

12-17-2010, 11:27 AM
I'm free. In Dallas airport waiting for flight home. Didn't really sleep much last night. Everyone was excited and they locked all our blankets and bedding in our lockers with zip ties. Got down to sign out in an earlier group (3:45am) instead of (4:45am) than my chalk but sergeants didn't check then they said the buses for that chalk were overbooked we could take a cab if we wanted. Got cab with 3 other guys and waited 3 hours in the airport for flight.

I don't really like flying in uniform. Had my food bought twice today once in San Antonio and just now in Dallas. Same thing happened when I was in Chicago waiting to fly San Antonio from basic.

12-17-2010, 05:39 PM
I don't really like flying in uniform. Had my food bought twice today once in San Antonio and just now in Dallas. Same thing happened when I was in Chicago waiting to fly San Antonio from basic.

That's a GOOD thing, LN! If you were anywhere in the NY area, I would pickup the tab on one of your meals as well. Don't feel anything other than pride when someone honors you as a soldier.

red states rule
12-19-2010, 07:18 AM
I'm free. In Dallas airport waiting for flight home. Didn't really sleep much last night. Everyone was excited and they locked all our blankets and bedding in our lockers with zip ties. Got down to sign out in an earlier group (3:45am) instead of (4:45am) than my chalk but sergeants didn't check then they said the buses for that chalk were overbooked we could take a cab if we wanted. Got cab with 3 other guys and waited 3 hours in the airport for flight.

I don't really like flying in uniform. Had my food bought twice today once in San Antonio and just now in Dallas. Same thing happened when I was in Chicago waiting to fly San Antonio from basic.

Do not be upset over people thanking you. Whenever I see someone in uniform, I walk up, shake their hand, and thank them for protecting the freedoms I have

Everytime they thank me and act like what they doing is no big deal

You are doing something very special and I thank you for doing it

01-20-2011, 10:20 PM
It's so cold. It was warm at 2freakin am this morning when they woke us up for the pt test after maybe 2 hours sleep on my part, by afternoon it was freezing. 20 degrees with winds really gusting and we have to be outside all day tomorrow. Eat nasty mre for lunch and porta pots.

No pt tomorrow at least. Extra half hour sleep. Maybe get 6. I hate the army cuz they don't let you sleep and being a soldier medic is the most miserable place to be. I wonder if you could kill yourself with the ace cards they are always handing out and are an "inspectable" item. Now that would be awesome.

01-21-2011, 08:14 AM
I hate being sick third bad cold ive had since I've been in Texas. When everyone around you gets sick it's hard to stay well.

01-21-2011, 08:37 PM
Fuck. Started my period tonight I think. First time since last august. Not fair. With all this hard stuff we just started. I get a cold and cramps.

01-24-2011, 08:12 PM
Funny fellow soldier medic quote of the day. "why the fuck do I need to carry two fucking bottles of hand sanitizer on me at all times. That's fucking stupid and i bet the dumbass surgeon general who put it out doesn't even follow it himself.

02-12-2012, 06:00 PM
Man looks at the outward appearance .. but God looks at the heart . . .

Ya know . . . Our society is sooooo obsessed with the outward .. the musical talent .. the looks of an individual .. the popularity of an individual . . .
Whitney Houston . . . God bless her heart .. Man !! could she sing . . . . but the life-long drugs and alcohol are an indicator of her life-long inner turmoil abuse and dysfunction . . . yes .. we can paint our faces .. we can force our smiles . . . but when it's all said and done .. at the end of the day .. when the crowd is gone .. and the lights are out .. and the doors are closed .. and we are left with only the quiet of our mind . . . . who are we . . . why are we here . . . is there something more . . . look at the Housewives of whatever the FREAK . . . the bling-bling .. the wealth .. the makeup .. the mansions .. the lemos .. the cameras . . . . . . the backbiting .. the defensiveness .. the low self-images .. the drugs and alcohol .. the emptiness .. the loneliness .. the hopelessness . . . the constant reminder of my body .. my life is coming to an end . . . my beauty is fading .. my reflexes are fading .. my mind is fading .. my friends and family around me are dying . . . are you now depressed ??? . . . well . . . please grab a better perspective . . . one that sees beyond today . . . beyond today ?? .. yes .. a perspective that actually looks into eternity . . . one that only God can display and promise . . . for those who have the courage to learn and abide . . . we WILL see a better day .. no matter WHAT today has to deliver . . . link (http://dadmansabode.dailyforum.net/viewtopic.php?p=50#p50) . . . blessings to all . . . dadman

02-12-2012, 09:42 PM
Man looks at the outward appearance .. but God looks at the heart . . .

Ya know . . . Our society is sooooo obsessed with the outward .. the musical talent .. the looks of an individual .. the popularity of an individual . . .
Whitney Houston . . . God bless her heart .. Man !! could she sing . . . . but the life-long drugs and alcohol are an indicator of her life-long inner turmoil abuse and dysfunction . . . yes .. we can paint our faces .. we can force our smiles . . . but when it's all said and done .. at the end of the day .. when the crowd is gone .. and the lights are out .. and the doors are closed .. and we are left with only the quiet of our mind . . . . who are we . . . why are we here . . . is there something more . . . look at the Housewives of whatever the FREAK . . . the bling-bling .. the wealth .. the makeup .. the mansions .. the lemos .. the cameras . . . . . . the backbiting .. the defensiveness .. the low self-images .. the drugs and alcohol .. the emptiness .. the loneliness .. the hopelessness . . . the constant reminder of my body .. my life is coming to an end . . . my beauty is fading .. my reflexes are fading .. my mind is fading .. my friends and family around me are dying . . . are you now depressed ??? . . . well . . . please grab a better perspective . . . one that sees beyond today . . . beyond today ?? .. yes .. a perspective that actually looks into eternity . . . one that only God can display and promise . . . for those who have the courage to learn and abide . . . we WILL see a better day .. no matter WHAT today has to deliver . . . link (http://dadmansabode.dailyforum.net/viewtopic.php?p=50#p50) . . . blessings to all . . . dadman

I'm glad you put spaces between your ....... otherwise I would have to sue you for copyright infringement......

03-02-2012, 06:42 AM
Oh so much has happened.

My life has been pretty easy since I got home. Living with mommy and daddy again cuz Im broked dollar wise. Had 2 failed relationships and on my third with a woman who can't make up her mind. She's broken up and gotten back together with my twice in the last 2 months but I hold out hope she'll figure it out in my favor. Sexy bi girl.

03-02-2012, 08:58 AM
Oh so much has happened.

My life has been pretty easy since I got home. Living with mommy and daddy again cuz Im broked dollar wise. Had 2 failed relationships and on my third with a woman who can't make up her mind. She's broken up and gotten back together with my twice in the last 2 months but I hold out hope she'll figure it out in my favor. Sexy bi girl.


03-05-2012, 04:44 PM
Just volunteered to play medic on and 8 day mission with a chemical company in may. Will apreciate the extra monies.

My car just drove a car of the used car lot, it broke down and is undrivable just 20 miles later. Luckily she hadn't made the down payment yet. I might get to spend the week with her if she needs to use my car and get all kinds of sexy time.

03-07-2012, 05:08 PM
Got a job today, min wage part time but it's something while I go to school.

Sat I'll be off on my mini vacation to lil nashville wit my girl/fwb. Should be fun, never been there. She's a hippy and into all the artsy crafty stuff.

A sgt called yesterday and asked if I wanted to be a flight medic, they were getting a list together in case we get some slots, sure I said.

03-14-2012, 05:54 PM
Started my new job today, went ok.

Spent the last 6 days wit my girl and going over again tonight. We're only sposed to be friends with benifits but we sure spend a lot of time together for that to be all it is but who knows. I wish she could just be with me in a real relationship but don't see it happening, the two times we tried it she freaked out and ended it.

Mr. P
03-14-2012, 06:57 PM
I keep a personal journal, cuz it gives me no pleasure to drop me pants an show my stuff in public It's personal I guess, or maybe mature?

03-18-2012, 06:42 AM
That's your prerogative.

I was correct. My girl asked to make it official again & be back together. In honesty we've never been apart despit the fact she's broken up with me twice. We never stopped hanging out or sleeping together so no big change for me cept she stops calling me her ex.

03-18-2012, 01:26 PM
That's your prerogative.

I was correct. My girl asked to make it official again & be back together. In honesty we've never been apart despit the fact she's broken up with me twice. We never stopped hanging out or sleeping together so no big change for me cept she stops calling me her ex.

Sounds to me like some seriously confused kids. But I am glad if you're happy.

03-20-2012, 09:11 PM
Was my first day doing my actual job in the meijers bakery, not bad actually cept all the dishes hafta be washed by hand due to no dishwasher.

Only hard part will be learning to write on cakes.

It's a union job so union dues to pay but only $14 a week or month, one or ta other. I didn't get to see my girl last night cuz she got off of work exhausted but hopefully soon. I miss her.

Wind Song
03-20-2012, 09:29 PM
Started my new job today, went ok.

Spent the last 6 days wit my girl and going over again tonight. We're only sposed to be friends with benifits but we sure spend a lot of time together for that to be all it is but who knows. I wish she could just be with me in a real relationship but don't see it happening, the two times we tried it she freaked out and ended it.

Sorry to hear that. I remember those days.

03-20-2012, 09:39 PM
Joy in I.

03-21-2012, 05:52 PM
Joy in I.

Tiny picture, but she looks like the "butch" type, like Rosie...

*** And an Fyi, I had originally replied to your follow up post, then decided it better and just deleted it. Seriously, LN, there are some things you just don't share with others. You're better than that ***

03-21-2012, 05:59 PM

She's actually more fem than me, very girly.

03-21-2012, 06:01 PM
She's actually more fem than me, very girly.

Not bad, not bad... You definitely look more girly than her though, probably the long hair and hers being so short. Appearances are deceiving as they say though. Do you still ride your bike?

03-21-2012, 06:08 PM
No, my dad took the insurance off it after I wrecked it. It was just a baby wreck but he said I was gona kill myself.

03-21-2012, 06:21 PM
I see nothing wrong with commenting on a issue that's is making me uncomfortable fyi.

03-21-2012, 06:29 PM
I see nothing wrong with commenting on a issue that's is making me uncomfortable fyi.

I'm not trying to censor stuff, but don't you find that a little gross? And maybe a little TOO personal to discuss here?

03-22-2012, 05:30 AM
Joy and I.

Joy and 'Me'.

Gator Monroe
03-24-2012, 01:30 AM
One of my Lifes true loves & the Best Sex I ever had came with my Lesbian (In Denial of her Bi Sexuiality) Biker Buddy

03-24-2012, 02:57 AM
One of my Lifes true loves & the Best Sex I ever had came with my Lesbian (In Denial of her Bi Sexuiality) Biker Buddy
is this a penthouse forum article? :link:

Gator Monroe
03-24-2012, 12:00 PM
is this a penthouse forum article? :link:

I'll flesh out the whole story (For 2 more of the little Green Things below my User Name & Avatar Pic):salute:

04-23-2012, 11:37 PM
Always getting my heartbroke an crying in my cereal, 4 months dating a girl I lost my heart to and got it back in tatters. Can't get lucky in love it seems. Never thought it'd hurt this bad tho.

06-05-2012, 09:44 PM
Wow, I can't believe I joined this board in 2007 and it's still up.

So anyway Ive found a new love. She is wonderful and I think now I am glad things worked out thisaway. Unfortuantly I'm bout to be gone for 3 weeks working as a medic for some other units at, then another 2 weeks in july for my own at. She says she'll wait for me, I am hopeful.

Mr. P
06-06-2012, 12:16 PM
Wow, I can't believe I joined this board in 2007 and it's still up.

So anyway Ive found a new love. She is wonderful and I think now I am glad things worked out thisaway. Unfortuantly I'm bout to be gone for 3 weeks working as a medic for some other units at, then another 2 weeks in july for my own at. She says she'll wait for me, I am hopeful.

Gone 5 weeks! Expect your Dear Jane letter. Can't trust those Lezbos, ya know? They'll just love ya and leave ya. :poke:

06-06-2012, 01:04 PM
Wow, I can't believe I joined this board in 2007 and it's still up.

So anyway Ive found a new love. She is wonderful and I think now I am glad things worked out thisaway. Unfortuantly I'm bout to be gone for 3 weeks working as a medic for some other units at, then another 2 weeks in july for my own at. She says she'll wait for me, I am hopeful.

Surprised that the board is still around or that your thread is still around?

06-06-2012, 01:32 PM
I'll flesh out the whole story (For 2 more of the little Green Things below my User Name & Avatar Pic):salute:

Come in packs...and leave that way. Where did you go? You never fleshed out your story.

06-06-2012, 04:38 PM
Gone 5 weeks! Expect your Dear Jane letter. Can't trust those Lezbos, ya know? They'll just love ya and leave ya. :poke:

Some will. We'll see.

Surprised at both. I was a junior in highschool when I joined this board.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-06-2012, 05:04 PM
Always getting my heartbroke an crying in my cereal, 4 months dating a girl I lost my heart to and got it back in tatters. Can't get lucky in love it seems. Never thought it'd hurt this bad tho.

Reminds me of the time back in the mid 70's when my best friend lost his long time girlfriend to a very wealthy much older man. We were in the local tavern trying to get him to snap out of a three week pity party and drunk. After several of us kept saying , forget that cheating biatch there are plenty of fish in the ocean bro'. He looks up and says seriously ,
"but but how many of them have tits and azzes that damn fine" !?? I laughed so hard it hurt. He was right that gal was a stonecold fox for sure. She married that rich man and about 7 years later divorced him taking him to the cleaners.
My friend later married a fine gal , had 5 kids and is doing fine now.. Yes, he does now know how lucky he was to get dumped..
I've dated several stonecold foxes in my time and yes everyone of them were indeed stonecold biatches as well.
Didnt matter to me as I was young and on the prowl during that period in my life..
My good friend's little but but question cracks me up everytime I remember it.-:laugh:-Tyr

06-12-2012, 04:48 PM
Reminds me of the time back in the mid 70's when my best friend lost his long time girlfriend to a very wealthy much older man. We were in the local tavern trying to get him to snap out of a three week pity party and drunk. After several of us kept saying , forget that cheating biatch there are plenty of fish in the ocean bro'. He looks up and says seriously ,
"but but how many of them have tits and azzes that damn fine" !?? I laughed so hard it hurt. He was right that gal was a stonecold fox for sure. She married that rich man and about 7 years later divorced him taking him to the cleaners.
My friend later married a fine gal , had 5 kids and is doing fine now.. Yes, he does now know how lucky he was to get dumped..
I've dated several stonecold foxes in my time and yes everyone of them were indeed stonecold biatches as well.
Didnt matter to me as I was young and on the prowl during that period in my life..
My good friend's little but but question cracks me up everytime I remember it.-:laugh:-Tyr

1966. Got home after three months on a cruise to the South Atlantic in the navy. A good friend of mine introduced me to a girl.
Long story short. She had a nice body, and tended to be rather loose with it...if you get my drift.
We went out on one date. She wrote to me, and started talking marriage right away.
My only defense was to lie.
My friend told her I had been zapped by radar on my ship, and I was unable to create babies. I was sterile!
She dropped me like a hot potato. Stopped writing, and SAVED MY LIFE.
I learned, several years later. After her second marriage, and 5 children. She was back on the market. Looking for another.
So, to those who think it's the end of the world when the girl of your dreams sends you a Dear John letter.
Remember how God works in mysterious ways...for a reason.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-12-2012, 05:42 PM
1966. Got home after three months on a cruise to the South Atlantic in the navy. A good friend of mine introduced me to a girl.
Long story short. She had a nice body, and tended to be rather loose with it...if you get my drift.
We went out on one date. She wrote to me, and started talking marriage right away.
My only defense was to lie.
My friend told her I had been zapped by radar on my ship, and I was unable to create babies. I was sterile!
She dropped me like a hot potato. Stopped writing, and SAVED MY LIFE.
I learned, several years later. After her second marriage, and 5 children. She was back on the market. Looking for another.
So, to those who think it's the end of the world when the girl of your dreams sends you a Dear John letter.
Remember how God works in mysterious ways...for a reason.

Many a man has been saved from disaster by the fickleness of his lady. Quite often time proves to them just how lucky they were to escape certain women! I was dumped by a girl once that I dearly loved and only 14 years later did I find out that she had married a guy from a town 65 miles away , turned into an alcoholic and cheated on him constantly! I was quite pleased after finding that out. Pleased to have escaped that fate! Sometimes getting dumped turns out to be a blessing my friend.. -Tyr

06-12-2012, 06:58 PM
I got dumped by Shadow and I feel like a new man.

06-12-2012, 07:12 PM
I got dumped by Shadow and I feel like a new man.

Don't you have to be picked up first?

06-12-2012, 07:24 PM
Don't you have to be picked up first?

you got the old one, he's a new one....

06-12-2012, 07:43 PM
I once had a few months relationship with a 26 year old petite young blond single Mom that was a recent hire at my work place. This girl was HOT,talented, and just fun to be around! Unfortunately it took only a month to realize that her only goal in being there was to obtain a husband with adequate salary with the intent of marriage to become a stay at home Mom that could go shopping with her Mother a few times a week while living in her dream house that I or someone else would provide.

I now find myself working on occasion with someone that turns out to be her third ex husband. He doesn't know that I ever knew her and he's still broken up about the breakup and I keep myself from laughing during our dealings.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-12-2012, 09:13 PM
I once had a few months relationship with a 26 year old petite young blond single Mom that was a recent hire at my work place. This girl was HOT,talented, and just fun to be around! Unfortunately it took only a month to realize that her only goal in being there was to obtain a husband with adequate salary with the intent of marriage to become a stay at home Mom that could go shopping with her Mother a few times a week while living in her dream house that I or someone else would provide.

I now find myself working on occasion with someone that turns out to be her third ex husband. He doesn't know that I ever knew her and he's still broken up about the breakup and I keep myself from laughing during our dealings.

Another man saved from disaster story. Just goes to show that a good woman is worth far more than her weight in Rubies and Gold! Far more.....-Tyr

06-12-2012, 09:26 PM
you got the old one, he's a new one....

I ain't that old.

06-12-2012, 09:54 PM
I ain't that old.

of course not.....you feel new.....

06-20-2012, 09:46 AM
I once had a few months relationship with a 26 year old petite young blond single Mom that was a recent hire at my work place. This girl was HOT,talented, and just fun to be around! Unfortunately it took only a month to realize that her only goal in being there was to obtain a husband with adequate salary with the intent of marriage to become a stay at home Mom that could go shopping with her Mother a few times a week while living in her dream house that I or someone else would provide.

I now find myself working on occasion with someone that turns out to be her third ex husband. He doesn't know that I ever knew her and he's still broken up about the breakup and I keep myself from laughing during our dealings.

Here's a different perspective --- this girl wants to take care of her small child at home. She wants to make a nice home for her family. She has good relations with her relatives. She knows what she wants -- marriage with a nice, high-achieving man -- and she is open about it. She is beautiful and charming and able.

Sounds great to me: more power to her.

Okay, the three marriages are not as good as the other characteristics, I admit that. :rolleyes:

We have to be hard to catch but easy to live with. Sounds like she isn't. That would be the deal-breaker, I'd say, not what she wants, which seems legitimate to me.

06-22-2012, 08:27 PM
You made 'A's with THAT grammar? :)


Ask yourself this question: Is this problem/situation REALLY going to adversely affect my life? If the answer is 'no' then let it play out, aight? Wait and see how things unfold.

Looks like a much more serious problem is brewing. Above, and beyond the complaints.

09-18-2012, 08:24 PM
I like to talk about myself

I really, really do.

& this week has beenjust terrible. First I had drill this weekend and all the doors had to belocked cuz of the Libyan stuff going on, apparently that somehow someway affects our lil national guard armory in ky. All u heard were doorbells all dayas people when in an out. Im not even sposed to be in the Army, I was sposed toget out in July and they had me turn in all my gear and id card but apparently don’t like the paperwork I gave them so Im still in a headed to the field in Oct. if they don’t approve the new paperwork I gave them. Who would have thought it would be this hard to get out of the army.

Then I was sposed to hang out with my girlfriend Monday but her car had a flat and she had to get it towed and I didn’t get to see her. It really was a tragedy. Now im horny and wont get to see her until this weekendif I don’t get lucky tomorrow.

I have a marcroeconomics exam thur. but have no idea how to do the math problems. I did however totally beast on my American governments exam today. Mb I’ll get a good grade in at least one of my classes. Dropped Sign language Monday bc I was failing it. I don’t think I like deaf culture anyways, they are really arrogant.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-18-2012, 08:39 PM
I like to talk about myself

I really, really do.

& this week has beenjust terrible. First I had drill this weekend and all the doors had to belocked cuz of the Libyan stuff going on, apparently that somehow someway affects our lil national guard armory in ky. All u heard were doorbells all dayas people when in an out. Im not even sposed to be in the Army, I was sposed toget out in July and they had me turn in all my gear and id card but apparently don’t like the paperwork I gave them so Im still in a headed to the field in Oct. if they don’t approve the new paperwork I gave them. Who would have thought it would be this hard to get out of the army.

Then I was sposed to hang out with my girlfriend Monday but her car had a flat and she had to get it towed and I didn’t get to see her. It really was a tragedy. Now im horny and wont get to see her until this weekendif I don’t get lucky tomorrow.

I have a marcroeconomics exam thur. but have no idea how to do the math problems. I did however totally beast on my American governments exam today. Mb I’ll get a good grade in at least one of my classes. Dropped Sign language Monday bc I was failing it. I don’t think I like deaf culture anyways, they are really arrogant.

The school stuff=minor, the military stuff =minor but the missing out on *special quality" time with the gal friend= major!;)
Older you get the more important those missed fandango's during your young years will become!
I still remember missing out on a planned night with a Spanish beauty during the summer of 73 in Memphis TN.
Others too but that one stands out vividly because she was hotter than a tree dollar pistol! ;)
Story too long and the missing out part to sad and tragic for me to tell here and now. Still brings tears to my eyes..-Tyr

09-18-2012, 08:42 PM
I like to talk about myself

I really, really do.

& this week has beenjust terrible. First I had drill this weekend and all the doors had to belocked cuz of the Libyan stuff going on, apparently that somehow someway affects our lil national guard armory in ky. All u heard were doorbells all dayas people when in an out. Im not even sposed to be in the Army, I was sposed toget out in July and they had me turn in all my gear and id card but apparently don’t like the paperwork I gave them so Im still in a headed to the field in Oct. if they don’t approve the new paperwork I gave them. Who would have thought it would be this hard to get out of the army.

Then I was sposed to hang out with my girlfriend Monday but her car had a flat and she had to get it towed and I didn’t get to see her. It really was a tragedy. Now im horny and wont get to see her until this weekendif I don’t get lucky tomorrow.

I have a marcroeconomics exam thur. but have no idea how to do the math problems. I did however totally beast on my American governments exam today. Mb I’ll get a good grade in at least one of my classes. Dropped Sign language Monday bc I was failing it. I don’t think I like deaf culture anyways, they are really arrogant.

I'm totally offended with the deaf culture thing, what if I said the same about LGBT?

You do not seem to have 'found yourself' yet.

09-18-2012, 08:45 PM
Wouldn't care. They are arrogant assholes and according to class offended around spoken language.

09-18-2012, 08:46 PM
The school stuff=minor, the military stuff =minor but the missing out on *special quality" time with the gal friend= major!;)


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-18-2012, 09:05 PM

You do know that I was speaking from a guy's point of view on that, right?-Tyr

09-18-2012, 09:13 PM
lol eh, I'm a nympho, it was the most important devolpment for me.

& in good news my girl and I are going to chicago in october. Spensive but should be fun weekend getaway.

09-18-2012, 09:25 PM
lol eh, I'm a nympho, it was the most important devolpment for me.

& in good news my girl and I are going to chicago in october. Spensive but should be fun weekend getaway.

You should enjoy, but don't call me.

09-18-2012, 09:36 PM
Uh? why would I want to see random hostile internet stranger. I want to see sears tower and aquarium and party.

and have lots of sex in hotel room with girlfriend. She has a daughter so this is alone time for us.

09-18-2012, 09:43 PM
Uh? why would I want to see random hostile internet stranger. I want to see sears tower and aquarium and party.

and have lots of sex in hotel room with girlfriend. She has a daughter so this is alone time for us.

Wow. I've never been hostile towards you, until you hit the deaf community. That was today. Until that point, if you said you were coming to Chicago, I'd probably have said, if I can, let's meet. Buy you a drink. Give you some pointers like how to spend less at the tower, aquarium and other venues. Great places to party and not get ripped off.

I'd do so for Jafur and anyone else here, the exception of yourself and Dillo.

09-18-2012, 09:51 PM
I cant imagine living a life so terrible. I must suck to have to complain about it all the time and there being absolutely nothing you can do about it to make it better.

09-18-2012, 09:53 PM
Wow. I've never been hostile towards you, until you hit the deaf community. That was today. Until that point, if you said you were coming to Chicago, I'd probably have said, if I can, let's meet. Buy you a drink. Give you some pointers like how to spend less at the tower, aquarium and other venues. Great places to party and not get ripped off.

I'd do so for Jafur and anyone else here, the exception of yourself and Dillo.

lol i fee special then

09-18-2012, 09:53 PM
I cant imagine living a life so terrible. I must suck to have to complain about it all the time and there being absolutely nothing you can do about it to make it better.

I know man.

09-18-2012, 10:13 PM
I am super happy, I get to see my girl tomorrow morning, early cuz she has to get her daughter at 1pm but still will have 10am till 12. :)

09-18-2012, 10:40 PM
You should enjoy, but don't call me.

Perhaps LN can call Carly instead. Fresh meat... :cool:

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/fWNaR-rxAic" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>

09-18-2012, 10:45 PM
Gabby, if you are visiting Chicago, pm me. We'll meet. Heck if your daughter is with you, I'll find one of my kid's friends with kids of like age. We'd have fun.

09-18-2012, 10:56 PM
Gabby, if you are visiting Chicago, pm me. We'll meet. Heck if your daughter is with you, I'll find one of my kid's friends with kids of like age. We'd have fun.

That would be fun. We could PM Jim and tell him that we are having a lingerie party. :p

09-18-2012, 11:02 PM
Hey Little Nympho (LN) .... I'd rather be arrogant than ignorant like yourself.

I had such high hopes for you when you said you joined the military ... but when I saw you get kicked off the military board, I knew that you couldn't change who you fundamentally are....which is basically a narcissist. Good luck with that.

09-18-2012, 11:07 PM
little nympho, I love that, love it.

which military board? I don't remember getting banned from one.

Im happy with my army service, succeded in what I sit out to do. Got sick and now imma get a medical discharge, soon I hope.

09-18-2012, 11:10 PM
little nympho, I love that, love it.

which military board? I don't remember getting banned from one.

Im happy with my army service, succeded in what I sit out to do. Got sick and now imma get a medical discharge, soon I hope.

I sincerely hope that, when you get out of the service, you will go back to school. And perhaps stop drinking. :p

09-18-2012, 11:12 PM
I'm in school right now, going to UofL fulltime and living on campus. Why would I stop drinking? I drink like once every two months. As soon as I got out the army I'm going to smoke with my girl, never tried weed b4.

09-18-2012, 11:12 PM
little nympho, I love that, love it.

which military board? I don't remember getting banned from one.

Im happy with my army service, succeded in what I sit out to do. Got sick and now imma get a medical discharge, soon I hope.

You truly don't remember getting banned for not being able to stop posting articles about non-military, political stuff? Give me a break LN.

09-18-2012, 11:14 PM
which board? and no I don't. Internet boards are more like sporadic entertainment, I don't remember them. I remember getting banned from a cat board for saying I thought declawing was ok, I still think declawing is ok. My fluffeh kitties are much more pleasent without claws.

09-18-2012, 11:15 PM
You truly don't remember getting banned for not being able to stop posting articles about non-military, political stuff? Give me a break LN.

I thought her screwed up, not sick. Thanks for setting me right.

09-18-2012, 11:22 PM
which board? and no I don't. Internet boards are more like sporadic entertainment, I don't remember them. I remember getting banned from a cat board for saying I thought declawing was ok, I still think declawing is ok. My fluffeh kitties are much more pleasent without claws.

The National Guard board.

09-18-2012, 11:25 PM
The National Guard board.

She sounds high, not drunk. Different than in the past.

09-18-2012, 11:25 PM
This one?


I didn't know I was banned, I wonder what my username used to be.

09-18-2012, 11:39 PM
This one?


I didn't know I was banned, I wonder what my username used to be.

Yep... you just couldn't contain yourself to just discussing military related topics.

You pissed off a lot of people with your pissing and moaning and then when you posted political news articles. It was/is not a political message board and it took you awhile to adjust your posting style. After a couple of bans, you toned it down and then I guess you lost all interest.

09-18-2012, 11:52 PM
I'll take your word for it. :salute:

09-19-2012, 12:40 PM
Had a wonderful visit with my gf today. I don't really like having sex on my dorm bed as much as her queen bed. It's too little, only a twin. Then we went and ate mexican food and smoked a cigarette.

We're going to have problems next semester though. I'm moving out of the dorm and she has to to get a roommate for her apartment and move her daughter into her room so we'll have to figure that one out.

Abbey Marie
09-19-2012, 03:54 PM
Had a wonderful visit with my gf today. I don't really like having sex on my dorm bed as much as her queen bed. It's too little, only a twin. Then we went and ate mexican food and smoked a cigarette.

We're going to have problems next semester though. I'm moving out of the dorm and she has to to get a roommate for her apartment and move her daughter into her room so we'll have to figure that one out.

Hey, it's never too early to expose her daughter to your uncommitted sexcapades. Why let her cramp your style?

09-19-2012, 05:32 PM
lol we're not quite that 'open'.

09-19-2012, 09:13 PM
We had to change our trip from chicago to indianapolis for economic reasons. Should still be fun. I would have chose nashville over indy but I let her pick.

Robert A Whit
09-20-2012, 01:45 AM
(Most of this had to be deleted I must wait to supply my link afer 5 posts See the Washington post)

Washington Times columnist Joseph Curl notes that “Protecting and defending President Obama through his failures and blunders and gaffes is a full-time job for America's mainstream press corps – and they're getting worried.” His colleague Charles Hurt likens the MSM to a nuclear disaster: "What we are in the midst of witnessing right now is a complete, Fukushima-style meltdown of the mainstream media":

The U.S. media are completely in the tank for Obama, with few exceptions. But the foreign press will do their jobs, and these articles are readily available to anyone with an Internet connection. So our media are compromising their credibility — and losing more readers and viewers — for nothing.

09-20-2012, 12:40 PM
wrong thread u.

Robert A Whit
09-20-2012, 02:15 PM
It is my rant. So how can it be the wrong thread?

09-20-2012, 02:17 PM
what were u ranting about?

Abbey Marie
09-20-2012, 02:18 PM
It is my rant. So how can it be the wrong thread?

Welcome, Robert!

LN started this thread and treats it like she owns it. Feel free to post wherever you want.
We do have political forums near the "top" of the board where we all usually post about Obama, the election, etc.

09-20-2012, 02:21 PM
well it is a thread of me ranting about my life then people ranting about me.

Id love to hear other peoples rants, i just thought he accidently posted in wrong thread some random news article.

Robert A Whit
09-20-2012, 02:29 PM
Welcome, Robert!

LN started this thread and treats it like she owns it. Feel free to post wherever you want.
We do have political forums near the "top" of the board where we all usually post about Obama, the election, etc.

Point taken. However I believe the title is "Rant of the week" and not LN rants only. If the problem is she wants to be the center of attention, I made a mistake.

I am so ticked off that the MSM favors Obama and am amazed they are almost dead even in likely voters. I get sick and tired (ergo Rant of the week) of this nonsense called the main stream media. I can give examples. I have to probe the board to see all the titles. Trying to get used to this forum.

Abbey Marie
09-20-2012, 02:32 PM
Point taken. However I believe the title is "Rant of the week" and not LN rants only. If the problem is she wants to be the center of attention, I made a mistake.

I am so ticked off that the MSM favors Obama and am amazed they are almost dead even in likely voters. I get sick and tired (ergo Rant of the week) of this nonsense called the main stream media. I can give examples. I have to probe the board to see all the titles. Trying to get used to this forum.

No problem. Take your time and post where you like. Also, there is an Introductions forum at the very top if you feel like introducing yourself. We are happy to have you!

As for the MSM, I am equally disgusted. They are so in the tank for Obama, and every other Dem, that I think it's a miracle that a Conservative is ever elected.

09-20-2012, 02:34 PM
Fox news is not for obama. Bunches of fox news people areeven working for the Romney campaign. Media paranoia tin foil hat nonsense.

Abbey Marie
09-20-2012, 02:36 PM
Fox news is not for obama. Bunches of fox news people areeven working for the Romney campaign. Media paranoia tin foil hat nonsense.

So, LN, how many networks are NOT Fox? How many viewers do they have? How many of the biggest newspapers in the country are liberal?

Simple arithmetic, not tin foil.

09-20-2012, 02:38 PM
What, you have never make a typo.

Like I said, grammer/english isn't my best subject. That's why I don't want to be stuck in that class.

I only make typos when using Apple products. I see all these Mac books "for dummies". Is there any other kind of Mac user?

09-20-2012, 02:39 PM
there are only 3 big cable news outlets, one of which is fox. 1/3 of our news is conservative (fox) that's a lot.

How many talk radio stations are conservative, what's his face fat guy and others.

09-20-2012, 02:41 PM
But now I must go and fail this macro economics exam. I can make it up in the final exam though if I do well and get tutoring for the rest of the class.

Economics is boring and I hate it.

09-20-2012, 02:42 PM
what's his face fat guy and others.

You mean Glenn Beck?

09-20-2012, 03:38 PM
Rush limbaugh, it just came to me. :)

Glen becks another one too tho.

red states rule
09-20-2012, 03:52 PM
Rush limbaugh, it just came to me. :)

Glen becks another one too tho.

Look at numbers LN. Conservative talk radio are the leaders and are at the top of the ratings

Fox News destroys MSNBC, CNN, and HL

We clearly see the liberal media is nothing more then a cherring section for Obama. Most reporters are liberal and will vote for Obama

Fox News offers both sides and has libs on all day long trying to defend the failed polices of Obama. Perhaps that is why they are popular and successful

BTW, can you name the Fox employes who are "working" for Mitt?

09-20-2012, 03:57 PM
BTW, can you name the Fox employes who are "working" for Mitt?

Funny thing is, Fox allows Liberals to respond on their shows and have their say. They also allow Liberals to have columns on their website, like the women who gave the refutation of Romney's acceptance speech. The liberals jumped on that as if Fox ate one of their own, not even realizing it was a liberal working there and INVITED to respond. Hilarious.

With that said, I would like to also see a list of other stations, like MSNBC for example, and give me a list of the Conservatives they have working there and which conservatives are allowed columns on their website.

Point. Set. Match.

And I say that as I don't ask questions I don't already know the answers too, but liberals are too busy condemning things they have trouble understanding to take the time to do appropriate research.

09-20-2012, 03:59 PM
Mitch McConnels wife

09-20-2012, 04:01 PM
Mitch McConnels wife

She is no longer a politician.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elaine_Chao Awfully nice try though, from a child. Kudos!

09-20-2012, 04:02 PM
she works for fox and advises the romney campaign tho

09-20-2012, 04:03 PM
I like debunking these, and since you used plurality, can you post the other fantasy people that supposedly work for Romney that are employed at Fox?

09-20-2012, 04:04 PM
she works for fox and advises the romney campaign tho

Try reading her profile, she simply helped him reached Asian Americans. I don't see an issue with that. Now let's see the list...

09-20-2012, 04:05 PM
I like debunking these, and since you used plurality, can you post the other fantasy people that supposedly work for Romney that are employed at Fox?

Today is a red letter day! Jim's back posting across the board! Yay!!!

09-20-2012, 04:07 PM
Today is a red letter day! Jim's back posting across the board! Yay!!!

I have to try and keep busy! LOL I am trying to temper my responses and be even spirited, or funny, but won't allow anger into my posts right now. But it's hard to allow naive posts to go unanswered.

09-20-2012, 04:08 PM

John Bolton
Elaine Chao
Walid Phares
Pete Snyder

09-20-2012, 04:09 PM
I hope my baby don't work tomorrow, we were sposed to go out but apparently they want her to work. :(

Robert A Whit
09-20-2012, 04:20 PM
No point in wasting time reading lies.

09-20-2012, 04:21 PM

John Bolton
Elaine Chao
Walid Phares
Pete Snyder

LN, seriously, do you understand what a contributor is? If Debbie Wasserman Schultz spends a week doing airtime on MSNBC, she is a contributor. That's not a FT paid employee. Furthermore, read your own article, all of the people mentioned have made small contributions and advisories to Romney, not a one of them is a paid employee of his campaign right now or FT worker with him.

If these people count as working for Romney and employed by Fox, then I can supply a list of at least 2 dozen current politicians in Washington who are continual contributors on MSNBC. If they are (D), and therefore obviously Obama supporters - what is the problem if they grant interviews and speak up on MSNBC? Wasserman Schultz spends more time on TV than in Washington, why isn't she on your list? It's part of politics, people will seek airtime to be heard, to help campaigns. But unless they are paid employees on both - like several liberals like Schultz, then I hardly see an issue.

And please, do a little research when you call someone a "Romney advisor" and listen to mediamatters of all places. Speaking at a campaign event or hosting a function for him is hardly making them an advisor, although MM would like to make you think otherwise.

I see ZERO conflicts of interest here. The ONLY one in all of politics that I can honestly see, is Schultz at MSNBC. How does one get a paid gig there while supposedly helping lead the Democratic party and making money from the party? Odd that she didn't make your list, being the only one I can think of actually making $$$ from both sides of the aisle.

09-20-2012, 05:10 PM
there are only 3 big cable news outlets, one of which is fox. 1/3 of our news is conservative (fox) that's a lot.

Until you remember that 3/4 of Americans are conservative (despite how some of them vote). Then you realize 1/3 is a pretty small number.

09-20-2012, 05:20 PM

my girlfriend :)

09-20-2012, 05:30 PM
Until you remember that 3/4 of Americans are conservative (despite how some of them vote). Then you realize 1/3 is a pretty small number.

America is a fundamentally conservative country.

Most of its citizens would never dream of walking into their neighbor's house, holding him up at gunpoint, and taking his hard-earned money to hand to others "for free". Nor would they ever demand that the neighbor be thrown in jail and lose his land for draining a marsh on that privately held property. Nor would they ever give condoms to their 13-year-old daughters, or encourage their kids to be lazy and wait for government to take care of them.

That those same Americans then turn around and vote for government officials who will do exactly those things, remains an enduring mystery.

09-21-2012, 02:49 PM
America is a fundamentally conservative country.

Most of its citizens would never dream of walking into their neighbor's house, holding him up at gunpoint, and taking his hard-earned money to hand to others "for free". Nor would they ever demand that the neighbor be thrown in jail and lose his land for draining a marsh on that privately held property. Nor would they ever give condoms to their 13-year-old daughters, or encourage their kids to be lazy and wait for government to take care of them.

That those same Americans then turn around and vote for government officials who will do exactly those things, remains an enduring mystery.


Robert A Whit
09-21-2012, 03:22 PM
Fox news is not for obama. Bunches of fox news people areeven working for the Romney campaign. Media paranoia tin foil hat nonsense.

The one cable channel, which means you must buy that channel, the one that always presents more than republican views, is tossed out like chumming for sharks.

YES, FOX indeed drags in both sides.

I say media. I mean the alphabet channels that are free.
I include PBS who went into the Obama tank when Jim Lehrer moved aside as the main face for PBS newshour. Lehrer will host one of the Debates featuring as stars, Romney and Obama.

Personallyl if Romney can't nab those debates, he can blame himself. I doubt Obama would blame h imself should he lose. He hates being blamed.

Don't know how the rest of you feel but part of my rant is the buzz words democrats love to use.

As a mild student of speech, due to work I have done, I present a partial list of Democrats catchy words. I know the secret message they want you to get.

Headwinds. You are supposed to believe that the cross Obama carries is massive and not of his making. Yet he plans to make you believe he is the fixer.
Forward or moving forward. Left wing speak for somehow with his massive cross and his headwinds, Obama will slug it out with those despicable republicans and end up forward.
Hope. Hope was that he could win despite the long odds generated when he owned the congress. Then spent endless days on the campaign trail telling us all to simply hope.
Change. What was there for him to like about America or is it AMERIKA to him and his team. He certainly spent a lot of his early days explaining to the world we sucked the big one and he sure was very sorry and planned change so they would adore us to death. (pun intended)

Rather than me hog the show by naming all his words, why not some of you add to the list of coded words they love to use.
To help you start,
Transparent. Discuss that and more.:dance:

Robert A Whit
09-21-2012, 03:27 PM

my girlfriend :)

Yes, I see her.

09-21-2012, 05:13 PM
Dang, they never had any Lesbian Studies courses when I was in college. I guess the Ladies Who Lunch on Ladies had to learn everything on the street.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZWNJwSJh_WY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

09-21-2012, 06:34 PM
there are only 3 big cable news outlets, one of which is fox. 1/3 of our news is conservative (fox) that's a lot.

How many talk radio stations are conservative, what's his face fat guy and others.\

Even using your incorrect information, where you say 1/3 of our news is conservative, would mean that 2/3 is liberal. If you truly believe this, then how can you say that the MSM is not liberal slanted?

PS ... just where exactly did you get the information that there are only 3 big cable news outlets (which ones are they by the way)?

09-21-2012, 07:16 PM
Fox news is not for obama. Bunches of fox news people areeven working for the Romney campaign. Media paranoia tin foil hat nonsense.

ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, HLN are not for Romney. What's your bitch? Would you care to wager on how many of the people working for those networks are working on Obama's campaign?

Talk about tin foil hat nonsense..intelligent people understand media bias and it's not bias to the conservative side of the aisle.

09-21-2012, 08:48 PM

my girlfriend :)

She looks awfully happy to be with you.

09-21-2012, 09:45 PM
LiberalNation. This one's for you. 3946

09-21-2012, 10:12 PM
ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, HLN are not for Romney. What's your bitch? Would you care to wager on how many of the people working for those networks are working on Obama's campaign?

Talk about tin foil hat nonsense..intelligent people understand media bias and it's not bias to the conservative side of the aisle.
CNN, MSNBC, Fox, those be your big three.

the 3 all day news stations on regular cable.

09-21-2012, 10:14 PM
She looks awfully happy to be with you.

I think she is. She makes me so happy. I hope it lasts long term.

09-22-2012, 12:05 AM
ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, HLN are not for Romney. What's your bitch? Would you care to wager on how many of the people working for those networks are working on Obama's campaign?

Talk about tin foil hat nonsense..intelligent people understand media bias and it's not bias to the conservative side of the aisle.

So what you are saying is that unless a news network is for Romney, they can't be trusted? And you will only accept news from a source that had shed its objectivity and chosen a side?

Wow, the conservative kool-aid must be some really strong stuff.

09-22-2012, 12:48 AM
So what you are saying is that unless a news network is for Romney, they can't be trusted? And you will only accept news from a source that had shed its objectivity and chosen a side?

Wow, the conservative kool-aid must be some really strong stuff.

No, Gabby, that is not what I said. And, if you are truly as smart as you brag about being, you would know that. However, let me spell it out for you so you don't have a total meltdown ......

I was responding to LN's assertion that there were only three major news networks....by showing that there are more.

I also responded to her assertion that there is no media bias, and that to believe there is bias is just tin foil paranoia, was in fact ignorance of the facts.

She also asserted that Fox News is not pro Obama and I wanted to point out the number of outlets that are not pro Romney. Never said that if not pro Romney they couldn't be trusted.

She also tried to insinuate that Romney's campaign had infiltrated Fox News and I pointed out that Obama's campaign probably has more of his campaign supporters working at all the non-FoxNews outlets.

I do believe you are the one that won't accept as a source of news any outlet that doesn't support your progressive, liberal, kook-aid viewpoint. Anyone that advocates that Al Jazeera is a non-biased news source really doesn't have any common sense.

09-22-2012, 10:33 AM
I do believe you are the one that won't accept as a source of news any outlet that doesn't support your progressive, liberal, kook-aid viewpoint. Anyone that advocates that Al Jazeera is a non-biased news source really doesn't have any common sense.

If you have never read Al-Jazeera, how do you know it is biased?
But since this is the Lounge, I am going to post a cat cartoon.


09-22-2012, 10:42 PM
I’m goingto have my first marijuana experience with my gf this week. I’ve never smokedbefore, will be interesting. I’m a little scared cuz I never know when I’mgoing to be drug tested but imma take the risk.

red states rule
09-23-2012, 03:02 AM
I’m goingto have my first marijuana experience with my gf this week. I’ve never smokedbefore, will be interesting. I’m a little scared cuz I never know when I’mgoing to be drug tested but imma take the risk.

So you are willing to risk time in the stockcade, a dishonorable discharge, a record that will stick with you for the rest of your life - all for smoking a joint?

09-23-2012, 01:27 PM
yes I am, been curious for awhile. I don't think the risk is that much, I wont be drug tested again for a few months.