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View Full Version : Clinton/Obama - Today's election results

03-04-2008, 08:35 AM
They are considered to be in a virtual tie in Texas and Ohio according to the latest polls. Hillary would need fairly substantial victories in both states to mount a comeback, but has already stated that her campaign will continue no matter what happens today. She further stated that a prolonged battle for the Democrat nomination is a good thing for the party.

How does everyone else feel about this? Do you think a prolonged battle between the two is good or bad for the party/general election - or do you think it's a non-issue?

03-04-2008, 09:30 AM
The longer Hillary runs against B.O. the better. More people will question his experience and record.

03-04-2008, 09:47 AM
Just a Reminder:

Bill Clinton did not sinch the Democratic nomination in 1992 until JUNE.

I think that republicans look forward to this going on longer because the Democrats have a probability of implosion.

I think that Democrats also look forward to this going on longer because this will bring much more money in to the Democratic coffers before the actual race for the presidential election.

all of that being said, I think that Hillary does not have to win big to show that the momentum is in her park....if she has a good showing, winning a couple of the primaries and coming close on the others, she can claim this momentum.


Because Obama has out spent her 4 or 5 to 1.....in these states advertising. It should CRUSH HER....if it doesn't, then to me, as stated, she would be the one with the positive movement in her direction.


03-04-2008, 09:48 AM
I'm not sure about how it will affect the general election,but I do know the media is starting to question their bias in how they have treated her during this election season. It's sad that it took a Saturday Night Live skit for them to take a look at themselves. They have ripped her to shreds in the media. I think if she got a few more of them on her side she might have a chance. Now she knows how it feels to be George Bush.:D

I'm in Ohio,and I haven't seen any polls this morning yet,but late last night Hillary was in the lead here.

I don't think that a long battle between the two could be great for the Democratic party. Seems like a little bit is starting to come out on Obama. On Fox last night,they had a Democratic focus group and a fair number of them said if Hillary didn't get the nomination,they would vote for McCain.

03-04-2008, 09:55 AM
I'm not sure about how it will affect the general election,but I do know the media is starting to question their bias in how they have treated her during this election season. It's sad that it took a Saturday Night Live skit for them to take a look at themselves. They have ripped her to shreds in the media. I think if she got a few more of them on her side she might have a chance. Now she knows how it feels to be George Bush.:D

I'm in Ohio,and I haven't seen any polls this morning yet,but late last night Hillary was in the lead here.

I don't think that a long battle between the two could be great for the Democratic party. Seems like a little bit is starting to come out on Obama. On Fox last night,they had a Democratic focus group and a fair number of them said if Hillary didn't get the nomination,they would vote for McCain.it is a shame that it took SNL to show the obvious....

The skits were really funny though....i had a chuckle or two!


03-04-2008, 09:55 AM
I'm not sure about how it will affect the general election,but I do know the media is starting to question their bias in how they have treated her during this election season. It's sad that it took a Saturday Night Live skit for them to take a look at themselves. They have ripped her to shreds in the media. I think if she got a few more of them on her side she might have a chance. Now she knows how it feels to be George Bush.:D

I'm in Ohio,and I haven't seen any polls this morning yet,but late last night Hillary was in the lead here.

I don't think that a long battle between the two could be great for the Democratic party. Seems like a little bit is starting to come out on Obama..and a fair number of them said if Hillary didn't get the nomination,they would vote for McCain.

a democratic focus group on Fox is sort of like an ashkenazi focus group on al jazeera. this lifelong democrat is dubious of their credentials!:laugh2:

03-04-2008, 10:12 AM
interesting poll:


03-04-2008, 10:31 AM
it is a shame that it took SNL to show the obvious....

The skits were really funny though....i had a chuckle or two!


I'm no Hillary fan,but I think she came off very well in that skit.

Sean Hannity,who I am a fan of,is always touting Tim Russert as being fair,but I thought he stunk in that debate.

BTW,I went and voted after taking my daughter to school today. It was very difficult because I'm not real big on John McCain. I still wasn't sure if I wanted to go ahead and vote for Huckabee anyway when I walked in there. I don't like the idea of wasting a vote.

03-04-2008, 10:35 AM
a democratic focus group on Fox is sort of like an ashkenazi focus group on al jazeera. this lifelong democrat is dubious of their credentials!:laugh2:

And I suppose a focus group on CNN would be totally impartial and legit?:slap:


03-04-2008, 12:13 PM
And I suppose a focus group on CNN would be totally impartial and legit?:slap:


I never claimed it would be. I only claimed that a focus group of democrats on Faux News was less than credible. My analogy stands.

03-04-2008, 12:16 PM
Hillary has a tiny lead in the polls, this will be tight. Hope she pulls it off, go Hillary, go. She would be a lot better than Obama.

03-04-2008, 12:33 PM
I have been checking out opinion polls from various sources. It seems as thought Obama is ahead in Texas and Hillary in Ohio.
My cousin David said that Hillary has been hitting the Latinos hard in Texas, stressing immigration reforms and more rights for migrant workers. Obama has been working youth and older minority voters who have rarely gone to the polls in the past.

One thing that bothers David is Hillary's TV and radio ads stressing the "accomplishments" of Bill Clinton's administration, and how Hillary was somehow responsible for that and her work in the senate.
"My name is Hillary Clinton, and I approved of my husband getting blow jobs in the White House."

David is a Republican and dislikes McCain, so he has been sitting this one out. His wife Roxanne used to be a big Hillary supporter, but became disenchanted and now supports Obama.