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03-06-2008, 11:40 AM
Or does anybody believe Hillary "didn't know" her spokesman was going to cite the Special Prosecutor that her husband's own Attorney General had assigned to investigate his scandals?

Hillary has been listening to her own propaganda too long. It's not surprising that she believes she and Bill were the good guys while Starr was the "bad guy". How could she sleep at night otherwise? Never mind that Starr did what Bill's own justice Dept. told him to, despite the Clintons' long drawn-out efforts to block him, and merely revealed the truth about the two of them (an action the Clintons abhor).

But where does she get the idea that sensible Americans believe he's the "bad guy" too? This woman is seriously deluding herself.

And she thinks she should be the one running our country???



Clinton aide compares Obama to Ken Starr

March 06, 2008

Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson, taking the campaign a bit meta on a conference call today, attacked Obama for attacking Clinton, and compared him to a notorious Clinton foe.

"When Senator Obama was confronted with questions over whether he was ready to be Commander-in-Chief and steward of the economy, he chose not to address those questions, but to attack Senator Clinton," Wolfson said. "I for one do not believe that imitating Ken Starr is the way to win a Democratic primary election for president."

Wolfson was attacking Obama's explicit strategy, in the wake of his March 4 losses, to attack elements of Clinton's record on the grounds of secrecy, and to revisit the questions raised by Clinton foes in the 1990s and earlier. Obama has demanded Clinton's tax returns, cited delays in releasing her White House schedules, and even made reference to trades in cattle futures in the late 1970s that became a subject of allegations during the White House years.

Wolfson also responded to the substance of Obama's complaint, that Clinton hasn't released her recent tax returns, and to the reminder today that Clinton (via Wolfson) attacked her 2000 Senate rival, Rick Lazio, for failing to release his tax returns.

03-07-2008, 08:44 PM
Lashing out at the cops who caught him, is a typical reaction we often see from criminals caught in the act. Curiously, it is exactly what Hillary seems to be doing through her spokesman. Strange.... or not?

03-07-2008, 11:03 PM
so she is accusing Obama of being a respectable prosecutor revealing her families crimes to the world? One would think that Ken Starr is the last person she would mention.

03-08-2008, 10:32 AM
Yeah...Asking Hillary to open her tax returns to public scrutiny is sooooo Ken Starr-esque.

03-08-2008, 10:33 AM
so she is accusing Obama of being a respectable prosecutor revealing her families crimes to the world? One would think that Ken Starr is the last person she would mention.

Actually, Ken Starr was...and still is... a political hack.

03-08-2008, 10:43 AM
Actually, Ken Starr was...and still is... a political hack.

Considering that its common practice for candidates for federal office to release their tax returns (and has been the past 25 odd years) to public scrutiny... this is not political hackery.

Everyone knows the Clintons are hiding their dirt. How the hell does a senator make millions while still in office? Even better is what we already know about Bill's presidential foundation being funded by Saudi princes, corrupt businessmen and the like (remember that Marc Rich's wife donated nearly half a million before his pardon by Bill in 2000).

Obama is right to press for the release of those tax returns.

People need to be reminded of the absolute corruption of the Clintons.

Furthermore, with the media giving Hillary a free pass and bashing Obama with every chance it could get in the past few weeks, its about time that her non-existent foreign policy experience and her personal corruption gets exposed.

To compare Obama to Ken Starr is low-down and dirty. Even worse is that after pulling the race card, faking tears, throwing the kitchen sink at Obama until something stuck and now promoting John McCain over him (Sen. McCain and her have the experience, according to Clinton, not Obama), she has the gall to try to turn her sleaze and impugn Obama with it.

These people have no shame.