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View Full Version : Contaminated blood-thinner that killed 19 in US came from China

03-07-2008, 04:14 PM

http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/ushealthmedicinechina;_ylt=Apzt70TZBZ2xlZV9olyOot4 DW7oF

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Batches of the recalled blood thinner heparin, which contained an unidentified contaminant and has been linked to 19 deaths, have ingredients that came from China, the US government said Thursday.

The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which added that Germany has announced its own recall of heparin due to allergic reactions, has yet to prove that the contaminant was the cause of the deaths as well as other adverse health effects.

But the FDA said that all the US batches of heparin linked to health problems and deaths were made with ingredients that came from China.

"At this point, we do not know whether the introduction was accidental or whether it was deliberate," said FDA deputy commissioner Janet Woodcock.

"We don't know if any of the heparin products worldwide might contain this contaminant and that is something we are going to be looking into."

Magnetic resonance imagery (MRI) tests performed on the anti-coagulants showed that up to 20 percent of the active ingredient in the medication contained the unknown contaminant, the FDA said.

On February 11, the FDA announced a limited recall of Baxter International pharmaceuticals' multi-dose heparin and on February 28 the lab expanded the recall to include nearly all heparin being produced.

The injectable drug is made in part from pig intestines. Baxter's supplier, Scientific Protein Laboratories based in Wisconsin, sometimes buys the raw ingredients from unregulated shops in China, according to the New York Times.

However, Wayne Pines, a spokesman for Scientific Protein Laboratories said there was "no evidence of counterfeiting or tampering or anything of that nature."

"No one really knows what happened here," he said.

The FDA has so far received 785 complaints of health problems as well as 46 reports of death, but Woodcock said that the FDA determined that only 19 of the deaths were linked to the drug. Baxter maintains that four people have died as a result of the drug.

The Times said that the FDA has admitted to violating "its own policies by failing to inspect Scientific Protein's China plant before approving the drug for sale."

03-07-2008, 04:48 PM
the companies in our country that insist on making things or importing things from china due to the great savings on labor, MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE for all of their import products....more measures of quality control should be taken by them!

i am beginning to think it is deliberate....by a few disgruntled with america.... millions of lead laced toys, killing and poisioning our pets, killing sick patients with contaminated heparin....and many other things.... :(
