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View Full Version : Venezuela attacks Colombia

03-07-2008, 05:17 PM

not alot of details yet. but this could easily turn into a regional conflict.

03-07-2008, 05:38 PM
Things may have cooled down, which would be good.


The crisis over Colombia's cross-border raid into Ecuador is over after the presidents of the two countries shook hands at a regional summit.

Fingers crossed.

03-07-2008, 07:20 PM
so at the same time they are shaking hands venezuelan troops are fighting over in Colombia. I truly hope they do stay peaceful. but i seriously have my doubts on this one.

03-07-2008, 09:50 PM
It would be a disaster if war broke it, I don't know the area, never been to South America but if they can't exercise a bit of self-control then I would think the ramifications would be horrendous. Apart from the obvious surely the direceconomic situation created by a regional war there would flow immediately to other countries in the region. And there might even be a bit of sabre-rattling by others. I just hope they all pull their heads in and get back to shouting insults at one another. I must admit that word picture of Chavez embracing anyone gave me a bit of ewww moment. He's better doing belligerent speeches, it's normal for him.

03-07-2008, 10:29 PM
Columbia has venezuela on one side and equador on the other. Nicaragua is just north of venezuela and they are all three communists. They are not mad because of the strike into equador, they are pissed because the top two FARC leaders got iced. They are big supporters of FARC which is just an arm of their own military. Kind of like iran supporting hezbollah. equador was really the only one with a grievance. chavez is the one pushing to start a war. He needs to start something cause his country is going belly up.

Mr. P
03-07-2008, 10:41 PM
Well, gas is up to 3.27 already...10% of the supply is from South America. (I think 10% is correct.)

03-07-2008, 10:44 PM
Well, gas is up to 3.27 already...10% of the supply is from South America. (I think 10% is correct.)

That's .20 cheaper than we pay here in Cali.

I'm jealous.

03-07-2008, 10:46 PM
Hit 3.28 today in Chicago suburbs, add .12 for city.

Mr. P
03-07-2008, 10:58 PM
That's .20 cheaper than we pay here in Cali.

I'm jealous.

I'm SURE Cali has more taxes/Gal...with all them tree huggers an all. :poke: