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View Full Version : Iran joins call for nuclear disarmament

03-09-2008, 03:49 PM

TEHRAN -- Iran is prepared to join the global campaign for total nuclear disarmament and to help efforts to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons, nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili said here on Sunday.

“We should develop serious cooperation with the international community in nuclear disarmament and should make efforts to combat the proliferation of nuclear weapons,” Jalili told participants at the international conference “Iran’s Peaceful Nuclear Program and Activities: Modality of Cooperation with the IAEA”.

03-09-2008, 04:20 PM
Was that originally posted on The Onion?

03-09-2008, 11:26 PM
We should develop serious cooperation with the international community in nuclear disarmament and should make efforts to combat the proliferation of nuclear weapons

gabs, you often run from my questions, i understand, they scare you, but, can you try oh so try, to answer this one [part A]:

do you want a nuke primed iran?

[A] do you believe them?

03-10-2008, 10:48 AM
I'm not afraid of nuclear-armed Pakistan and North Korea, why should I be afraid of nuclear-armed Iran?

You yahoos keep making such a big deal out of "well, one day, they might have nukes!" Like that is supposed to scare people.

Having a bomb is NOT the same as using it. Saudi Arabia already has these capabilities. They are much more militant than Iran. Why aren't you yelling "Fire!" about them?

03-10-2008, 10:54 AM
I'm not afraid of nuclear-armed Pakistan and North Korea, why should I be afraid of nuclear-armed Iran?

Maybe because the Iranian President frequently speaks of wiping a neighboring country off of the map?

You yahoos keep making such a big deal out of "well, one day, they might have nukes!" Like that is supposed to scare people.

I am not one of those yahoos, and if I were, it would be Mr. Yahoo to you.

Having a bomb is NOT the same as using it. Saudi Arabia already has these capabilities. They are much more militant than Iran. Why aren't you yelling "Fire!" about them?

Because, as far as we know, they are not in the process of actively trying to enrich uranium?

03-10-2008, 10:57 AM
Pakistan and India frequently speak of wiping each other out. They have never done it.

Saudi Arabia already has these capabilities. We gave it to them.

Should I address you as "Mr. Yahoo" in the future?

03-10-2008, 11:15 AM
Pakistan and India frequently speak of wiping each other out. They have never done it.

Saudi Arabia already has these capabilities. We gave it to them.

Should I address you as "Mr. Yahoo" in the future?

You should only refer to me as "Mr. Yahoo" if I start running around spewing the alarmist bullshit about the sky falling.

Pakistan and India have been talking about taking each other out since before either of them had nuclear capabilities, the rhetoric is no more or less since. But I agree, the potential is there. Who'd of thunk that Kashmir would be such a starter? The reason neither of them will go nuclear on the other? The PRC. The PRC coupled with the aid both Pakistan and India receive from the U.S. keep things in check. We hope. Personally, I think Pakistan, The PRC, and India should leave Kashmir alone, give them their independence.

As for Saudi Arabia having the capability, I again assert that, as far as I know, they are not using the knowledge to enrich uranium for weapons. If they are or if they start, it is reason for concern.

03-10-2008, 12:37 PM
iran has promised to wipe out israel......of course they want everyone to disarm....

03-10-2008, 01:02 PM

Isn't that of like a convicted rapist arguing against sexual assault?