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View Full Version : The Roaming Gnome?

03-11-2008, 11:17 AM
What the hell is this? A practical joke? Some sort of creature terrorizing the town? A set up for a movie? A shy dwarf who only ventures out at night?

Of course, the story does appear in The Sun.

Whatever it is, the video creeped me out. I think it was the scream from the kid that freaked my shit.

'Creepy gnome' terrorises town

A TOWN in South America is living in fear after several sightings of a 'creepy gnome' that locals claim stalks the streets at night.

The midget - which wears a pointy hat and has a distinctive sideways walk - was caught on video last week by a terrified group of youngsters.


“I began to film a bit with my mobile phone while the others were chatting and joking.

"Suddenly we heard something - a weird noise as if someone was throwing stones.

"We looked to one side and saw that the grass was moving. To begin with we thought it was a dog but when we saw this gnome-like figure begin to emerge we were really afraid."


He said: “This is no joke. We are still afraid to go out - just like everyone else in the neighbourhood now.

"One of my friends was so scared after seeing that thing that we had to take him to the hospital.”

Complete story... (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article902014.ece)

Click the link, see the picture, watch the video, enjoy.

03-11-2008, 12:39 PM
it's Kucinich.....he's been in hiding since his nomination campaign collapsed......

03-11-2008, 12:42 PM
I was gonna say that it was TM taking a break from the computer.

"HCkkkkkkssssss!!!! Little kids...let me tell you how Bush is ruining your lives! hckkssss!!"

03-11-2008, 12:50 PM
watched the video.....the guys say they got scared and ran away, but their voices don't sound that scared until that final yell.....it's interesting that the video stopped when it did....AND that it happened to be running and pointed in the right direction when the "gnome" first stepped out of the shadows......

I smell a hoax......

03-12-2008, 11:05 PM
A little creature like that and they are running away scared?

Looked like a small child in a pointed hat.