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View Full Version : Spitzer scandal seen as setback for climate change reforms

03-12-2008, 05:22 AM

y: Dan Haugen
Tue Mar 11, 2008 at 6:44:35 AM

Democratic New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer will be fighting for his political life following an allegation he met with a high-priced prostitute last month at a Washington, D.C., hotel. As the state's attorney general, Spitzer earned a reputation for tough prosecution of Wall Street crimes. As governor, though, he's been out front on climate change issues perhaps more than any other. David Sassoon, writing at SolveClimate.com, thinks the scandal has potential to slow the entire nation's climate actions:

"Spitzer's rendez-vous, the night before Valentine's day s'il vous plaît, will unfortunately strike a blow at progress on global warming, whether through his resignation, unavoidable distraction if he stays in office, and/or his diminished effectiveness. He has been a Governor who has shown -- in the absence of federal action -- leadership on global warming, which began during his tenure as New York State attorney General, and whose good effect endures."


03-12-2008, 05:43 AM
I think the rest of us will be getting on with it while this idiot is being sorted out.

What a prick.

And he dragged his poor wife up there, the bastard.

03-12-2008, 05:50 AM
I think the rest of us will be getting on with it while this idiot is being sorted out.

What a prick.

And he dragged his poor wife up there, the bastard.


This environmental group wasn't so much worried about his wife and children in this release..were they?

They were more worried about him being able to continue the global warming scam on people...

That's why I posted it....:slap:

03-12-2008, 06:19 AM
It isn't a scam stephanie. But he's still a despicable prick.

03-12-2008, 06:26 AM
It isn't a scam stephanie. But he's still a despicable prick.
Its a huge scam, and Spitzer was the master at scams. He grew up priveledged, thinking that he could do or get anything that he wanted.

I do feel sorry for his wife, but she married the bastard. I recognized what a prick he was the first time I saw him on TV years ago. What was she thinking? Big house and car? Celebrity? Looks like she got what she wanted.

The real victims are his family. They'll have to live with shame the rest of their lives.

03-12-2008, 07:10 AM
I look upon this bloke as a despicable man. That's my personal subjective judgement of him for his actions. I am particularly incensed that he dragged his poor wife within range of a camera. She didn't deserve that. She should have let the bastard stand there and do his thing. At least he didn't behave like that creep Swaggart, but the bastard should never have put his wife through that humiliation.

I read in one of our newspapers here how she was "shamed". I am increasingly angry at the misuse of the English language by so-called journalists. She was not "shamed". She was humiliated. He was shamed or he should have been but I suspect the weasel will try and get out under that too. He should be shamed but I bet the prick is just thinking how to get out of this one.

As for global climate change. Stick to a discussion of the evidence.

Albert Einstein was a bit of a womaniser but he was a genius physicist but I don't know anyone who would try and attack his science using his personal life.

03-12-2008, 09:44 AM
I don't know anyone who would try and attack his science using his personal life.

No one's attacking Spitzer's science through his personal life. They're attacking a baseless scam he tried to perpetrate on otherwise-sensible people, by pointing out another horrendous scam he had perpetrated on his wife and family, as well as his constituents.

A liberal and a global-warming con artist goes down as a result of one scam. Finally we HAVE gotten "two for the price of one" from the Democrats.


03-12-2008, 12:17 PM
From what I hear, his wife is the one trying to convince him not to resign. I am thinking she had a pretty good idea what was going on.

As for global warming. Good. its too dang cold.

Abbey Marie
03-12-2008, 12:30 PM
From what I hear, his wife is the one trying to convince him not to resign. I am thinking she had a pretty good idea what was going on.

As for global warming. Good. its too dang cold.

I hadn't heard that about the wife, but I am not really surprised. The spouses of high-ranking politicians have a very nice lifestyle, lots of money, status, and people kowtowing around them. I often think that they put up with their spouse's dirtbag actions in order to maintain the privileged lifestyle. Think Hillary, Jackie Kennedy, etc., etc. Not that I know this is the case with Mrs. Spitzer, but as I said, I wouldn't be surprised.