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View Full Version : Eliot Spitzer (R) holds a news conference in New York City with his wife Silda by his

03-13-2008, 03:31 PM
AFP - Wednesday, March 12 12:48 pm New York Governor Eliot Spitzer (R) holds a news conference in New York City with his wife Silda by his side, on March 10. Spitzer came under mounting pressure to resign Tuesday, a day after the Democrat crusader once known as the "Sheriff of Wall Street" was linked to a prostitution ring.


03-13-2008, 03:34 PM
Im in the UK, this may sound stupid- however- is he under controversy because protitution is illegal in NY? or did he use public funds to pay for such a service?

03-13-2008, 03:40 PM
AFP - Wednesday, March 12 12:48 pm New York Governor Eliot Spitzer (R) holds a news conference in New York City with his wife Silda by his side, on March 10. Spitzer came under mounting pressure to resign Tuesday, a day after the Democrat crusader once known as the "Sheriff of Wall Street" was linked to a prostitution ring.


Well, that certainly disproves those whiny conservatives' gripes that the news media never identifies Democrat scandal mongers' party affiliation.

Ummm, ahh, wait a minute, what did I just say? :eek:


Seriously, (R) probably meant that Eliot was the one on the Right side of the photo.

In case anyone thought his wife, at left in the pic, might be the one named Eliot.

Uhhh, yeah.


03-13-2008, 03:54 PM
Im in the UK, this may sound stupid- however- is he under controversy because protitution is illegal in NY? or did he use public funds to pay for such a service?

The main thrust of scrutiny, in my opinion, comes from the fact that he once worked in the Manhattan District Attorney's office prosecuting crimes such as these. He was instrumental in cases against the Gambino crime family. While working in the DA's office, he worked to break up and prosecute two prostitution rings, claiming at one point that though they were high priced call girls, they were still just prostitutes.

He was also elected state Attorney General, top dog of the state so to speak. While running for governor he declared he would clean up Albany (the state capitol).

He was an up and coming star of the Democratic party and he threw it all away because the bleeding sod couldn't keep his willy in his trousers.

In short, it's his hypocrisy that has lead to the fervor with which this story has hit the headlines. That and the fact that prostitution is illegal.

Ironically, they say that some the very same laws that he helped get passed in the legislature were used to catch him.

03-13-2008, 03:55 PM
Im in the UK, this may sound stupid- however- is he under controversy because protitution is illegal in NY? or did he use public funds to pay for such a service?Prostitution is illegal in every state but one.

He did NOT use public funds, he used his own funds....

He was outed for political reasons, he was a hypocrite, and prosecuted prostitution rings before, while using them all along.

No MAN in New York has been prosecuted/locked up for the crime.....or served jail time for the crime is what I heard on the 24/7 news last night....so if they charge him and don't go after all the other "clients" involved with using this "ring", then it would be an abuse of gvt imho....and done soley for political embarrassment.

They only go after the women and the pimps in this country for the "most part"

It is curious as to HOW this got leaked to the media...the FBI was handling the case so I presume it was someone in the fbi that leaked the info on the governor....

The governor was hated on wall street for going after the crime taking place there among some very big, big wigs....this could be payback....?

Regardless, Governor spitzer was a hypocrite, to go after prostitution rings when he was the attorney general, while using them, as I said.


03-13-2008, 03:59 PM
It is curious as to HOW this got leaked to the media...the FBI was handling the case so I presume it was someone in the fbi that leaked the info on the governor...

Bush did it... ;) :laugh2:

03-13-2008, 04:07 PM
Bush did it... ;) :laugh2:
Well, someone with a grudge for certain, because on the DC maddam case, the fbi REFUSED to allow the maddam to release the names of the johns....so there is something very fishy here.... the DC maddam case, it turned out that disgruntled Gay men or the gay rights movement, saw to it that Vitter and Craig got the limelight for a bit....

Someone like that could be behind this leaking....or it really could have been a one on one personal vendetta....Spitzer made alot of people very angry! And this hypocrisy of his was a perfect opportunity for a "payback"....shoot fbi director Hoover used it all the time as blackmail and used it when necessary...at least that is what I have read...he kept all the dirt on the politicians?

No, I do not think it was President Bush silly!:slap: lol


03-13-2008, 04:16 PM
Vitter was the only big name caught up in the DC Madame case, thanks to the published phone records and Hustler magazine. Forget the fact that he had no association with Palfrey since 2001 and had apparently already dealt with his wife regarding the issue. He didn't resign but I imagine the shame of having your dirty laundry aired isn't pleasant. And so it goes...

03-13-2008, 04:33 PM
Prostitution is illegal in every state but one.

He did NOT use public funds, he used his own funds....

He was outed for political reasons, he was a hypocrite, and prosecuted prostitution rings before, while using them all along.

No MAN in New York has been prosecuted/locked up for the crime.....or served jail time for the crime is what I heard on the 24/7 news last night....so if they charge him and don't go after all the other "clients" involved with using this "ring", then it would be an abuse of gvt imho....and done soley for political embarrassment.

They only go after the women and the pimps in this country for the "most part"

It is curious as to HOW this got leaked to the media...the FBI was handling the case so I presume it was someone in the fbi that leaked the info on the governor....

The governor was hated on wall street for going after the crime taking place there among some very big, big wigs....this could be payback....?

Regardless, Governor spitzer was a hypocrite, to go after prostitution rings when he was the attorney general, while using them, as I said.


Exactly what "political reasons" were behind it? From all the news coverage I've heard (which, in Central NY, is a lot), the IRS considered him to be a politically exposed person, so they gave his accounts greater scrutiny because he had greater potential to be blackmailed.

The charges that are being brought up in news reports are things having to do with financial transactions, not just soliciting a prostitute - although, just because a law isn't always enforced doesn't mean that the law isn't in effect. In fact, Spitzer himself used laws dating back to the 1920's to publicly call out people on Wall Street, while rarely bringing actual charges against them (or losing when he did bring a case to court).

Spitzer was a hated man, no doubt, but he brought it on himself with his heavy-handed tactics. I find it deliciously ironic that a Statist such as Spitzer was brought down by the power of the State.

03-13-2008, 04:33 PM
He did NOT use public funds, he used his own funds....

Not entirely true. He paid for the services with his own money, but the rooms used in his affairs were paid for by us taxpayers, charged as a business use.

03-13-2008, 04:42 PM
Not entirely true. He paid for the services with his own money, but the rooms used in his affairs were paid for by us taxpayers, charged as a business use.
Excellent POINT....I did not even think about that!


03-13-2008, 04:54 PM
Exactly what "political reasons" were behind it? From all the news coverage I've heard (which, in Central NY, is a lot), the IRS considered him to be a politically exposed person, so they gave his accounts greater scrutiny because he had greater potential to be blackmailed.

The charges that are being brought up in news reports are things having to do with financial transactions, not just soliciting a prostitute - although, just because a law isn't always enforced doesn't mean that the law isn't in effect. In fact, Spitzer himself used laws dating back to the 1920's to publicly call out people on Wall Street, while rarely bringing actual charges against them (or losing when he did bring a case to court).

Spitzer was a hated man, no doubt, but he brought it on himself with his heavy-handed tactics. I find it deliciously ironic that a Statist such as Spitzer was brought down by the power of the State.What power of the state Jeff? He will not be charged with a thing....so it was merely the "leak" that is bringing him down, not being charged with a crime....and yes, i think I heard that Spitzer could have used those same tactics himself to bring other criminals down and that he was a hard ass.... and hated by many and that is why this is ironic.....

But he did not money launder the money, the prostitution ring did so he won't be charged with any of that.....or every john the ring had would and should be charged....

As far as him being suseptible to black mail, I agree.

But this is also the case with Senator Vitter and he was not forced to resign or Senator Craig and he was not forced to resign... and then there is Bill Clinton, and Newt Gingrich, and strom Thurmond and President Kennedy and President Johnson and Barney franks and so on and so forth with the ones we know that behaved in a manner that thaey could be black mailed over, let alone all of the cheating congressmen/women that we don't know about...?

I just think, as with Vitter being exposed, that there IS more to this than the eye can see....

maybe I am too cynical....?


Pale Rider
03-13-2008, 05:31 PM
Only politicians wives are required to stand up by their cheating husbands. Had he been just the average joe dirt, his wife would have left him by now, or at least made him face the public on his own.

03-13-2008, 07:13 PM
Why should his wife have to stand up there by his side during his press conference and resignation?

I think it should be him and his hooker standing up there....but to make his wife wear the "Scarlett Letter" as though she were the one that had to face the crowds because of her "crime" of adultery is just utter bull imho! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Unless he and his wife had some kind of agreement of some sort...which you can't rule out now a days i suppose, i don't think the wives of these men should have to go through the public humiliation as they have done...


03-13-2008, 07:21 PM
<embed FlashVars='videoId=163844' src='http://www.thedailyshow.com/sitewide/video_player/view/default/swf.jhtml' quality='high' bgcolor='#cccccc' width='332' height='316' name='comedy_central_player' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='always' allownetworking='external' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'></embed>

03-13-2008, 07:33 PM
I'd stand next to my cheating politician bastard for all the world to see..
ONLY after, I had cut his THANG OFF and I was carrying it in my purse to give to my DIVORCE lawyersssss, afterward:cheers2:

03-13-2008, 09:45 PM
I'd stand next to my cheating politician bastard for all the world to see..
ONLY after, I had cut his THANG OFF and I was carrying it in my purse to give to my DIVORCE lawyersssss, afterward:cheers2:
