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View Full Version : Obama's pastor "formally" leaves Obama campaign position

Abbey Marie
03-15-2008, 12:21 PM
But he WAS serving on his campaign. Again, unbelievable. And what does it mean that he is just "formally" off the staff? Is he still involved, sans title?

Obama's Chicago Pastor No Longer Serving on Campaign (Update1)

By Kim Chipman

March 15 (Bloomberg) -- The Reverend Jeremiah Wright Jr., whose remarks on AIDS and the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks have sparked controversy, is no longer formally tied to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's campaign, an Obama spokesman said late yesterday.

Wright, Obama's longtime spiritual adviser and pastor of his Chicago church, was off Obama's African American Religious Leadership Committee as of last night, said campaign spokesman Tommy Vietor, who didn't elaborate. The move follows calls for Obama to sever connections to Wright after news outlets began airing some of the pastor's past sermons.

Wright's sermons have included suggestions the U.S. brought the Sept. 11 attacks on itself and that the government had a role in spreading the AIDS virus in the black community. Obama said he sharply condemns such comments and that he never heard those kinds of sermons from Wright. He also said he doesn't plan to leave the church.

Rest of article:

03-15-2008, 12:31 PM
So he'll just pull strings from behind the scenes instead of out front.

03-15-2008, 12:37 PM
well,I'm not so sure this is going to help. Most people are looking at this from a perspective this is what was taught in his church that he attended for 20 years. Taking him off the campaign probably won't distance him enough from this guy.

Another thing,Wright was a Marine?!!! geese.

03-15-2008, 12:51 PM
Hosnestly I think Obama will get a pass for this, unless FOX and other alternative news sources refuse to let it drop.

The media doesn't want to get involved in a racial discussion. They don't want to condemn this pastor for being a racist. Remember these are the same media outlets who continue to interview and listen to the racist rantings of Sharpton.

03-15-2008, 01:03 PM
Hosnestly I think Obama will get a pass for this, unless FOX and other alternative news sources refuse to let it drop.

The media doesn't want to get involved in a racial discussion. They don't want to condemn this pastor for being a racist. Remember these are the same media outlets who continue to interview and listen to the racist rantings of Sharpton.

Your right, there has really been very little coverage of this on most of the main media. FOX is leading the way with this and cnn is reluctantly following. But the rest are keeping it quiet. But since FOX gets the lions share of the viewers the news is getting out.

sharpton is just as bad as wright, they are both just grand pobahs of the black kkk.

03-15-2008, 01:05 PM
The good pastor will just slip into the shadows until the time comes when he will be wright beside our new Muslim plant President if the stupid people of America vote Osama President

03-15-2008, 01:30 PM
i'm calling obama a liar on this:

And, even though he has been a member of Trinity United for the past 20 years, Obama said he had never witnessed Wright making such statements.

03-15-2008, 07:04 PM
i'm calling obama a liar on this:

He's got to be lying. You can't sit in a church for 20 years and never know what the pastor stands for. He really is making a fool of himself denying he knew that Wright was this kind of man.