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03-16-2008, 05:40 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. I think that Obama's problems run deeper than first thought.
2. Obama came out and claimed he never heard his Pastor Wright, speaking these things.
3. Is that a lie?
4. Are there video's of him in the audience?
5. Can he be eliminated from earing these things this Pastor has said?
6. I think he is a liar, though I can not prove it, my gut feeling says, he can't sit in the audience for twenty years without hearing this kind of evil teachings form this Pastor.
7. I pretty much think his Pastor, just blew up in Obama's face.
8. A human bomb, but no body died.
9. But his ministry is sunk along with Obama's Presidential Candidacy.
10. Those taught are also measured by the teacher.:pee:Obama


03-16-2008, 05:48 PM
Oh it is no surprize to anyone you are ready to condem President O for what his pastor says.

You are a really shitty judge of truth anyway.


No AQ ties to Sadam.

and now oil is 110 a barrel.

You just dont have a very good track record of gleaning the truth out of ANY situation fella.

Unfortunately for you we will hold you responsible for what you say.

But no fair person would ever hold you responsible for what someone else says.

03-16-2008, 05:55 PM
poor Obambam...he wants to be some big shot politician, yet he can't be criticized...how sweet:laugh2:

03-16-2008, 06:09 PM
poor Obambam...he wants to be some big shot politician, yet he can't be criticized...how sweet:laugh2:

Maybe you think the world should hold you responsible for everything Chesswarsnow says?

03-16-2008, 06:13 PM
Sorry bout that,

Maybe you think the world should hold you responsible for everything Chesswarsnow says?

1. Show me where I lied?


03-16-2008, 06:18 PM
It doesn't matter.
The Reverend Wright thing was just the beginning of the Clintons destroy machine getting fired up..

Obambam........doesn't stand a chance.:laugh2:

03-16-2008, 06:26 PM
What will you say on the day President Obama is sworn in as president of the United States?

03-16-2008, 06:29 PM
You just dont have a very good track record of gleaning the truth out of ANY situation fella.

Speaking of the "TRUTH" - where is the proof of major financial companies using the polls you referred to in order to make major financial decisions? Hell, I've been waiting about 6-8 months for THAT truth now!

03-16-2008, 06:35 PM
Anyone who understands business KNOWS that major decisions on product research, placement , design and mareketing are decided with customer research using polls.

I have given more than ample evidence to show you and you just say it means nothing.

Its a diversionary tactic you people use here.

I really dont know what you think you gain by it?

03-16-2008, 06:38 PM
Translation - "I put my disgusting foot in my mouth and made comments I can't back up factually. I'll rant as usual like a 3rd grader who is falling behind in his classes instead of providing what has been asked of me for so many months. I am an idiot. That poor lab monkey should never have been compared to me".

03-16-2008, 06:42 PM
Do you even know how to debate an issue like an adult?

03-16-2008, 06:46 PM
Do you even know how to debate an issue like an adult?

When I engage an adult, yes. I dumb down my standards for idiots, and those who refuse for months on end to provide answers.

03-16-2008, 06:48 PM
So Jim do you think people should be held responsible for others words?

03-16-2008, 06:58 PM
So Jim do you think people should be held responsible for others words?

would you support a white pres cand who's church/pastor espoused such views about blacks?

03-16-2008, 07:00 PM
Obambam should be looked at for the company he keeps, and so far he has shown to hang around some pretty sleazy(Rezko) and racist people..

His wife is a very angry person.

It's scary to think of these two in the whitehouse.....:eek:

03-16-2008, 07:01 PM
Sorry bout that,

would you support a white pres cand who's church/pastor espoused such views about blacks?

1. Damn good point Yurt!


03-16-2008, 07:07 PM
why........of course....:D

03-16-2008, 08:30 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Obama isn't going to get out of this one unscathed.
2. The spiritual teacher he sat under, taught him way to much *Anti~American* views.
3. No one can honestly say, they didn't know what the pastor was preaching over twenty years.
4. Its impossible.
5. This Obama Candidate, just lied to the American People.
6. Bold faced up and lied.
7. I think this story isn't even nearly over.

8. Waiting for more footage.:popcorn:

9. Also Oprah went to this church too, what does that say of her?
10. "GD America" the pastor said, while the congregation was rolling out into the isles.


03-16-2008, 08:58 PM
MFM is a member, wonder why he has been so silent.....:laugh2:

Pale Rider
03-16-2008, 08:59 PM
What will you say on the day President Obama is sworn in as president of the United States?

The devil himself will have to do the swearing in, because he won't get in the White House any other way. He can not win.... only in your dreams.

03-16-2008, 09:33 PM
Sorry bout that,

MFM is a member, wonder why he has been so silent.....:laugh2:

1. I think he said, it was his flavor of church too?
2. Ahhh man, thats gotta suck real bad for MFM.
3. I wonder what they teach in his church where he goes?
4. Do they bash blacks there?
5. Do they say stuff like, "GD AMERICA!"
6. I really want to know,..:popcorn:


03-16-2008, 09:38 PM
i think Nagin is the pastor at his church.....

03-17-2008, 07:04 AM
So Jim do you think people should be held responsible for others words?

Directly responsible as a generalization? No! If so, I would be in a loony bin by now because of your rants! :coffee:

With that said, it's not quite that easy to break it down to one question as you have. You have to look at the entire picture over time to get a better idea. This is a man who can potentially be our next President and we MUST analyze who he is. We need to figure out his relationship with this pastor and whether or not Obama fits into those beliefs or not. It's easy for him to distance himself from the comments but as voters we are responsible for finding out how much he knew, when he knew it, and if applicable, why he continued to align himself with a man who carries such beliefs.

03-17-2008, 07:18 AM
The devil himself will have to do the swearing in, because he won't get in the White House any other way. He can not win.... only in your dreams.
I am feeling a little dejavue here....

I know the feeling....

I felt the exact same way about GWB....in BOTH elections, there was no way he could win unless the Devil himself, was behind him..... :(

And we are most all still here and the world did not come to an end, with him in power soooooo..... I guess it is now your side of the aisle's turn to think the antichrist is ruling us!!!! LMAO....

anyway, you just reminded me of how I had once felt, early on in the Bush administration....

Please don't take this as me trying to diminish your opinion on this though...just reminiscing! :salute:


03-17-2008, 08:30 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. I think if this Pastor Wright of a *Black Church*, is saying these things.
2. Its an *American Disgrace*.
3. This digs at the *Foundation* of all *Black Churches*.
4. Oh this is far more than a single slap in the face.
5. This is a huge gaping four foot crack in the *Foundation*.
6. With a section of the structure leaning away, on the edge of collapse.
7. This is a huge set back for *All Black Christians*.
8. Its an open wound, that ointment and bandages can not heal.
9. Unless they find another *Pastor* ready and able to mend the damages to the *Church*.
10. Who can stand in the gap, between *God And Man*?
11. Who can gather the *Black Flock* again, and mend the foundational and the fences that have been torn down.
12. Can *The Black Church* see what this has done to them as a whole?
13. Are they able to feel the total destruction rumbling within its walls?
14. Is the *Trinity United Church of Christ* on track in its dogma, one would ask?
15. The Bible states, that we are to be supportive of the lands we happen to be born into, paying taxes in them, and being an upstanding citizen.
16. To listen to Pastor Wright, he got this all wrong, and was not right *AT ALL*.
17. Is this a wholesome Church for the ages, is there anything redeeming really and truly coming from this field?
18. Does this fit as a place of God, and is this Church an accurate reflection of all the *Church of Christ Churches*?
19. If I was in *The Church of Christ* in some other city, I would be writing a serious letter to this Church, one of reproach, and repentance.
20. To do anything less would be to agree with these type of teachings.
21. You wonder why I don't write them a letter, I just did.


GW in Ohio
03-17-2008, 08:33 AM
This PAstor Wright issue is one of those things that has a lot of currency in right-wing circles (e.g., Rush Limbaugh talks about it every day) but in the larger world, few people are aware of it and fewer still care about it.

I'm sure the Republican attack machine will try and make a big issue out of it, but if the Obama team has the skills I think they have, they'll jump on this as soon as it comes up and defuse it.

03-17-2008, 08:45 AM
Oh it is no surprize to anyone you are ready to condem President O for what his pastor says.

You are a really shitty judge of truth anyway.


No AQ ties to Sadam.

and now oil is 110 a barrel.

You just dont have a very good track record of gleaning the truth out of ANY situation fella.

Unfortunately for you we will hold you responsible for what you say.

But no fair person would ever hold you responsible for what someone else says.

I love it. Typical liberal, you can't refute any of the facts about Obama and his pastor so you revert to attacking Bush. Well guess what, Obama isn't running against Bush.

Obama is strictly running on his superior "judgement". And it speaks volumes when he supposedly doesn't even know what his pastor of 20 years has been preaching. Was he a member of this church simply for the sake of giving an appearance of being religious? Or was he asleep all this time at church? Either way he doesn't sound very bright. I don't see how anyone can think this man should hold the most important job in the world. If you're a Bush hater that thinks a moron has held the office for eight years, why would you support another moron like Obama taking the reigns?

03-17-2008, 08:59 AM
Sorry bout that,

I love it. Typical liberal, you can't refute any of the facts about Obama and his pastor so you revert to attacking Bush. Well guess what, Obama isn't running against Bush.

Obama is strictly running on his superior "judgement". And it speaks volumes when he supposedly doesn't even know what his pastor of 20 years has been preaching. Was he a member of this church simply for the sake of giving an appearance of being religious? Or was he asleep all this time at church? Either way he doesn't sound very bright. I don't see how anyone can think this man should hold the most important job in the world. If you're a Bush hater that thinks a moron has held the office for eight years, why would you support another moron like Obama taking the reigns?

1. Yeah we hear you, *Bush Did It*.:popcorn:


03-17-2008, 10:23 AM
This PAstor Wright issue is one of those things that has a lot of currency in right-wing circles (e.g., Rush Limbaugh talks about it every day) but in the larger world, few people are aware of it and fewer still care about it.

I'm sure the Republican attack machine will try and make a big issue out of it, but if the Obama team has the skills I think they have, they'll jump on this as soon as it comes up and defuse it.

i'm calling bs on your post. if this was a white pastor spewing these things, you'd be howard dean on us if we said...... no big deal

03-17-2008, 10:58 AM
This story just makes it harder an d harder for fools to keep thinking Obamas a Muslim so the story is a plus for him guys.

Thanks for your help in clearing up that lie.

03-17-2008, 11:09 AM
This story just makes it harder an d harder for fools to keep thinking Obamas a Muslim so the story is a plus for him guys.

Thanks for your help in clearing up that lie.

his pastor supports farrakhan :poke: his pastor went to Libya, with Farrakhan, and, his church gave a lifetime achievement award to Louis Farrakhan.


03-17-2008, 11:18 AM
Keep repeteing that word Church and then think about it a little.

03-17-2008, 11:41 AM
Keep repeteing that word Church and then think about it a little.

think about their actions, which speak louder than words, especially when coupled with their words :poke:

lifetime achievement to a radical islamic .....

03-17-2008, 11:46 AM
Keep repeteing that word Church and then think about it a little.

the word church has nothing to do with it Dee Dee Dee

03-17-2008, 11:48 AM
fella you are fight a losing idea.

When you repete this story you lose one of the areas of attack you will have on Obama. He is a christain and not a muslim.

To blame him for what his pastor said even after he has immediately said he does not agree with the statements but still likes his old friend the pastor is a losing deal for you guys.

You restate over and over and over that he is a christian attending a christian church with a christian pastor.

Hes not a Muslim.

So when the Rs pull out the secret muslim bullshit they will really look like fools.

03-17-2008, 11:50 AM
TM, you are ok with everything Rev Wright has preached?

03-17-2008, 11:54 AM
fella you are fight a losing idea.

When you repete this story you lose one of the areas of attack you will have on Obama. He is a christain and not a muslim.

To blame him for what his pastor said even after he has immediately said he does not agree with the statements but still likes his old friend the pastor is a losing deal for you guys.

You restate over and over and over that he is a christian attending a christian church with a christian pastor.

Hes not a Muslim.

So when the Rs pull out the secret muslim bullshit they will really look like fools.

understandable. but people are usually friends with others that share the same ideas, especially with someone in a mentor position. so it just makes you think what is really on his mind, especially with someone like Obama who has already proven himself to say what he knows ppl wanna hear.

Abbey Marie
03-17-2008, 12:21 PM
fella you are fight a losing idea.

When you repete this story you lose one of the areas of attack you will have on Obama. He is a christain and not a muslim.

To blame him for what his pastor said even after he has immediately said he does not agree with the statements but still likes his old friend the pastor is a losing deal for you guys.

You restate over and over and over that he is a christian attending a christian church with a christian pastor.

Hes not a Muslim.

So when the Rs pull out the secret muslim bullshit they will really look like fools.

On the contrary, TM. Whereas before his longtime church-going made the Muslim associations very peripheral, this Pastor's words, and the church's glorifying of Farrakahan, make Obama's version of Chistianity look very weird, scary, non-biblical, and Muslim-oriented.

Pale Rider
03-17-2008, 12:35 PM
Fact of the matter is, husseins church is a racist church. It has a racist, black, agenda. It has a frothing at the mouth racist preacher. Hussein belonged to the church for twenty years. Hussein also knew that someday he was going to have to face the public and explain why he belongs to that church. This first surfaced a year ago. Now he's pumping sewer gas up people's lower ends as fast as he can trying to convince people that he didn't know what his preacher was saying. That's the first lie, and the biggest one. Second, in another attempt at damage control, he wants to try and convince people that he doesn't agree with what the preacher says. Really? Then why are you STILL a member of that church hussein? They've been planning on having to deal with this for quite some time, problem is, they didn't plan very well, and now people see through all the hot air and lies.

03-17-2008, 12:36 PM
Yeah its wins you the white supremists vote.

good luck with that one.

03-17-2008, 12:37 PM
On the contrary, TM. Whereas before his longtime church-going made the Muslim associations very peripheral, this Pastor's words, and the church's glorifying of Farrakahan, make Obama's version of Chistianity look very weird, scary, non-biblical, and Muslim-oriented.

how insane of you to think so?

I have never heard the Farrakan named mentioned in this issue except by you.

03-17-2008, 12:39 PM
Yeah its wins you the white supremists vote.

good luck with that one.

what? nothing to say so you throw in the most extreme opposite of his pastor? nice plan. almost didn't know how to react to that one.

Fact of the matter is, husseins church is a racist church. It has a racist, black, agenda. It has a frothing at the mouth racist preacher. Hussein belonged to the church for twenty years. Hussein also knew that someday he was going to have to face the public and explain why he belongs to that church. This first surfaced a year ago. Now he's pumping sewer gas up people's lower ends as fast as he can trying to convince people that he didn't know what his preacher was saying. That's the first lie, and the biggest one. Second, in another attempt at damage control, he wants to try and convince people that he doesn't agree with what the preacher says. Really? Then why are you STILL a member of that church hussein? They've been planning on having to deal with this for quite some time, problem is, they didn't plan very well, and now people see through all the hot air and lies.

this is what i was thinking Pale. i also stated it in the other thread. yah, he can say anything that he wants, but until he proves it, it's just more poltical speak

Pale Rider
03-17-2008, 12:39 PM
Yeah its wins you the white supremists vote.

good luck with that one.

What part about husseins racist church makes me a white supremacist? Nothing. You ignorant bitch. Go fuck yourself.

03-17-2008, 12:41 PM
how insane of you to think so?

I have never heard the Farrakan named mentioned in this issue except by you.

you mean other than the award that the church gave him? yah...he has nothing to do with it.

03-17-2008, 12:43 PM
That you see any complaints by blacks as racist.

You call yourself pale rider.( kinda creates an image of a guy wearing a pointy white hat)

You hate him because he has an arabic middle name.

Pale Rider
03-17-2008, 12:45 PM
That you see any complaints by blacks as racist.

You call yourself pale rider.( kinda creates an image of a guy wearing a pointy white hat)

You hate him because he has an arabic middle name.

Where did I say I hate him? Can you find that post?

I "dislike" him because he's been exposed as someone who belongs to a racist church, and now he's lying about it to further a political agenda. He's a racist and a liar.

What part about that is confusing to you?

03-17-2008, 12:49 PM
That you see any complaints by blacks as racist.

You call yourself pale rider.( kinda creates an image of a guy wearing a pointy white hat)

You hate him because he has an arabic middle name.Dude! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089767/plotsummary

Get a grasp! Obama will explode by the PA primary... he was in the 8% club until last week.

Abbey Marie
03-17-2008, 12:50 PM
That you see any complaints by blacks as racist.

You call yourself pale rider.( kinda creates an image of a guy wearing a pointy white hat)

You hate him because he has an arabic middle name.

You couldn't be more wrong about Pale's name. In addition to the Clint Eastwood reference, the pale rider was one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

Pale Horse
The fourth horseman, his colour is sage (on the pale, or sickly horse, which may be the source of the notion of "pestilence" as a separate horseman) is explicitly named Death.

The Greek word interpreted here as "pale" is elsewhere in the New Testament translated as "green." The horse is sometimes translated as "pale," "pale green," or "green." The pale greenish colour of the fourth horse could mean fear, sickness, decay, and death.

You should try reading Revelation sometime. It's fascinating, and the description of the anti-christ gives one pause these days.

03-17-2008, 01:01 PM
Im not big on fiction.

He repetededly is calling Obamam by his middle name. He is doing it because he thinks others will agree with him on hating anything arabic. That is patently racist.

03-17-2008, 01:18 PM
Im not big on fiction.

He repetededly is calling Obamam by his middle name. He is doing it because he thinks others will agree with him on hating anything arabic. That is patently racist.Well is it or is it not his name???? You act like he is making up the name or something!!!

03-17-2008, 01:23 PM
Im not big on fiction.sure fooled me. you have the mind to write it.

He repetededly is calling Obamam by his middle name. He is doing it because he thinks others will agree with him on hating anything arabic. That is patently racist.

nah..just like us callin you a retarded lab monkey. no matter how many times we say it, you ain't a monkey.

Pale Rider
03-17-2008, 02:10 PM
Im not big on fiction.

He repetededly is calling Obamam by his middle name. He is doing it because he thinks others will agree with him on hating anything arabic. That is patently racist.

Now that's a new one.... his name is hussein, but if you call him his name, you're a racist.... can you be any more absurd TM?

Your brain functions in ways I will never understand. Ultra liberal ways. And you couldn't have dreamt up a board name that was a bigger farce than truthmatters. You wouldn't know the truth if it was staring you in the face.

03-17-2008, 02:14 PM
No his name is Barrak Hussien Obama.

You chose to call him what you thinks evokes a tie to evil Arabs. You are the one being racist.

Pale Rider
03-17-2008, 02:23 PM
You couldn't be more wrong about Pale's name. In addition to the Clint Eastwood reference, the pale rider was one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
You should try reading Revelation sometime. It's fascinating, and the description of the anti-christ gives one pause these days.

I don't recall ever mentioning that Abbey. Once again you never cease to amaze me. You are entirely correct...

Revelations: chapter 6, verse 7And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. 8And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.

03-17-2008, 02:27 PM
how insane of you to think so?

I have never heard the Farrakan named mentioned in this issue except by you.

its insane when one doesn't get facts before they speak:

Barack Obama’s longtime minister, mentor, and sounding board has been a key supporter of Louis Farrakhan and last month honored the Nation of Islam leader for lifetime achievement.


Pale Rider
03-17-2008, 02:28 PM
No his name is Barrak Hussien Obama.

You chose to call him what you thinks evokes a tie to evil Arabs. You are the one being racist.

You can call me a racist, buy you can't prove why. That makes your claim of me being a racist no more than garbage in a can.

The mans name is hussein. You seem to be the one with the big problem about it. Suffer.

And if his name sounds arabic, that's his problem isn't it.

03-17-2008, 02:29 PM
Im not big on fiction.

He repetededly is calling Obamam by his middle name. He is doing it because he thinks others will agree with him on hating anything arabic. That is patently racist.

his entire name is arabic you ninny

Pale Rider
03-17-2008, 02:32 PM
No his name is Barrak Hussien Obama.

You chose to call him what you thinks evokes a tie to evil Arabs. You are the one being racist.

his entire name is arabic you ninny

TM... you ever get tired of being wrong?

03-18-2008, 07:57 AM
You can call me a racist, buy you can't prove why. That makes your claim of me being a racist no more than garbage in a can.

The mans name is hussein. You seem to be the one with the big problem about it. Suffer.

And if his name sounds arabic, that's his problem isn't it.

Yet if was the right wing-nut spin meisters who first threw that raw-meat to you and the rest of the slack-jawed mouth breathers that make up the GOP hard right base. And being the simple, unsophisticated souls you are...You picked up and ran with it.

Barack Hussein Obama's name isn't the issue. It's the straw men you and the the rest of the knuckle-dragging right are setting up with it that's the problem. It's failed attempt to disguise the racism that's really driving their agenda.

03-18-2008, 01:11 PM
way to stick on topic, moral equivalently man :laugh2:

Oh it is no surprize to anyone you are ready to condem President O for what his pastor says.

You are a really shitty judge of truth anyway.


No AQ ties to Sadam.

and now oil is 110 a barrel.

You just dont have a very good track record of gleaning the truth out of ANY situation fella.

Unfortunately for you we will hold you responsible for what you say.

But no fair person would ever hold you responsible for what someone else says.

03-18-2008, 01:12 PM
way to bring up the racist card, douche bag

Yet if was the right wing-nut spin meisters who first threw that raw-meat to you and the rest of the slack-jawed mouth breathers that make up the GOP hard right base. And being the simple, unsophisticated souls you are...You picked up and ran with it.

Barack Hussein Obama's name isn't the issue. It's the straw men you and the the rest of the knuckle-dragging right are setting up with it that's the problem. It's failed attempt to disguise the racism that's really driving their agenda.

03-19-2008, 08:37 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Well Obama made a huge mistake not throwing the Pastor under the bus.
2. And its been pointed out, he did manage to throw his *White Ganny* under the bus, if she is still alive.
3. His own flesh and blood made him cringe, when she made comments about race.
4. But when a man using the pulpit as a stand to spew racial slurs, hatred, filthy talk of sex, social unrest towards the government, he's fine; shoot, he's just a wild eyed uncle on crack, which all black families have a couple of em.
5. This brings into play all sorts of judgement calls that have to be taken a look at concerning the true Obama character.
6. Can a Christian really flourish under this type of Pastor?
7. Would this Church be approved of, by *The Lord* and not be a cast off?
8. Are those under these types of Pastors, seeds sown amongst thorns, and how can a thorn bush plant any good seed?
9. Can anyone be so sure that the so called seed of re~birth in Obama is for real, when he supposedly came to Jesus twenty years ago and was taught under this Pastor, who is so obviously not teaching sound doctrines?
10. And this whole story of evil words from a supposed Pastor, brings into view, that many so~called *Black Christian Churches*, have indeed lost their way, towards man, towards government, towards *God Himself*.
11. And as these Pastors teach these unholy teachings, they express contempt for *Jesus Christ* and his message towards the Church, making a back lash of lost souls to Islam, where they think that they can find peace, but in fact they lose all hope, and their souls are killed finally, and, forever.
12. Bringing into light, that many *Black Pastors* are murdering souls, and have no business doing the *Lords Business*.
13. The death of these souls are laid at the feet of these Pastors, all over America, I wonder how long and far away from the truth these men shall go, and why doesn't the deacons and bishops speak up?
14. Even the congregation can speak up, by not showing up, those who knew of *The Lord* escaped these wolves in sheeps clothing, while those still in darkness sat in darkness even still.
15. Those whom know not the like, will feel darkness and not know that darkness has surrounded them, while light can not sit still in darkness and will remove itself there from.


Hagbard Celine
03-19-2008, 08:47 AM
Politics is like a game of chess. I think the fact that Obama let this thing sting him the way it has is proof that he is too inexperienced for the big leagues at this juncture. His bid for prez should've been in 2012.

03-19-2008, 08:57 PM
Politics is like a game of chess. I think the fact that Obama let this thing sting him the way it has is proof that he is too inexperienced for the big leagues at this juncture. His bid for prez should've been in 2012.

he actually said he had planned this speech for a while, well a race speech, he just didn't expect it to come about like this....

1. the fact that he planned this, shows:

a. he figured his complexion would bring it out
b. he knew his church and his racist "private" life would eventually force this out -- proof of that is the NY times article that shows he disinvited his pastor because of possible controversy.

2. it definitely shows he is not able to be CIC, ever

03-19-2008, 09:02 PM
how insane of you to think so?

I have never heard the Farrakan named mentioned in this issue except by you.

obama's mentor of 20 years gave louie a life time achiement award......

03-20-2008, 08:20 AM
obama's mentor of 20 years gave louie a life time achiement award......What is it that specifically offends you Manu regarding Obama and Rev Wright.

Has Obama shown any racist tendencies himself in his career? Has his relationship with Rev Wright hurt his career thus far?

Has any one that has had any dealings with him professionally over the years of his career questioned Obama's work ethics regarding being a racist or his love or hate for America etc?

Everyone keeps saying that Obama should have left his church if he disagreed with the Rev. Wright and that they would if it were a minister or pastor in their own church..... but would you really? If you had developed a one on one relationship with your priest or pastor, where you knew EVERY SIDE of him and saw alot of good in him too.... would you really abandon your close and family relationship with one The right thing to do would be to talk to them and tell them why you think what they are saying is wrong in private and to start praying like heck that God would help the family member or close friend see the evil of their ways....

I think what Obama was saying about his white grandmother and Reverend Reight is that you don't throw people under the bus that you love and care for....

I don't think he threw his grandmom under the bus as you claim, though I do see the point that it would have been even BETTER if he had mentioned the prejudices that his Black Grandma had with white folk too....without this, it made it seem as though the prejudices came from only one side ...when it came to his family....or at least interpreted that way.....(Outside of Rev Rght.

Anyway, I am not an Obama suporter.... I just do not see where in Obama's career.... has he let what Rev Rght thinks and says affect him in any of his professional decisions.

I must say though, the criticism of something like this would have been even greater if it were Clinton's personal pastor or Mccain's personal pastor saying tthese things in their community churches only regarding whites....


03-20-2008, 08:46 AM
What is it that specifically offends you Manu regarding Obama and Rev Wright.

Has Obama shown any racist tendencies himself in his career? Has his relationship with Rev Wright hurt his career thus far?

Has any one that has had any dealings with him professionally over the years of his career questioned Obama's work ethics regarding being a racist or his love or hate for America etc?

Everyone keeps saying that Obama should have left his church if he disagreed with the Rev. Wright and that they would if it were a minister or pastor in their own church..... but would you really? If you had developed a one on one relationship with your priest or pastor, where you knew EVERY SIDE of him and saw alot of good in him too.... would you really abandon your close and family relationship with one The right thing to do would be to talk to them and tell them why you think what they are saying is wrong in private and to start praying like heck that God would help the family member or close friend see the evil of their ways....

I think what Obama was saying about his white grandmother and Reverend Reight is that you don't throw people under the bus that you love and care for....

I don't think he threw his grandmom under the bus as you claim, though I do see the point that it would have been even BETTER if he had mentioned the prejudices that his Black Grandma had with white folk too....without this, it made it seem as though the prejudices came from only one side ...when it came to his family....or at least interpreted that way.....(Outside of Rev Rght.

Anyway, I am not an Obama suporter.... I just do not see where in Obama's career.... has he let what Rev Rght thinks and says affect him in any of his professional decisions.

I must say though, the criticism of something like this would have been even greater if it were Clinton's personal pastor or Mccain's personal pastor saying tthese things in their community churches only regarding whites....

jdGood morning jd!

Please go to this link and click the featured video http://www.glennbeck.com/ I think this was from two days ago? Anyway yesterday Glen explored the church and the basis of its teachings and it scared me... this video will probably be available tomorrow on this same link... You know something, as a result of Obama's speech the New Black Panthers joined his official site in support but Obama had to cancel them out. Please stop defending this dead man walking... he is history and I hope he isn't killed but his political career is over!

Pale Rider
03-20-2008, 10:47 AM
Well, it has been established that hussein knew all about his reverends rapant racism.

Hussein is a liar.

03-20-2008, 10:53 AM
What is it that specifically offends you Manu regarding Obama and Rev Wright.

Has Obama shown any racist tendencies himself in his career? Has his relationship with Rev Wright hurt his career thus far?

Has any one that has had any dealings with him professionally over the years of his career questioned Obama's work ethics regarding being a racist or his love or hate for America etc?

Everyone keeps saying that Obama should have left his church if he disagreed with the Rev. Wright and that they would if it were a minister or pastor in their own church..... but would you really? If you had developed a one on one relationship with your priest or pastor, where you knew EVERY SIDE of him and saw alot of good in him too.... would you really abandon your close and family relationship with one The right thing to do would be to talk to them and tell them why you think what they are saying is wrong in private and to start praying like heck that God would help the family member or close friend see the evil of their ways....

I think what Obama was saying about his white grandmother and Reverend Reight is that you don't throw people under the bus that you love and care for....

I don't think he threw his grandmom under the bus as you claim, though I do see the point that it would have been even BETTER if he had mentioned the prejudices that his Black Grandma had with white folk too....without this, it made it seem as though the prejudices came from only one side ...when it came to his family....or at least interpreted that way.....(Outside of Rev Rght.

Anyway, I am not an Obama suporter.... I just do not see where in Obama's career.... has he let what Rev Rght thinks and says affect him in any of his professional decisions.

I must say though, the criticism of something like this would have been even greater if it were Clinton's personal pastor or Mccain's personal pastor saying tthese things in their community churches only regarding whites....


offended .... me ....nothing .....

obama has chosen two very interesting people to be close to him ..... the slum lord that financially launched his political career and and very paranoid mean spirited pastor......not exactly quality people.....then he chose to throw his dear white grandmother under the bus to help justify when you can love questionable people ..... if he truely was the moral and ethicacl pargon he and others claim he is ..... he would shit can the lot of them .....

he has proven and admitted he has question judgement and made bad decissions .... just the qualifications we need ...... he should put out a campaign add ..... "we hope i will change" .....

03-20-2008, 04:53 PM
he has proven and admitted he has question judgement and made bad decissions .... just the qualifications we need ...... he should put out a campaign add ..... "we hope i will change" .....


Pale Rider
03-21-2008, 01:33 AM
What is it that specifically offends you Manu regarding Obama and Rev Wright.

Has Obama shown any racist tendencies himself in his career? Has his relationship with Rev Wright hurt his career thus far?

Has any one that has had any dealings with him professionally over the years of his career questioned Obama's work ethics regarding being a racist or his love or hate for America etc?

Everyone keeps saying that Obama should have left his church if he disagreed with the Rev. Wright and that they would if it were a minister or pastor in their own church..... but would you really? If you had developed a one on one relationship with your priest or pastor, where you knew EVERY SIDE of him and saw alot of good in him too.... would you really abandon your close and family relationship with one The right thing to do would be to talk to them and tell them why you think what they are saying is wrong in private and to start praying like heck that God would help the family member or close friend see the evil of their ways....

I think what Obama was saying about his white grandmother and Reverend Reight is that you don't throw people under the bus that you love and care for....

I don't think he threw his grandmom under the bus as you claim, though I do see the point that it would have been even BETTER if he had mentioned the prejudices that his Black Grandma had with white folk too....without this, it made it seem as though the prejudices came from only one side ...when it came to his family....or at least interpreted that way.....(Outside of Rev Rght.

Anyway, I am not an Obama suporter.... I just do not see where in Obama's career.... has he let what Rev Rght thinks and says affect him in any of his professional decisions.

I must say though, the criticism of something like this would have been even greater if it were Clinton's personal pastor or Mccain's personal pastor saying tthese things in their community churches only regarding whites....


I'm appalled and amazed at how quick you lefties are to come out in droves to DEFEND racism. Well ya know what jd... then you lefties no longer own the race card, we do. The right is the new party against racism, and you lefties are the party that defends frothing at the mouth, God damn America, The United States of America KKK, the white man created Aides to kill the black man, raging, racist, preaches of churches with blatant and unapologetic racist agendas.

03-21-2008, 08:02 AM
I'm appalled and amazed at how quick you lefties are to come out in droves to DEFEND racism. Well ya know what jd... then you lefties no longer own the race card, we do. The right is the new party against racism, and you lefties are the party that defends frothing at the mouth, God damn America, The United States of America KKK, the white man created Aides to kill the black man, raging, racist, preaches of churches with blatant and unapologetic racist agendas.

the fact that african american churches with prophetic black liberation theology- inspired preachers have always voted overwhelmingly for democrats is not some new thing, nor will it somehow change because of what Jeremiah Wright has said.

It was quite appropriate that Obama gave his speech in Philly. Not only is it the home of our constitution, but also of the AME church which is the birthplace of black liberation preaching. Amen!

03-21-2008, 08:25 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But what needs to be put in the scales is this.
2. In my judgement, *Pastor Wrights Church*, is not a *Real Church*.
3. And if *Black Churches* are like this all over the country, then those churches should be *Excomuticated*.
4. This mirror of this Pastor Wrights teachngs, is a reflection of the soul of perhaps thousands of *Dead Churches*.
5. And it should be the duty of *The United Church of Chirst* to discover which of these churches are in need of *Excomunications*, and any other branch of Churches that teach this brand of doctrines.
6. To do anything other than this, brings the same *Excomunication Orders* upon the entire *United Church of Christ*
7. I call for action, otherwise, I call for the end of, *The Unuited Church of Christ*, where ever it is all over the World.
8. My words shall not return *Void*.


03-21-2008, 08:39 AM
I'm appalled and amazed at how quick you lefties are to come out in droves to DEFEND racism. Well ya know what jd... then you lefties no longer own the race card, we do. The right is the new party against racism, and you lefties are the party that defends frothing at the mouth, God damn America, The United States of America KKK, the white man created Aides to kill the black man, raging, racist, preaches of churches with blatant and unapologetic racist agendas. I think ALOT of people out there have prejudices....white and black and yellow and brown and red skinned people..... NO ONE is perfect, not even me or my own family members from time to time.

The things said and the manner that reverend Wright spoke to the people of his congregation, SEEMED as though he was inciting division between blacks and whites and spurring the division between us.

I am not comfortable AT ALL or in the LEAST with this kind of Preaching from the Pulpit, expecially if it is a Christian Church because Christianity is about FORGIVENESS of sins and transgressions against us, it is about turning the other cheek and walking the extra mile with your adversary.....NOT about HATRED....but forgiveness.

This is not the kind of sermon I heard from the Reverend Wright.

But just because Reverend Wright did not behave in the manner that I feel he should as a Pastor, does not give me a FREE PASS to spout my own prejuduces back at him and back at the black community....I see it, that this would make me, just like the one I am complaining about....

I think good will come out of this episode....eventually....to break these barriors between us....a discussion is taking place among blacks and whites that has stayed in the bedroom or limited to these message boards and blogs, but now out in the open....

we can TRY to make the best of this and try to heal the wounds between our races...take the higher ground, or we can take the road we've become accustomed to which leaves us where we began, nowhere with this issue.


03-21-2008, 08:44 AM
I think ALOT of people out there have prejudices....white and black and yellow and brown and red skinned people..... NO ONE is perfect, not even me or my own family members from time to time.

The things said and the manner that reverend Wright spoke to the people of his congregation, SEEMED as though he was inciting division between blacks and whites and spurring the division between us.

I am not comfortable AT ALL or in the LEAST with this kind of Preaching from the Pulpit, expecially if it is a Christian Church because Christianity is about FORGIVENESS of sins and transgressions against us, it is about turning the other cheek and walking the extra mile with your adversary.....NOT about HATRED....but forgiveness.

This is not the kind of sermon I heard from the Reverend Wright.

But just because Reverend Wright did not behave in the manner that I feel he should as a Pastor, does not give me a FREE PASS to spout my own prejuduces back at him and back at the black community....I see it, that this would make me, just like the one I am complaining about....

I think good will come out of this episode....eventually....to break these barriors between us....a discussion is taking place among blacks and whites that has stayed in the bedroom or limited to these message boards and blogs, but now out in the open....

we can TRY to make the best of this and try to heal the wounds between our races...take the higher ground, or we can take the road we've become accustomed to which leaves us where we began, nowhere with this issue.


I understand what you are saying, it made sense not so long ago. However, I do believe that Obama's campaign to this point in time demonstrates that for many Americans that 'prejudice' argument regarding Blacks has been overstated at minimum. As you said regarding your own family, it's not that their isn't racism out there, a foolish statement that would be; however it's no longer what it was in the past and if not used as Obama did in his speech to justify it, would probably be less in the future.

For every racist SOB that would use that as a basis not to vote for someone, how many votes has BO received because he is black on that fact alone?