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View Full Version : *Man Who Takes Helm From Spitzer Admits To Banging Some Broad*

03-17-2008, 10:01 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. But Spitzers replacement isn't much better than he.
2. Wow, this is outrageous!
3. Have a freaking special election.
4. Find a person worthy to hold this job!
5. Is every man in New York a sneaky womanizer?
6. Thats really bad, and in a way should scare all *True Blue Americans*.
7. READ ALL ABOUT IT HERE:http://www.nydailynews.com/news/2008/03/17/2008-03-17_gov_paterson_admits_to_sex_with_other_wo.html


The thunderous applause was still ringing in his ears when the state's new governor, David Paterson, told the Daily News that he and his wife had extramarital affairs.

In a stunning revelation, both Paterson, 53, and his wife, Michelle, 46, acknowledged in a joint interview they each had intimate relationships with others during a rocky period in their marriage several years ago.

In the course of several interviews in the past few days, Paterson said he maintained a relationship for two or three years with "a woman other than my wife," beginning in 1999.

As part of that relationship, Paterson said, he and the other woman sometimes stayed at an upper West Side hotel — the Days Inn at Broadway and W. 94th St.

He said members of his Albany legislative staff often used the same hotel when they visit the city.

"This was a marriage that appeared to be going sour at one point," Paterson conceded in his first interview Saturday. "But I went to counseling and we decided we wanted to make it work. Michelle is well aware of what went on."

In a second interview with Paterson and his wife Monday, only hours after he was sworn in to replace scandal-scarred Eliot Spitzer, Michelle Paterson confirmed her husband's account.

"Like most marriages, you go through certain difficult periods," Michelle Paterson said. "What's important is for your kids to see you worked them out."

The First Couple agreed to speak publicly about the difficulties in their marriage in response to a variety of rumors about Paterson's personal life that have been circulating in Albany and among the press corps in recent days.

They spoke in the governor's office even as scores of friends, family members and political supporters were celebrating in the corridors of the Capitol his ascension to the state's highest post.

Given the call-girl scandal that erupted last week and forced Spitzer's stunning resignation, Paterson conceded that top government officials are bound to come under closer scrutiny for their personal actions.

The governor flatly denied what he called a "sporadic rumor in Albany that I had a love child" by another woman. "That's just not true," he said.

"Don't you think he'd take care of a child if he'd had one?" Michelle Paterson said, in obvious disgust over that persistent rumor.

The romantic relationship he did have, Paterson said, lasted until sometime in 2001. He did not identify the former girlfriend.

Garry Mar 17, 2008 9:34:39 PM Report Offensive Post
hjo4 wrote "They are to be commended for speaking openly about their private life." Yeah, and the timing, coming just AFTER he takes the top position in the state is quite admirable too, no? What moral courage the man has. LOL

BigPoopi Mar 17, 2008 9:34:51 PM Report Offensive Post
This kind of candor is wondrous. Good Luck, Governor! We're all rootin' for ya. (Here, Here.) (Where?, Where?) (There!, There!)

Garry Mar 17, 2008 9:38:09 PM Report Offensive Post
Let us not forget the Newt's, Mark Foley's and Larry Craig's of the world. But, I guess this problem is indigenous to only one side of the aisle. It was funny once Newt's history was leaked he was still considering a 2008 presidential run! Republicans still love the guy who preached family values, but lacks any of his own! Also, John McCain was twice married. Not more than a month after his divorce he was remarried. Now, there is nothing wrong with that. But, remember it was a month! No proof of anything, but he did say he was a real "****" and that ruined his first marriage. Wonder what he was a "****" for?????

Garry Mar 17, 2008 9:43:11 PM Report Offensive Post
Because John McCain didn't cheat on his first wife?

Garry Mar 17, 2008 9:46:37 PM Report Offensive Post
The Socialists have tried SO hard to pin infidelity on the GOP.......only because they feel it will justify their own acceptance for their own. You tried to pin it on Reagan and the first Bush......got killed right away didn't it? Know why? Republicans are FAR MORE MORAL than Dems/Socialists. McGreevey in NJ ring a bell? Gay 3-somes? Killing Vince Foster ring a bell? Killing Ron Brown ring a bell? Please tell me that there are some reasonable Dems/Socialists out there can can actually see and appreciate the TRUTH.......

Brian Schmidt Mar 17, 2008 9:48:27 PM Report Offensive Post
Now, since he can not see her, is he really sure he was cheating?

Garry Mar 17, 2008 9:48:33 PM Report Offensive Post
Um, nice to rip on Dems for cheating, as if they have a monopoly on it. Giuliani, Newt, and of course McCain: "On returning to the United States, he cheated on his first wife, Carol, who had been seriously injured in a car accident when he was in Vietnam." (Newsweek, 11/15/99).

I never used state cash to pay for liaisons – gov
Gov. Paterson denies using state or campaign money to pay for liaisons with another woman during a rocky patch in his marriage.

Records show that in September 2001, then-Sen. Paterson's campaign spent $456.46 for two nights at what was then called the Quality Hotel at 215 W. 94th St.

One check was dated Sept. 10 — the day before the 9/11 attacks — and the other Sept. 24. Both are listed as "office" expenses.

In an earlier interview with the Daily News, Paterson mentioned that his campaign paid for a staffer to stay at the hotel around the time of 9/11.

He said he did not remember the exact dates, but he acknowledged putting up one staffer there the day of the attack and another the day before the Democratic primary, which was Sept. 25, 2001.


8. I find this another proof as why *American Women* are unworthy to be married also.:popcorn:
