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View Full Version : Cheney does it again

03-19-2008, 09:47 AM

He tied the Iraq war to 911.

Cheney also defended the toppling of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein as part of the struggle against terrorism following the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

This month, an exhaustive Pentagon-sponsored review of more than 600,000 Iraqi documents captured during the 2003 U.S. invasion found no evidence that Saddam's regime had any operational links with the al Qaida terrorist network.

03-19-2008, 09:57 AM

He tied the Iraq war to 911.

Cheney also defended the toppling of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein as part of the struggle against terrorism following the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

This month, an exhaustive Pentagon-sponsored review of more than 600,000 Iraqi documents captured during the 2003 U.S. invasion found no evidence that Saddam's regime had any operational links with the al Qaida terrorist network.

Yes he said:

"So the United States made a decision: to hunt down the evil of terrorism and kill it where it grows, to hold the supporters of terror to account and to confront regimes that harbor terrorists and threaten the peace,"

Is this not true?

GW in Ohio
03-19-2008, 10:00 AM
Yes he said:

Is this not true?

Hawk: It's the US vowed to hunt down terrorists.

It's false that Iraq was a terrorist hotbed.

Cheney was full of shit in '03 and he's full of shit today.

03-19-2008, 10:03 AM
Hawk: It's the US vowed to hunt down terrorists.

It's false that Iraq was a terrorist hotbed.

Cheney was full of shit in '03 and he's full of shit today.

Saddam, however, was a supporter of terrorism.

Salaries For Suicide Bombers
Iraq Pays $25,000 To Families Of 'Martyrs'
WASHINGTON, April 3, 2002

(CBS) Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has raised the amount offered to relatives of suicide bombers from $10,000 per family to $25,000, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Wednesday.

Since Iraq upped its payments last month, 12 suicide bombers have successfully struck inside Israel, including one man who killed 25 Israelis, many of them elderly, as they sat down to a meal at a hotel to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Passover. The families of three suicide bombers said they have recently received payments of $25,000.

Palestinians say the bombers are driven by a priceless thirst for revenge, religious zeal and dreams of glory — not greed.

Mahmoud Safi, leader of a pro-Iraqi Palestinian group, the Arab Liberation Front, acknowledged that the support payments for relatives make it easier for some potential bombers to make up their minds. "Some people stop me on the street, saying if you increase the payment to $50,000 I'll do it immediately," Safi said. He also suggested such remarks were made mostly in jest.

Saddam has said the Palestinians need weapons and money instead of peace proposals and has provided payments throughout a year and a half of Israeli-Palestinian battles. "I saw on Iraqi TV President Saddam saying he will continue supporting the (uprising) even if it means selling his own clothes," said Safi. (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/04/03/world/main505316.shtml)

03-19-2008, 10:06 AM
Hawk: It's the US vowed to hunt down terrorists.

It's false that Iraq was a terrorist hotbed.

Cheney was full of shit in '03 and he's full of shit today.

I don't believe anyone ever said Iraq was a terrorist 'hotbed'. But they did sponsor terrorism, as you can see by the above post.

03-19-2008, 10:10 AM
Hawk: It's the US vowed to hunt down terrorists.

It's false that Iraq was a terrorist hotbed.

Cheney was full of shit in '03 and he's full of shit today.

is you contention that saddam's regime......did not support terror or harbour terrorists or threaten the peace.....

03-19-2008, 10:13 AM
I guess the Pentagon is just lying .

This month, an exhaustive Pentagon-sponsored review of more than 600,000 Iraqi documents captured during the 2003 U.S. invasion found no evidence that Saddam's regime had any operational links with the al Qaida terrorist network.

03-19-2008, 10:14 AM
I guess the Pentagon is just lying .

well you have been saying they are liars for what....8 years....why do you believe them now....

Gadget (fmr Marine)
03-19-2008, 10:15 AM
Hawk: It's the US vowed to hunt down terrorists.

It's false that Iraq was a terrorist hotbed.

Cheney was full of shit in '03 and he's full of shit today.


I have not heard anyone who believes that Iraq did not support terrorists refute the fact that this training facility existed, and did in fact train terrorists.

Salman Pak was a training facility in Iraq for terrorists activities (and has been argued that it was used for anti-terrorist training for the Republican Guard, as well) I guess it would depend on which side you align yourself, on what would then be "anti-terrorist" training.

Iraq told UN inspectors that Salman Pak was an anti-terror training camp for Iraqi special forces. However, two defectors from Iraqi intelligence stated that they had worked for several years at the secret Iraqi government camp, which had trained Islamic terrorists in rotations of five or six months since 1995. Training activities including simulated hijackings carried out in an airplane fuselage [said to be a Boeing 707] at the camp. The camp is divided into distinct sections. On one side of the camp young, Iraqis who were members of Fedayeen Saddam are trained in espionage, assassination techniques and sabotage. The Islamic militants trained on the other side of the camp, in an area separated by a small lake, trees and barbed wire. The militants reportedly spent time training, usually in groups of five or six, around the fuselage of the airplane. There were rarely more than 40 or 50 Islamic radicals in the camp at one time.

03-19-2008, 10:19 AM

I have not heard anyone who believes that Iraq did not support terrorists refute the fact that this training facility existed, and did in fact train terrorists.

Salman Pak was a training facility in Iraq for terrorists activities (and has been argued that it was used for anti-terrorist training for the Republican Guard, as well) I guess it would depend on which side you align yourself, on what would then be "anti-terrorist" training.

i remember this news story.....a jet out in the midlle of nowhere used for hijack training.....nice.....

GW in Ohio
03-19-2008, 10:20 AM
Saddam, however, was a supporter of terrorism.

Salaries For Suicide Bombers
Iraq Pays $25,000 To Families Of 'Martyrs'
WASHINGTON, April 3, 2002

(CBS) Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has raised the amount offered to relatives of suicide bombers from $10,000 per family to $25,000, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Wednesday.

Since Iraq upped its payments last month, 12 suicide bombers have successfully struck inside Israel, including one man who killed 25 Israelis, many of them elderly, as they sat down to a meal at a hotel to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Passover. The families of three suicide bombers said they have recently received payments of $25,000.

Palestinians say the bombers are driven by a priceless thirst for revenge, religious zeal and dreams of glory — not greed.

Mahmoud Safi, leader of a pro-Iraqi Palestinian group, the Arab Liberation Front, acknowledged that the support payments for relatives make it easier for some potential bombers to make up their minds. "Some people stop me on the street, saying if you increase the payment to $50,000 I'll do it immediately," Safi said. He also suggested such remarks were made mostly in jest.

Saddam has said the Palestinians need weapons and money instead of peace proposals and has provided payments throughout a year and a half of Israeli-Palestinian battles. "I saw on Iraqi TV President Saddam saying he will continue supporting the (uprising) even if it means selling his own clothes," said Safi. (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/04/03/world/main505316.shtml)

A lot of other places supported terrorism to a greater degree than Iraq, including Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia.

But we didn't attack them. Why?

Because Bush is a moron and Cheney is an asshole.

And a pompous asshole, to boot. To this day, these two clowns stick by their story that invading Iraq was the "right" thing to do.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
03-19-2008, 10:23 AM
A lot of other places supported terrorism to a greater degree than Iraq, including Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia.

But we didn't attack them. Why?

Because Bush is a moron and Cheney is an asshole.

And a pompous asshole, to boot. To this day, these two clowns stick by their story that invading Iraq was the "right" thing to do.

...and you are an expert on world policies and politics.....HOW?

Do you know the strategic advantages of doing something in Iraq v Syria or Iran...and forget Saudi Arabia.....that would be like attacking Africanized Bees....unleashing ALL the radicals that have been indoctrinated in the madrasas

03-19-2008, 10:24 AM
A lot of other places supported terrorism to a greater degree than Iraq, including Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia.

But we didn't attack them. Why?

Because Bush is a moron and Cheney is an asshole.

And a pompous asshole, to boot. To this day, these two clowns stick by their story that invading Iraq was the "right" thing to do.

the had not violated 18 un resolution and been authorized to use severe consequences....

i always love the argument that te us should have attacked four countries at once.....you do know that syria cooperated with the us to turn over "some " terrorists as did saudi arabia and pakistan.....

iran not so much.....but they had not invaded kuwait and violated the terms of a cease fire and 18 un resolutions.....

GW in Ohio
03-19-2008, 10:37 AM
the had not violated 18 un resolution and been authorized to use severe consequences....

i always love the argument that te us should have attacked four countries at once.....you do know that syria cooperated with the us to turn over "some " terrorists as did saudi arabia and pakistan.....

iran not so much.....but they had not invaded kuwait and violated the terms of a cease fire and 18 un resolutions.....

Excuse me.....Because Saddam Hussein violated UN resolutions has nothing to do with his country being a hotbed of terrorism.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
03-19-2008, 10:38 AM
Ignoring the Salman Pak information?

03-19-2008, 10:39 AM
A lot of other places supported terrorism to a greater degree than Iraq, including Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia.

But we didn't attack them. Why?

Because Bush is a moron and Cheney is an asshole.

And a pompous asshole, to boot. To this day, these two clowns stick by their story that invading Iraq was the "right" thing to do.

Hey they made a shitload of money for the right people and the nex four generations of their family have a job for life doing next to nothing for free world travel.

They did exactly what they wanted and that is why Bush feels so good about it that he dances in front of the press.

They got what they wanted , they just could care less about what happened to America and its people .

03-19-2008, 10:40 AM
Excuse me.....Because Saddam Hussein violated UN resolutions has nothing to do with his country being a hotbed of terrorism.

hotbed is your word ...... none the less..... is it your contention that he neither harbored or supported terrorists.............

03-19-2008, 10:54 AM
the pentagon agrees they didnt.

The only people who contend they did is Cheney and the people who would believe anything Bush tells them to believe.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
03-19-2008, 10:56 AM
Salman Pak?

03-19-2008, 11:00 AM
Salman Pak?

where arab nationalists trained.
so what?

if we are to consideer anyone who helped palestinian nationalist paramilitary/terrorist organizations as our enemies, we would have no one to buy oil from.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
03-19-2008, 11:02 AM
where arab nationalists trained.
so what?

if we are to consideer anyone who helped palestinian nationalist paramilitary/terrorist organizations as our enemies, we would have no one to buy oil from.

So there was a training camp in Iraq that helped train terrorists?

GW in Ohio
03-19-2008, 11:11 AM
hotbed is your word ...... none the less..... is it your contention that he neither harbored or supported terrorists.............

It's my contention that nothing justified the Iraq invasion. Whatever $$trillions we have spent on the Iraq misadventure could have been put to good use here at home.

And the 3,000+ American lives lost, not to mention the thousands of casualties, should never have happened.

And don't get me started on the international prestige and good will we've squandered by acting like the Roman Empire under Caligula.

03-19-2008, 11:14 AM
It is VERY near 4,000 dead.

03-19-2008, 12:32 PM

Salmon PAK rumors regarding terrorists have been DISPROVEN...well, i am not certain all of them have been disproven, but more like they can not be confirmed by any of our intelligence agencies...with years of trying to...

i am still in the process of following the links with the wiki info....but these same defectors that rattled the wmd garbage were the ones pushing the terrorist angle of salmon pak....

i am afraid we have been HAD, on this one...at least as it stands now, without reading the associated links yet!

Alleged connections to terrorism

The facility was discussed in the leadup to the 2003 invasion of Iraq as a result of a campaign by Iraqi defectors associated with the Iraqi National Congress to assert that the facility was a terrorist training camp. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has since established that both the CIA and the DIA concluded that there was no evidence to support these claims.

A DIA analyst told the Committee, "The Iraqi National Congress (INC) has been pushing information for a long time about Salman Pak and training of al-Qa'ida." Knight Ridder reporters Jonathan S. Landay and Warren P. Strobel noted in November 2005 that "After the war, U.S. officials determined that a facility in Salman Pak was used to train Iraqi anti-terrorist commandos."[Seattle Times, 1 November 2005, p. A5]. And PBS Frontline - who originally carried many of the allegations of Iraqi defectors - similarly noted that "U.S. officials have now concluded that Salman Pak was most likely used to train Iraqi counter-terrorism units in anti-hijacking techniques."[3]

03-19-2008, 12:36 PM
Yes we have been had.

I just wish all Americans loved their country more than they loved their party.

03-19-2008, 12:38 PM
Yes we have been had.

I just wish all Americans loved their country more than they loved their party.

you first............

03-19-2008, 12:39 PM
It's my contention that nothing justified the Iraq invasion. Whatever $$trillions we have spent on the Iraq misadventure could have been put to good use here at home.

And the 3,000+ American lives lost, not to mention the thousands of casualties, should never have happened.

And don't get me started on the international prestige and good will we've squandered by acting like the Roman Empire under Caligula.

yes we should be fighting this war in the mountains of afganistan......that has always worked out well.........and it is where obama and or hillary want to fight it.....and where they have said they will fight it....

03-19-2008, 12:53 PM
I guess the Pentagon is just lying .

This month, an exhaustive Pentagon-sponsored review of more than 600,000 Iraqi documents captured during the 2003 U.S. invasion found no evidence that Saddam's regime had any operational links with the al Qaida terrorist network.

The only terrorists in the world are Al Qaeda?

03-19-2008, 01:47 PM
Cheney tells the truth again. and surprise TM has a problem with it.

03-19-2008, 02:00 PM
Cheney tells the truth again. and surprise TM has a problem with it.

Me and every study done on the subject disagree with you.

03-19-2008, 07:01 PM

He tied the Iraq war to 911.

Cheney also defended the toppling of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein as part of the struggle against terrorism following the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

This month, an exhaustive Pentagon-sponsored review of more than 600,000 Iraqi documents captured during the 2003 U.S. invasion found no evidence that Saddam's regime had any operational links with the al Qaida terrorist network.

Now you know why he would never given evidence under oath. He can't remember his lies! :laugh2:

03-19-2008, 07:07 PM
Yeah pretty much what I thought too.

03-19-2008, 08:39 PM
Me and every study done on the subject disagree with you.

I'm not even sure you've read the cat in the hat let alone a study. Why the heck should i take your word for it when every study I've seen has said the opposite?

03-19-2008, 08:45 PM
What about this Pentagon study just the other day which said it had no ties?

03-19-2008, 09:35 PM
What about this Pentagon study just the other day which said it had no ties?

but you posted links that saddam did have ties to terrorist groups......who am i to believe......you tell me you are smarter than me.....and that i shouldn't trust the government and now you tell me they are telling me the truth.....it is all so confusing....thank god for the supper delegates.....they will take care of me and make sure i do the right thing....

Gadget (fmr Marine)
03-20-2008, 12:33 AM
This is great...have the rumors been disproven, or do you think that some of them have, or do you just have some information from Wiki (that may have been submitted by yourself) that says what you want it to.....

I love it when people speak definitively, and then cannot even believe it themselves...

Salman Pak existed....it was a training facility....for the Republican Guard and some "other" people...that we cannot identify, as of yet.....perhaps they were street sweepers, or Olympic athletes.....of perhaps they were actually terrorists......


Salmon PAK rumors regarding terrorists have been DISPROVEN...well, i am not certain all of them have been disproven, but more like they can not be confirmed by any of our intelligence agencies...with years of trying to...

i am still in the process of following the links with the wiki info....but these same defectors that rattled the wmd garbage were the ones pushing the terrorist angle of salmon pak....

i am afraid we have been HAD, on this one...at least as it stands now, without reading the associated links yet!

03-20-2008, 07:17 AM
This is great...have the rumors been disproven, or do you think that some of them have, or do you just have some information from Wiki (that may have been submitted by yourself) that says what you want it to.....

I love it when people speak definitively, and then cannot even believe it themselves...

Salman Pak existed....it was a training facility....for the Republican Guard and some "other" people...that we cannot identify, as of yet.....perhaps they were street sweepers, or Olympic athletes.....of perhaps they were actually terrorists......Before YOU continue to bash me, maybe you should read the link I provided and others that are out there that definitively say that THERE WAS NO TRAINING of Al Qaeda at Salmon Pak AFTER Gulf War 1.

The Senate Intelligence committee said basically THE SAME....?

All YOU have is a link from 1 neoconservative internet source stating such....at least that is what I have gathered?

Not only did Saddam not have nukes, was not working on nukes, (and not trying to acquire yellowcake from Niger), he did not have the WMD stockpiles, and it looks like he DID NOT train any alqaeda at salmon pak....

These were the LIES the Iraqi defectors told us....they have all turned out not to be true, or unproveable which is the same in my opinion.

We were HAD.... there is nothing that can convince me otherwise at this point, with the information out there at this time.....leaving it open, in case SOMETHING concrete does show up after 6 years of intelligence hunting...which is doubtful imho.


03-20-2008, 08:11 AM
What about this Pentagon study just the other day which said it had no ties?

Again, the Pentagon study says there was no ties to Al Qaeda. Did it say there was no ties to terrorism? Apparently you think Al Qaeda is the only terrorist group in the world....

Pale Rider
03-20-2008, 11:17 AM

He tied the Iraq war to 911.

It wasn't this that shocked me... it was when his interviewer asked him what he thought of 2/3 of the country now being against the war in Iraq, his reply was "so?"

I guess that's the best and most honest representation of what bush and cheney think of what the American people think I've ever heard.

03-20-2008, 11:38 AM
It wasn't this that shocked me... it was when his interviewer asked him what he thought of 2/3 of the country now being against the war in Iraq, his reply was "so?"

I guess that's the best and most honest representation of what bush and cheney think of what the American people think I've ever heard.

it was pretty snotty....but the flip side is.....are two thirds of the american public qualified to decide foreign policy and solve the issues .....

Pale Rider
03-20-2008, 11:42 AM
it was pretty snotty....but the flip side is.....are two thirds of the american public qualified to decide foreign policy and solve the issues .....

Maybe a better question is, should two people have the power to think for 200 million people? Sounds kind of like dictators to me.

03-20-2008, 11:47 AM
Maybe a better question is, do two people have the power to think for 200 million people? Sounds kind of like dictators to me.

i seem to recall the pres vp house senate and a majority of americans all endorsed the action......

at the moment only the people want to quit.....

i also seem to recall the people voted a majority of dems into congress to stop the war....which has not happened....

maybe they all know more than they are letting on.....

maybe the truth really is if our army was not there there would have been dozens of hits on us soil ........

maybe the price of blood and treasure we are paying is buying us an america that is not under daily attack like israel.....

or maybe not ...... maybe if we just say sorry and leave ..... hey wait the israelis tried that .....

Pale Rider
03-20-2008, 11:54 AM
i seem to recall the pres vp house senate and a majority of americans all endorsed the action......

at the moment only the people want to quit.....

i also seem to recall the people voted a majority of dems into congress to stop the war....which has not happened....

maybe they all know more than they are letting on.....

maybe the truth really is if our army was not there there would have been dozens of hits on us soil ........

maybe the price of blood and treasure we are paying is buying us an america that is not under daily attack like israel.....

or maybe not ...... maybe if we just say sorry and leave ..... hey wait the israelis tried that .....

And maybe there'll be a beer shortage soon...

You can maybe all day every day... but here's what we do know, bush and cheney don't give a damn what the country thinks about the war. Why? Because they can. Why are we still in Iraq? I have an idea... what's your's?

03-20-2008, 12:02 PM
And maybe there'll be a beer shortage soon...

You can maybe all day every day... but here's what we do know, bush and cheney don't give a damn what the country thinks about the war. Why? Because they can. Why are we still in Iraq? I have an idea... what's your's?

bush and cheney were hired to do a job....they are doing what they think is right......simply because some have lost their will to do the job the asked of them is no reason for them to stop..... i am sure you have been a boss and done things for the benift of the company that were unpular with the workers....

some times being the boss sucks......soon you will have a new boss and you can complain about what they are not doing correctly....

as for why we are still there.....they are trying to help iraq to be able to stand alone and govern and defend themselves.....it seems that it is getting closer to that gola rather than further away.....the long feared civil war has not materialized.....i would surmise from bush and cheney and congress sit...they are damn close and that is why they are still funding the war and still fighting on.....

03-20-2008, 12:06 PM
who exactly are we training Iraq to defend themselves against?

Pale Rider
03-20-2008, 12:41 PM
bush and cheney were hired to do a job....they are doing what they think is right......simply because some have lost their will to do the job the asked of them is no reason for them to stop..... i am sure you have been a boss and done things for the benift of the company that were unpular with the workers....

some times being the boss sucks......soon you will have a new boss and you can complain about what they are not doing correctly....

as for why we are still there.....they are trying to help iraq to be able to stand alone and govern and defend themselves.....it seems that it is getting closer to that gola rather than further away.....the long feared civil war has not materialized.....i would surmise from bush and cheney and congress sit...they are damn close and that is why they are still funding the war and still fighting on.....

So... then at this point, we're an occupying army and we're nation building. Is that what this country is supposed to be doing? Occupying? Nation building? When we have such massive problems here at home? Pump TRILLIONS of dollars into another country?

Oil... manu.... oil is why we're in Iraq. And as long as there's oil in Iraq, so will we be.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
03-20-2008, 03:11 PM
Not bashing you...just not understanding your selective use of information from the government. If it suits your side of the story you believe, if it doesn't you tell us not to believe the government....they can't be trusted.....

How about a PBS story about Salman Pak.....not a neocon bastion of anything (or so I am led to believe)


Yeah, there say there is no corroborating evidence either way...it neither proves or disproves the point. I tend to believe my contacts within the intelligence world that tell me that there is a link between Iraq and known terrorist organizations....and that a lot of the WMD that were in Iraq are now buried in the Bekaa Valley in Syria.....time will prove this to be true or not....as we most assuredly end up going after Syria eventually....unless something drastic happens, like a democracy taking hold in a neighboring country and the the pressure is put on the other monastic/dictators in the other countries.

Before YOU continue to bash me, maybe you should read the link I provided and others that are out there that definitively say that THERE WAS NO TRAINING of Al Qaeda at Salmon Pak AFTER Gulf War 1.

The Senate Intelligence committee said basically THE SAME....?

All YOU have is a link from 1 neoconservative internet source stating such....at least that is what I have gathered?

Not only did Saddam not have nukes, was not working on nukes, (and not trying to acquire yellowcake from Niger), he did not have the WMD stockpiles, and it looks like he DID NOT train any alqaeda at salmon pak....

These were the LIES the Iraqi defectors told us....they have all turned out not to be true, or unproveable which is the same in my opinion.

We were HAD.... there is nothing that can convince me otherwise at this point, with the information out there at this time.....leaving it open, in case SOMETHING concrete does show up after 6 years of intelligence hunting...which is doubtful imho.
