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03-20-2008, 10:05 AM
Obama's Church and Past Ties to Socialism/Marxism TIED TOGETHER

I have previously posted about Obama's ties to socialism/marxism. See the following info for more info on that:




So I was wondering, does Obama's past ties to Marxism have anything to do with his church? Why YES, they do! In this interview Rev Wright constantly references the "black liberation theology":


WRIGHT: No, let me finish. No, here's my point to you.

HANNITY: I'm waiting.

WRIGHT: If you're not going to talk about theology in context, if you're not going to talk about liberation theology that came out of the ‘60s, (INAUDIBLE) black liberation theology, that started with Jim Cone in 1968, and the writings of Cone, and the writings of Dwight Hopkins, and the writings of womanist theologians, and Asian theologians, and Hispanic theologians...

HANNITY: Reverend, I've got to get this in.

WRIGHT: Then you can talk about the black value system.


HANNITY: I'm going to tell you this. Listen...

WRIGHT: Do you know liberation theology, sir? Do you know liberation theology?

HANNITY: I studied theology; I went to a seminary. And I studied Latin.

WRIGHT: Do you know black liberation theology?


Well what is "black liberation theology"? Among other things it promotes:

Marxist concepts such as the doctrine of perpetual class struggle are also significant.

Question: "What is Liberation Theology?"

Answer: Simply put, Liberation Theology is an attempt to interpret Scripture through the plight of the poor. It is largely a humanistic doctrine. It started in South America in the turbulent 1950's when Marxism was making great gains among the poor because of its emphasis on the redistribution of wealth, allowing poor peasants to share in the wealth of the colonial elite and thus upgrade their economic status in life.

http://www.gotquestions.org/liberation-theology.html (http://www.gotquestions.org/liberation-theology.html)

According to Dr. Robert A. Morley, an internationally recognized scholar in the fields of theology and apologetics, "black liberation theology" among other things promotes:

«l.The goals of BT are to turn religion into sociology, Christianity into a political agenda, Jesus into a black Marxist rebel, and the gospel into violent revolution. They are more interested in politics than preaching the gospel.


03-20-2008, 10:24 AM
Obama's Church and Past Ties to Socialism/Marxism TIED TOGETHER

I have previously posted about Obama's ties to socialism/marxism. See the following info for more info on that:




So I was wondering, does Obama's past ties to Marxism have anything to do with his church? Why YES, they do! In this interview Rev Wright constantly references the "black liberation theology":


WRIGHT: No, let me finish. No, here's my point to you.

HANNITY: I'm waiting.

WRIGHT: If you're not going to talk about theology in context, if you're not going to talk about liberation theology that came out of the ‘60s, (INAUDIBLE) black liberation theology, that started with Jim Cone in 1968, and the writings of Cone, and the writings of Dwight Hopkins, and the writings of womanist theologians, and Asian theologians, and Hispanic theologians...

HANNITY: Reverend, I've got to get this in.

WRIGHT: Then you can talk about the black value system.


HANNITY: I'm going to tell you this. Listen...

WRIGHT: Do you know liberation theology, sir? Do you know liberation theology?

HANNITY: I studied theology; I went to a seminary. And I studied Latin.

WRIGHT: Do you know black liberation theology?


Well what is "black liberation theology"? Among other things it promotes:

Marxist concepts such as the doctrine of perpetual class struggle are also significant.

Question: "What is Liberation Theology?"

Answer: Simply put, Liberation Theology is an attempt to interpret Scripture through the plight of the poor. It is largely a humanistic doctrine. It started in South America in the turbulent 1950's when Marxism was making great gains among the poor because of its emphasis on the redistribution of wealth, allowing poor peasants to share in the wealth of the colonial elite and thus upgrade their economic status in life.

http://www.gotquestions.org/liberation-theology.html (http://www.gotquestions.org/liberation-theology.html)

According to Dr. Robert A. Morley, an internationally recognized scholar in the fields of theology and apologetics, "black liberation theology" among other things promotes:

«l.The goals of BT are to turn religion into sociology, Christianity into a political agenda, Jesus into a black Marxist rebel, and the gospel into violent revolution. They are more interested in politics than preaching the gospel.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------I watched Glen Beck yesterday and he reported on Obama's Church's by-laws that included this part from your post...

«l.The goals of BT are to turn religion into sociology, Christianity into a political agenda, Jesus into a black Marxist rebel, and the gospel into violent revolution. They are more interested in politics than preaching the gospel.
http://westernfrontamerica.com/2008/02/19/obama-black-liberation-theology/Obama never noticed...hum:lame2:

03-20-2008, 11:18 AM
Article on this:

Barack Obama just gave an eloquent speech, but one that does not address the underlying nature of Senator Obamas beliefs. Rev. Jeremiah Wright, like Mr. Obama, believes in a state-centered 21st century form of big-government socialism. This 21st century form of socialism is at the heart of the Liberation Theology Rev. Wright preaches from the pulpit. Today, Mr. Obama again made it clear, with all his eloquence, that he still embraces these beliefs that would require dismantling the free-market system that has made our countrys economy the most prosperous in all of human history.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/usnw/20080318/pl_usnw/frc_action___s_ken_blackwell__eloquent_speech__tro ubling_worldview

03-20-2008, 04:41 PM
So much for the Gospel of peace huh?

Can't imagine what's so good about the news of revolutionary violence.`

03-20-2008, 06:40 PM

Ken, explain what Black Liberation Theology is.

BLACKWELL: Well, first let me put it in an even broader context, Glenn. This is a global movement. It is well over 50 years old. It was manifested, it has been manifested in liberation movements, Marxist insurrections across the globe, most notably in Latin America and in Africa. This is a domestic form of liberation theology, given a African-American vein. Liberation theology is a belief system about liberal agendas. It is socially socialistic and economic policy, it's belief in wealth distribution. The proponents of liberation theology like Reverend Wright says that God commands us to form government that will supervise our economy to create government subsidized jobs under central government planning, guaranteed healthcare and education by having government control both.

GLENN: Where does it say that --

BLACKWELL: It is something that really took root in heavily Catholic countries where Marxists understood that they couldn't uproot the church. So what they tried to do was through the crafting of a theological world view, they tried to coopt Catholicism. And so he began to look at Pope John Paul, II, he dispatched Cardinal Ratzinger who is now Pope Benedict to be a power force to this insurgency of this so-called liberation theology.
But I'll tell you something. Mr. Obama and Reverend Wright, while they have the right to believe whatever they wish about God and his will for them and for us, to paraphrase an old theologian, in America you have the legal right to be theologically wrong and I think that they are theologically wrong. And I think the whole race issue has actually stated -- you know, excuse me, clouded this valid issue and this valid debate on world views. And Barack Obama, who aspires to be our commander-in-chief, our President, our Chief Executive Officer, you know, I think he now has laid out the case for us to ask him how this, these theological underpinnings actually impact the way that he would govern.

GLENN: Well, he would say that he's not -- he doesn't subscribe to the Black Liberation Theology. However, that would be like Mitt Romney saying, I go to the Mormon church but I don't subscribe to the Latter Day Saint theology.
GLENN: Okay. Well, there's -- I mean, there's a huge difference and I think it is a fair question. You know, it was a fair question to ask Mitt Romney, not over and over and over again but it was a fair question to ask Mitt Romney: How do the views of your church and what you believe influence you, how do the spiritual advisors of your church, the leaders of your church, what kind of access will they have to you and how will they influence you in decisions. If he indeed is a member of this church, which he is; he went for 20 years; but he says that he doesn't subscribe to this theology, which is the church's and the reverend's theology, it is more than fair to say how does this influence your policies. Because this church is based on policies. It is based on socialism. It is based on the redistribution of wealth. It is "Take it away from the rich white man and give it to others." Correct or not?

BLACKWELL: And put it even in further perspective, if a pacifist was running for President or a person who was a member of a congregation --

GLENN: Quaker.

BLACKWELL: -- of strict passivism.

GLENN: Correct.

BLACKWELL: -- was running for President of the United States, it would be a legitimate question to that person to say will your church doctrine influence your decision making and behavior at the President's and the chief, you know, the commander-in-chief of this nation if you're so elected. And that's a legitimate question. And so I think you're absolutely right. As it relates to how your faith and your theology affect your execution of your constitutional responsibilities, that's a legitimate set of questions.


03-20-2008, 08:45 PM
I can't find a tin-foil hat anywhere, now I know why! :lol:

03-20-2008, 08:54 PM
I can't find a tin-foil hat anywhere, now I know why! :lol:The church is based on the original Black Panther movement methods of equality verses the MLK peaceful methods of equality. The church spews hate and rejects MLK.

03-21-2008, 08:28 AM
This is a GREAT video that EVERYONE needs to watch:


The part starting at 5:40 is EXACTLY what this thread is about.