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View Full Version : Richardson Endorses Obama

03-21-2008, 09:54 AM
Richardson to endorse Obama's White House bid: source (http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSN2136300220080321) Reuters 3/21 8:07am EDT

PORTLAND, Oregon (Reuters) - New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson endorsed Barack Obama's bid for the Democratic nomination for president, Obama's aides said on Friday, in a boost for the Illinois senator.
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Here's a surprise.

It is widely known that Bill Clinton watched the Superbowl with Bill Richardson, which has led to speculation that he is Hillary's preferred VP running mate.

So why this desertion of the Clintons? My speculation:

1. If Hillary HAS to choose Obama, that cuts out Richardson.

2. It's possible Obama has promised the VP slot to Richardson: it wouldn't be a bad ticket balancer for him, either, though there are racial issues. Or a major cabinet post, such as State.

3. The "now or never" aspect of endorsements --- Obama is in big serious trouble right now because of the racial scandal with his church. This endorsement could help Obama get traction again by distracting the public. Later might have been too late: decision time.


Abbey Marie
03-21-2008, 09:58 AM
I've been saying for months here that Richardson will be the VP choice of either Dem. Now we know he will be Obama's. People who think the ticket will be Hillary and Obama together are politically naive.

There was a report a couple of months ago that Bill Clinton and Richardson had a big argument. I assume that whatever they argued about is what sent Richardson over to Obama.

03-21-2008, 10:01 AM
In a statement provided by the Obama campaign, Richardson said, "I believe he is the kind of once-in-a-lifetime leader that can bring our nation together and restore America's moral leadership in the world,

I thought this an interesting comment in that Bill was someone Richardson certainly knew "in-a-lifetime".......

03-21-2008, 10:05 AM
People who think the ticket will be Hillary and Obama together are politically naive.

sorry to have to disagree, Abbey, but history is replete with instances of presidents and vice presidents that hated each other......political naivety would probably better describe someone who thought that most politicians would stop short of eating shit if it gave them a shot at office......

Abbey Marie
03-21-2008, 10:28 AM
sorry to have to disagree, Abbey, but history is replete with instances of presidents and vice presidents that hated each other......political naivety would probably better describe someone who thought that most politicians would stop short of eating shit if it gave them a shot at office......

My belief that they will never be on the ticket together has exactly zero to do with their liking or disliking each other, pmp. Of course likability is secondary to winning for these guys.

It is, though, as I have said a few times already, based on the fact that neither Obama or Hiillary gives the other votes they won't be getting anyway. They need a "whitish" male from another part of the country, to add voters. It's a tried and true formula.

03-21-2008, 10:45 AM
I agree Abbey. Richardson gives Obama foreign policy credentials, energy policy credentials...he brings him New Mexico and he brings in hispanics as well.

03-21-2008, 11:50 AM
I agree Abbey. Richardson gives Obama foreign policy credentials, energy policy credentials...he brings him New Mexico and he brings in hispanics as well.

"typical" hispanics?

03-21-2008, 12:54 PM
My belief that they will never be on the ticket together has exactly zero to do with their liking or disliking each other, pmp. Of course likability is secondary to winning for these guys.

It is, though, as I have said a few times already, based on the fact that neither Obama or Hiillary gives the other votes they won't be getting anyway. They need a "whitish" male from another part of the country, to add voters. It's a tried and true formula.

if by chance Hillary wins the nomination and does NOT offer the VP slot to Obama I predict McCain will win EVERY state in the general election......

Mr. P
03-21-2008, 01:31 PM
if by chance Hillary wins the nomination and does NOT offer the VP slot to Obama I predict McCain will win EVERY state in the general election......

When she tossed the possibility out for reaction...Obamas statement was "I'm NOT running for VP". Between the lines I heard NO F'g WAY.

I said long ago Obama is way to smart to hitch himself to the skeleton filled closet of Clinton. It would soil his political future.

Just my opinion.

Today I hear Richardson was the super delegate most pressured by the Clinton's for support. This may open a floodgate of delegate support for Obama that has been a bit "hesitant".

03-21-2008, 01:50 PM
I said long ago Obama is way to smart to hitch himself to the skeleton filled closet of Clinton. It would soil his political future.

It is true that Gore didn't get much out of it, in the end. A lot of people didn't vote for him because of the Clinton sex problems and such.

However, THIS Clinton isn't likely to have sex problems, after all, and four to eight years of going to funerals and aging gracefully might be just what Obama needs to get white America used to him.

If she offers it, I think he'd take it --- just my opinion.

First she has to be in a position to offer it, obviously. She already floated the idea, but she hasn't got backup in states won and bad poll results for Obama yet.

Mind you, if this race thing gets TOO bad for Obama, she won't have to offer him anything.

03-21-2008, 02:29 PM
Just one loser endorsing another one..:cheers2:

Mr. P
03-21-2008, 02:34 PM
Just one loser endorsing another one..:cheers2:

I wouldn't put my money on that just yet. I still think Bambam will be the next POTUS.

03-21-2008, 02:36 PM
Richardson heaped praise on Obama's speech about the nation's racial divide, the candidate's attempt to contain damage from his former pastor's comments.

The governor backed Obama despite his earlier statements that superdelegates, of which he's one, should pick sides based on the votes of their state or constituency. By that reasoning, he might have been expected to support Clinton because she won the New Mexico contest.

what a guy. but, this is interesting precedent for superdels to vote how they want.

Mr. P
03-21-2008, 02:38 PM
what a guy. but, this is interesting precedent for superdels to vote how they want.

They can vote how they want anyway. Any of them can, super or not.

03-21-2008, 03:29 PM
"typical" hispanics?

and atypical ones as well.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
03-21-2008, 03:29 PM
I got a news update with this information an 3AM!!!!! What the hell is Richardson doing at 3AM sending out press releases?

Maybe Bill C was in town and didn't pick up the tab for hookers.....