View Full Version : Appeasing the Islamists

03-26-2008, 04:45 PM
so true..

By Paul Belien
March 26, 2008
Adolf Hitler realized the importance of having a good press. In Nazi Germany with its press censorship, it was easy for Hitler to have a good press. However, during the 1930s the Nazis also tried to control the media in the neighboring European countries that Hitler was planning to invade. The Nazis bullied the democratically elected governments in these countries to censor everything that resembled what today might be called "Naziphobia" — criticism of Nazism.

Interestingly, the bullied governments gave in to the Nazi intimidation rather than back the few courageous individuals who spoke out against totalitarianism. In the late 1930s, SS Gen. Karl Gebhardt (a medical doctor who was hanged after the war for conducting "experiments" on humans) frequently paid visits to his friend, King Leopold III of Belgium, to complain about "German-unfriendly remarks" in the Belgian press. King Leopold asked Paul-Henri Spaak, Belgium's leading politician at the time, to forbid "anti-German" references in the Belgian media and ban non-Belgian papers that were critical of Hitler and his regime.

read it all here..