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03-26-2008, 06:50 PM

Hillary: Swiftboated!
by Ann Coulter

Posted: 03/26/2008

Hillary is being "swiftboated"!

She claimed that she came under sniper fire when she visited in Bosnia in 1996, but was contradicted by videotape showing her sauntering off the plane and stopping on the tarmac to listen to a little girl read her a poem.

Similarly, John Kerry's claim to heroism in Vietnam was contradicted by 264 Swift Boat Veterans who served with him. His claim to having been on a secret mission to Cambodia for President Nixon on Christmas 1968 was contradicted not only by all of his commanders -- who said he would have been court-martialed if he had gone anywhere near Cambodia -- but also the simple fact that Nixon wasn't president on Christmas 1968.

In Hillary's defense, she probably deserves a Purple Heart about as much as Kerry did for his service in Vietnam.

Also, unlike Kerry, Hillary acknowledged her error, telling the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: "I was sleep-deprived, and I misspoke." (What if she's sleep-deprived when she gets that call on the red phone at 3 a.m., imagines a Russian nuclear attack and responds with mutual assured destruction? Oops. "It proves I'm human.")

The reason no one claims Hillary is being "swiftboated" is that the definition of "swiftboating" is: "producing irrefutable evidence that a Democrat is lying." And for purposes of her race against matinee idol B. Hussein Obama, Hillary has become the media's honorary Republican.

In liberal-speak, only a Democrat can be swiftboated. Democrats are "swiftboated"; Republicans are "guilty." So as an honorary Republican, Hillary isn't being swiftboated; she's just lying.

Indeed, instead of attacking the people who produced a video of Hillary's uneventful landing in Bosnia, the mainstream media are the people who discovered that video.

I've always wondered how a Democrat would fare being treated like a Republican by the media. Now we know.

It's such fun watching liberals turn on the Clintons! The bitter infighting among Democrats is especially enjoyable after having to listen to Democrats hyperventilate for months about how delighted they were to have so many wonderful choices for president.

Now liberals just want to be rid of the Clintons -- which is as close to actual mainstream thinking as they've been in years. So the media suddenly notice when Hillary "misspeaks," while rushing to make absurd excuses for much greater outrages by her opponent.

Liberals are even using the Slick Willy defense when Obama is caught fraternizing with a racist loon. When Bill Clinton was exposed as a philandering, adulterous, pathological liar, his defenders said that everybody is a philandering, adulterous, pathological liar.

And now, when B. Hussein Obama is caught in a 20-year relationship with a raving racist, his defenders scream that everybody is a racist wack-job.

In the Obama speech on race that Chris Matthews deemed "worthy of Abraham Lincoln," B. Hussein Obama defended Wright's anti-American statements, saying:

"For the men and women of Rev. Wright's generation, the memories of humiliation and doubt and fear have not gone away; nor has the anger and the bitterness of those years. That anger may not get expressed in public, in front of white co-workers or white friends. But it does find voice in the barbershop or around the kitchen table."

So in the speech the media are telling us is on a par with the Gettysburg Address, B. Hussein Obama casually informed us that even blacks who seem to like white people actually hate our guts.

(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)

03-26-2008, 08:52 PM
She is right. Hillary was swiftboated. Someone told the truth about her.

03-26-2008, 08:53 PM
So, Coulter is reduced to this. Grasping and not getting there. The signs are obvious. She's losing her ability to produce cogently spiteful bile. This one needed a decent editor.

03-27-2008, 10:39 AM
So, Coulter is reduced to this. Grasping and not getting there. The signs are obvious. She's losing her ability to produce cogently spiteful bile. This one needed a decent editor.

One of her better articles.

Of course, it takes a liberal to interpret an improvement as something bad. :lol:

Her most important point, is that here the Clintons are finally having to deal with a press that isn't fawning all over them. It's an ordeal they aren't weathering well.

03-27-2008, 11:10 AM
So, Coulter is reduced to this. Grasping and not getting there. The signs are obvious. She's losing her ability to produce cogently spiteful bile. This one needed a decent editor.

But she is right. Hillary is being swiftboated. People are telling the truth about her

03-27-2008, 11:13 AM
"telling the truth" is hardly the definition of "swiftboating".:lol:

03-27-2008, 11:40 AM
"telling the truth" is hardly the definition of "swiftboating".:lol:

No, as the article states, swiftboating is the act of providing irrefutable proof that a liberal is lying, judging from the context in which it was used in the 2004 election.

03-27-2008, 11:44 AM
Coulter is stooping to defend Hillary Clinton now?
I guess she was right earlier. She will vote for Hillary rather than McCain.

03-27-2008, 11:59 AM
No, as the article states, swiftboating is the act of providing irrefutable proof that a liberal is lying, judging from the context in which it was used in the 2004 election.

two of the stars from the SBVT pantheon: Elliot and Thurlow. BOTH PROVEN liars. I can refute their dumbass claims without breaking a sweat. Irrefutable, my ass.:lol:

03-27-2008, 11:59 AM
"telling the truth" is hardly the definition of "swiftboating".:lol:

Coulter's definition is correct.

Of course, liberals cling desperately to the fable that Kerry told the truth while nearly every one of the people who served with him, near him, or observed him in action, lied about what they saw and heard.

It's a "defense" our southpaw brethern have used before: Bill Clinton told the truth about his many extramarital encounters with various women; while every one of the women, their friends, associates, reporters etc. were all lying. Except Hillary, of course. The Smartest Woman in the World was merely completely fooled, and never had a clue that her husband was placing cigars in interesting places a few rooms away from her in the White House, time and again. She told the truth as closely as she knew it... except for the parts she couldn't recall, of course.

How could we not believe the liberals' account of things?

03-27-2008, 12:03 PM
Coulter's definition is correct.

Of course, liberals cling desperately to the fable that Kerry told the truth while nearly every one of the people who served with him, near him, or observed him in action, lied about what they saw and heard.

It's a defense our southpaw brethern have used before: Bill Clinton told the truth about his many extramarital encounters with various women; while every one of the women, their friends, associates, reporters etc. were all lying. Except Hillary, of course. The Smartest Woman in the World was merely completely fooled, and never had a clue that her husband was placing cigars in interesting places a few rooms away from her in the White House, time and again.

How could we not believe it?

Like I said, I can expose the lies of two of the SBVT superstars without breaking a sweat.

03-27-2008, 12:03 PM
Coulter is stooping to defend Hillary Clinton now?
I guess she was right earlier. She will vote for Hillary rather than McCain.Me too! With the choices we have I can think of no better option than having Hillary elected with all of the Republicans hating her along with most of the Democrats. There would be a low Democratic turnout at election and more Republican congressmen and senators would be elected. It would give the Republicans a chance to morph back into Republicans as Hillary tossed around for four years like a fish on dry land.

03-27-2008, 02:10 PM
Like I said, I can expose the lies of two of the SBVT superstars without breaking a sweat.

First off, let's see it.

Second off, that's out of about 600 or so, isn't it? Hardly conclusive.

03-27-2008, 03:22 PM
What happens when the McCain "swiftboaters" come out? Will you also be supporting their claims without any real proof?
Funny how many continue to believe the Kerry "swiftboaters," even though their claims were proven as false soon after.

03-27-2008, 03:37 PM
First off, let's see it.

Second off, that's out of about 600 or so, isn't it? Hardly conclusive.

first. Thurlow claimed that Kerry was lying when he said that his boat had come under enemy fire in the incident he won his bronze star for. In fact, Thurlow won a bronze star for the very same incident and HIS award citation specifically mentions enemy fire. He willinging accepted his medal when given to him. One would think it he were an honest man, he would have refused it because it was inaccurate.

second. Elliot ranked Kerry as the NUMBER ONE boat skipper in all of coastal division eleven. Kerry's fitrep from Elliot specifically mentions his heroism and his leadership. More than a quarter of a century later - in 2002, Elliot came to Boston to speak at a Senator Kerry reelection rally and at that time, again spoke of Kerry's heroism and leadership. Then in 2004, he claims that Kerry did not have leadership skills. He is clearly a liar...either he lied in his report of Kerry's fitness, and he lied again in Boston in '02, or he lied in '04. Either way...a liar is a liar.

third. many many of the SBVT members were not even in country at the same time as Kerry. And many were not even in his same boat division. Many more were not even stationed at the same base. Contrast that with the fact that Kerry's entire crew, except one, speaks strongly about his courage and his leadership. His entire crew, save one, took unpaid time away from their jobs to campaign with Kerry in 2004, more than 30 years after serving under his command. Many Swift Boat Vets and Vietnam vets in general were angry at Kerry for his actions AFTER he left Vietnam. So they smeared his service IN Vietnam. Pretty fucking pathetic.

03-27-2008, 03:40 PM
What happens when the McCain "swiftboaters" come out? Will you also be supporting their claims without any real proof?
Funny how many continue to believe the Kerry "swiftboaters," even though their claims were proven as false soon after.

If they tell the truth about McCain, why wouldnt they be believed? You act as though most of us really care about McCain. we don't. We might relunctantly vote for him. but we arent attached to him as you guys are with your candidates.

03-27-2008, 03:45 PM
That is not the point. The same people who wanted to believe the Kerry accusations, because he was the Dem presidential candidate, will be vehemently opposed to the same type of accusation against McCain, the GOP candidate.

03-27-2008, 04:10 PM
That is not the point. The same people who wanted to believe the Kerry accusations, because he was the Dem presidential candidate, will be vehemently opposed to the same type of accusation against McCain, the GOP candidate.

gab. we didnt believe the Kerry accusations because he was the Dem candidate. We believed them because every single time something came out his story was different. He had provided five different stories of what happened in one week. Meanwhile the swift boaters stories stayed the same.

When people continually change their story when they are challenged, it doesnt take much to realize they aren't very credible.

03-27-2008, 04:20 PM
So, Coulter is reduced to this. Grasping and not getting there. The signs are obvious. She's losing her ability to produce cogently spiteful bile. This one needed a decent editor.


Click the play button on song 4 twice. :poke:

red states rule
03-28-2008, 04:50 PM
"telling the truth" is hardly the definition of "swiftboating".:lol:

What would you know about telling the truth?

I am surprised you have not become defense council for Hillary like you do for every Dem who gets into trouble

03-28-2008, 04:53 PM
What would you know about telling the truth?

I am surprised you have not become defense council for Hillary like you do for every Dem who gets into trouble

she doesn't belong to his """congregation"""

red states rule
03-28-2008, 05:09 PM
she doesn't belong to his """congregation"""

I was expecting MFM to offer up this type of explation:

It's easy to see how Hillary can confuse getting shot at in a war zone. Just because she's the smartest women in America doesn't mean she can't confuse getting greeted with flowers with shots from automatic weapons.

She showed great courage going into a war zone, more then our current drunk AWOL President and draft dodging VP have done during their lifetimes. Republicans can't stand a strong willed women like Hillary, and have always tried to tear her down

03-28-2008, 05:19 PM
I was expecting MFM to offer up this type of explation:

It's easy to see how Hilary can confuse getting shot at in a war zone. Just because she's the smartest women in America doesn't mean she can't confuse getting greeted with flowers with shots from automatic weapons.

She showed great courage going into a war zone, more then our current drunk AWOL President and draft dodging VP have done during their lifetimes. Republicans can't stand a strong willed women like Hillary, and have always tried to tear her down

pelosi? boxer? feinstein? i've met both the latter, and they are very strong willed.

03-28-2008, 05:50 PM
What would you know about telling the truth?

I am surprised you have not become defense council for Hillary like you do for every Dem who gets into trouble

I know that I can prove, without doubt, that the two main swifties that attacked Kerry were liars.

I can hardly wait until the hanoi hilton alumni come after McCain for collaborating with the north vietnamese... he did crumble under the pressure and sign a detailed confession condemning America. And I have no doubt that the conservative right will make an issue of that, not the democrats.

03-28-2008, 05:53 PM
I know that I can prove, without doubt, that the two main swifties that attacked Kerry were liars.

I can hardly wait until the hanoi hilton alumni come after McCain for collaborating with the north vietnamese... he did crumble under the pressure and sign a detailed confession condemning America. And I have no doubt that the conservative right will make an issue of that, not the democrats.

then why did Kerry change his story every time someone challenged it?

03-28-2008, 05:57 PM
then why did Kerry change his story every time someone challenged it?

he didn't. swifties were proven to be liars. and you applauded their slanderous character assassination....

I can hardly wait until it starts up on McCain...

red states rule
03-28-2008, 05:57 PM
then why did Kerry change his story every time someone challenged it?

He could not remember the last lie he told

03-28-2008, 06:08 PM
He could not remember the last lie he told

He certainly remembers the lies the swifties told...and so do I.

red states rule
03-28-2008, 06:11 PM
He certainly remembers the lies the swifties told...and so do I.

You are a master at rewriting history. Kerry, like Hillary, got caught lying about their "accomplishments" and acts of "courage"

03-28-2008, 06:19 PM
You are a master at rewriting history. Kerry, like Hillary, got caught lying about their "accomplishments" and acts of "courage"

the swifties are liars. and we both know I can prove it.

Kerry won the Silver Star and the Bronze Star...to suggest that the Navy gives them away for less than heroic actions is to piss on all Navy recipients of those awards....but then, you piss on anything that doesn't suit your partisan aims. party over country for RSR...every time.

03-28-2008, 06:25 PM
she doesn't belong to his """congregation"""

:thanks: fuck you to yurt

lots of negativity for that post.

red states rule
03-28-2008, 06:27 PM
the swifties are liars. and we both know I can prove it.

Kerry won the Silver Star and the Bronze Star...to suggest that the Navy gives them away for less than heroic actions is to piss on all Navy recipients of those awards....but then, you piss on anything that doesn't suit your partisan aims. party over country for RSR...every time.

Won them?

He either stole them or borrowed them :lol:

03-28-2008, 06:31 PM
Won them?

He either stole them or borrowed them :lol:

so...as I said, you are pissing on every Navy man who EVER was awarded a Silver Star or Bronze Star.

I would love to see you walk into an American Legion Hall on Friday at Happy Hour and say that. Your high and tight haircut would not protect you!

03-28-2008, 06:32 PM
so...as I said, you are pissing on every Navy man who EVER was awarded a Silver Star or Bronze Star.

I would love to see you walk into an American Legion Hall on Friday at Happy Hour and say that. Your high and tight haircut would not protect you!

tell me what you like about "fuck you"

what is it that you admire about this phrase?

03-28-2008, 06:35 PM
tell me what you like about "fuck you"

what is it that you admire about this phrase?

it is so packed with connotation.:fu:

red states rule
03-28-2008, 06:38 PM
it is so packed with connotation.:fu:

It is your #1 response when busted on the facts

03-28-2008, 06:42 PM
It is your #1 response when busted on the facts

what facts have you busted me on here?

1. that you piss on Navy recipients of Medals of valor? I knew that.

2. that swifties are proven liars? I already knew that.

03-28-2008, 07:00 PM
QUOTE=manfrommaine;223311]it is so packed with connotation.:fu:[/QUOTE]

vague, ambiguous, ...............dude

what do you like about the words:

fuck you

or do you now repudiate them?

red states rule
03-29-2008, 05:21 AM
what facts have you busted me on here?

1. that you piss on Navy recipients of Medals of valor? I knew that.

2. that swifties are proven liars? I already knew that.

Piss on you? No way, not even if you were on fire

Medals of valor? Did you buy them in a war surplus store, or lift them out of someone elses dresser?

03-29-2008, 09:33 AM
Piss on you? No way, not even if you were on fire

Medals of valor? Did you buy them in a war surplus store, or lift them out of someone elses dresser?

not mine...I fully expect you to insult MY service, you have done that since day one. However, when you suggest that the Department of the Navy "gave away" medals of valor to John Kerry, you are pissing on EVERY Navy/Marine Corps medal winner....but not surprising for a guy whose only support for the troops is a made in china bumper magnet.

red states rule
03-29-2008, 09:37 AM
not mine...I fully expect you to insult MY service, you have done that since day one. However, when you suggest that the Department of the Navy "gave away" medals of valor to John Kerry, you are pissing on EVERY Navy/Marine Corps medal winner....but not surprising for a guy whose only support for the troops is a made in china bumper magnet.

You hype things better then Hillary

Or should the word be lie?

03-29-2008, 09:44 AM
You hype things better then Hillary

Or should the word be lie?

the swifties are the liars...and I proved it...

and you disrespect veterans.


red states rule
03-29-2008, 09:46 AM
the swifties are the liars...and I proved it...

and you disrespect veterans.


You proved nothing. If anyone disrespects the troops it is you with your contant quest to se them defeated and have the US surrender in Iraq

Your "loyality" to the troops ends when it conflicts with the goals of your party

03-29-2008, 09:49 AM
You proved nothing. If anyone disrespects the troops it is you with your contant quest to se them defeated and have the US surrender in Iraq

Your "loyality" to the troops ends when it conflicts with the goals of your party

I have proven the lies of Elliot and Thurlow.

and your loyalty to the troops ends at your bumper.

red states rule
03-29-2008, 09:51 AM
I have proven the lies of Elliot and Thurlow.

and your loyalty to the troops ends at your bumper.

Only in your feeble mind is it proven

I want our troops to win. You want them to lose or come home in a box. Either way it inspires you to wave the white flag even more