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Pale Rider
03-28-2008, 04:04 AM
California Lowers Auto Emissions Rule

2008-03-28 03:22:16
By SAMANTHA YOUNG Associated Press Writer

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California air regulators on Thursday slashed the number of battery-powered and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles that must be sold in the state, a setback for environmentalists and health advocates.

The decision is expected to affect 12 other states that had adopted California's target for zero-emission vehicles.

The California Air Resources Board voted to lower by 70 percent the number of those vehicles that automakers must sell here and in the states that intended to follow California's get-tough rules for vehicle emissions.

Instead, the air board said the six largest automakers must sell nearly 60,000 hybrid vehicles while they develop the more advanced technology that will allow mass production of pure zero-emission vehicles.

Story continues here... (http://charter.net/news/news_reader.php?storyid=14509252&feedid=248&storyid=14509252&feedid=7)

Pale Rider
03-28-2008, 04:10 AM
If you read the article, further on down it says this...

Environmentalists and health advocates criticized the lowering of the zero-emission goal for vehicles. They said the threats posed by global warming, combined with rising gasoline prices, lends urgency to greatly reducing vehicle emissions.

So, even in the face of new evidence that the earth is *COOLING*, these environmental wackos are STILL pushing the old, tired, "global warming" line. I tell ya... these ass cakes get some foolish idea and tag line in their skull and they just can't give it up. They'll try and tell ya it's noon when it's midnight.