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View Full Version : vBexperience!

03-29-2008, 06:15 AM
I've installed a plugin that will award users based on their participation in the community. It's very robust and calculates based on all aspects of participation. Like the rep system, it's not meant to carry any weight or to be treated as gospel, but it does give a little insight as to who contributes the most to the board. Keep in mind, this is new and I'm still going to be making adjustments until I'm comfortable, so a few general things may change.

Here's an overview on current rankings:

You can also see any members ranking by viewing their profile.

The system also gives out awards:

Activity Award
Posting Award
Community Award
Helpful Award

Each award uses a combination of statistics from the community to determine the leader of each category, and that leader receives a "trophy", which is displayed in their profile and next to their name in all their posts.

Here is some examples of what is considered "activity" to the plugin:

Created threads
Thread views of own threads
Thread replies of own threads
Thread votes of own threads
Replies to own threads
Sticky threads

Created posts
Views on attachments

Days since registration
Received infractions

Calculation of the activity
The system calculates the activity by taking the average post count of the ten most active user and comparing it to own post count. This can be set to count only the last X days, f.e. 21 days (controllable via AdminCP)

From 3.6.8 on there are four awards: Community, Posting, Activity, Helpful. Available in Gold, Silver and Bronze they show up special users. The awards are shown in Rankings and Profile. You can set them also to display in postbit near the username. There is a scheduled job running once a day (02:30h) to calculate them

Showing User, Level, Awards, Activity Points (experience, thread, post, user, misc) - sortable

Gadget (fmr Marine)
05-02-2008, 09:30 PM
Very cool feature, I like it very much!