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View Full Version : Sexism and Homophobia in Scarborough Country

04-01-2008, 03:35 PM

April 1st, 2008 by MICHAEL STICKINGS

Via Media Matters:
During the March 31 edition of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Willie Geist repeatedly mocked Sen. Barack Obama’s bowling performance — which Scarborough called “dainty” — at a March 29 campaign stop at Pleasant Valley Lanes in Altoona, Pennsylvania. Deriding Obama’s score, he said: “You know Willie, the thing is, Americans want their president, if it’s a man, to be a real man.” Scarborough added, “You get 150, you’re a man, or a good woman,” to which Geist replied, “Out of my president, I want a 150, at least.”
Later in the show, after NBC political analyst Harold Ford Jr. said that Obama’s bowling showed a “humble” and “human” side to him, Scarborough replied, “A very human side? A prissy side.”
Right, because bowling is the true test not just of a president but of a man.
(And because all-American guys like Scarborough (Chris Matthews is another one) want a president on whom they can have a full-out man-crush.)

The right, after all, likes leaders like Bush, jockish and “manly,” good at bowling and throwing out ceremonial first pitches and swilling beer. Despite his age, McCain fits in there nicely. As for Obama, well, he may be in a great shape, and he may be good at, you know, real sports (i.e., not bowling), but he’s a bit too brainy and well-spoken for the right’s liking. So why not use any and every occasion to question his manhood, liken him to a woman, and essentially call him a faggot?

read the rest of this crap..:laugh2:

04-01-2008, 03:37 PM
read the rest of this crap..


04-01-2008, 03:43 PM

I got a laugh out it..:coffee: