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View Full Version : Democrats have kept racism alive

04-02-2008, 07:09 PM
An excellent summary. No wonder Democrats keep dumbing down our schools, making it nearly impossible to reform them or fire incompetent teachers etc. People getting a good enough education to understand the impact of history, is the LAST thing they want.



Democrats Have Kept Racism Alive

by Nina May
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

There was a big problem with Barack’s mea culpa speech in Philadelphia, defending his racist pastor, Jeremiah White. He failed to mention that over 300,000 white Americans gave their lives to end slavery. He didn’t mention that in 1854, abolitionists left the Democratic Party and founded the Republican Party specifically for the purpose of ending slavery and giving equal rights to all those who had been in bondage. And when he does mention the 3/5ths clause in the Constitution, he totally got it wrong, the way most Americans do. News flash . . . it was the abolitionists who insisted on it so that the slave holding states could not have their slaves counting as constituents so they could get more pro-slavery representation in congress. This is one of the most powerful battles fought by whites, to end slavery, which has been mischaracterized as being racist.

He needs to read the history of this battle for equality and realize that the party he embraces today was the party that voted against the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, while the Republicans supported them unanimously. He needs to acknowledge that the two dozen civil rights bills that were passed by the Republicans were overturned by the Democrats when they regained control of the House, Senate and White House at the end of the 19th Century.

It was at this time that the Democratic Party instituted Jim Crow laws. It was not whites that did this against blacks, it was bigoted, racist Democrats who would choose to divide a nation rather than give freedom to those they considered inferior. Had blacks been voting equally in both political parties, there never would have been literacy tests, poll taxes or other restrictions to voting. But because all blacks at this time identified with the party of Lincoln and were actually the ones starting Republican parties in southern states, and running and getting elected as Republicans, the Democrats knew that to kill a Black person was killing a Republican.

If he watched the award-winning documentary, Emancipation Revelation Revolution (ERRVideo.com), he would learn that the first Black Democrat, Barbara Jordan, was elected in the south in 1972, 100 years after Black Republicans had been running and winning for years. And it took a federal law to force redistricting in Texas to get her elected. He would be reminded that almost all the southern governors fighting integration, standing in school house doors, firing water canons at innocent people were all Democrats. And if his parents really were a part of the civil rights movement, he would realize that without whites fighting side by side to overturn laws that had been put in place by his very own party, it may have been another generation before the civil rights movement could happen.

It was not white versus black; it was racists, bigoted Democrats against blacks and whites who disagreed with them.

(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)

04-02-2008, 07:37 PM
Outstanding column, too bad it will never be read by the ones that need to read it the most.

04-02-2008, 09:32 PM
Thanks for the right-wing bullshit. But you really should have let Stephanie post that. It's her territory.

04-02-2008, 09:40 PM
Thanks for the right-wing bullshit. But you really should have let Stephanie post that. It's her territory.

do you have an argument or just left wing bullshit rants....

red states rule
04-02-2008, 09:46 PM
Thanks for the right-wing bullshit. But you really should have let Stephanie post that. It's her territory.

Speaking of racism and bullshit, here are examples of left wing racism toward black conservatives

Simple Sambo" and "Ignorant Mammy"": That's how Democrats view Blacks
By Frances Rice

Democrats, who claim that they care about diversity, use despicable racial stereotypes, just as Democrats did during the days of slavery and Jim Crow, to slur black professionals, such as Dr. Condoleezza Rice and Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele.

Oreo cookies were thrown by Democrats at Mr. Steele, and two members of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Katie Barge and Lauren Weiner, committed identity theft, illegally obtaining Mr. Steele's Social Security number and credit report.

Brazenly, on the left-wing Internet website called "The News Blog," Democrats posted a doctored photograph of Mr. Steele, depicting him as a "Simple Sambo." This contemptible racist stereotype is the same one that Democrats used to demean blacks during the era of slavery and segregation.

In addition to other outrageous racist images produced by several Democrats, cartoonist Jeff Danziger depicted Dr. Rice as an ignorant, barefoot "mammy," reminiscent of the stereotyped black woman in the movie Gone with the Wind who remarked: "I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies."

for the complete article


04-02-2008, 09:51 PM
its still whitey's fault

red states rule
04-02-2008, 09:53 PM
its still whitey's fault

and the blacks who sell out their race by being conservatives

04-03-2008, 04:12 AM
Thanks for the right-wing bullshit. But you really should have let Stephanie post that. It's her territory.

You're not that up on history are you little girl? Democrats have always and continue to be the racist party. You people don't care about the welfare of the black race, you want to keep them as useful voting idiots...... unfortunately most seem to be as ignorant as you about their own history and naive enough to believe anything the Democrat Party throws up on them..... pathetic.

You prove my point almost every time you post.

04-03-2008, 04:19 AM
Thanks for the right-wing bullshit. But you really should have let Stephanie post that. It's her territory.

you really are very shallow and totally void of any thinking out of your little box of the world, aren't you??


red states rule
04-03-2008, 05:58 AM
Why do liberals always have to pit one group against another?

Libs pit the old VS the young

Black VS white

Women VS men

Employee VS employer

Libs are always stirring the pot to create another "crisis" or issue. However, it always ends up with the same solution. Another government program is the only way to solve the "problem". With Democrats in charge and running the program of course

After all, they are the only ones who "care"

04-03-2008, 09:24 AM
Thanks for the right-wing bullshit.

Translation: I am unable to refute any of what you said, but I still don't like it pointed out that I am backing a historically bigoted, racist party, so I will curse and swear and call names rather than address the subject.

Democrat racism continues to this day, of course. This is the party that insists that blacks cannot make it on their own, and need tons of government assistance, quotas, "affirmative action" programs etc. to compete with whites... whereas whites are capable enough that they don't need such programs.

One wonders how much longer Democrats will be able to give blacks enough goodies to buy their votes, as it becomes clearer that despite generations of 90+ percent adherence to the Democrat party, overall prosperity and success for blacks has gone DOWN despite all their party's lofty promises.

04-03-2008, 11:13 AM
Democrat racism continues to this day, of course. This is the party that insists that blacks cannot make it on their own, and need tons of government assistance, quotas, "affirmative action" programs etc. to compete with whites... whereas whites are capable enough that they don't need such programs.

One wonders how much longer Democrats will be able to give blacks enough goodies to buy their votes, as it becomes clearer that despite generations of 90+ percent adherence to the Democrat party, overall prosperity and success for blacks has gone DOWN despite all their party's lofty promises.

I think what is bothering a lot of us is not the "goodies." A lot of us would be okay with giving goodies to a population defined as disadvantaged. We do that without protest for disabled people, for example.

It's the simultaneous leftist insistence on "equality" in the sense of claiming that blacks are just as smart, just as able, just as moral, just as disciplined -------- when there is vast evidence for the contrary, in the high black crime stats, high drug use, high welfare, low employment, need for preferences that get them into schools without having to compete normally ------- and all the rest.

It's crazy-making, and 40 years after the failed Great Society, it's time to get back to reality, I think.

If a man has a leg amputated, and he uses a big van and a wheelchair lift and the handicapped area by the supermarket to get in, nobody here would complain about that.

But if there are people insisting that he can walk JUST FINE, can compete in the Boston Marathon and they'll skew his qualifying test to make that work, and that we have to have quotas to hire him as a postman walking around in those Bermuda shorts they wear.........many would think that was pretty silly.

That's what's going on in America today: simultaneous calls for much income transfer and charity for blacks along with a huge taboo against pointing out the major, major civic problems too many blacks cause in high crime and trashed schools.

I've decided to stop playing the taboo game. Let's go with honesty for a change, see if that gets us anywhere better than where we are now.

red states rule
04-03-2008, 11:16 AM
I think what is bothering a lot of us is not the "goodies." A lot of us would be okay with giving goodies to a population defined as disadvantaged. We do that without protest for disabled people, for example.

It's the simultaneous leftist insistence on "equality" in the sense of claiming that blacks are just as smart, just as able, just as moral, just as disciplined -------- when there is vast evidence for the contrary, in the high black crime stats, high drug use, high welfare, low employment, need for preferences that get them into schools without having to compete normally ------- and all the rest.

It's crazy-making, and 40 years after the failed Great Society, it's time to get back to reality, I think.

If a man has a leg amputated, and he uses a big van and a wheelchair lift and the handicapped area by the supermarket to get in, nobody here would complain about that.

But if there are people insisting that he can walk JUST FINE, can compete in the Boston Marathon and they'll skew his qualifying test to make that work, and that we have to have quotas to hire him as a postman walking around in those Bermuda shorts they wear.........many would think that was pretty silly.

That's what's going on in America today: simultaneous calls for much income transfer and charity for blacks along with a huge taboo against pointing out the major, major civic problems too many blacks cause in high crime and trashed schools.

I've decided to stop playing the taboo game. Let's go with honesty for a change, see if that gets us anywhere better than where we are now.


Currently the left wants as many people as possible to be on some sort of a government program. They want to shackle them into a never ending cycle of dependency

What the dirty little secret is, Amercia has the richest poor in the world. Being poor in America is not as bad as the left would have you believe