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red states rule
04-04-2008, 05:03 AM
The uncivil war continues, and Hillary is pulling out all stops to take the nomination from Obama

For once, Hillary is correct. Pledged delegates are not required to vote for anyone. Clinton Inc is now in high gear, and the split in the party in bound to get bigger

Clinton: ‘There Is No Such Thing as a Pledged Delegate’

BURBANK, Calif. — Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is unlikely to catch rival Barack Obama in pledged delegates, hinted on Thursday that she hoped to persuade a few to back her instead of him.

“There is no such thing as a pledged delegate,” Clinton said at a news conference in California, where she has been fundraising.

Both Clinton and Obama planned to address the state convention of the North Dakota Democratic Party Friday, where delegates to this summer’s national convention will be allocated. Obama crushed Clinton in the state’s Feb. 5 presidential caucuses, 61-36 percent.

The former first lady said she was traveling to North Dakota to thank her supporters and delegates — and wooing Obama supporters was fair game.

Pledged delegates are “misnomer. The whole point is for delegates, however they are chosen, to really ask themselves who would be the best president and who would be our best nominee against Senator McCain,” Clinton said. “And I think that process goes all the way to the convention.”

While the DNC has no rules requiring pledged delegates won in primaries and caucuses to vote for the candidate, the people who serve as pledged delegates are selected by the campaigns who won them and loyalty is a key qualification.

Obama currently leads in the delegate count, 1,634-1,500, according to The Associated Press. Because of the way Democrats apportion delegates, Clinton is not projected to catch Obama even if she has a strong showing in the remaining 10 contests.

Neither candidate can win based solely on pledged delegates. The nominee is likely to be chosen by some 800 superdelegates — elected officials and party insiders free to side with any candidate they choose.


04-04-2008, 08:23 AM
The function of the superdelegates is to prevent the pledged delegates from nominating some idiot who is "pure" left, but who will lose bigtime: McGovern, or Jesse Jackson. I've read both of those people were why the superdelegate system was put in.

All the conservatives on the Fox Panel seem to be wildly enthusiastic about Obama: that means they think they can defeat him.

On the other hand, they really hate Clinton. That means to me they don't think they can defeat her.

If the superdelegates come to the same conclusion, they'll go for Hillary and pull all the so-called "pledged" delegates with them, in a show of party unity. IMO.

04-04-2008, 10:08 AM
See, this kind of crap tactics are why I'm not voting for Hilary. We've already tried one president who believes himself above the constitution, I'd really like a change of scenery. there is no dignity in this contest, and it's going to hurt the party badly, all because Hilary doesn't want to admit that she's losing.

Only thing is, though, that most of the people who are going over to Obama are going over for the very attitude that she is taking. Yeah, Obama's fighting back hard, but everyone realizes it was Clinton who started this dance. She needs to start being a leader, and quit with the junior high tactics

04-04-2008, 10:19 AM
most of the people who are going over to Obama are going over for the very attitude that she is taking. Yeah, Obama's fighting back hard, but everyone realizes it was Clinton who started this dance. She needs to start being a leader, and quit with the junior high tactics

Sounds to me as if she IS being a leader --- she is leading delegates away from Obama.

She's leading people to think about Obama as Vice President -- that was well done, floating that idea, getting it talked about.

I don't know what you mean by "junior high tactics," DragonStryk.

Lots of times I think men insist women be "nice." That way, only men, who aren't nice in campaigns, can be president.

But I think a woman running for prez had better win however she can. The question is, "Do you want to be nice, or do you want to be president?"

And Hillary Clinton wants to be president. Good for her. This "being nice" stuff to please men --------- screw that.

04-04-2008, 10:31 AM
Sounds to me as if she IS being a leader --- she is leading delegates away from Obama.

She's leading people to think about Obama as Vice President -- that was well done, floating that idea, getting it talked about.

I don't know what you mean by "junior high tactics," DragonStryk.

Lots of times I think men insist women be "nice." That way, only men, who aren't nice in campaigns, can be president.

But I think a woman running for prez had better win however she can. The question is, "Do you want to be nice, or do you want to be president?"

And Hillary Clinton wants to be president. Good for her. This "being nice" stuff to please men --------- screw that.

Why the fuck would I care she's a woman? My sister was a kickboxer, we went to the same dojo, we sparred together growing up. And trust me when I say this, you never brought you B game in sparring my sister. I don't give a damn about the gender.

The tactics are bullshit, and they aren't even effective bullshit, she's still behind, only now, she's slipping further back. This isn't a matter of being 'nice', this is a matter of not blatantly and repeatedly lying in order to tear someone else down. Why must people insist that it can only be 'nice' or 'I will hurt you in ways that won't ever heal' in attitude?

She gets to have 35 years of experience, while at the same time not having to answer for anything she supported during her "years of experience" in the White House? Just cause I marry a teacher, doesn't make me one by proxy, even if I help correct some of the math homework sometimes. She's a bullshit game, and reacts poorly whenever she actually gets called to step up to the plate on anything she's done.

04-04-2008, 10:34 AM
Why the fuck would I care she's a woman? My sister was a kickboxer, we went to the same dojo, we sparred together growing up. And trust me when I say this, you never brought you B game in sparring my sister. I don't give a damn about the gender.

The tactics are bullshit, and they aren't even effective bullshit, she's still behind, only now, she's slipping further back. This isn't a matter of being 'nice', this is a matter of not blatantly and repeatedly lying in order to tear someone else down. Why must people insist that it can only be 'nice' or 'I will hurt you in ways that won't ever heal' in attitude?

She gets to have 35 years of experience, while at the same time not having to answer for anything she supported during her "years of experience" in the White House? Just cause I marry a teacher, doesn't make me one by proxy, even if I help correct some of the math homework sometimes. She's a bullshit game, and reacts poorly whenever she actually gets called to step up to the plate on anything she's done.

Okay. You are saying you don't care whether she's a woman re: being nice. You are saying she is using bad tactics that would be bad for either sex, and that you think she tells lies too much to be a safe president.

04-04-2008, 10:51 AM
Okay. You are saying you don't care whether she's a woman re: being nice. You are saying she is using bad tactics that would be bad for either sex, and that you think she tells lies too much to be a safe president.

Pretty much, I mean there are so many other attacks she could make, but this is not an adult campaign that she is running here. There is no sense at all of any maturity in the way she is running it, she is just looking to grind him into the dirt, not to simply win. I can win a chess game without reaching across the table and slapping my opponent.

red states rule
04-04-2008, 03:31 PM
See, this kind of crap tactics are why I'm not voting for Hilary. We've already tried one president who believes himself above the constitution, I'd really like a change of scenery. there is no dignity in this contest, and it's going to hurt the party badly, all because Hilary doesn't want to admit that she's losing.

Only thing is, though, that most of the people who are going over to Obama are going over for the very attitude that she is taking. Yeah, Obama's fighting back hard, but everyone realizes it was Clinton who started this dance. She needs to start being a leader, and quit with the junior high tactics

Funny how peole who once loved and admired the Clintons when they were ripping Repunblicans cheered them on

Now when they are going up against a black lib the same people hate them

Hillary is obeying the rules. All the delegates are up for grabs. Dems created this stupid system, now they have to live with it

Sure Bill thought he was above the law and the US Constitution - and so does Hillary. The Clintons are being the Clintons

I will be happy to vote for Hillary in the pA primary - and keep this war going on all the way to Denver

red states rule
04-04-2008, 03:33 PM
Why the fuck would I care she's a woman? My sister was a kickboxer, we went to the same dojo, we sparred together growing up. And trust me when I say this, you never brought you B game in sparring my sister. I don't give a damn about the gender.

The tactics are bullshit, and they aren't even effective bullshit, she's still behind, only now, she's slipping further back. This isn't a matter of being 'nice', this is a matter of not blatantly and repeatedly lying in order to tear someone else down. Why must people insist that it can only be 'nice' or 'I will hurt you in ways that won't ever heal' in attitude?

She gets to have 35 years of experience, while at the same time not having to answer for anything she supported during her "years of experience" in the White House? Just cause I marry a teacher, doesn't make me one by proxy, even if I help correct some of the math homework sometimes. She's a bullshit game, and reacts poorly whenever she actually gets called to step up to the plate on anything she's done.

Watch out. Hillary could cath Obama in the popular vote and make her case stronger

Most America do not want Obama and his racism in the Oval Office

04-04-2008, 04:42 PM
See, this kind of crap tactics are why I'm not voting for Hilary. We've already tried one president who believes himself above the constitution, I'd really like a change of scenery. there is no dignity in this contest, and it's going to hurt the party badly, all because Hilary doesn't want to admit that she's losing.

Only thing is, though, that most of the people who are going over to Obama are going over for the very attitude that she is taking. Yeah, Obama's fighting back hard, but everyone realizes it was Clinton who started this dance. She needs to start being a leader, and quit with the junior high tactics

what is wrong with her saying that about the superdelegates? is it untrue?

red states rule
04-04-2008, 04:45 PM
what is wrong with her saying that about the superdelegates? is it untrue?

With the delegates, it is up to hillary and Obama to out bribe each other so they can buy their vote

How many goodies will you give my state is one of their prices