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04-09-2008, 10:13 AM
JERUSALEM – Sen. Barack Obama has spoken at fundraisers for Palestinians living in what the United Nations terms refugee camps, WND has learned.

Palestinians have long demanded the "right of return" for millions of "refugees," a formula Israeli officials across the political spectrum warn is code for Israel's destruction by flooding the Jewish state with millions of Muslim Arabs, thereby changing its demographics.

In a conference call last month with Jewish and Israeli media aimed primarily at dispelling Internet reports he is anti-Israel, Obama stated "Palestinian refugees" belong in their own state and do not have a "literal" right of return to Israel.

"We cannot move forward until there is some confidence that the Palestinians are able to provide the security apparatus that would prevent constant attacks against Israel from taking place," continued Obama during the conference with Jewish journalists.

But in the 1990s Obama was a speaker at events in Chicago's large Palestinian immigrant community to raise funds for U.N. camps for the so-called Palestinian refugees.

Ali Abunimah, a Chicago-based Palestinian-American activist and co-founder of Electronic Intifada, a pro-Palestinian online publication, recalls introducing Obama at one such event, a 1999 fundraiser for the Deheisha Palestinian camp in the West Bank.

Abunimah is also a harsh critic of Israel and has protested outside pro-Israel events in the Chicago area.

"I knew Barack Obama for many years as my state senator – when he used to attend events in the Palestinian community in Chicago all the time," stated Abuminah during an interview last month with Democracy Now!, a nationally syndicated radio and television political program.

"I remember personally introducing [Obama] onstage in 1999, when we had a major community fundraiser for the community center in Deheisha refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. And that's just one example of how Barack Obama used to be very comfortable speaking up for and being associated with Palestinian rights and opposing the Israeli occupation," Abunimah said.

Abunimah also was recently quoted saying that until a few years ago, Obama was "quite frank that the U.S. needed to be more evenhanded, that it leaned too much toward Israel."

Abunimah noted Obama's unusual stance toward Israel, commenting "these were the kind of statements I'd never heard from a U.S. politician who seemed like he was going somewhere, rather than at the end of his career."


Naturally, the Obama "camp" is going to try to hide the fact he openly supported the Palestinian cause.

If Obama was a man of principle like he claims, he'd state what he believes in.

Is this shitbag liberal going to hide his true feelings on the matter because of an election?

According to quotes obtained by Gulf News, Abunimah recalled a 2004 meeting in a Chicago neighborhood while Obama was running for his Senate seat. Abunimah quoted Obama telling him "warmly" he was sorry that "I haven't said more about Palestine right now, but we are in a tough primary race."

04-09-2008, 11:01 AM
not a huge surprise. His other "spiritual advisor" hates jews.

red states rule
04-09-2008, 11:09 AM
Where is Obama's lead defense council MFM?

I thought he would have made his opening defense statement by now

04-09-2008, 11:19 AM
Where is Obama's lead defense council MFM?

I thought he would have made his opening defense statement by nowHe's probably trying to figure out how to answer how the Democrats voted to send tens of thousands of US soldiers into war facing nerve gas, chemical and biological weapons but then changed their minds about how serious their decision was when they didn't get gassed on the thread... US Troops Are Winning in Iraq - When Will Dems Admit It?

red states rule
04-09-2008, 11:21 AM
He's probably trying to figure out how to answer how the Democrats voted to send tens of thousands of US soldiers into war facing nerve gas, chemical and biological weapons but then changed their minds about how serious their decision was when they didn't get gassed on the thread... US Troops Are Winning in Iraq - When Will Dems Admit It?

and at the same time, searching the Obama website for todays talking points on this issue

04-09-2008, 11:29 AM
I myself, although I deeply believe in Israel's right to exist, also believe that their actions in the occupied territories are hindering their search for peace. I see nothing wrong with being against Israel's continued occupation of the west bank and gaza and helping palestinian refugees n one hand, and still being supportive of Israel's right to exist on the other. I have known some wonderful palestinian refugee families in my day, and I know that they are not all demons... advocating for their equitable treatment is something I do and something I support.

04-09-2008, 12:05 PM
I myself, although I deeply believe in Israel's right to exist, also believe that their actions in the occupied territories are hindering their search for peace. I see nothing wrong with being against Israel's continued occupation of the west bank and gaza and helping palestinian refugees n one hand, and still being supportive of Israel's right to exist on the other. I have known some wonderful palestinian refugee families in my day, and I know that they are not all demons... advocating for their equitable treatment is something I do and something I support.

Then why doesn't your golden boy stand up and shout what he believes in?
Couldn't possibly be because he is a coward and political opportunist is it?

04-09-2008, 12:59 PM
Then why doesn't your golden boy stand up and shout what he believes in?
Couldn't possibly be because he is a coward and political opportunist is it?

I don't think that he has stated support for Israeli settlement construction. Do you?

red states rule
04-09-2008, 12:59 PM
Then why doesn't your golden boy stand up and shout what he believes in?
Couldn't possibly be because he is a coward and political opportunist is it?

You have a firm grasp on the obvious Hawk

04-09-2008, 01:23 PM
Then why doesn't your golden boy stand up and shout what he believes in?
Couldn't possibly be because he is a coward and political opportunist is it?

from barackobama.com:

Since the elections, Obama has stated that Israelis must have a true Palestinian partner for peace. He has sought to encourage Palestinian moderates who seek peace and to isolate Hamas and other extremists who are committed to Israel’s destruction.

Help Palestinian Families Get the Aid They Need Without Supporting Terrorism: Barack Obama supports U.S. efforts to provide aid directly to the Palestinian people by bypassing any Hamas-led government that refuses to renounce violence and recognize Israel’s right to exist. Obama believes that a better life for Palestinian families is good for both Israelis and Palestinians.

04-09-2008, 01:50 PM
from barackobama.com:

Since the elections, Obama has stated that Israelis must have a true Palestinian partner for peace. He has sought to encourage Palestinian moderates who seek peace and to isolate Hamas and other extremists who are committed to Israel’s destruction.

Help Palestinian Families Get the Aid They Need Without Supporting Terrorism: Barack Obama supports U.S. efforts to provide aid directly to the Palestinian people by bypassing any Hamas-led government that refuses to renounce violence and recognize Israel’s right to exist. Obama believes that a better life for Palestinian families is good for both Israelis and Palestinians.

Wow, thats sounds like a typical run-of-the-mill feel good statement that any politician would made regarding Israel and Palestine. 'We seek peace and want to see both an Israeli and Palestinian state side by side leaving in complete harmony.' What a load of crap. :laugh2:

04-09-2008, 01:53 PM
Wow, thats sounds like a typical run-of-the-mill feel good statement that any politician would made regarding Israel and Palestine. 'We seek peace and want to see both an Israeli and Palestinian state side by side leaving in complete harmony.' What a load of crap. :laugh2:

and here I thought you tried to paint him as this guy who tried to run away from his support for palestinian issues.

which is it?:laugh2:

04-09-2008, 02:12 PM
and here I thought you tried to paint him as this guy who tried to run away from his support for palestinian issues.

which is it?:laugh2:

He is. If he is against the occupation of Israel or Israel in general then he should just say it. He goes to fund raisers for organizations which could very well be a front for terrorists, then he turns around and claims Israel is a staunch ally and deserves all of our support (meaning billions in tax dollars). He is a political opportunist who is playing both sides. He is a typical two-faced politician doing the same thing the Dems and Republicans have done for the last 50 years. He'll continue to parrot the idiotic notion that Israel and Palestine can live peacefully side by side, instead of addressing the real issue at the heart of the matter.

04-09-2008, 04:47 PM
He is. If he is against the occupation of Israel or Israel in general then he should just say it. He goes to fund raisers for organizations which could very well be a front for terrorists, then he turns around and claims Israel is a staunch ally and deserves all of our support (meaning billions in tax dollars). He is a political opportunist who is playing both sides. He is a typical two-faced politician doing the same thing the Dems and Republicans have done for the last 50 years. He'll continue to parrot the idiotic notion that Israel and Palestine can live peacefully side by side, instead of addressing the real issue at the heart of the matter.

wow. they really are just all ragheads to you, aren't they? He attends a fundraiser for a refugee camp and you spin that into a group "that could very well be a front for terrorists". I think I'm done trying to have an intelligent conversation with you about this.

04-09-2008, 10:40 PM
wow. they really are just all ragheads to you, aren't they? He attends a fundraiser for a refugee camp and you spin that into a group "that could very well be a front for terrorists". I think I'm done trying to have an intelligent conversation with you about this.

Its well known that most fundraisers to help the poor Palestinians end up funding the terrorists there. There is nothing to track the money.

04-09-2008, 10:41 PM
Its well known that most fundraisers to help the poor Palestinians end up funding the terrorists there. There is nothing to track the money.

yeah... all those muslims in America are really just terrorist supporting ragheads....let's just cut to the chase and kill 'em all, shall we?

red states rule
04-10-2008, 06:28 AM
yeah... all those muslims in America are really just terrorist supporting ragheads....let's just cut to the chase and kill 'em all, shall we?

Obama did raise money for terrorists, but once again, Obama supporters are turning a blind eye


Obama's 1999 fundraising for the Palestinian Deheisha camp raised the eyebrows of one senior Israeli security official who was contacted yesterday for comment on the issue. The official, who was not aware of Obama's fundraising, noted Deheisha, which is located near the city of Bethlehem, had a "very active" Palestinian terror apparatus in 1999, carrying out scores of deadly shootings against Israeli civilians that year.

Two of the most deadly suicide bombings in 2002 also were planned from Deheisha, where the suicide bombers originated, said the security official. On one such bombing, in March of that year, 11 people were killed and over 50 injured, four critically when a Deheisha bomber detonated his explosives next to a group of Jewish women waiting with their baby carriages for their husbands to leave a nearby synagogue.


04-10-2008, 08:32 AM
Obama did raise money for terrorists, but once again, Obama supporters are turning a blind eye


Obama's 1999 fundraising for the Palestinian Deheisha camp raised the eyebrows of one senior Israeli security official who was contacted yesterday for comment on the issue. The official, who was not aware of Obama's fundraising, noted Deheisha, which is located near the city of Bethlehem, had a "very active" Palestinian terror apparatus in 1999, carrying out scores of deadly shootings against Israeli civilians that year.

Two of the most deadly suicide bombings in 2002 also were planned from Deheisha, where the suicide bombers originated, said the security official. On one such bombing, in March of that year, 11 people were killed and over 50 injured, four critically when a Deheisha bomber detonated his explosives next to a group of Jewish women waiting with their baby carriages for their husbands to leave a nearby synagogue.


so...If someone gives money to buy foodstuffs for a refugee camp where thousands of palestinians live... And then, later, a group of palestinians who happen to live at that camp, participate in terrorism, that means that the person who gave the money for the food is knowingly raising money for terrorists? Is that your assertion?

red states rule
04-10-2008, 09:38 AM
so...If someone gives money to buy foodstuffs for a refugee camp where thousands of palestinians live... And then, later, a group of palestinians who happen to live at that camp, participate in terrorism, that means that the person who gave the money for the food is knowingly raising money for terrorists? Is that your assertion?

At least you are consistent for making excuses for your boy Obama

04-10-2008, 10:15 AM
At least you are consistent for making excuses for your boy Obama

answer my question:

If I gave money to a local soup kitchen and the next month a guy had lunch there and then went out and raped and killed a young girl, does that mean that I support rapists and murderers? yes or no

red states rule
04-10-2008, 10:17 AM
answer my question:

If I gave money to a local soup kitchen and the next month a guy had lunch there and then went out and raped and killed a young girl, does that mean that I support rapists and murderers? yes or no

Back to the spin cycle already?

You can never bring yourself to say anything critical about your boy eh?

04-10-2008, 10:25 AM
so...If someone gives money to buy foodstuffs for a refugee camp where thousands of palestinians live... And then, later, a group of palestinians who happen to live at that camp, participate in terrorism, that means that the person who gave the money for the food is knowingly raising money for terrorists? Is that your assertion?

If you honestly believe that giving money for "foodstuffs for Palestinian refugees" is actually going to buy foodstuffs, then sir, you really are dumber than even I could of thought possible.

But I don't believe that even you are that dumb, I believe you're not being honest. I think you're just making excuses for your politician.

04-10-2008, 10:34 AM
If you honestly believe that giving money for "foodstuffs for Palestinian refugees" is actually going to buy foodstuffs, then sir, you really are dumber than even I could of thought possible.

But I don't believe that even you are that dumb, I believe you're not being honest. I think you're just making excuses for your politician.

actually, I have personally escorted convoys of food supplies from international aid groups into palestinian refugee camps in Beirut and in South Lebanon. So I guess I am not quite as dumb as you think...and certainly not as dumb as YOU.

04-10-2008, 10:34 AM
Back to the spin cycle already?

You can never bring yourself to say anything critical about your boy eh?

you can't ever quite bring yourself to answer a simple question, can you?

04-10-2008, 10:47 AM
actually, I have personally escorted convoys of food supplies from international aid groups into palestinian refugee camps in Beirut and in South Lebanon. So I guess I am not quite as dumb as you think...and certainly not as dumb as YOU.

Oh wow, so you helped escort a convoy into Lebanon decades ago. I guess that means terrorists in the Palestinian territories aren't being funded by front groups posing as charities.

04-10-2008, 10:57 AM
Oh wow, so you helped escort a convoy into Lebanon decades ago. I guess that means terrorists in the Palestinian territories aren't being funded by front groups posing as charities.

no. it means that people who donate to charities to help out palestinian refugees do so with honorable motives and their donations do, in fact, go for the intended purpose in most cases.

again...if I donate to a soup kitchen today and tomorrow a guy has lunch there and then goes out and kills someone, would you say that I am supporting murder? yes or no

04-10-2008, 11:02 AM
again...if I donate to a soup kitchen today and tomorrow a guy has lunch there and then goes out and kills someone, would you say that I am supporting murder? yes or no

No because its not near the same thing. The middle easterners and people that sympathize with their 'cause', know damned well the money could easily be routed to a terrorist group. There is no way to track the cash flow once it goes overseas. I'm not saying Obama willingly tried to raise money for a known terrorist group. Just pointing out he did willingly raise money for the 'Palestinian cause' which could very well lead to terrorists. In my opinion is just another clearcut example of his lack of good judgement.

04-10-2008, 11:07 AM
No because its not near the same thing. The middle easterners and people that sympathize with their 'cause', know damned well the money could easily be routed to a terrorist group. There is no way to track the cash flow once it goes overseas. I'm not saying Obama willingly tried to raise money for a known terrorist group. Just pointing out he did willingly raise money for the 'Palestinian cause' which could very well lead to terrorists. In my opinion is just another clearcut example of his lack of good judgement.

so raising money to improve the living conditions of palestinians in refugee camps is "bad judgment"? why don't you just admit that the reason you think that is because, from your perspective, the only good raghead is a dead raghead? just be honest.

red states rule
04-10-2008, 11:08 AM
so raising money to improve the living conditions of palestinians in refugee camps is "bad judgment"? why don't you just admit that the reason you think that is because, from your perspective, the only good raghead is a dead raghead? just be honest.

Obama was raising money for terrorists - a fact you are still try to duck and excuse for your guy

04-10-2008, 11:17 AM
so raising money to improve the living conditions of palestinians in refugee camps is "bad judgment"? why don't you just admit that the reason you think that is because, from your perspective, the only good raghead is a dead raghead? just be honest.

I don't really think about "ragheads" that much. I'm much more concerned with my own country at the time being, and I don't want to see some shitbag liberal like Obama leading it into oblivion.

04-10-2008, 11:20 AM
I don't really think about "ragheads" that much. I'm much more concerned with my own country at the time being, and I don't want to see some shitbag liberal like Obama leading it into oblivion.

so smear his well meaning charitable endeavors....that's a great approach.:lol:

red states rule
04-10-2008, 11:22 AM
so smear his well meaning charitable endeavors....that's a great approach.:lol:

Yea, the price of TNT is going up and those charities need all the money they can get

04-10-2008, 11:31 PM
obama, is like a gangster, he tells you what you wanna hear, but behinds the scenes, is a no good thug.


Naturally, the Obama "camp" is going to try to hide the fact he openly supported the Palestinian cause.

If Obama was a man of principle like he claims, he'd state what he believes in.

Is this shitbag liberal going to hide his true feelings on the matter because of an election?

red states rule
04-11-2008, 05:55 AM
obama, is like a gangster, he tells you what you wanna hear, but behinds the scenes, is a no good thug.

and MFM is Barry's consiglieri

04-12-2008, 12:17 AM
wow. they really are just all ragheads to you, aren't they?

Dune coons is the best I've heard...............

04-12-2008, 01:38 AM
Wow, thats sounds like a typical run-of-the-mill feel good statement that any politician would made regarding Israel and Palestine. 'We seek peace and want to see both an Israeli and Palestinian state side by side leaving in complete harmony.' What a load of crap. :laugh2:

Except for him raising money personally for it, just like it say in your article. So what, now he isn't in favor of it?

This isn't just a problem of one article, this whole argument is crap. I get, Hawk, you and the others aren't gonna go with Obama, we've pretty much gotten that. Okay, cool, I'm not either, but I've moved on. I help support my candidate where I can, but I see no particular reason to go looking for every bad slant of everything the other candidates do. Christ, with the attitudes you guys have pulled in here, you've put people to defending him who otherwise wouldn't, so technically, Obama probably owes you guys for getting his numbers up.


red states rule
04-12-2008, 07:17 AM
Except for him raising money personally for it, just like it say in your article. So what, now he isn't in favor of it?

This isn't just a problem of one article, this whole argument is crap. I get, Hawk, you and the others aren't gonna go with Obama, we've pretty much gotten that. Okay, cool, I'm not either, but I've moved on. I help support my candidate where I can, but I see no particular reason to go looking for every bad slant of everything the other candidates do. Christ, with the attitudes you guys have pulled in here, you've put people to defending him who otherwise wouldn't, so technically, Obama probably owes you guys for getting his numbers up.


It is common knowledge by now you wil giove Barry a pass on everything, and attack thise who point out the truth about the black racist, his moonbat wife, and his white hating pastor

After Barry's smear of rural voters, thise numbers will soon be going down.