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04-10-2008, 10:02 AM
Obama welcomes the draft... http://www.townhall.com/news/politics-elections/2008/04/10/obama_repeal_of_dont_ask_possible

04-10-2008, 10:31 AM
Obama also said he's interested in ensuring that same-sex couples in civil unions get federal benefits.

This shitbag is willing to do anything to rally his base.

Hagbard Celine
04-10-2008, 10:40 AM
Obama welcomes the draft... http://www.townhall.com/news/politics-elections/2008/04/10/obama_repeal_of_dont_ask_possible

Not sure how you get "welcomes the draft" out of his words or the article you quoted from your Conservatively-slanted source. (shrug)

"I would never make this a litmus test for the Joint Chiefs of Staff," Obama said in an interview with The Advocate, a gay newsmagazine.

"But I think there's increasing recognition within the Armed Forces that this is a counterproductive strategy," he said. "We're spending large sums of money to kick highly qualified gays or lesbians out of our military, some of whom possess specialties like Arab-language capabilities that we desperately need. That doesn't make us more safe."

Everything he said seems pretty reasonable and in-line with his message to me.

04-10-2008, 10:49 AM
Not sure how you get "welcomes the draft" out of his words or the article you quoted from your Conservatively-slanted source. (shrug)

Everything he said seems pretty reasonable and in-line with his message to me.Navy Seals, Army Special Forces, Rangers nor USMC warriors will work subordinate to an openly gay leader. They will depart in groves and you or your children will replace them and then we will see how you suck up to the gays.

Hagbard Celine
04-10-2008, 12:03 PM
Navy Seals, Army Special Forces, Rangers nor USMC warriors will work subordinate to an openly gay leader. They will depart in groves and you or your children will replace them and then we will see how you suck up to the gays.

In other words, Navy Seals, Army Special Forces, Rangers and USMC warriors will sacrifice the safety of the US based on their dislike of gays? That's your view anyway. You really believe these guys are so flaky that they'd desert their posts over the fact that their commanding officer likes a different kind of sex than they do? That's sad man. Really sad. You're living in la-la land if you think that's true.

04-10-2008, 12:31 PM
Navy Seals, Army Special Forces, Rangers nor USMC warriors will work subordinate to an openly gay leader. They will depart in groves and you or your children will replace them and then we will see how you suck up to the gays.

where do you get off thinking you speak for all those warriors?

and the word is "droves", not "groves"...or maybe you are suggesting that they will all chose those moments to depart when they are immediately adjacent to large stands of orange trees. If so, forget the correction.

04-10-2008, 01:06 PM
In other words, Navy Seals, Army Special Forces, Rangers and USMC warriors will sacrifice the safety of the US based on their dislike of gays? That's your view anyway. You really believe these guys are so flaky that they'd desert their posts over the fact that their commanding officer likes a different kind of sex than they do? That's sad man. Really sad. You're living in la-la land if you think that's true.No they won't run away, they just won't stay. It is a macho job and to be led by a girlieman isn't very macho. Girlileman Seals http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060717225940AAfj8Jk

girliemen Special Forces http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AmhRfUXPb8xOzU.tqiW0Bq0jzKIX;_ylv=3?qid =20071127051210AAlGjVa

girliemen USMC http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArxemfMPAyQ6ihp7INi0HKkjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid =20080220171924AAEJO7t

Why would a warrior want to be next to a faggot?

Hagbard Celine
04-10-2008, 01:09 PM
No they won't run away, they just won't stay. It is a macho job and to be led by a girlieman isn't very macho. Girlileman Seals http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060717225940AAfj8Jk

girliemen Special Forces http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AmhRfUXPb8xOzU.tqiW0Bq0jzKIX;_ylv=3?qid =20071127051210AAlGjVa

girliemen USMC http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArxemfMPAyQ6ihp7INi0HKkjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid =20080220171924AAEJO7t

Why would a warrior want to be next to a faggot?

I don't know, maybe to protect the country they both love?

04-10-2008, 01:16 PM
I don't know, maybe to protect the country they both love?Gays do not need to be open about their sexuality to serve their country. To ask a volunteer to volunteer for service would require he agrees with the environment. Having openly serving gays is a bad environment for macho young men and they would choose to do something that was macho where they could be with macho people. You cannot litigate or legislate love and understanding. The pride of military service would be gone if gays served openly. A draft to fill the ranks would be required within a year.

04-10-2008, 01:18 PM
where do you get off thinking you speak for all those warriors?

and the word is "droves", not "groves"...or maybe you are suggesting that they will all chose those moments to depart when they are immediately adjacent to large stands of orange trees. If so, forget the correction.I used to be one. Thanks for the spelling correction.

Hagbard Celine
04-10-2008, 01:20 PM
Gays do not need to be open about their sexuality to serve their country. To ask a volunteer to volunteer for service would require he agrees with the environment. Having openly serving gays is a bad environment for macho young men and they would choose to do something that was macho where they could be with macho people. You cannot litigate or legislate love and understanding. The pride of military service would be gone if gays served openly. A draft to fill the ranks would be required within a year.

The military doesn't need to have an environment that holds a stance on sexual preference. (shrug) The American military needs to have an American environment, not a bigoted one. And being gay doesn't have anything to do with being "macho." There are women in the military too if you haven't noticed and oh yeah! They have sex with men too. Does their presence degrade the other men's "macho environment?"
That's right, your position has been successfully obliterated by common sense.

04-10-2008, 01:34 PM
I used to be one. ... . You still are. Thanks for fighting the good fight on this issue. :salute:


04-10-2008, 01:37 PM
The military doesn't need to have an environment that holds a stance on sexual preference. (shrug) The American military needs to have an American environment, not a bigoted one. And being gay doesn't have anything to do with being "macho." There are women in the military too if you haven't noticed and oh yeah! They have sex with men too. Does their presence degrade the other men's "macho environment?"
That's right, your position has been successfully obliterated by common sense.

Funny I don't see how the presence of women around real men would make them less macho. (shrug)

What's that about common sense?

Hagbard Celine
04-10-2008, 01:41 PM
Funny I don't see how the presence of women around real men would make them less macho. (shrug)

What's that about common sense?

Classact's premise, as I'm sure yours is, is that gays are incapable of being macho. This idea taken straight from the knuckledragger's handbook is based entirely upon their sexual preference so it would only be logical to assume that women would also be unable to express machismo since they also hold a sexual preference that differs from the "macho men" and would therefore be unwelcome in the military. As we know, this is not the case so your premise is false.
<div><object width="420" height="336"><param name="movie" value="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/x2bg3k&v3=1&related=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/x2bg3k&v3=1&related=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="336" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object><br /><b><a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2bg3k_village-people-macho-man-version-lo_music">Village People - Macho Man (version longue)</a></b><br /><i>Uploaded by <a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/scorpiomusic">scorpiomusic</a></i></div>

04-10-2008, 01:55 PM
Classact's premise, as I'm sure yours is, is that gays are incapable of being macho. This idea taken straight from the knuckledragger's handbook is based entirely upon their sexual preference so it would only be logical to assume that women would also be unable to express machismo since they also hold a sexual preference that differs from the "macho men" and would therefore be unwelcome in the military. As we know, this is not the case so your premise is false.
:poke: The Village People version of macho, as I'm sure yours is, is actually better described by the term: flamer, so your premise is false. :poke:

Hagbard Celine
04-10-2008, 01:59 PM
The Village People version of macho, as I'm sure yours is, is actually better described by the term: flamer, so your premise is false. :poke:

See, what you've done here is conjure a "premise" out of what is known as "non-sense." It's based on nothing more than your opinion, which is biased at best and has nothing to do with reality or common sense. If you have anything relevant and/or rational to add to the debate I suggest you do so. Otherwise I am going to move-on to another thread and consider my point made.

Abbey Marie
04-10-2008, 02:11 PM
Geez, Hag, even I understand the male psyche better than you seem to.

Hagbard Celine
04-10-2008, 02:13 PM
Geez, Hag, even I understand the male psyche better than you seem to.

Hmm. I seem to be male..yep, I've still got a pair of testicles, and yet bigotry doesn't seem to be a part of the ol' thought process. Odd. :lol:

Abbey Marie
04-10-2008, 02:15 PM
Hmm. I seem to be male..yep, I've still got a pair of testicles, and yet bigotry doesn't seem to be a part of the ol' thought process. Odd. :lol:

Bigotry? You mean it's not a phobia anymore? How 'bout that!

Hagbard Celine
04-10-2008, 02:26 PM
Bigotry? You mean it's not a phobia anymore? How 'bout that!

Yes. Exactly. The fact that I didn't mention it means that the nomenclature has changed. Wow, you really got me there! Hyuck! :lol:
I'm intrigued to see that your side of this argument is so rife with solid material that corroborates it! Gee whiz, your worldview is so convincing I have a feeling that you're just on the verge of getting me to cross over! :rolleyes:

Abbey Marie
04-10-2008, 02:30 PM
Yes. Exactly. The fact that I didn't mention it means that the nomenclature has changed. Wow, you really got me there! Hyuck! :lol:

Your all-too-typical baseless accusations do nothing to change the fact that you appear to know so little about the male psyche. You should listen to the former military guys on here, like Gunny, Gadget, Pale, etc. They can explain it to you much better than I can.

Hagbard Celine
04-10-2008, 02:33 PM
Your all-too-typical baseless accusations do nothing to change the fact that you appear to know so little about the male psyche. You should listen to the former military guys on here, like Gunny, Gadget, Pale, etc. They can explain it to you much better than I can.

What's to explain? They don't like gays. Wow. How deep.

Hey, know what? I'd rather not be gay too. It's a good thing I'm not then huh? My aversion to being gay and being around those who are doesn't justify their exclusion from my workplace though. I like debating with you Abbs, I'm always a winner!

Also, I didn't make any "accusations." You used the wrong word.

Pale Rider
04-10-2008, 02:51 PM
The military doesn't need to have an environment that holds a stance on sexual preference. (shrug) The American military needs to have an American environment, not a bigoted one. And being gay doesn't have anything to do with being "macho." There are women in the military too if you haven't noticed and oh yeah! They have sex with men too. Does their presence degrade the other men's "macho environment?"
That's right, your position has been successfully obliterated by common sense.

Sexual preference? I think a more accurate description would be sexual PERVERSION, and no, the military of all things does NOT need to condone such an illness.

How's this for an idea for the fags.... GET HELP!

04-10-2008, 02:54 PM
Your all-too-typical baseless accusations do nothing to change the fact that you appear to know so little about the male psyche. You should listen to the former military guys on here, like Gunny, Gadget, Pale, etc. They can explain it to you much better than I can.

it is interesting to see that you only listen to those former military personnel who affirm your own opinions.

Hagbard Celine
04-10-2008, 03:14 PM
Sexual preference? I think a more accurate description would be sexual PERVERSION, and no, the military of all things does NOT need to condone such an illness.

How's this for an idea for the fags.... GET HELP!

No, I think that's just another way of saying it. The more accurate is the term I used, "preference." If we separated everyone into groups based on which sexual perversions they preferred, we'd all be in different groups fighting amongst ourselves. I'd be in the "Doggie-style while wearing a cowboy hat" group. The best one by the way ;)
Anyway, I don't know where you're getting "condone" out of anything I'm saying. What I've said is that they don't need to have a stance on it period. It's not as if doing the job relies upon how, where or with who a person has sex with, so why does this rule exist? It's an arbitrary rule based entirely upon discrimination and/or the so-called "need" to protect homos from violent bigots and it doesn't have a place in the military. The end. If violent bigots have a problem and they use violence against their comrades based on this, they deserve to be prosecuted and ejected from the military. Closeted gays do their job just fine in the military so why should others knowing about their sexual preference change that?

Abbey Marie
04-10-2008, 03:50 PM
it is interesting to see that you only listen to those former military personnel who affirm your own opinions.

I listen to those who make sense in general on the board. :)

Abbey Marie
04-10-2008, 03:51 PM
No, I think that's just another way of saying it. The more accurate is the term I used, "preference." If we separated everyone into groups based on which sexual perversions they preferred, we'd all be in different groups fighting amongst ourselves. I'd be in the "Doggie-style while wearing a cowboy hat" group. The best one by the way ;)
Anyway, I don't know where you're getting "condone" out of anything I'm saying. What I've said is that they don't need to have a stance on it period. It's not as if doing the job relies upon how, where or with who a person has sex with, so why does this rule exist? It's an arbitrary rule based entirely upon discrimination and/or the so-called "need" to protect homos from violent bigots and it doesn't have a place in the military. The end. If violent bigots have a problem and they use violence against their comrades based on this, they deserve to be prosecuted and ejected from the military. Closeted gays do their job just fine in the military so why should others knowing about their sexual preference change that?

We would need to know which one of you wears the hat. :laugh2:

Hagbard Celine
04-10-2008, 03:53 PM
We would need to know which one of you wears the hat. :laugh2:

In the instance of "doggie-style," it would be me. "Cowgirl" on the other hand would be her. It's a rather interesting dichotomy that I've spent some, if not all of my time studying. :dance:

Abbey Marie
04-10-2008, 03:55 PM
In the instance of "doggie-syle," it would be me. "Cowgirl" on the other hand would be her. It's a rather interesting dichotomy that I've spent some, if not all of my time studying. :dance:

Ah, I see. :laugh2:

Pale Rider
04-10-2008, 04:19 PM
No, I think that's just another way of saying it. The more accurate is the term I used, "preference." If we separated everyone into groups based on which sexual perversions they preferred, we'd all be in different groups fighting amongst ourselves. I'd be in the "Doggie-style while wearing a cowboy hat" group. The best one by the way ;)
Anyway, I don't know where you're getting "condone" out of anything I'm saying. What I've said is that they don't need to have a stance on it period. It's not as if doing the job relies upon how, where or with who a person has sex with, so why does this rule exist? It's an arbitrary rule based entirely upon discrimination and/or the so-called "need" to protect homos from violent bigots and it doesn't have a place in the military. The end. If violent bigots have a problem and they use violence against their comrades based on this, they deserve to be prosecuted and ejected from the military. Closeted gays do their job just fine in the military so why should others knowing about their sexual preference change that?

Well we certainly do disagree on what men fucking men up the ass should be called. I call it sick as hell.

If the military were to just fling open the doors and let the fags start enlisting while showing up at basic dressed like a girl with lip stick and high heels on, we'd have utter pandemonium, and it wouldn't take long and one these little sick flaming homos would get his/her ass kicked so bad they'd either be in the hospital or dead, and there'd go your experiment in tolerance. What you fail to realise is, men fucking men up the ass sickens 95% of all the people on earth. It's a 'NORMAL' reaction to such a vile, sick and perverse sexual deed.

red states rule
04-10-2008, 04:45 PM
This shitbag is willing to do anything to rally his base.

Maybe it would be easier if Obama would drop out of the Presidential race and be elected Pope

Then the Obama supporters would only have to kiss his ring on a daily basis

04-10-2008, 06:42 PM
Here's the deal, HC. The military as a whole doesn't have a problem with gays. However, the truth of the matter is that, no matter how much sensitivity training or seminars you send them to, most heterosexual men do not feel completely comfortable around somebody who's gay. Like it or not, that's a fact. This is not a reflection on the military being 'bigoted,' 'fearful,' or 'discriminatory.' It is, instead, a policy meant to maximize combat effectiveness. When soldiers are uncomfortable with the men they fight with, it can make them hesitant or cause them to make poor decisions under stress. If nobody knows, then it's a non-issue, which is why 'don't ask, don't tell' works. Sure, you could wipe it away in a heartbeat in the name of 'diversity' and 'tolerance,' but it would make our front line of defense less effective, and when lives are on the line, I'd rather not make sacrifices in the name of political correctness.

You have said many times that you don't think soldiers would leave the Army and abandon their duty to country in order to not have to serve alongside those who are openly gay, and that if they did, that would be a horrible thing to do, but isn't it at least as horrible to reduce the effectiveness of our front line troops, costing them their lives, all to make somewhere around 1% of the population a little happier, a 1% that I don't think has a high enlistment rate, at that?

04-10-2008, 10:43 PM
instead to implement the clinton policy, dont think, dont do (anything)

Obama welcomes the draft... http://www.townhall.com/news/politics-elections/2008/04/10/obama_repeal_of_dont_ask_possible

04-11-2008, 06:26 AM
Soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines don't mind gays being in the military but mind working with them. If they would agree to segregated gay units then there wouldn't be a problem. In the case of lesbians, they work well as it is in a garrison environment in a supply/support role but a warrior would not want to be led by a dyke into battle.

Those who want to prefect the world into love and understanding and those who choose to use force of killing an enemy are two different breeds. In this analogy the gays should all be in the State Department and the straits in the military. Government cannot litigate or legislate love and understanding and living and working with someone that shares few of your norms does not make a winning team. It is like demanding that professional football teams be made up with 10% gays.

Warriors will exit and join a rescue team, the State Highway Patrol or Blackwater rather than associate with or work subordinate with faggots. All of those who support legislating love and understanding for faggots better be ready to work subordinate to them because the warriors will be elsewhere.

red states rule
04-11-2008, 06:32 AM
Soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines don't mind gays being in the military but mind working with them. If they would agree to segregated gay units then there wouldn't be a problem. In the case of lesbians, they work well as it is in a garrison environment in a supply/support role but a warrior would not want to be led by a dyke into battle.

Those who want to prefect the world into love and understanding and those who choose to use force of killing an enemy are two different breeds. In this analogy the gays should all be in the State Department and the straits in the military. Government cannot litigate or legislate love and understanding and living and working with someone that shares few of your norms does not make a winning team. It is like demanding that professional football teams be made up with 10% gays.

Warriors will exit and join a rescue team, the State Highway Patrol or Blackwater rather than associate with or work subordinate with faggots. All of those who support legislating love and understanding for faggots better be ready to work subordinate to them because the warriors will be elsewhere.

Libs have turned our schools, work places, and most companies into their little social experiment labs - leave our military alone

Hagbard Celine
04-11-2008, 09:30 AM
Here's the deal, HC. The military as a whole doesn't have a problem with gays. However, the truth of the matter is that, no matter how much sensitivity training or seminars you send them to, most heterosexual men do not feel completely comfortable around somebody who's gay. Like it or not, that's a fact. This is not a reflection on the military being 'bigoted,' 'fearful,' or 'discriminatory.' It is, instead, a policy meant to maximize combat effectiveness. When soldiers are uncomfortable with the men they fight with, it can make them hesitant or cause them to make poor decisions under stress. If nobody knows, then it's a non-issue, which is why 'don't ask, don't tell' works. Sure, you could wipe it away in a heartbeat in the name of 'diversity' and 'tolerance,' but it would make our front line of defense less effective, and when lives are on the line, I'd rather not make sacrifices in the name of political correctness.

You have said many times that you don't think soldiers would leave the Army and abandon their duty to country in order to not have to serve alongside those who are openly gay, and that if they did, that would be a horrible thing to do, but isn't it at least as horrible to reduce the effectiveness of our front line troops, costing them their lives, all to make somewhere around 1% of the population a little happier, a 1% that I don't think has a high enlistment rate, at that?

I don't buy it. When the bullets are flying, the last thing on anybody's mind is "Is my comrade a queer? :eek:"
It's a petty prejudice that adults should be able to get over. Especially "macho" adults.

04-11-2008, 09:54 AM
See, what you've done here is conjure a "premise" out of what is known as "non-sense." It's based on nothing more than your opinion, which is biased at best and has nothing to do with reality or common sense. If you have anything relevant and/or rational to add to the debate I suggest you do so. Otherwise I am going to move-on to another thread and consider my point made.:lol: So the Village People are macho to you? Most would call them flamers.

Hagbard Celine
04-11-2008, 10:55 AM
:lol: So the Village People are macho to you? Most would call them flamers.

Obviously sarcasm is lost on you. Let me introduce you to my surprise. Oh wait, he's not here.

04-11-2008, 11:27 AM
where do you get off thinking you speak for all those warriors?

and the word is "droves", not "groves"...or maybe you are suggesting that they will all chose those moments to depart when they are immediately adjacent to large stands of orange trees. If so, forget the correction.

You know what sucks, besides of course those goofy Navy uniforms, is when you misspell a word in the same post that you are chastising someone else for misspelling....... oops. :coffee:

It would appear from this photo that the Navy got rid of that pesky "don't ask don't tell" rule and replaced it with "do tell". :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

red states rule
04-11-2008, 11:29 AM
You know what sucks, besides of course those goofy Navy uniforms, is when you misspell a word in the same post that you are chastising someone else for misspelling....... oops. :coffee:

It would appear from this photo that the Navy got rid of that pesky "don't ask don't tell" rule and replaced it with "do tell". :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

MFM's intelligence has never been questioned

In fact it has never been mentioned

04-11-2008, 11:36 AM
I don't buy it. When the bullets are flying, the last thing on anybody's mind is "Is my comrade a queer? :eek:"
It's a petty prejudice that adults should be able to get over. Especially "macho" adults.

I just have to congratulate you Hagbard......... the first thing I thought when I read Hobbits outstanding post was....... uh oh, hear we go, some dick is going to have to come back with the standard racial response, but you didn't. I can't believe it, but you didn't. Did you just not remember the "well there was a time when blacks weren't allowed in the military too" response or did you realize how lame and overplayed that bullshit response has become?

Hagbard Celine
04-11-2008, 11:46 AM
I just have to congratulate you Hagbard......... the first thing I thought when I read Hobbits outstanding post was....... uh oh, hear we go, some dick is going to have to come back with the standard racial response, but you didn't. I can't believe it, but you didn't. Did you just not remember the "well there was a time when blacks weren't allowed in the military too" response or did you realize how lame and overplayed that bullshit response has become?

It didn't occur to me because blacks aren't the issue here. The premise is still the same though. They weren't allowed into the military because of a petty prejudice. Now we think of that prejudice as ridiculous but it was replaced by the prejudice against women and now gays. Decades or a century from now, gays will be in but some other group will be out.
The equation is simple. (A + B + C) - X = Military. X used to be blacks. Then it was women. Now its fags. Later it'll be something else. Like robots or genetically modified humans or something. Who knows.

GW in Ohio
04-11-2008, 12:13 PM
I would think if a gay guy had the motivation to go through Navy Seal or Special Forces training that he would be just as much of a tough guy, a "he man," as the rest of the guys in the unit, and therefore just as deserving of respect as the rest of the guys.

One of the strongly-held beliefs among liberals is that sexual preference is a minor consideration. It seems to matter much more to conservatives.

04-11-2008, 12:24 PM
I would think if a gay guy had the motivation to go through Navy Seal or Special Forces training that he would be just as much of a tough guy, a "he man," as the rest of the guys in the unit, and therefore just as deserving of respect as the rest of the guys.

One of the strongly-held beliefs among liberals is that sexual preference is a minor consideration. It seems to matter much more to conservatives.

This imbecile was a Navy Seal, a real seal has more common sense. He's making the rounds talking up the government was behind September 11th conspiracy.

Hagbard Celine
04-11-2008, 12:26 PM
I would think if a gay guy had the motivation to go through Navy Seal or Special Forces training that he would be just as much of a tough guy, a "he man," as the rest of the guys in the unit, and therefore just as deserving of respect as the rest of the guys.

One of the strongly-held beliefs among liberals is that sexual preference is a minor consideration. It seems to matter much more to conservatives.

Apparently it accounts for one's entire self image. That of course goes hand-in-hand with the typical two-dimensional, broadly generalizing black-and-white view that radical Conservatives have of the world. I don't know why some of them seem to be completely incapable of seeing issues from more than one pov.

04-11-2008, 12:30 PM
Well we certainly do disagree on what men fucking men up the ass should be called. I call it sick as hell.

If the military were to just fling open the doors and let the fags start enlisting while showing up at basic dressed like a girl with lip stick and high heels on, we'd have utter pandemonium, and it wouldn't take long and one these little sick flaming homos would get his/her ass kicked so bad they'd either be in the hospital or dead, and there'd go your experiment in tolerance. What you fail to realise is, men fucking men up the ass sickens 95% of all the people on earth. It's a 'NORMAL' reaction to such a vile, sick and perverse sexual deed.

We would not, the UCMJ covers uniforms quite nicely, and I feel fucking sorry for the person who shows up to boot in high heels, cause the Drill sargeant will let, if not make, them continue to wear them, doing pushups, running, double-timing everywhere.

As I've said before, gays are already there, they're doing the job, and they're still having gay relationships during that Term of Service. The policy is idiotic, a law that is not followed is not a law. Not all gays are cross-dressers, just as not all conservatives are gun-nuts, and not all liberals are for gun-control.

If the special forces would cut and run like little babies because they don't like their COs personal taste, then they are without Honor, without Courage, and without Commitment. If they would bail out like that, then they do not deserve the honor of wearing our country's military uniform.

Pale Rider
04-11-2008, 12:36 PM
We would not, the UCMJ covers uniforms quite nicely, and I feel fucking sorry for the person who shows up to boot in high heels, cause the Drill sargeant will let, if not make, them continue to wear them, doing pushups, running, double-timing everywhere.

As I've said before, gays are already there, they're doing the job, and they're still having gay relationships during that Term of Service. The policy is idiotic, a law that is not followed is not a law. Not all gays are cross-dressers, just as not all conservatives are gun-nuts, and not all liberals are for gun-control.

If the special forces would cut and run like little babies because they don't like their COs personal taste, then they are without Honor, without Courage, and without Commitment. If they would bail out like that, then they do not deserve the honor of wearing our country's military uniform.

You're talking to the wrong person. I never said any of our special forces would cut anything or run anywhere. However I do know that if faggots were to openly invade the military, there would be untold trouble of catastrophic proportions, and if you don't think so, you're the fucking crazy one.

04-11-2008, 12:43 PM
Obviously sarcasm is lost on you. Let me introduce you to my surprise. Oh wait, he's not here. Since you're a Village Person fan, please ekeep your "surprise" to yourself.

04-11-2008, 12:49 PM

One of the strongly-held beliefs among liberals is that sexual preference is a minor consideration. It seems to matter much more to conservatives.
Yeah. Being queer is a just minor- preference.

Oops- looks like you screwed up with the truth instead of repeating the lie that queers are born that way. Shame on you.

Hagbard Celine
04-11-2008, 12:50 PM
Since you're a Village Person fan, please ekeep your "surprise" to yourself.

Hyuck! Ya got me Gomer!

04-11-2008, 12:57 PM
Hyuck! Ya got me Gomer! Gomer? What did I do to deserve that insult besides best you?

GW in Ohio
04-11-2008, 01:01 PM
Gomer? What did I do to deserve that insult besides best you?

glockie: Do you have to use a wheelbarrow to carry around that enormous ego?

04-11-2008, 01:07 PM
glockie: Do you have to use a wheelbarrow to carry around that enormous ego? I don't need a wheelbarrow- it just follows me around.

04-11-2008, 01:18 PM
Apparently it accounts for one's entire self image.

Doesn't it? I don't see any heterosexuals marching in hetero pride parades or referring to themselves as heterosexual to anyone within hearing distance. Only fags do that.

Hagbard Celine
04-11-2008, 01:21 PM
Gomer? What did I do to deserve that insult besides best you?

:laugh: "Best me?" You've got to be kidding me man. You're trying to take credit for "besting" me after making a pun based on the lame Village People joke that I posted in the first place?
If you were smart enough to detect sarcasm we wouldn't be here in the first place. Get out of here with that weak-ass "besting" sh*t. :laugh:

04-11-2008, 01:26 PM
:laugh: "Best me?" You've got to be kidding me man. You're trying to take credit for "besting" me after making a pun based on the lame Village People joke that I posted in the first place?
If you were smart enough to detect sarcasm we wouldn't be here in the first place. Get out of here with that weak-ass "besting" sh*t. :laugh: If your joke was funny you wouldn't feel the need to insult me because of my spot-on pun. :pee:

Hagbard Celine
04-11-2008, 01:26 PM
Doesn't it? I don't see any heterosexuals marching in hetero pride parades or referring to themselves as heterosexual to anyone within hearing distance. Only fags do that.

Do you really think that the type of person who endures hard-core military training would be effiminate enough to participate in a pride parade? Stereotypes are not definitive Sitarro. Not all gays march in pride parades. Not all blacks buy their chicken with food stamps and not all Asians know karate.

Pale Rider
04-11-2008, 01:30 PM
Do you really think that the type of person who endures hard-core military training would be effiminate enough to participate in a pride parade? Stereotypes are not definitive Sitarro. Not all gays march in pride parades. Not all blacks buy their chicken with food stamps and not all Asians know karate.

Interesting question... why not?

04-11-2008, 01:30 PM
I suppose they view it as some masochist ritual, like the Tower of Power.

Hagbard Celine
04-11-2008, 01:30 PM
If your joke was funny you wouldn't feel the need to insult me because of my spot-on pun. :pee:

I don't know. Maybe if you directed all the effort you put into constructing weak puns into detecting sarcasm we wouldn't be at this juncture to begin with. :lol:

Hagbard Celine
04-11-2008, 01:33 PM
Interesting question... why not?

Exactly. Why not? Maybe they would. Maybe they wouldn't. The bottom line is that if you're tough enough to endure the training, why should your sex life or the parades you march in have anything to do with whether or not you're allowed to serve in the military? More on point, why should anyone knowing about your sex life have any bearing on your ability to serve?

04-11-2008, 01:34 PM
I don't know. Maybe if you directed all the effort you put into constructing weak puns into detecting sarcasm we wouldn't be at this juncture to begin with. :lol: My pun couldn't have been that weak since you failed to produce a humorous response, and instead resorted to an insult- and obvious clue that you got bested.

Hagbard Celine
04-11-2008, 01:37 PM
My pun couldn't have been that weak since you failed to produce a humorous response, and instead resorted to an insult- and obvious clue that you got bested.

Pending evidence to the contrary, I'm going to assume that everyone else thought that calling you "Gomer" was both accurate and humorous. Especially since I recieved positive rep for doing so. (shrug)

glockmail: "Whaaaaaaaaaa*WHAAAAaaaaaaa!"

04-11-2008, 01:52 PM
I don't buy it. When the bullets are flying, the last thing on anybody's mind is "Is my comrade a queer? :eek:"
It's a petty prejudice that adults should be able to get over. Especially "macho" adults.

That's not what I was saying. Consciously, the guy's not thinking, "That guy's gay, what do I do?" Subconsciously, though, he doesn't fully trust the guy, and that lack of trust can make all the difference in combat. If your prior feelings towards somebody else made no difference 'once the bullets start flying,' the military wouldn't spend as much time as it does making sure that men who fight together know each other well enough to finish each other's sentences and trust each other well enough to place their lives in each others' hands. On the contrary, it matters a lot when the fighting starts. If the men are led by somebody they don't trust, they're less likely to follow his orders unquestioningly. They're more likely to hesitate. This makes all the difference in a firefight, and wishing it away or claiming it doesn't really matter won't change things. Personally, I think the system we have now where nobody has to know is fine, but if you want to change things, forcing this kind of change to the detriment of the military is counterproductive. If you really think this can and should change, you have to start with trying to find a way to make men not feel uncomfortable with homosexuals.

As for women, that's a different story. Women can't serve in combat because men instinctively protect women and are more traumatized by the death of a woman in combat than a guy. Like having open homosexuals on the front line, this decreases their fighting effectiveness, as it impairs their ability to make logical decisions, so single gender fighting makes the most sense, and since men are biologically more suited to the task and psychologically more willing to sign up for it, that's how it has to be.

04-11-2008, 01:54 PM
Exactly. Why not? Maybe they would. Maybe they wouldn't. The bottom line is that if you're tough enough to endure the training, why should your sex life or the parades you march in have anything to do with whether or not you're allowed to serve in the military? More on point, why should anyone knowing about your sex life have any bearing on your ability to serve?

I can see it now.....
They could have their own pink barracks where they could take long extended showers washing each other's backs and whatever. They would want to redesign the uniforms, plant flowers, change the menu at the mess hall.:laugh2:

The fact is, most normal guys don't want to be around them, they certainly don't want to sleep or shower around them and they are sure that they would get sold out by them for a blow job...... doesn't help team morale.

04-11-2008, 01:54 PM
Pending evidence to the contrary, I'm going to assume that everyone else thought that calling you "Gomer" was both accurate and humorous. Especially since I recieved positive rep for doing so. (shrug)

glockmail: "Whaaaaaaaaaa*WHAAAAaaaaaaa!"That's probably a good way to develop your opinions. Toss someting out and see how many people agree with you. Maybe if you explained to me what definition of "gomer" is, as the urban distionary lists three distinctive, then I might agree with you as well. Or not.

04-11-2008, 02:35 PM
Here's some thing that agrees with the Obamessiah......:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:


04-11-2008, 02:37 PM
Wouldn't the Navy Seals be proud to have this serve with them? Not exactly work friendly.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:: laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:


Hagbard Celine
04-11-2008, 02:58 PM
"Gomer" was a character on the classic television show, "The Andy Griffith Show."
I'm happy to see that everyone here is capable of pointing-out an extreme. Well done. Now go outside, look up in the sky and every time you see a plane, yell-out PLANE! and point wildly upward so that all your neighbors will be aware.
The bottom line is that if a person (be (s)he gay, straight, black, white, whatever) can perform well and pass the training, there is no reason why that person shouldn't be able to serve.
If the only reason any of you can come up with has to do with others being *gasp!* uncomfortable and or has anything to do with offensive, stereotypical sophmoric jokes, that's not a good enough reason. If a guy can make it through boot camp, he ought to be able to deal with being in the same room with a homo without throwing a tantrum having such a bad case of timid peter that he can't function in combat without being distracted by his comrade's gayness.
I think continuing to allow the military to make discrimination against homos policy amounts to coddling soldiers and positively reinforcing petty prejudices. I don't think there's anything to support the continued policy of discrimination and I think the policy of "don't ask, don't tell" was meant to "protect" gays from violent bigots in their ranks. The policy is flawed in that the policy should be to root-out and end bigotry, not coddle it's existence and/or simply try to keep its targets anonymous so that the ideology can continue to flourish.

04-11-2008, 03:12 PM
"Gomer" was a character on the classic television show, "The Andy Griffith Show." .....
Ok Barney.

Hagbard Celine
04-11-2008, 03:18 PM
Ok Barney.

So far you're 0-2. You can't detect sarcasm or simple pop-culture references. Apparently you can also list characters from tv shows that you Google. Your list of talents is piling up! :lol:

Pale Rider
04-11-2008, 04:23 PM
Exactly. Why not? Maybe they would. Maybe they wouldn't. The bottom line is that if you're tough enough to endure the training, why should your sex life or the parades you march in have anything to do with whether or not you're allowed to serve in the military? More on point, why should anyone knowing about your sex life have any bearing on your ability to serve?

I can see it now.....
They could have their own pink barracks where they could take long extended showers washing each other's backs and whatever. They would want to redesign the uniforms, plant flowers, change the menu at the mess hall.:laugh2:

The fact is, most normal guys don't want to be around them, they certainly don't want to sleep or shower around them and they are sure that they would get sold out by them for a blow job...... doesn't help team morale.

Exactly... we seem to be able to understand and hag doesn't, that 99% of all people on earth find homosexuality DISGUSTING, and PERVERSE, and SICKENING! I'm not sure what part about that hag is having such a hard time getting. In free society, we all have a choice as to whether or not we want to be around them, let alone NAKED in front of them. Take a situation like the military basic training and FORCE normal, heterosexual men to be naked in front of KNOWN faggots, and the situation would be VERY volatile. It wouldn't take long and some little ferry boy would get his ass beat to a pulp. Now that's just the plain and simple truth without acting all ignorant and making every excuse under the sun defending these butt fucking sick sons a bitches.

Pale Rider
04-11-2008, 04:27 PM
Here's some thing that agrees with the Obamessiah......:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:


OH - MY - FUCKING - GOD.... I got about five seconds into that and threw up a little in my mouth.... :puke:

I'm tellin' ya.... that's just so sick it's creepy.

Hagbard Celine
04-11-2008, 04:46 PM
Exactly... we seem to be able to understand and hag doesn't, that 99% of all people on earth find homosexuality DISGUSTING, and PERVERSE, and SICKENING! I'm not sure what part about that hag is having such a hard time getting. In free society, we all have a choice as to whether or not we want to be around them, let alone NAKED in front of them. Take a situation like the military basic training and FORCE normal, heterosexual men to be naked in front of KNOWN faggots, and the situation would be VERY volatile. It wouldn't take long and some little ferry boy would get his ass beat to a pulp. Now that's just the plain and simple truth without acting all ignorant and making every excuse under the sun defending these butt fucking sick sons a bitches.

And...the vermin who "beat his ass to a pulp" would be court marshalled and thrown in jail for assault/attempted murder/hate crime. (shrug) When all he had to do was mind his own sh*t and do his job. Oh, but I forgot how deafeningly distracting gayness can be when you're in the same room with it. It's a wonder anybody at all can do their job just knowing that somewhere out there, somebody is engaging in sodomy. *shiver*
Oh wait, I forgot I'm a rational person and I realize that what another adult does in his or her own time has absolutely nothing to do with me. Silly me.

Pale Rider
04-11-2008, 06:45 PM
And...the vermin who "beat his ass to a pulp" would be court marshalled and thrown in jail for assault/attempted murder/hate crime. (shrug) When all he had to do was mind his own sh*t and do his job. Oh, but I forgot how deafeningly distracting gayness can be when you're in the same room with it. It's a wonder anybody at all can do their job just knowing that somewhere out there, somebody is engaging in sodomy. *shiver*
Oh wait, I forgot I'm a rational person and I realize that what another adult does in his or her own time has absolutely nothing to do with me. Silly me.

Hag... brother... you're still tap dancing like Fred Astaire... who do you think is going to TELL on the person that did the beating? Huh? Nobody man, because everybody will be secretly GLAD the FAG got his faggy ass kicked! This is the military man, not summer camp. You're training to KILL PEOPLE, not to play patty cake and do arts and crafts. There just isn't a place for little dick licking, butt poking, homo boys. They're going to get hurt, and the people that didn't know any better that would allow such a situation in the FIRST place would be the guilty ones for a fairy getting hurt... you know... YOU.

red states rule
04-11-2008, 06:48 PM
Hag... brother... you're still tap dancing like Fred Astaire... who do you think is going to TELL on the person that did the beating? Huh? Nobody man, because everybody will be secretly GLAD the FAG got his faggy ass kicked! This is the military man, not summer camp. You're training to KILL PEOPLE, not to play patty cake. There just isn't a place for little dick licking, butt poking, homo boys. They're going to get hurt, and the people that didn't know any better that would allow such a situation in the FIRST place would be the guilty ones... you know... YOU.

The military has it's rules. they can reject for a number of reasons. Age, height, weight, education level, and if you are gay

They have the job of defedning America. I say let the military decide who the hell they want, and let them reject who they want

Pale Rider
04-11-2008, 06:55 PM
The military has it's rules. they can reject for a number of reasons. Age, height, weight, education level, and if you are gay

They have the job of defedning America. I say let the military decide who the hell they want, and let them reject who they want

Exactly... and it shouldn't have anything to do with lop eared hussein, the racist, president wannabe homo lover.

It's just a real bad idea. After all the debate there's been on this board, there still isn't ONE GOOD SOLUTION on how OPENLY HOMO PEOPLE could possibly go through basic training with heteros. Course there's been plenty of mediocre crap excuses and non solutions come from the liberals here, but to the logical minded people like you and I, we know crap when we hear it.

red states rule
04-11-2008, 06:56 PM
Exactly... and it shouldn't have anything to do with lop eared hussein, the president wannabe homo lover.

I am just using logic, reason, and common sense based on the facts. So yes, that would leave out Barry and MFM from making a rational decision

04-11-2008, 09:24 PM
Exactly... and it shouldn't have anything to do with lop eared hussein, the racist, president wannabe homo lover.

It's just a real bad idea. After all the debate there's been on this board, there still isn't ONE GOOD SOLUTION on how OPENLY HOMO PEOPLE could possibly go through basic training with heteros. Course there's been plenty of mediocre crap excuses and non solutions come from the liberals here, but to the logical minded people like you and I, we know crap when we hear it.

what is the premise of the OP in this thread? that a senior general officer in the military wants the ban removed. YOu aren't in the military anymore. YOu just did eight years a long time ago and have been a grease monkey ever since. Do you really think that YOUR opinions are more valid than senior military officers?

Let gays into the military. If they violate the UCMJ, kick 'em out. If homophobic soldiers can't deal with it and commit assault against gay soldiers, kick the assaulting ones out. We need all the help we can get in the armed forces. There have been gays serving and serving admirably since day one. When the bullets start flying, you really don't give a shit who the guy next to you prefers to sleep with...it is far from the top of your priority list at that point.

Pale Rider
04-11-2008, 09:36 PM
what is the premise of the OP in this thread? that a senior general officer in the military wants the ban removed. YOu aren't in the military anymore. YOu just did eight years a long time ago and have been a grease monkey ever since. Do you really think that YOUR opinions are more valid than senior military officers?
Sorry... scabby... but you don't know shit about what I've been doing... ever. Get your butt palls balls off your chin and wise up. Your sarcasm isn't even piss warm unibrow.

Let gays into the military. If they violate the UCMJ, kick 'em out. If homophobic soldiers can't deal with it and commit assault against gay soldiers, kick the assaulting ones out. We need all the help we can get in the armed forces. There have been gays serving and serving admirably since day one. When the bullets start flying, you really don't give a shit who the guy next to you prefers to sleep with...it is far from the top of your priority list at that point.
Yeah we do need all the help we can get, but not at the price of butt boys disrupting the whole training process. The last thing a fighting unit needs is some little fairy more worried his nail polish and what his ass looks like than doing his job under pressure.

Here's an idea. You start a whole, new, separate military unit made up entirely of homo men and women, and YOU lead them into combat. I, and the rest of the NORMAL people will keep our distance from you sick fucks, because like 95% of all the people on earth, we find the faggots AND the people like you who defend, encourage and make excuses for their vile and disgusting perversion tiresome and sickening.

04-11-2008, 09:51 PM
Sorry... scabby... but you don't know shit about what I've been doing... ever. Get your butt palls balls off your chin and wise up. Your sarcasm isn't even piss warm unibrow.

Yeah we do need all the help we can get, but not at the price of butt boys disrupting the whole training process. The last thing a fighting unit needs is some little fairy more worried his nail polish and what his ass looks like than doing his job under pressure.

Here's an idea. You start a whole, new, separate military unit made up entirely of homo men and women, and YOU lead them into combat. I, and the rest of the NORMAL people will keep our distance from you sick fucks, because like 95% of all the people on earth, we find the faggots AND the people like you who defend, encourage and make excuses for their vile and disgusting perversion tiresome and sickening.

here's an idea: let the guys in the military who have served as more than enlisted grease monkeys make the call...and let the bigoted harley mechanics mind their own fucking business and work on harleys and let professional military personnel make those decisions. how's that?

04-11-2008, 09:56 PM
here's an idea: let the guys in the military who have served as more than enlisted grease monkeys make the call...and let the bigoted harley mechanics mind their own fucking business and work on harleys and let professional military personnel make those decisions. how's that?

Funny thing this post; I don't harbor ill will towards gays, though the thought just doesn't do it for me; I find it very much along the Obama line regarding PA rubes.

There is an elitism quality to the post, it goes beyond Pale and/or the topic. It's that 'Those with breeding, education, money, and commission may speak; those without, shut up.'

04-11-2008, 10:00 PM
Funny thing this post; I don't harbor ill will towards gays, though the thought just doesn't do it for me; I find it very much along the Obama line regarding PA rubes.

There is an elitism quality to the post, it goes beyond Pale and/or the topic. It's that 'Those with breeding, education, money, and commission may speak; those without, shut up.'

how odd....yet you don't seem to find anything offensive about this:

Here's an idea. You start a whole, new, separate military unit made up entirely of homo men and women, and YOU lead them into combat. I, and the rest of the NORMAL people will keep our distance from you sick fucks, because like 95% of all the people on earth, we find the faggots AND the people like you who defend, encourage and make excuses for their vile and disgusting perversion tiresome and sickening.

04-11-2008, 10:07 PM
how odd....yet you don't seem to find anything offensive about this:

Here's an idea. You start a whole, new, separate military unit made up entirely of homo men and women, and YOU lead them into combat. I, and the rest of the NORMAL people will keep our distance from you sick fucks, because like 95% of all the people on earth, we find the faggots AND the people like you who defend, encourage and make excuses for their vile and disgusting perversion tiresome and sickening.

Where did I say I didn't have a problem with that? I don't believe I commented at all. I've yet to hear Pale set himself up as a role model or a person of such high standards or specialized knowledge that others should adhere to. Pale has 'his standards' which I may agree with or not. You on the other hand, have claimed to be a leader, someone who has vast experiences that most haven't, thus your opinions should carry more gravitas.

You haven't a clue to what I've said in comments or pm's to Pale, OCA, or RSR. Those aren't public and shouldn't be. Same with any I've made to you or you to me. It just seems to me that if you want the respect of others, you treat others with respect.

red states rule
04-11-2008, 10:08 PM
Where did I say I didn't have a problem with that? I don't believe I commented at all. I've yet to hear Pale set himself up as a role model or a person of such high standards or specialized knowledge that others should adhere to. Pale has 'his standards' which I may agree with or not. You on the other hand, have claimed to be a leader, someone who has vast experiences that most haven't, thus your opinions should carry more gravitas.

You haven't a clue to what I've said in comments or pm's to Pale, OCA, or RSR. Those aren't public and shouldn't be. Same with any I've made to you or you to me. It just seems to me that if you want the respect of others, you treat others with respect.

Had to rep you on that one Kathianne


04-11-2008, 10:10 PM
what is the premise of the OP in this thread? that a senior general officer in the military wants the ban removed. YOu aren't in the military anymore. YOu just did eight years a long time ago and have been a grease monkey ever since. Do you really think that YOUR opinions are more valid than senior military officers?

Let gays into the military. If they violate the UCMJ, kick 'em out. If homophobic soldiers can't deal with it and commit assault against gay soldiers, kick the assaulting ones out. We need all the help we can get in the armed forces. There have been gays serving and serving admirably since day one. When the bullets start flying, you really don't give a shit who the guy next to you prefers to sleep with...it is far from the top of your priority list at that point.

Actually.......................................... ...

When the bullets start flying I give a big shit who the guy next to me in a foxhole is. Why? I just do.

When I am in the head I want to feel comfortable that everyone in the room is no more interested in looking at me than I am at them, which is none. I personally want to feel like I am there with soldiers who have but ONE interest in mind. Going home............alive.

Let me give you an example. I am not going to debate the gender thing, the biological issue or any of that. I'm just gonna make a point. OK......let's say I am on a boat with all women but I am a man. Let's say, an Aircraft Carrier. 5,000 women and just me. Look dude, I'm sorry but at that point I am having a HARD time concentrating on my duties. There are 5,000 of the sex I am attracted to running around and you want me to concentrate. I'm a realist. So, if youneed clarity......let me do that for you. A gay is attracted to men. He is on a ship with 5,000 men. He is going to have a hard time concentrating. This compromises his military bearing and places lives in jeapordy.

I'm done!

04-11-2008, 10:10 PM
Where did I say I didn't have a problem with that? I don't believe I commented at all. I've yet to hear Pale set himself up as a role model or a person of such high standards or specialized knowledge that others should adhere to. Pale has 'his standards' which I may agree with or not. You on the other hand, have claimed to be a leader, someone who has vast experiences that most haven't, thus your opinions should carry more gravitas.

You haven't a clue to what I've said in comments or pm's to Pale, OCA, or RSR. Those aren't public and shouldn't be. Same with any I've made to you or you to me. It just seems to me that if you want the respect of others, you treat others with respect.

I have never said that my opinions carry more gravitas. that is bullshit. respect is a two way street. I don't give any to those that have disrespected me. Now if you care to go back through a year's worth of posts to figure out who, between me and pole rider, or me and RSR, who disrespected each other first...go for it. I've got my take on that particular question and I am going with it. and what you said to anyone in PM's is not the issue...the fact that you castigate me publicly and not him IS.

04-11-2008, 10:16 PM
I have never said that my opinions carry more gravitas. that is bullshit. respect is a two way street. I don't give any to those that have disrespected me. Now if you care to go back through a year's worth of posts to figure out who, between me and pole rider, or me and RSR, who disrespected each other first...go for it. I've got my take on that particular question and I am going with it. and what you said to anyone in PM's is not the issue...the fact that you castigate me publicly and not him IS.

BS, I've dissed all of them, publicly and you and have received the same in return from all. I've been negged by all, with the exception of RSR, and I've given props and negs to all. I've gotten way more positives from all too. I like all of you, though you can ALL set me off. :laugh2: That's a hell of a lot of 'alls.'

Pale Rider
04-12-2008, 12:17 AM
here's an idea: let the guys in the military who have served as more than enlisted grease monkeys make the call...and let the bigoted harley mechanics mind their own fucking business and work on harleys and let professional military personnel make those decisions. how's that?

Actually, scabby, if you want to try and somehow show me in a bad light as far as what I have accomplished or been schooled/trained to do in my life, I've had four careers. But I'm sure the one you'd LOVE to make fun of the most would be my truck driving days... you know... the job I made over $200,000.00 a year at. No doubt more than you'll EVER make in your life at a job, not to mention I've owned a successful business that brought in a six digit income as well.

But the fact that I've been more successful than you is irrelevant. The military does not need homos in it's midst because some jacked off moron like you that lies about being a preacher thinks it's fine. Obviously your opinion isn't worth the breath it takes to mention it, seeing as 95% of all the people on earth do NOT share your warm and fuzzy feeling about the sickest sexual perversion there is.

Get it, got it, good. Now STFU idiot.

Pale Rider
04-12-2008, 12:22 AM
Actually.......................................... ...

When the bullets start flying I give a big shit who the guy next to me in a foxhole is. Why? I just do.

When I am in the head I want to feel comfortable that everyone in the room is no more interested in looking at me than I am at them, which is none. I personally want to feel like I am there with soldiers who have but ONE interest in mind. Going home............alive.

Let me give you an example. I am not going to debate the gender thing, the biological issue or any of that. I'm just gonna make a point. OK......let's say I am on a boat with all women but I am a man. Let's say, an Aircraft Carrier. 5,000 women and just me. Look dude, I'm sorry but at that point I am having a HARD time concentrating on my duties. There are 5,000 of the sex I am attracted to running around and you want me to concentrate. I'm a realist. So, if youneed clarity......let me do that for you. A gay is attracted to men. He is on a ship with 5,000 men. He is going to have a hard time concentrating. This compromises his military bearing and places lives in jeapordy.

I'm done!

I've made that point seven dozen times Emmet, but every time it's MYSTERIOUSLY ignored. Lets see how it fares since you brought it up... :popcorn:

04-12-2008, 12:28 AM
Let me give you an example. I am not going to debate the gender thing, the biological issue or any of that. I'm just gonna make a point. OK......let's say I am on a boat with all women but I am a man. Let's say, an Aircraft Carrier. 5,000 women and just me. Look dude, I'm sorry but at that point I am having a HARD time concentrating on my duties. There are 5,000 of the sex I am attracted to running around and you want me to concentrate. I'm a realist. So, if youneed clarity......let me do that for you. A gay is attracted to men. He is on a ship with 5,000 men. He is going to have a hard time concentrating. This compromises his military bearing and places lives in jeapordy.

This is a good point and a good post, IMO. Creative.

I have read this sort of point as a defense of some sex segregation -- boys' schools (girls' schools have a different reason, to some extent), and sex segregation in some religious services, like Judaism. That the point is to get the men away from women so they can concentrate on God instead of women for a change!!

After I read that, I felt differently about it. It does make sense.

04-12-2008, 08:56 AM
This is a good point and a good post, IMO. Creative.

I have read this sort of point as a defense of some sex segregation -- boys' schools (girls' schools have a different reason, to some extent), and sex segregation in some religious services, like Judaism. That the point is to get the men away from women so they can concentrate on God instead of women for a change!!

After I read that, I felt differently about it. It does make sense.

in the midst of fllight operations on an aircraft carrier, sex is the last thing on your mind.

Pale Rider
04-12-2008, 01:39 PM
in the midst of fllight operations on an aircraft carrier, sex is the last thing on your mind.

Bullshit. You can no more make that claim than trying to convince us you preach on Sundays.

04-12-2008, 01:44 PM
Bullshit. You can no more make that claim than trying to convince us you preach on Sundays.

I really don't care whether I CONVINCE you of anything. Given your moronic and habitually contrary nature, I doubt that I could convince you that the earth rotates around the sun.

I do preach on Sundays quite often, and I have spent a tour of duty on an aircraft carrier that did two deployments to the mediterranean and therefore have a great deal of first hand experience about what sort of things are on one's mind during a launch and recovery cycle.

red states rule
04-12-2008, 05:53 PM
I really don't care whether I CONVINCE you of anything. Given your moronic and habitually contrary nature, I doubt that I could convince you that the earth rotates around the sun.

I do preach on Sundays quite often, and I have spent a tour of duty on an aircraft carrier that did two deployments to the mediterranean and therefore have a great deal of first hand experience about what sort of things are on one's mind during a launch and recovery cycle.

What is your sermon about this week - how to win friends and influence people?

Or will you play the offended liberal to your flock as you do here?

04-12-2008, 06:02 PM
i know not all gays are UN-macho, but you really think most are?

just wondering

Classact's premise, as I'm sure yours is, is that gays are incapable of being macho. This idea taken straight from the knuckledragger's handbook is based entirely upon their sexual preference so it would only be logical to assume that women would also be unable to express machismo since they also hold a sexual preference that differs from the "macho men" and would therefore be unwelcome in the military. As we know, this is not the case so your premise is false.
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04-12-2008, 06:55 PM
What is your sermon about this week - how to win friends and influence people?

Or will you play the offended liberal to your flock as you do here?

I'm not preaching this week.

but do tell us what your experience is with flight ops on an aircraft carrier. I, for one, am dying to know... although not "dying" in the literal sense.

red states rule
04-12-2008, 06:57 PM
I'm not preaching this week.

Praise the Lord

04-12-2008, 06:58 PM
and pass the ammunition

Praise the Lord

red states rule
04-12-2008, 07:01 PM
I'm not preaching this week.

but do tell us what your experience is with flight ops on an aircraft carrier. I, for one, am dying to know... although not "dying" in the literal sense.

I admit I never served

You on the other hand, would have us all believe you are John Paul Jones, Chester Nimitz, and Bull Halsey all rolled into one

Given your war stoies, I am shocked the Navy has not named a carrier after you

04-12-2008, 07:05 PM
I admit I never served

You on the other hand, would have us all believe you are John Paul Jones, Chester Nimitz, and Bull Halsey all rolled into one

Given your war stoies, I am shocked the NAvy has not named a carrier after you

you never served? gosh....you always talk like you know what the guys in uniform really think and know and want. I am surprised!

I have never told any war stories. I have never fought in any war. I have been in the middle of a conflict in the middle east, but many American military officers have served in the same capacity as I did. I have never said I have done anything extraordinarily heroic in any way. I just did my job... and was proud of the way that I served my country.

04-12-2008, 07:08 PM
every time you think you think rsr has impugned your character (al gore) you play the im liberal victim card.

Good for any post, against any mean conservative :coffee:

you never served? gosh....you always talk like you know what the guys in uniform really think and know and want. I am surprised!

I have never told any war stories. I have never fought in any war. I have been in the middle of a conflict in the middle east, but many American military officers have served in the same capacity as I did. I have never said I have done anything extraordinarily heroic in any way. I just did my job... and was proud of the way that I served my country.

04-12-2008, 07:32 PM
every time you think you think rsr has impugned your character (al gore) you play the im liberal victim card.

Good for any post, against any mean conservative :coffee:

I never play the victim card. I knew coming into this board that it was populated with conservatives.... I didn't know at first that it was also inhabited by purportedly conservative retarded porn addicts, but I figured that our soon enough.... I show up. Point out hypocrisy and idiocy and don't really care if the response is warm and fuzzy.

04-12-2008, 09:00 PM
I never play the victim card. I knew coming into this board that it was populated with conservatives.... I didn't know at first that it was also inhabited by purportedly conservative retarded porn addicts, but I figured that our soon enough.... I show up. Point out hypocrisy and idiocy and don't really care if the response is warm and fuzzy.

you have no integrity, in fact, you're simply a jerk

04-13-2008, 02:04 AM
in the midst of fllight operations on an aircraft carrier, sex is the last thing on your mind.

I new a guy who would trip on acid while sitting on the flight deck at night, worked with the firefighting crew....... I wonder if he was thinking about sex. He did say that he liked the afterburner trails on take off and all of the colored lights the most.

red states rule
04-13-2008, 06:00 AM
I never play the victim card. I knew coming into this board that it was populated with conservatives.... I didn't know at first that it was also inhabited by purportedly conservative retarded porn addicts, but I figured that our soon enough.... I show up. Point out hypocrisy and idiocy and don't really care if the response is warm and fuzzy.

Hell all you do in whine like a child. You are either whining how people attack your integrity, patriotism, or your service. Or you are nuts and post profanity filled posts with sexual innuendos

Yurt put it mildly, you are a jerk

Abbey Marie
04-13-2008, 09:53 AM
I new a guy who would trip on acid while sitting on the flight deck at night, worked with the firefighting crew....... I wonder if he was thinking about sex. He did say that he liked the afterburner trails on take off and all of the colored lights the most.


04-13-2008, 10:18 AM
Hell all you do in whine like a child. You are either whining how people attack your integrity, patriotism, or your service. Or you are nuts and post profanity filled posts with sexual innuendos

Yurt put it mildly, you are a jerk

what does your personal opinion of me have to do with this topic? Or are you content to use your poersonal opinion of me as a crutch to avoid discussing the issues that I raise?

04-13-2008, 10:20 AM
you have no integrity, in fact, you're simply a jerk

the fact that I do not suffer fools lightly is not a reflection on my integrity, but upon my patience.

red states rule
04-14-2008, 05:36 AM
what does your personal opinion of me have to do with this topic? Or are you content to use your poersonal opinion of me as a crutch to avoid discussing the issues that I raise?

Not an opinion. I pointed out how you operate

Pale Rider
04-14-2008, 05:46 AM
Hell all you do in whine like a child. You are either whining how people attack your integrity, patriotism, or your service. Or you are nuts and post profanity filled posts with sexual innuendos

Yurt put it mildly, you are a jerk


Not an opinion. I pointed out how you operate


red states rule
04-14-2008, 05:51 AM

MFM not the brightest guy I've seen. Insulting half the board you're trying to debate goes against conventional wisdom

04-14-2008, 08:10 AM
So far you're 0-2. You can't detect sarcasm or simple pop-culture references. Apparently you can also list characters from tv shows that you Google. Your list of talents is piling up! :lol:Sorry, Barney but now its you that's 0-3. Opie was my age when I used to watch that show and Andy grew up about 20 miles north of where I live, in Mt. Airy. Perhaps I should call you Floyd until you get off the sauce and see reality.