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View Full Version : Obama pushes bill to rein in lavish CEO pay

04-11-2008, 11:25 AM

INDIANAPOLIS (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama will push on Friday for passage of a bill to put the huge pay packages of some U.S. corporate executives under greater scrutiny.

The Illinois senator has introduced "say-on-pay" legislation that would give investors more of a voice in setting executive compensation packages.

"We've seen what happens when CEOs are paid for doing a job no matter how bad a job they're doing. We can't afford to postpone reform any longer," Obama said in prepared remarks for delivery later on Friday.

"That's why Washington needs to act immediately to pass this legislation."

Amid fears the U.S. economy may be in recession, many U.S. voters are anxious about a weakening job market, the mortgage crisis and higher gasoline prices.

read the rest..

04-11-2008, 11:51 AM
he does realize that they dont get the jobs just by applying doesnt he? that there is a huge screening process involved.

04-11-2008, 11:54 AM
i would change his bill slightly....

"We've seen what happens when legislators are paid for doing a job no matter how bad a job they're doing. We can't afford to postpone reform any longer," Obama said in prepared remarks for delivery later on Friday.

"That's why Washington needs to act immediately to pass this legislation."

04-11-2008, 12:33 PM
i can agree with that one.

04-11-2008, 12:39 PM
Wow, what a surprise. The liberal wants government to butt in and tell privately owned companies how to run their own damned business. This is an issue that is up to the shareholders to decide, not slackjawed liberal Senators. We've already got minimum wage, now we're begining to see maximum wage implementation. Why the fuck not just go all the way and legislate that everyone make the same fucking pay. This shitbag liberal is nothing but a communist pig.

04-11-2008, 12:42 PM
I wonder if this bill includes black CEOs like Oprah? You know that people working for Oprah aren't making 1,000th of what she is bringing in, she should be forced to pay more right?

04-11-2008, 01:13 PM
i would change his bill slightly....

"We've seen what happens when legislators are paid and get mandatory raises for doing a job no matter how bad a job they're doing. We can't afford to postpone reform any longer," Obama said in prepared remarks for delivery later on Friday.

"That's why Washington needs to act immediately to pass this legislation."

i added....

04-11-2008, 01:39 PM
I have not read the proposed legislation, but let's be carefull here.

The Illinois senator has introduced "say-on-pay" legislation that would give investors more of a voice in setting executive compensation packages.

Is the legislation aimed at a more transparent view of CEO pay for shareholders or is the legislation attempting to have the government set pay scale for CEOs?

04-11-2008, 04:22 PM
I have not read the proposed legislation, but let's be carefull here.

Is the legislation aimed at a more transparent view of CEO pay for shareholders or is the legislation attempting to have the government set pay scale for CEOs?

interesting...so letting the shareholders have more responsibility in the day to day affairs of the corporation....its a slippery slope, however, you could say that since the corporation is a creature of statute, then.....

imo, there are enough (usually, especially in publicly held coprs) safeguards that SH can take care of the problem at least once a year

04-11-2008, 04:24 PM
I wonder if this bill includes black CEOs like Oprah? You know that people working for Oprah aren't making 1,000th of what she is bringing in, she should be forced to pay more right?

how about soros.........terresa kerry?....gore

red states rule
04-11-2008, 05:21 PM
Why stop at CEO's? What about other management pay? Like his wife?

One of Obama's Earmark Requests Was for the Hospital That Employs Michelle Obama

Dan Riehl notes, via Amanda Carpenter, that in the list of earmarks he requested, $1 million was requested for the construction of a new hospital pavilion at the University Of Chicago. The request was put in in 2006.

You know who works for the University of Chicago Hospital?

Michelle Obama. She's vice president of community affairs.

As Byron noted, "In 2006, the Chicago Tribune reported that Mrs. Obama’s compensation at the University of Chicago Hospital, where she is a vice president for community affairs, jumped from $121,910 in 2004, just before her husband was elected to the Senate, to $316,962 in 2005, just after he took office."

Looks like that raise was worth it.


04-11-2008, 09:18 PM
His commercials are all over the TV lately. I think I've seen 4 just today.

He seems to be under the impression that he can win Indiana.

Personally I will be completely gob smacked if he takes this state.

red states rule
04-11-2008, 09:55 PM
His commercials are all over the TV lately. I think I've seen 4 just today.

He seems to be under the impression that he can win Indiana.

Personally I will be completely gob smacked if he takes this state.

Given the chaep shots he leveled at the working folks in PA (while speaking to liberal snobs in SF) the voters are starting to see the real Barry Obama

04-12-2008, 04:47 AM

INDIANAPOLIS (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama will push on Friday for passage of a bill to put the huge pay packages of some U.S. corporate executives under greater scrutiny.

The Illinois senator has introduced "say-on-pay" legislation that would give investors more of a voice in setting executive compensation packages.

"We've seen what happens when CEOs are paid for doing a job no matter how bad a job they're doing. We can't afford to postpone reform any longer," Obama said in prepared remarks for delivery later on Friday.

"That's why Washington needs to act immediately to pass this legislation."

Amid fears the U.S. economy may be in recession, many U.S. voters are anxious about a weakening job market, the mortgage crisis and higher gasoline prices.

read the rest..

You say this like it's a bad thing.

04-12-2008, 04:52 AM
I have not read the proposed legislation, but let's be carefull here.

Is the legislation aimed at a more transparent view of CEO pay for shareholders or is the legislation attempting to have the government set pay scale for CEOs?

Judging from the story, that would seem to be the case. That the title or number of the bill was not included in the story is an inexcusable lapse on the part of Ms. Bohan.

04-12-2008, 05:03 AM
Given the chaep shots he leveled at the working folks in PA (while speaking to liberal snobs in SF) the voters are starting to see the real Barry Obama

What exactly about his comments was anything other than a mostly accurate observation? Small town America has been largely ignored, except for lip service during election years, by Republican and Democratic administrations alike. It is not uncommon for cynicism and bitterness at the political process to take root. It is not uncommon for some, in their cynicism and bitterness, to turn to extremes be they religion, xenophobia, guns or what have you.

The same observation could be made of those normally ignored in the political process except during elections...The poor, the homeless, the disabled, veterans...the list goes on.

The GOP and its right wing-nut base really ought to try talking about the real issues instead of stirring up another tempest in a teacup. They won't however, as they'll get beaten like a gong. As for the Clinton campaign, their attempts to focus on these trivial pursuits is only a further sign of their weakness and desperation. BTW, why is the GOP so anxious to see Hillary get the nomination?

04-12-2008, 05:05 AM
i added....

See below.

04-12-2008, 05:05 AM
i would change his bill slightly....

"We've seen what happens when legislators are paid for doing a job no matter how bad a job they're doing. We can't afford to postpone reform any longer," Obama said in prepared remarks for delivery later on Friday.

"That's why Washington needs to act immediately to pass this legislation."

No argument there.

red states rule
04-12-2008, 07:21 AM
What exactly about his comments was anything other than a mostly accurate observation? Small town America has been largely ignored, except for lip service during election years, by Republican and Democratic administrations alike. It is not uncommon for cynicism and bitterness at the political process to take root. It is not uncommon for some, in their cynicism and bitterness, to turn to extremes be they religion, xenophobia, guns or what have you.

The same observation could be made of those normally ignored in the political process except during elections...The poor, the homeless, the disabled, veterans...the list goes on.

The GOP and its right wing-nut base really ought to try talking about the real issues instead of stirring up another tempest in a teacup. They won't however, as they'll get beaten like a gong. As for the Clinton campaign, their attempts to focus on these trivial pursuits is only a further sign of their weakness and desperation. BTW, why is the GOP so anxious to see Hillary get the nomination?

For Obama to single out small town people in this manner, shows him for the arrogant, racist, ignorant, American hating fool he is. Wright taught him well. :lol:

Most small towns in PA have been hurting since the middle 70's when our antiquated steel industry could no longer compete and the unions made it unwise to invest in the business.

Since the then many of these small towns have refused to accept reality and have continually bought into the democratic lies about how they were going to save these communities. The purveyors of excuses, the democrats, just like Obama will make all sorts of nice campaign speeches and then do exactly what they have always done, nothing.

04-12-2008, 09:16 AM
Since the then many of these small towns have refused to accept reality and have continually bought into the democratic lies about how they were going to save these communities. The purveyors of excuses, the democrats, just like Obama will make all sorts of nice campaign speeches and then do exactly what they have always done, nothing.

whose lies have they been buying into since 2000?:laugh2:

04-12-2008, 02:36 PM
. BTW, why is the GOP so anxious to see Hillary get the nomination?

The MSM has a love affair going with Obama and they don't like the Clintons.

Hillary will be much easier to beat in the election.


red states rule
04-13-2008, 05:49 AM
The MSM has a love affair going with Obama and they don't like the Clintons.

Hillary will be much easier to beat in the election.


I hope Barry keeps lttting his liberal side show thru more. It is making McCain;s job so much easier