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red states rule
04-16-2008, 07:45 AM
I read the article. It is footnoted....most of the footnotes are merely to other Rector articles, but nonetheless, the eight particular points that you chose to cut and paste to "prove" your point about home ownership are NOT footnoted and have no reference to them.

Once again, you dismiss facts that fly in the face of your doom and gloom talking points

You have a long hisotry of doing this, so I am use to it

04-16-2008, 07:50 AM
Once again, you dismiss facts that fly in the face of your doom and gloom talking points

You have a long hisotry of doing this, so I am use to it

I see no proof that they are facts. Can you explain why other facts in that article ARE footnoted - five of the twelve footnotes are from actual government sources - yet NONE of the eight "facts" that you present list any of the supposed "various government reports" that are supposedly their source?

Can you explain that? yes or no

red states rule
04-16-2008, 07:55 AM
I see no proof that they are facts. Can you explain why other facts in that article ARE footnoted - five of the twelve footnotes are from actual government sources - yet NONE of the eight "facts" that you present list any of the supposed "various government reports" that are supposedly their source?

Can you explain that? yes or no

So all those government agencies, all those reports, and the US Census Bureau are wrong - and MFM is right

Ok I got it now

04-16-2008, 08:06 AM
So all those government agencies, all those reports, and the US Census Bureau are wrong - and MFM is right

Ok I got it now

which government agencies produced those facts? they are not footnoted so I cannot tell. That's odd given the fact that the author footnots many other things.

red states rule
04-16-2008, 08:09 AM
which government agencies produced those facts? they are not footnoted so I cannot tell. That's odd given the fact that the author footnots many other things.

On home ownership, it appears to be

U.S Department of Commerce and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, American Housing Survey for the United States: 2001, Tables 3-1, 3-14.”

But you are much more knowledable then they are

04-16-2008, 09:25 AM
On home ownership, it appears to be

U.S Department of Commerce and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, American Housing Survey for the United States: 2001, Tables 3-1, 3-14.”

But you are much more knowledable then they are

no. thank you.

I think it is nice to see that the results of eight years of the Clinton administration's economic policies and the prosperity they brought to America are something that you are proud to showcase.

I wonder, in the wake of the mortgage meltdown and the eight years of the Bush economy which has benefitted the rich and not the poor, if the data would be any different. I wonder, if it were current and reflected the impact of the Bush administration on the poor and not merely the impacts of the previous administration on them, if you would be so proud?

Time will tell, eh?

red states rule
04-16-2008, 09:28 AM
no. thank you.

I think it is nice to see that the results of eight years of the Clinton administration's economic policies and the prosperity they brought to America are something that you are proud to showcase.

I wonder, in the wake of the mortgage meltdown and the eight years of the Bush economy which has benefitted the rich and not the poor, if the data would be any different. I wonder, if it were current and reflected the impact of the Bush administration on the poor and not merely the impacts of the previous administration on them, if you would be so proud?

Time will tell, eh?

So, while you admit defeat you try and spin it so Bill takes credit

Glad to see you you are finally fessing up the "poor" do not have it so bad in America

BTW, only about 4% of people are late on their house payments. With the recent interest rate cuts, people are doing refi's (many with no closing costs) and making their payments more affordable

04-16-2008, 09:33 AM
So, while you admit defeat you try and spin it so Bill takes credit

Glad to see you you are finally fessing up the "poor" do not have it so bad in America

BTW, only about 4% of people are late on their house payments. With the recent interest rate cuts, people are doing refi's (many with no closing costs) and making their payments more affordable

Spin it? Spin it??? The data is from the end of the Clinton administration. That is not SPIN...that is FACT.

And...The fact that the poor in America are not living in mud huts does not mean that we should forget about them or marginalize their plight. We are the richest country in the world, we ought to treat our citizens better.

And I am glad that you admit that the good news you trumpet is based on numbers strictly from the Clinton administration but you don't seem to have any current data to support your claims that the poor are continuing to do well under Dubya.

Abbey Marie
04-16-2008, 10:29 AM
I've gone over how to begin this numerous times, but I find that nothing truly comes to mind, so I'll just unload this quickly, and hope to be done with it.

I used to say when asked about abortion that I was too ignorant to speak on it, having never had a girl tell me that she was pregnant. Well, I cannot say such words any longer. In september of '05, my girlfriend at the time found out she was pregnant, and, while I was overjoyed, she wasn't. I know that it was her choice to abort the child, not mine, and that she would have gone through with the abortion regardless of my say so.

It does not excuse, though, that I did not fight for it. Boy, girl, normal or with defects, I would have taken the child, even if it meant raising them by myself. It haunts me that, had I fought, had I dug in, I might, even now, have a 2 year son, or a daughter, and there is this.... emptiness, and I think at times that, if I failed at this, then I do not deserve to have children, that I have failed every ideal I have ever held to.

I know that, in some eyes, this lessens me, I know that, but know that you cannot see less in me than I see in myself for my choice, for even in not choosing, I still chose.

I believe that, just as a woman has a right to choose, so too does the father have a say in whether or not the child should be born. I believe that aborting a child is the worst choice you can ever make, and should only be used in issues of rape, or where the mother's life is in jeopardy from it.

I commend you for your honesty in telling your story. Can you imagine how this haunts the mothers for the rest of their lives? It is the fallout from abortion that the abortionists do not talk about when the decision is being made.

That is why I have the line about abortion in my signature. Your story makes an argument for it to say "One dead, two wounded".

red states rule
04-16-2008, 11:22 AM
Spin it? Spin it??? The data is from the end of the Clinton administration. That is not SPIN...that is FACT.

And...The fact that the poor in America are not living in mud huts does not mean that we should forget about them or marginalize their plight. We are the richest country in the world, we ought to treat our citizens better.

And I am glad that you admit that the good news you trumpet is based on numbers strictly from the Clinton administration but you don't seem to have any current data to support your claims that the poor are continuing to do well under Dubya.

Since the Census is done only every ten years, the last one would have been done in 2000

Libs continue to paint a picture of the "poor" being destitute - it is not the case

Libs are so desperate to inflate the number of those in poverty they now include illegals in the numbers

Anything to try and justify increased handouts

04-16-2008, 11:46 AM
And...The fact that the poor in America are not living in mud huts does not mean that we should forget about them or marginalize their plight. We are the richest country in the world, we ought to treat our citizens better.

Why? Can you defend that?

red states rule
04-16-2008, 11:48 AM
Why? Can you defend that?

Mundame, do not waste your time asking MFM to defend any of his comments. His logic and reason makes a figure eight look like a straight line

04-16-2008, 11:53 AM
Mundame, do not waste your time asking MFM to defend any of his comments.

It's an interesting issue, though. America's "poor" people are so wildly better off because of public services and a generally high level of infrastructure, that I can't see why we who aren't poor are supposed to do yet more, ever more.

In Africa and Haiti most people throw up corrugated metal roofs and cardboard walls of tiny shacks all abutting each other, millions and millions of people "living" in these hovels, no toilets at all, excrement piled alongside the outside walls in the little lanes. Here we have building codes that require toilets and much better building materials, and the poor here live like rich people in Kenya or Nigeria simply because of our national standards ------- so why do we have to do yet more and more and more?

It's socialist, really.

red states rule
04-16-2008, 11:55 AM
It's an interesting issue, though. America's "poor" people are so wildly better off because of public services and a generally high level of infrastructure, that I can't see why we who aren't poor are supposed to do yet more, ever more.

In Africa and Haiti most people throw up corrugated metal roofs and cardboard walls of tiny shacks all abutting each other, millions and millions of people "living" in these hovels, no toilets at all, excrement piled alongside the outside walls in the little lanes. Here we have building codes that require toilets and much better building materials, and the poor here live like rich people in Kenya or Nigeria simply because of our national standards ------- so why do we have to do yet more and more and more?

It's socialist, really.

The best way to reduce poverty is with a free market and capitalism. Tax cuts, and less government rugualtion will feul the economy, thus causing economic growth. More people working and earning money

The "poor" in the US are doing well, and for the most part, have a good standard on living

Handouts wil not solve poverty, they increase it

04-16-2008, 12:04 PM
Since the Census is done only every ten years, the last one would have been done in 2000

Libs continue to paint a picture of the "poor" being destitute - it is not the case

Libs are so desperate to inflate the number of those in poverty they now include illegals in the numbers

Anything to try and justify increased handouts

the data from your post was from a 2001 survey, it was not tied to the census. Like I said...I am glad you are willing to acknowledge the success of the Clinton administration in dealing with America's poor. Don't you wonder why that same government organization doesn't release more recent data? Or maybe they HAVE but Rector didn't want to use it!

red states rule
04-16-2008, 12:06 PM
the data from your post was from a 2001 survey, it was not tied to the census. Like I said...I am glad you are willing to acknowledge the success of the Clinton administration in dealing with America's poor. Don't you wonder why that same government organization doesn't release more recent data? Or maybe they HAVE but Rector didn't want to use it!

You are getting desperate. First you dismiss the numbers, now you want to use them

Keep trying to ignore the fact the poor are not as bad off as your party wants us to believe

Abbey Marie
04-16-2008, 12:12 PM
So Obama can somehow channel the feelings and attitudes of people who lived 150 years ago, but he has no connection whatsoever with his own grandfather?

04-16-2008, 12:43 PM
You are getting desperate. First you dismiss the numbers, now you want to use them

Keep trying to ignore the fact the poor are not as bad off as your party wants us to believe

Don't you wonder why Rector uses seven year old data? Do you honestly think that that survey is only done once a decade?

I am not getting desperate about anything. Obama is doing just fine....despite all the negative ads, Hillary only has a single digit lead in PA and is losing in both IN and NC. She will be toast if she doesn't win convincingly in PA and IN and make it really close in NC. It won't happen.

Oh... The lines at my church's soup kitchen are longer than ever. Ignore that.

red states rule
04-16-2008, 12:47 PM
Don't you wonder why Rector uses seven year old data? Do you honestly think that that survey is only done once a decade?

I am not getting desperate about anything. Obama is doing just fine....despite all the negative ads, Hillary only has a single digit lead in PA and is losing in both IN and NC. She will be toast if she doesn't win convincingly in PA and IN and make it really close in NC. It won't happen.

Oh... The lines at my church's soup kitchen are longer than ever. Ignore that.

Well why don't you find more recent data? The numbers show you libs are full of it when it comes to poverty

Yea Obama is doing great - down by 20 in PA according the most recent poll

She has closed the gap in IN

I will enjoy the show in Denver as the Clintons do what they do best - their scortched Earth policy

red states rule
04-16-2008, 12:51 PM
Here is the latest poll MFM

Read it and weep. Or in your case, reasd it and spin

Hillary up by 20 in New PA Poll (updated)
Rick Moran
A new poll in Pennsylvania may be the first indication that Obama's verbal gaffe last weekend in San Francisco is not going over well with the public.

A new ARG poll, which last week showed Obama tied with Hillary Clinton at 45% each, now shows a massive shift away from the Illinois senator with Hillary up by 20 points 57-37:

Hillary Clinton leads Barack Obama 48% to 44% among men (45% of likely Democratic primary voters).

Among women, Clinton leads 64% to 31%. Clinton leads 64% to 29% among white voters (82% of likely Democratic primary voters).

Obama leads 79% to 18% among African American voters (14% of likely Democratic primary voters).

Clinton leads 52% to 43% among voters age 18 to 49 (50% of likely Democratic primary voters) and Clinton leads 62% to 31% among voters age 50 and older.
One other fascinating number from this poll; 23% of voters say that "excessive exposure to Obama's advertising is causing them to support Clinton."

I guess when you raise $40 million a month, it's not always a good idea to blanket the airwaves with your ads.


04-16-2008, 01:02 PM
So Obama can somehow channel the feelings and attitudes of people who lived 150 years ago, but he has no connection whatsoever with his own grandfather?

he never met the man... the guy spoke an entirely different language...a different religion... a different culture...a different continent. yeah...I'd say he had no connection to his grandfather, and even if he may have, the speech was about racial attitudes in America, not Kenya!

red states rule
04-16-2008, 01:04 PM
he never met the man... the guy spoke an entirely different language...a different religion... a different culture...a different continent. yeah...I'd say he had no connection to his grandfather, and even if he may have, the speech was about racial attitudes in America, not Kenya!

But they both hate whitey, that is the point

04-16-2008, 01:06 PM
Tell me when the majority of any race start graduating from 4 year colleges. :lol:

Yes, one can meet life's challenges today without a college education.

Don't try to excuse your profession's incompetence with racism. (Which I never brought up anyway.)

You claim is pure bull. I doubt that even 10% of the poor in the last 10 years moved up into the middle class without a college education.

By the way, it's pretty sad when people in this country are reduced to comparing the US to Africa to excuse the extent of the poverty problem.

04-16-2008, 01:09 PM
But they both hate whitey, that is the point

no. all you can do is insult.... Obama does not HATE whitey... please... let's try to upgrade the tone. what do you say?

red states rule
04-16-2008, 01:10 PM
no. all you can do is insult.... Obama does not HATE whitey... please... let's try to upgrade the tone. what do you say?


Obama hates honkies

It is not an insult to tell the truth about your guy. I know you want to ignore it and sweep it under the rug

But that is not going to happen

04-16-2008, 01:12 PM

Obama hates honkies

It is not an insult to tell the truth about your guy. I know you want to ignore it and sweep it under the rug

But that is not going to happen

no. he does not hate white people. that is just an insulting lie. If all you can do is repeat it, we're done here.

red states rule
04-16-2008, 01:15 PM
no. he does not hate white people. that is just an insulting lie. If all you can do is repeat it, we're done here.

I will give the Obama's credit. there was one instance when they wanted more white people around them

Obama advance: 'Get me more white people'

From the account in Carnegie Mellon's paper, the Tartan, of a Michelle Obama event in Pittsburgh:

While the crowd was indeed diverse, some students at the event questioned the practices of Mrs. Obama’s event coordinators, who handpicked the crowd sitting behind Mrs. Obama.

The Tartan’s correspondents observed one event coordinator say to another, “Get me more white people, we need more white people.” To an Asian girl sitting in the back row, one coordinator said, “We’re moving you, sorry. It’s going to look so pretty, though.”

“I didn’t know they would say, ‘We need a white person here,’ ” said attendee and senior psychology major Shayna Watson, who sat in the crowd behind Mrs. Obama. “I understood they would want a show of diversity, but to pick up people and to reseat them, I didn’t know it would be so outright.”

I'm not sure there's any real reason for outrage here; every campaign, at least implicitly, includes race in the staging of events like this -- even a campaign whose supporters chant "race doesn't matter." But they don't usually get caught doing it this explicitly.

And (if you didn't pick it up from the bowling) it does give you a sense of the community Obama's trying to reach in Pennsylvania: whitefolks.


04-16-2008, 01:30 PM
no. he does not hate white people.

But how do you KNOW that? His first book certainly sounds like he hates white people. How can you know he doesn't? The Pennsylvania remark sure sounded anti-white.

red states rule
04-16-2008, 01:38 PM
But how do you KNOW that? His first book certainly sounds like he hates white people. How can you know he doesn't? The Pennsylvania remark sure sounded anti-white.

You will learn quickly, MFM ignores anything that goes against Obama and confirms his racist attitude

04-16-2008, 01:40 PM
I hate some whiteys too. what's so bad about it?

04-16-2008, 02:40 PM
But how do you KNOW that? His first book certainly sounds like he hates white people. How can you know he doesn't? The Pennsylvania remark sure sounded anti-white.

Now you and RSR are grasping at straws. The PA remark had absolutely nothing to do with whites. Or blacks. Or one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people.

So you really think Barack "hates" whites? Did either one of you sit down with the man and ask him who he hates? Didn't think so.

red states rule
04-16-2008, 02:43 PM
Now you and RSR are grasping at straws. The PA remark had absolutely nothing to do with whites. Or blacks. Or one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people.

So you really think Barack "hates" whites? Did either one of you sit down with the man and ask him who he hates? Didn't think so.

Barry will find out us bitter, gun grasping, Bible thumping rural people vote

and it will not be for him

Barry's own words tell us he hate whitey

04-16-2008, 03:08 PM
The point of Barry's not so secret speech to the San Fran crowd wasn't about race. It was about religion. He understands that the kooks of the left wing are afraid of organized religion. And he was exploiting that to rack up points with the leftist crowd he was addressing. By saying that folks out in the little towns in middle America are depressed and bitter, is implying that there is some mental disfuntion going on. You see to liberals like Obama, they can't fathom someone of normal intelligence might not buy into their ideology. If someone is conservative, or religious, then there must be something 'wrong' with that person. Thats exactly what he is implying, when he says they are "bitter". If someone embraces second amendment rights in order to protect themselves and their loved one instead of trusting the state to protect them, then something is wrong with that person. If someone embraces God instead of government, then he must be of low intelligence.

He also goes on to blame the government for this condition. These people are "bitter", in other words they are suffering from this mental condition, because government wasn't looking out for them. How many times have we hear Barry say "No one in Washington is looking out for you"? So if we vote for Obama, put him in charge, then we all have someone looking out for everyone's well being. And that will in turn make everyone happy. The message to the San Fran crowd is that once elected, he can correct the mental disfuntion of all these gun-kooks and religious wackos. They won't need self-protection rights and religion, they'll have a trustworthy government to supplant both.

04-16-2008, 03:43 PM
But how do you KNOW that? His first book certainly sounds like he hates white people. How can you know he doesn't? The Pennsylvania remark sure sounded anti-white.

have you read his first book?

the PA remark didn't mention race at all.

red states rule
04-16-2008, 05:56 PM
have you read his first book?

the PA remark didn't mention race at all.

We do not have to read his book to know he is a racist jerk. He has shown that on several occassions

His PA slurs does show his blue nosed liberal elitist side. Which is common with liberals

04-16-2008, 06:29 PM
I've gone over how to begin this numerous times, but I find that nothing truly comes to mind, so I'll just unload this quickly, and hope to be done with it.

It is too hard to second guess these things, I know women who have had abortions young and old and decided for them they needed to do it either because they were not ready or they had had their family. When a child is born the thing changes and the two of you may have had a hard time for all kinds of reasons. If she didn't want that joy and burden - and it is a burden in spite of the great potential - you have to respect her wishes.

04-16-2008, 06:59 PM
Barry will find out us bitter, gun grasping, Bible thumping rural people vote

and it will not be for himThere's a freaking surpise. That bunch never had any intention of voting for him, even if he walked on water.

Barry's own words tell us he hate whiteyAnother lie: no quote, of course.

red states rule
04-16-2008, 07:01 PM
There's a freaking surpise. That bunch never had any intention of voting for him, even if he walked on water.

Another lie: no quote, of course.

Barry, like Hillary, is a tax and spend liberal, That is why alot of people will not vote for him in November

Hey, I am a typcial white person

04-16-2008, 07:21 PM
Barry, like Hillary, is a tax and spend liberal, That is why alot of people will not vote for him in November

Hey, I am a typcial white person

More empty sound bites. That all you got?

If you were typical of white people, Mexico would have 50 more states to its north. :lol:

red states rule
04-16-2008, 07:24 PM
More empty sound bites. That all you got?

If you were typical of white people, Mexico would have 50 more states to its north. :lol:

It is funny to see the double atandars soem people have

They defend the black liberal racist and give him a pass

While they pounce on any Republican who says something with even a hint of racism (real or not)

If not for your double standards you would have no standards at all

04-16-2008, 07:26 PM
have you read his first book?

the PA remark didn't mention race at all.
JZzzzz Barry's fucking book again. :pee:

red states rule
04-16-2008, 07:28 PM
JZzzzz Barry's fucking book again. :pee:

For a guy who keeps pushing Barry's book, Yurt proved MFM does not have a clue as to what is in it :laugh2:

04-16-2008, 07:35 PM
For a guy who keeps pushing Barry's book, Yurt proved MFM does not have a clue as to what is in it :laugh2: The pages are all stuck together. :lol:

red states rule
04-16-2008, 07:37 PM
The pages are all stuck together. :lol:

Please do not tell me with what

Abbey Marie
04-16-2008, 07:44 PM
Please do not tell me with what

Kool-Aid, of course! :laugh2:

red states rule
04-16-2008, 07:51 PM
Kool-Aid, of course! :laugh2:

MFM also uses the Obama Kool Aid as bath water

and Holy Water as he kneels at the alter of Obama :laugh2:

red states rule
04-16-2008, 08:26 PM
The liberal media, which is clearly in the tank for Barry Obama, is getting more worried about the impact of the uncivil war within the Dem party

Couric Fears Clinton-Obama Battle Will Hurt in Fall, Schieffer Concurs
By Brent Baker | April 16, 2008 - 20:48 ET

A broadcast network anchor again worried Wednesday night about how much the ongoing Democratic primary battle “is hurting” the candidates and their chance to beat Republican John McCain in the fall. After CBS's Bob Schieffer pointed out how a new ABC News/Washington Post poll found the percent who consider Hillary Clinton to be “honest and trustworthy” has fallen from 52 to 39 percent over the past year, Couric fretted: “How much do you think this infighting is hurting both candidates?” Schieffer confirmed the fighting is “taking a toll on the Democrats” as he marveled at how McCain is even with the two Democrats despite Bush's very low approval rating:

Oh, I think there's no question about that. Look, Katie, 82 percent of the American people in recent polls have said they believe the country's headed in the wrong direction. George Bush now has his lowest approval rating yet. It's only 28 percent. And yet when you match either of these Democrats against John McCain, you show that they're running about even. There's no question that this is taking a toll on the Democrats. Both of them.


04-16-2008, 09:03 PM
Like you and your posse, the electorate has the attention span of a 3-year-old. After Denver, the Hillary-Obama war will be forgotten, and McSame will still be McSame.

red states rule
04-16-2008, 09:06 PM
Like you and your posse, the electorate has the attention span of a 3-year-old. After Denver, the Hillary-Obama war will be forgotten, and McSame will still be McSame.

Is that why 24% of both Hillary and Obama supporters say they wil go with McCain is their candidate does not get the nomination?

watcedh a Dem focus group and they were going after each other over policy and judgement disagreements

It was fun to watch :laugh2:

04-16-2008, 09:52 PM
We do not have to read his book to know he is a racist jerk. He has shown that on several occassions

His PA slurs does show his blue nosed liberal elitist side. Which is common with liberals

do you review movies you have not seen as well?

why yes...of course you do. We have SEEN your "reviews" of Sicko and of F 9/11 and yet, you admit that you have never watched either.

If one is going to honestly review a book, one needs to read it. period.

04-16-2008, 09:58 PM
Is that why 24% of both Hillary and Obama supporters say they wil go with McCain is their candidate does not get the nomination?

watcedh a Dem focus group and they were going after each other over policy and judgement disagreements

It was fun to watch :laugh2:

They might be saying that they'll go with McSame, but there's no way they'll actually punch his chad when the time comes. However pissed they are with Hillary or Obama, they're many times more pissed with Bush and the GOP.

04-16-2008, 10:07 PM
They might be saying that they'll go with McSame, but there's no way they'll actually punch his chad when the time comes. However pissed they are with Hillary or Obama, they're many times more pissed with Bush and the GOP.

I agree completely. At our caucus, there was strident disagreement between Obama and Clinton supporters, but we all agreed that changing course away from the failed policies of Dubya was WAY more important than which of our candidates won the nomination.

04-16-2008, 11:12 PM
So you really think Barack "hates" whites? Did either one of you sit down with the man and ask him who he hates? Didn't think so.

He married a woman blacker than he is, successful black guys always find some airhead, white, token blond...... obviously he hates white people. I'm sure that there is some psycho problem that makes this clown love his black heritage more than his white even though his black sperm donor left him at 2 years old and his white mother and grandparents raised him in a privileged loving home.

red states rule
04-17-2008, 06:09 AM
They might be saying that they'll go with McSame, but there's no way they'll actually punch his chad when the time comes. However pissed they are with Hillary or Obama, they're many times more pissed with Bush and the GOP.

Sure all 24% may not. Most professional pollers say 10% to 15% will crossover. In a close election, that would make a huge difference

red states rule
04-17-2008, 06:11 AM
I agree completely. At our caucus, there was strident disagreement between Obama and Clinton supporters, but we all agreed that changing course away from the failed policies of Dubya was WAY more important than which of our candidates won the nomination.

We all know moonbats like you MFM are running only on hate and rage.

Issues and the actions of the Dems mean nothing to you

Party comes before all else with you

red states rule
04-17-2008, 06:43 AM
Hillary was able to turn up the heat on Barry now that the liberal media is finally asking him some hard questions

Clinton revisits Wright's role
By Christina Bellantoni and S.A. Miller

PHILADELPHIA — Sen. Barack Obama was treated like the Democratic front-runner for the first time in a debate last night — fielding hard questions about his ties to a 1970s domestic terrorist, his racially divisive church and his electability.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton charged her rival has failed to fully explain his longtime ties to the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., calling it deplorable that Mr. Obama didn't leave the church after his pastor made disparaging remarks about the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

"There were so many different variations on the explanations that we heard," said Mrs. Clinton, adding that as a New York senator, she was personally offended by Mr. Wright"s saying the attacks were "America"s chickens coming home to roost."

"I have to say that ... for Pastor Wright to have given his first sermon after 9/11 and to have blamed the United States for the attack, which happened in my city of New York, would have been just intolerable for me," Mrs. Clinton said. "And, therefore, I would have not been able to stay in the church."

for the complete article


04-17-2008, 08:01 AM
We all know moonbats like you MFM are running only on hate and rage.

Issues and the actions of the Dems mean nothing to you

Party comes before all else with you


another day, more of the same vacuous talking point one liner insults from the cut and paste king.


red states rule
04-17-2008, 08:21 AM

another day, more of the same vacuous talking point one liner insults from the cut and paste king.


and another day of bullshit from the "preacher"

Your party is imploding and all you can rant about is your hate for Pres Bush :laugh2:

red states rule
04-17-2008, 08:29 AM

another day, more of the same vacuous talking point one liner insults from the cut and paste king.


This should cheer you up today MFM

Obama's honeymoon over, and it shows
Thursday, April 17th 2008, 4:00 AM


But that seems far less likely after Obama's rocky performance. His biggest mistake was ducking a chance to explain what earlier "controversial" comments he had heard from Wright that led him to drop Wright from his campaign opening. Instead of giving an honest answer that would put the issue to rest, Obama called it a "distraction" and defended Wright while calling some of his statements "objectionable."

That's putting it too mildly. When Clinton chipped in that "you get to choose your pastor" and added that Obama's church had given an award to Louis Farrakhan and printed an anti-Semitic rant by a Hamas leader, the case was closed permanently.

Obama is clearly guilty of horrible judgment, and maybe worse.

Obama also came close to repeating the snobbishness he displayed when he said small-town residents "cling to guns or religion" out of bitterness. This time he called guns and religion "wedge issues."

Memo to Obama: One man's wedge issue is another man's family value. It's time you learned the difference.

He then gave an unsatisfactory answer about his relationship with William Ayres, a '60s violent radical. And he didn't answer a viewer's question about why he doesn't wear a flag on his lapel, calling it a "manufactured issue." To him, but not to many Americans.

Obama's problem wasn't any one of those issues. It was all of them. Combined, they paint a portrait of someone who seems distant from the concerns of the people he wants to lead.

He is certain they are wrong and he is right about what is important and what is a distraction. A lot of politicians have gone broke making that bet.

To judge from Wednesday night, Obama is determined to join them.


04-17-2008, 08:36 AM
an anti-Obama editorial from the NY Daily News.... cut and pasted by the king of cut and paste.

what a surprise!:laugh2:

red states rule
04-17-2008, 08:40 AM
an anti-Obama editorial from the NY Daily News.... cut and pasted by the king of cut and paste.

what a surprise!:laugh2:

What a surprise- you ignore the facts about your boy Barry

04-17-2008, 08:54 AM
What a surprise- you ignore the facts about your boy Barry

opinions as to how Obama did in the debate last night are not "facts".:lame2:

red states rule
04-17-2008, 08:56 AM
opinions as to how Obama did in the debate last night are not "facts".:lame2:

Opinion based on what BArry said

Now Barry is upset we are "obsessed" over what he says. Now that is lame

04-17-2008, 09:03 AM
Opinion based on what BArry said

Now Barry is upset we are "obsessed" over what he says. Now that is lame

opinions are not facts. I listened to the entire debate. I am well aware of what he said. I have MY opinions as to what he said....NY Daily News has their opinions...

opinions are not facts.

04-17-2008, 09:08 AM
opinions are not facts. I listened to the entire debate. I am well aware of what he said. I have MY opinions as to what he said....NY Daily News has their opinions...

opinions are not facts.
Wow. Now someone can make a statement and you can opine whether they said it or not. I'll have to remember that.

red states rule
04-17-2008, 09:11 AM
Wow. Now someone can make a statement and you can opine whether they said it or not. I'll have to remember that.

“What's important is to make sure that we don't get so obsessed with gaffes that we lose sight of the fact that this is a defining moment in our history,” Obama said at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. “For us to be obsessed with this — these kinds of errors — I think is a mistake. And that's not what our campaign has been about.”

Barry Obama in the debate


04-17-2008, 09:16 AM
Wow. Now someone can make a statement and you can opine whether they said it or not. I'll have to remember that.

I can opine as to the impact and importance of what they said, can I not?

04-17-2008, 09:19 AM
“What's important is to make sure that we don't get so obsessed with gaffes that we lose sight of the fact that this is a defining moment in our history,” Obama said at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. “For us to be obsessed with this — these kinds of errors — I think is a mistake. And that's not what our campaign has been about.”

Barry Obama in the debate


and that is a good point. If political elections in America are decided by gotcha soundbite attack casmpaigns instead of thoughtful discussions of issues, we will be lost.

As Barack said in his speech in Philadelphia earlier:

For we have a choice in this country. We can accept a politics that breeds division, and conflict, and cynicism. We can tackle race only as spectacle - as we did in the OJ trial - or in the wake of tragedy, as we did in the aftermath of Katrina - or as fodder for the nightly news. We can play Reverend Wright's sermons on every channel, every day and talk about them from now until the election, and make the only question in this campaign whether or not the American people think that I somehow believe or sympathize with his most offensive words. We can pounce on some gaffe by a Hillary supporter as evidence that she's playing the race card, or we can speculate on whether white men will all flock to John McCain in the general election regardless of his policies.

We can do that.

But if we do, I can tell you that in the next election, we'll be talking about some other distraction. And then another one. And then another one. And nothing will change.

red states rule
04-17-2008, 09:20 AM
and that is a good point. If political elections in America are decided by gotcha soundbite attack casmpaigns instead of thoughtful discussions of issues, we will be lost.

As Barack said in his speech in Philadelphia earlier:

For we have a choice in this country. We can accept a politics that breeds division, and conflict, and cynicism. We can tackle race only as spectacle - as we did in the OJ trial - or in the wake of tragedy, as we did in the aftermath of Katrina - or as fodder for the nightly news. We can play Reverend Wright's sermons on every channel, every day and talk about them from now until the election, and make the only question in this campaign whether or not the American people think that I somehow believe or sympathize with his most offensive words. We can pounce on some gaffe by a Hillary supporter as evidence that she's playing the race card, or we can speculate on whether white men will all flock to John McCain in the general election regardless of his policies.

We can do that.

But if we do, I can tell you that in the next election, we'll be talking about some other distraction. And then another one. And then another one. And nothing will change.

How will a racist black liberal unite the country?

and how will a racist black liberal who is still friends with a terrorist unite the conutry?

04-17-2008, 09:21 AM
I can opine as to the impact and importance of what they said, can I not? Sure but that's not what you said before.

red states rule
04-17-2008, 09:23 AM
Sure but that's not what you said before.

As with the Democrat platform, MFM changes with the polls, focus groups, and current events

04-17-2008, 09:26 AM
How will a racist black liberal unite the country?

and how will a racist black liberal who is still friends with a terrorist unite the conutry?

what does his color have to do with anything?

like HE said...if this degenerates into gotcha politics and gaffes and soundbites, we all lose.

red states rule
04-17-2008, 09:29 AM
what does his color have to do with anything?

like HE said...if this degenerates into gotcha politics and gaffes and soundbites, we all lose.

Barry has smeared whites, rural voters, is still frineds with a terrorist who bombed government buildings, and is still standing by his racist mentor

Barry is a black liberal

Those are facts not gotcha politics

04-17-2008, 09:34 AM
gotcha politics. just trying to avoid talking about the issues that are really important to America....

sad, really. Obama is absolutely right. we will never find solutions to our problems because of that sort of gamesmanship in lieu of statesmanship.

red states rule
04-17-2008, 09:36 AM
gotcha politics. just trying to avoid talking about the issues that are really important to America....

sad, really. Obama is absolutely right. we will never find solutions to our problems because of that sort of gamesmanship in lieu of statesmanship.

So the judgement of Barry is not important?

04-17-2008, 09:38 AM
So the judgement of Barry is not important?

Of course it is... silly stuff about his neighbors and his minister is NOT important IMHO.

He has shown judgment in opposing this war from day one. He was right about what would happen if we invaded Iraq and Bush and McCain were wrong.

04-17-2008, 09:41 AM
gotcha politics. just trying to avoid talking about the issues that are really important to America..... :lol: This coming from you.

red states rule
04-17-2008, 09:41 AM
Of course it is... silly stuff about his neighbors and his minister is NOT important IMHO.

He has shown judgment in opposing this war from day one. He was right about what would happen if we invaded Iraq and Bush and McCain were wrong.

So the insane rants from his pastor of 20 years is not important?

His relationship with Resko is not important?

His friendship with a terrorist who bombed the Capital and the Pentagin is not important?

His slurs on rural voters (when he thought those comments were off the record) are not importat?

Only the Barry Kool Aide drinkers would dismiss those errors in judegment

04-17-2008, 09:50 AM
So the insane rants from his pastor of 20 years is not important?

His relationship with Resko is not important?

His friendship with a terrorist who bombed the Capital and the Pentagin is not important?

His slurs on rural voters (when he thought those comments were off the record) are not importat?

Only the Barry Kool Aide drinkers would dismiss those errors in judegment

important? compared to what? they are more important than his shoe size and less important than his plans for America.

I have a different opinion of Reverend Wright than you do.

Rezko? who cares?

his neighbor the english professor? not that big a deal

slurs? I don't think he meant any slur.

I think on the issues that really matter, he has shown impeccable judgment.

red states rule
04-17-2008, 09:51 AM
important? compared to what? they are more important than his shoe size and less important than his plans for America.

I have a different opinion of Reverend Wright than you do.

Rezko? who cares?

his neighbor the english professor? not that big a deal

slurs? I don't think he meant any slur.

I think on the issues that really matter, he has shown impeccable judgment.

Yes, the Obama Kool Aide drinkers turn a blind eye to his inner circle. But at the same time, they attack Pres Bush and VP Cheney for their friends

Here is the DNC Times on Obaba's terrroist buddy

No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives; In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen
Published: September 11, 2001
''I don't regret setting bombs,'' Bill Ayers said. ''I feel we didn't do enough.'' Mr. Ayers, who spent the 1970's as a fugitive in the Weather Underground, was sitting in the kitchen of his big turn-of-the-19th-century stone house in the Hyde Park district of Chicago. The long curly locks in his Wanted poster are shorn, though he wears earrings. He still has tattooed on his neck the rainbow-and-lightning Weathermen logo that appeared on letters taking responsibility for bombings. And he still has the ebullient, ingratiating manner, the apparently intense interest in other people, that made him a charismatic figure in the radical student movement.

Now he has written a book, ''Fugitive Days'' (Beacon Press, September). Mr. Ayers, who is 56, calls it a memoir, somewhat coyly perhaps, since he also says some of it is fiction. He writes that he participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971, the Pentagon in 1972. But Mr. Ayers also seems to want to have it both ways, taking responsibility for daring acts in his youth, then deflecting it.

''Is this, then, the truth?,'' he writes. ''Not exactly. Although it feels entirely honest to me.''

But why would someone want to read a memoir parts of which are admittedly not true? Mr. Ayers was asked.

''Obviously, the point is it's a reflection on memory,'' he answered. ''It's true as I remember it.''

Mr. Ayers is probably safe from prosecution anyway. A spokeswoman for the Justice Department said there was a five-year statute of limitations on Federal crimes except in cases of murder or when a person has been indicted.

http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F02E1DE1438F932A2575AC0A9679C8B 63

04-17-2008, 09:51 AM
:lol: This coming from you.

I would love to talk issues with you, glock. I really would. I imagine that we could sit down over a couple of beers and talk about issues with a great deal of cordiality.

red states rule
04-17-2008, 09:53 AM
I would love to talk issues with you, glock. I really would. I imagine that we could sit down over a couple of beers and talk about issues with a great deal of cordiality.

Glock make sure your back is against the wall :laugh2:

04-17-2008, 10:11 AM
Glock make sure your back is against the wall :laugh2:

Clearly, such a cordial intellectual discussion with you would be impossible.

I'd say something and you'd reply by handing me the editorial page.:laugh2:

red states rule
04-17-2008, 10:13 AM
Clearly, such a cordial intellectual discussion with you would be impossible.

I'd say something and you'd reply by handing me the editorial page.:laugh2:

and Yurt should have a food and drink taster with him as well :laugh2:

04-17-2008, 10:15 AM
what does his color have to do with anything?

like HE said...if this degenerates into gotcha politics and gaffes and soundbites, we all lose.

has to do with a lot apparently....

BET founder says Obama owes his candidacy to his race

04-17-2008, 10:16 AM
and Yurt should have a food and drink taster with him as well :laugh2:

yeah, after all is killed his "christ"

red states rule
04-17-2008, 10:31 AM
yeah, after all is killed his "christ"

Another example of his brand of liberal love and compassion

04-17-2008, 11:21 AM
and Yurt should have a food and drink taster with him as well :laugh2:

I wouldn't be caught anywhere near yurt. I don't trust moronic shysters.

red states rule
04-17-2008, 11:23 AM
I wouldn't be caught anywhere near yurt. I don't trust moronic shysters.

Yet you worship Barry

Go figure

04-17-2008, 12:10 PM
I would love to talk issues with you, glock. I really would. I imagine that we could sit down over a couple of beers and talk about issues with a great deal of cordiality. Doubt it. Whenever I get you cornered in an argument, which is often, you spin, claim facts are your opinion, or insult one of my family members. I don't appreciate the first two, but the third would have me going for your jugglar.

So its best for both of us that we limit our contact to this one forum.

04-17-2008, 12:53 PM
I wouldn't be caught anywhere near yurt. I don't trust moronic shysters.

don't lie, you're obsessed with me, admit so we can all move on...oh and i trust you won't talk about shoving things up my ass anymore, i don't swing that way

04-17-2008, 12:57 PM
Yet you worship Barry

Go figure


He's an "O-bah-bah-ma" sheep thats willing to follow him over a cliff.

red states rule
04-17-2008, 01:19 PM

He's an "O-bah-bah-ma" sheep thats willing to follow him over a cliff.

Maybe to save themselves, Barry will promise to repeal the law of gravity

MFM wil believe his promise :laugh2:

04-17-2008, 01:41 PM
don't lie, you're obsessed with me, admit so we can all move on...oh and i trust you won't talk about shoving things up my ass anymore, i don't swing that way

no. there are folks on here with whom I disagree but still respect. Pale is one and glock is one and Kathianne is another. You and RSR are not on that list.

red states rule
04-17-2008, 01:54 PM
no. there are folks on here with whom I disagree but still respect. Pale is one and glock is one and Kathianne is another. You and RSR are not on that list.

Respect them?

Is that why you call Pale - pole rider?

Question Kathiann's intelligence?

Glock a child molester?

Trust me, we do not give a damn about earning your "respect"

04-17-2008, 01:59 PM
Respect them?

Is that why you call Pale - pole rider?

Question Kathiann's intelligence?

Glock a child molester?

Trust me, we do not give a damn about earning your "respect"

I wasn't talking to you.

red states rule
04-17-2008, 02:06 PM
I wasn't talking to you.

No comment on your examples of your "respect"?

04-17-2008, 02:48 PM
no. there are folks on here with whom I disagree but still respect. Pale is one and glock is one and Kathianne is another. You and RSR are not on that list.

your "respect" is worthless and not wanted...you say you respect those people yet you insult them as much as rsr and me. you can keep your worthless respect mfm...i gave you a chance once, despite some saying it would be pointless, and you threw it away. you beg others for a "respectful" debate, then you turn around and call people "christ killers" fuck you this, fuck you that, fuckin eh man....

until you change your attitude, you will garner no respect.

red states rule
04-17-2008, 02:50 PM
your "respect" is worthless and not wanted...you say you respect those people yet you insult them as much as rsr and me. you can keep your worthless respect mfm...i gave you a chance once, despite some saying it would be pointless, and you threw it away. you beg others for a "respectful" debate, then you turn around and call people "christ killers" fuck you this, fuck you that, fuckin eh man....

until you change your attitude, you will garner no respect.

MFM has yet to comment on the examples of the "respect" he shows the people he claims to respect

He is one screwed up Kool Aide drinking liberal

red states rule
04-17-2008, 05:00 PM
important? compared to what? they are more important than his shoe size and less important than his plans for America.

I have a different opinion of Reverend Wright than you do.

Rezko? who cares?

his neighbor the english professor? not that big a deal

slurs? I don't think he meant any slur.

I think on the issues that really matter, he has shown impeccable judgment.

You must watch ABC in the morning

ABC's David Wright Spins Obama Relationship With Bomber as Just a 'Neighbor'
By Scott Whitlock | April 17, 2008 - 12:20 ET

On Thursday's "Good Morning America," noted Barack Obama sympathizer David Wright spun the senator's connection with William Ayers, a former member of the terrorist Weather Underground, as nothing more than a "neighbor" relationship. The ABC reporter, covering the highlights of Wednesday's Democratic debate, asserted that Obama faced questions "about a neighbor of his who was once a member of the violent Weather Underground."

Of course, Obama's campaign has previously described the Ayers/Obama relationship as "friendly." Additionally, in 2001, Obama accepted a $200 donation from him and has also appeared jointly on academic panels with Ayers. During the debate, co-host George Stephanopoulos claimed, "An early organizing meeting for [Obama's] state senate campaign was held at his house." It would seem as though describing the relationship simply as neighborly is a minimization at best.

Over on "The Early Show" on CBS, reporter Dean Reynolds also used the "neighbor" phrase, but the report went on to mention that Obama and Ayers also served on a board


04-17-2008, 05:05 PM
no. I don't watch television in the daytime.

red states rule
04-17-2008, 05:07 PM
no. I don't watch television in the daytime.

OK, so you got the talking points fax from the Obama campaign

and stil no comments on the examples of your "respect"

04-17-2008, 05:17 PM
OK, so you got the talking points fax from the Obama campaign

and stil no comments on the examples of your "respect"

I don't have a fax machine. I don't get talking points from anyone. As I said before, I write all my own stuff.

Regardless of your "examples", I do, in fact, have a great deal of respect for Kathianne, and a begrudging amount of respect for pale and for glock. There may be hope for Yurt at some point in the future, but I have ZERO respect for you and I cannot see how that will ever change. Your "response" to my post in the war on terror thread could very well have been your response to any number of threads on the war in Iraq. It was just a disjointed string of five of your well worn oneliners...completely devoid of any intelligent thought. YOu are incapable of engaging in any thoughtful discourse on any aspect of foreign policy. You are the epitome of "gotcha" attack politics.... you are exactly why we will NEVER find any common ground in this country. People like you turn democrats into partisan democrats... and rightfully so.

red states rule
04-17-2008, 05:19 PM
I don't have a fax machine. I don't get talking points from anyone. As I said before, I write all my own stuff.

Regardless of your "examples", I do, in fact, have a great deal of respect for Kathianne, and a begrudging amount of respect for pale and for glock. There may be hope for Yurt at some point in the future, but I have ZERO respect for you and I cannot see how that will ever change. Your "response" to my post in the war on terror thread could very well have been your response to any number of threads on the war in Iraq. It was just a disjointed string of five of your well worn oneliners...completely devoid of any intelligent thought. YOu are incapable of engaging in any thoughtful discourse on any aspect of foreign policy. You are the epitome of "gotcha" attack politics.... you are exactly why we will NEVER find any common ground in this country. People like you turn democrats into partisan democrats... and rightfully so.

Your examples of "respect" tells everyone all we need to know about you. You have a very liberal way of showing "respect"

I could care less about having your "respect" It is worthless

04-17-2008, 05:21 PM
Your examples of "respect" tells everyone all we need to know about you. You have a very liberal way of showing "respect"

I could care less about having your "respect" It is worthless

where does the imperial "we" come from? Did someone elect you spokesman? Are you the "team captain"? :laugh2:

red states rule
04-17-2008, 05:23 PM
where does the imperial "we" come from? Did someone elect you spokesman? Are you the "team captain"? :laugh2:

"We" is most of the people on the board who are well aware what a pompous and arrogant jerk you really are

04-17-2008, 05:26 PM
Regardless of your "examples", I do, in fact, have a great deal of respect for Kathianne, and a begrudging amount of respect for pale and for glock. There may be hope for Yurt at some point in the future, but I have ZERO respect for you and I cannot see how that will ever change.

Then you're a lot more charitable than I am. No partisan hack on this board (and that includes Kath and glockspam) has a shred of respect from me, nor do they deserve any.


red states rule
04-17-2008, 05:27 PM
Then you're a lot more charitable than I am. No partisan hack on this board (and that includes Kath and glockspam) has a shred of respect from me, nor do they deserve any.


What goes around - comes around

04-17-2008, 06:05 PM
Then you're a lot more charitable than I am. No partisan hack on this board (and that includes Kath and glockspam) has a shred of respect from me, nor do they deserve any.


The feeling is mutual. From all of us to you :fu:

04-17-2008, 07:13 PM
"We" is most of the people on the board who are well aware what a pompous and arrogant jerk you really are

so you claim to speak for all of them?

04-17-2008, 07:18 PM
important? compared to what? they are more important than his shoe size and less important than his plans for America.

I have a different opinion of Reverend Wright than you do.

Rezko? who cares?

his neighbor the english professor? not that big a deal

slurs? I don't think he meant any slur.

I think on the issues that really matter, he has shown impeccable judgment.

I'm going sort of out of order here, but first thanks for saying you 'respect' me, contrary to what others have posted, I'm glad. As you said regarding Yurt, it means that my initial take on you style and substance from another board was warranted; I think there is a soul there. ;) As you said regarding Yurt, there is hope for you.

I know you will be shocked, but I disagree with your assessment of Obama and his friends. I'll venture to guess that in your heart of hearts, you too are by now dismayed, though you will vote for him. Which puts your vote for Obama on the same commit-o-meter as my eventual vote for McCain.

04-17-2008, 07:21 PM
Then you're a lot more charitable than I am. No partisan hack on this board (and that includes Kath and glockspam) has a shred of respect from me, nor do they deserve any.


Says one 'partisan hack' regarding those he paints 'partisan hacks'...

btw, you don't have my respect in any form. MFM has earned it, though we disagree on nearly everything.

04-17-2008, 07:35 PM
Says one 'partisan hack' regarding those he paints 'partisan hacks'...

btw, you don't have my respect in any form. MFM has earned it, though we disagree on nearly everything.

Give me one example of your agreeing with anything a Democrat has said or done, and I'll gladly apologize and take you off my shite list. (Link is required.)

04-17-2008, 08:12 PM
Give me one example of your agreeing with anything a Democrat has said or done, and I'll gladly apologize and take you off my shite list. (Link is required.)

Your lack of reading and then your tendency to try to confine your preconceived prejudices to your parameters, does not obligate me to dig up posts to show you're an idiot. You do that well enough on your own. Enjoy.

red states rule
04-17-2008, 08:14 PM
Your lack of reading and then your tendency to try to confine your preconceived prejudices to your parameters, does not obligate me to dig up posts to show you're an idiot. You do that well enough on your own. Enjoy.

Bravo Kathianne

Tried to rep you, but I have to spread the rep around

So accept a standing "O"


04-17-2008, 08:17 PM
Bravo Kathianne

Tried to rep you, but I have to spread the rep around

So accept a standing "O"


Thank you. The idiocy knows no bounds. When I think of the many posts that I've posted disagreeing with GW, well 'nuff said.

04-17-2008, 08:18 PM
Your lack of reading and then your tendency to try to confine your preconceived prejudices to your parameters, does not obligate me to dig up posts to show you're an idiot. You do that well enough on your own. Enjoy.

In other words, you can't prove you're not a partisan hack. No surprise there.

RSR might enjoy rewarding failure, but I won't be giving you any claps. Sorry.

red states rule
04-17-2008, 08:19 PM
Thank you. The idiocy knows no bounds. When I think of the many posts that I've posted disagreeing with GW, well 'nuff said.

You are welcome

I have posted on topics disagreeing with Pres Bush and Republicans, yet I am called a hack

Go figure

04-17-2008, 08:24 PM
In other words, you can't prove you're not a partisan hack. No surprise there.

RSR might enjoy rewarding failure, but I won't be giving you any claps. Sorry.

you made the claim, the burden is on you silly boy

red states rule
04-17-2008, 08:29 PM
In other words, you can't prove you're not a partisan hack. No surprise there.

RSR might enjoy rewarding failure, but I won't be giving you any claps. Sorry.

Hey, your ass was blown out the water over your post the flag raising at Iwo Jima was staged

You are the failure. So crawl off and lick your wounds

04-17-2008, 08:40 PM
Hey, your ass was blown out the water over your post the flag raising at Iwo Jima was staged

You are the failure. So crawl off and lick your wounds

I love it when you get this obsessed with non-rightwads (especially me)! Shows the cracks in the plastic of your ideological underpants. :laugh2:

04-17-2008, 09:56 PM
I'm going sort of out of order here, but first thanks for saying you 'respect' me, contrary to what others have posted, I'm glad. As you said regarding Yurt, it means that my initial take on you style and substance from another board was warranted; I think there is a soul there. ;) As you said regarding Yurt, there is hope for you.

I know you will be shocked, but I disagree with your assessment of Obama and his friends. I'll venture to guess that in your heart of hearts, you too are by now dismayed, though you will vote for him. Which puts your vote for Obama on the same commit-o-meter as my eventual vote for McCain.

I respect you without quotation marks. I don't always agree with you - hardly ever, actually - but you are, no doubt, a gentle and wise soul from my home state and I bear you no ill will whatsoever. RSR, on the other hand, is not from the Land of Lincoln. He is, in my opinion, a fucking brainless scumbag who repeatedly shows his inability to use the English language to state his own case.

The one thing I take you, and the rest of the republicans on here to task on, is your absolute refusal to call him to task publicly for his mindless partisan cut and paste "hackery". He claims to speak for all of you in denouncing me and my patriotism and not one of you steps up to put him in his place. If anyone on here - anyone - claimed to speak for me and they were as unambiguously moronic as RSR, I would slap them publicly. But then, perhaps there is some secret handshake, or decoder ring, or password unknown to me that makes you all loyal republicans which would preclude such displays of criticism.

04-17-2008, 10:01 PM
Hey, your ass was blown out the water over your post the flag raising at Iwo Jima was staged

You are the failure. So crawl off and lick your wounds

I don't recall this Iwo Jima incident discussion, but are you suggesting that the filmed display of the raising of the flag was, in fact, the FIRST such raising and NOT reenacted for cameras?

04-17-2008, 10:22 PM
I don't recall this Iwo Jima incident discussion, but are you suggesting that the filmed display of the raising of the flag was, in fact, the FIRST such raising and NOT reenacted for cameras?

It wasn't the first raising, but it wasn't reenacted for the cameras, either. The guy in charge on the hill thought the flag was too small and wanted it to be visible from all points on the island as well as from the sea. The photo is of the second raising, for which there were more photographers, but it wasn't staged.

04-17-2008, 10:28 PM
I don't recall this Iwo Jima incident discussion, but are you suggesting that the filmed display of the raising of the flag was, in fact, the FIRST such raising and NOT reenacted for cameras?

were u there?

04-17-2008, 10:33 PM
I respect you without quotation marks. I don't always agree with you - hardly ever, actually - but you are, no doubt, a gentle and wise soul from my home state and I bear you no ill will whatsoever. RSR, on the other hand, is not from the Land of Lincoln. He is, in my opinion, a fucking brainless scumbag who repeatedly shows his inability to use the English language to state his own case.

The one thing I take you, and the rest of the republicans on here to task on, is your absolute refusal to call him to task publicly for his mindless partisan cut and paste "hackery". He claims to speak for all of you in denouncing me and my patriotism and not one of you steps up to put him in his place. If anyone on here - anyone - claimed to speak for me and they were as unambiguously moronic as RSR, I would slap them publicly. But then, perhaps there is some secret handshake, or decoder ring, or password unknown to me that makes you all loyal republicans which would preclude such displays of criticism.

some grammar there preacher...are you saying the handshake, decoder ring or passowrd "makes" us loyal republicans...LOL... or is this some secret obama logical syllogism you're trying to fool us with

ever stop to wonder how many people have told you that you have a foul mouth and that your insults are repulsive....its not that RSR speaks for anyone, its that anyone with half a brain who has spent some time on this forum can see that you garner little, if any, respect due to the way you treat others.

04-17-2008, 10:49 PM
ever stop to wonder how many people have told you that you have a foul mouth and that your insults are repulsive....
That's true of plenty of others on this site, including most of those at the top of the rep point list. Your claim proves nothing.

04-18-2008, 12:03 AM
That's true of plenty of others on this site, including most of those at the top of the rep point list. Your claim proves nothing.

it wasn't offered as proof of anything...

red states rule
04-18-2008, 04:18 AM
That's true of plenty of others on this site, including most of those at the top of the rep point list. Your claim proves nothing.

You and MFM are the resident experts when it comes to proving nothing

red states rule
04-18-2008, 04:20 AM
I don't recall this Iwo Jima incident discussion, but are you suggesting that the filmed display of the raising of the flag was, in fact, the FIRST such raising and NOT reenacted for cameras?

The comment was not directed at you, but I am not surprised you are siding with another jerk who smears the troops, and a symbol of heroism on their part

red states rule
04-18-2008, 04:25 AM
I respect you without quotation marks. I don't always agree with you - hardly ever, actually - but you are, no doubt, a gentle and wise soul from my home state and I bear you no ill will whatsoever. RSR, on the other hand, is not from the Land of Lincoln. He is, in my opinion, a fucking brainless scumbag who repeatedly shows his inability to use the English language to state his own case.

The one thing I take you, and the rest of the republicans on here to task on, is your absolute refusal to call him to task publicly for his mindless partisan cut and paste "hackery". He claims to speak for all of you in denouncing me and my patriotism and not one of you steps up to put him in his place. If anyone on here - anyone - claimed to speak for me and they were as unambiguously moronic as RSR, I would slap them publicly. But then, perhaps there is some secret handshake, or decoder ring, or password unknown to me that makes you all loyal republicans which would preclude such displays of criticism.

Your hate for me, and other, is because we expose you for the lying, hypocritical, sanctimonious hack you are

So would slap me? If you ever feel frogy asshole, just leap. Try after chemo when I am weak, have nausea, and diarrhea. It will be a fair fight then

04-18-2008, 05:21 AM
Back to topic.


Who’s Bitter Now?

Princeton, N.J.

DURING Wednesday night’s Democratic presidential debate in Philadelphia, Barack Obama once more tried to explain what he meant when he suggested earlier this month that small-town people of modest means “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them” out of frustration with their place in a changing American economy. Mr. Obama acknowledged that his wording offended some voters, but he also reiterated his impression that “wedge issues take prominence” when voters are frustrated by “difficult times.”

Last week in Terre Haute, Ind., Mr. Obama explained that the people he had in mind “don’t vote on economic issues, because they don’t expect anybody’s going to help them.” He added: “So people end up, you know, voting on issues like guns, and are they going to have the right to bear arms. They vote on issues like gay marriage. And they take refuge in their faith and their community and their families and things they can count on. But they don’t believe they can count on Washington.”

This is a remarkably detailed and vivid account of the political sociology of the American electorate. What is even more remarkable is that it is wrong on virtually every count.

Small-town people of modest means and limited education are not fixated on cultural issues. Rather, it is affluent, college-educated people living in cities and suburbs who are most exercised by guns and religion. In contemporary American politics, social issues are the opiate of the elites...

red states rule
04-18-2008, 05:24 AM
and we have this Kathianne

A 'Bitter' Misstep
April 18, 2008; Page A16
Speaking of "bitter," here's an individual who may now qualify for that description: Barack Obama.


He's given Mrs. Clinton fresh superdelegate ammunition. The crux of the Clinton "electability" pitch is that Mr. Obama can't win the white, working-class Democrats the party needs to gain the Oval Office. In Ohio, she trounced him 3-to-1 among white voters without a college degree – a group that made up half the electorate.

He has likely given Hillary Clinton a new lease on the Pennsylvania primary. A week ago, she was facing a mutiny, a mounting crowd of Democrats calling for her to quit. The Obama camp sniffed blood and was shooting for an upset that would end it all. He's been outspending his rival two-to-one in the Keystone State, and had closed Mrs. Clinton's double-digit leads to within the margin of error.

"Yes We Can" has devolved into "Who the Heck Is This Guy?" Mr. Obama's political brilliance to date has been to use his message of hope to deflect questions about himself or his record. He'd actually created the perception that to challenge him was to challenge "hope" itself. Think back to that soaring race speech, which so successfully turned the debate toward America's shared problem, and away from Mr. Obama's individual Jeremiah Wright problem. But the San Fran comments proved one scandal too many; man and message have now been delinked.


04-18-2008, 06:04 AM
.... after chemo when I am weak, have nausea, and diarrhea. .... Eew... Too much information. ;)

04-18-2008, 06:06 AM
The comment was not directed at you, but I am not surprised you are siding with another jerk who smears the troops, and a symbol of heroism on their part

that didn't answer my question.

04-18-2008, 06:14 AM
Your hate for me, and other, is because we expose you for the lying, hypocritical, sanctimonious hack you are

So would slap me? If you ever feel frogy asshole, just leap. Try after chemo when I am weak, have nausea, and diarrhea. It will be a fair fight then

actually, RSR, my extreme distaste for you stems from your totally uncritical love for Bush and his war in Iraq, from your inability to ever write anything of consequence yourself, from your refusal to defend your own assertions, from your being so egotistical as to presume that you speak for some wider audience, and from your willingness to portray anyone who doesn't agree with you as a traitor or a coward or both.

04-18-2008, 06:17 AM
actually, RSR, my extreme distaste for you stems from your totally uncritical love for Bush and his war in Iraq, from your inability to ever write anything of consequence yourself, from your refusal to defend your own assertions, from your being so egotistical as to presume that you speak for some wider audience, and from your willingness to portray anyone who doesn't agree with you as a traitor or a coward or both. The reason you are attracted to him is that you exhibit these same traits, just on the other side of the political spectrum. :coffee:

04-18-2008, 08:07 AM
actually, RSR, my extreme distaste for you stems from your totally uncritical love for Bush and his war in Iraq, from your inability to ever write anything of consequence yourself, from your refusal to defend your own assertions, from your being so egotistical as to presume that you speak for some wider audience, and from your willingness to portray anyone who doesn't agree with you as a traitor or a coward or both.

have you met your friend kettle? i have not seen you once say anything critical of obama. and if anyone disagrees with obama, he must be a racist who would never vote for a black guy anyway.

you're the very definition of hypocritical

Abbey Marie
04-18-2008, 10:18 AM
That's true of plenty of others on this site, including most of those at the top of the rep point list. Your claim proves nothing.

Bull. Manu and I are 2 & 3 respectively, and we do not engage in such activities. Pale has been generally cool and collected for a long time now, too. And as far as I have seen, the only person on here who has wished death from cancer on a fellow member is MFM.

So, here you are a lot lately, and denigrating this board's members. Isn't your board keeping you busy?

04-18-2008, 11:28 AM
Bull. Manu and I are 2 & 3 respectively, and we do not engage in such activities. Pale has been generally cool and collected for a long time now, too. And as far as I have seen, the only person on here who has wished death from cancer on a fellow member is MFM. Actually, Manu does get into these kinds of antics, although rarely. Pale might have turned into a "new poster" recently, but if so, it's going to take him much longer to live down the "old Pale." Aside from which, I said "most" people at the top of the rep list, not "all."

So, here you are a lot lately, and denigrating this board's members. Isn't your board keeping you busy?
Everybody has to be nice on my board; that's why I have to go elsewhere to unload my attacks.

04-18-2008, 12:55 PM
Bull. Manu and I are 2 & 3 respectively, and we do not engage in such activities. Pale has been generally cool and collected for a long time now, too. And as far as I have seen, the only person on here who has wished death from cancer on a fellow member is MFM.

So, here you are a lot lately, and denigrating this board's members. Isn't your board keeping you busy?

hey, i'm nice *sniffles*

04-18-2008, 01:07 PM
hey, i'm nice *sniffles* You wussie. :finger3:

04-18-2008, 01:20 PM
Everybody has to be nice on my board; that's why I have to go elsewhere to unload my attacks.

Leave it to the liberals to be part of the NIMBY crowd....

04-18-2008, 03:02 PM
Leave it to the liberals to be part of the NIMBY crowd....

Yeah, right: NIMBY is the second oldest conservative philosophy in the world.

Right after IGMAFY (I Got Mine And Fuck You).

04-18-2008, 03:18 PM
have you met your friend kettle? i have not seen you once say anything critical of obama.

I have not seen you once say anything critical of RSR. have you met your friend skillet?

Abbey Marie
04-18-2008, 03:18 PM
Actually, Manu does get into these kinds of antics, although rarely. Pale might have turned into a "new poster" recently, but if so, it's going to take him much longer to live down the "old Pale." Aside from which, I said "most" people at the top of the rep list, not "all."

Everybody has to be nice on my board; that's why I have to go elsewhere to unload my attacks.

I see. How charming of you to come here and "unload".

You are saying that a board where people are forced to be nice isn't very satisfying.

Hey Jim, I guess you know what you are doing after all. :laugh2:

04-18-2008, 03:28 PM
Bull. Manu and I are 2 & 3 respectively, and we do not engage in such activities. Pale has been generally cool and collected for a long time now, too. And as far as I have seen, the only person on here who has wished death from cancer on a fellow member is MFM.

So, here you are a lot lately, and denigrating this board's members. Isn't your board keeping you busy?


I have apologized for that statement of mine numerous times and have been pilloried repeatedly for it in negative reputation points. Where is your Christian sense of forgiveness?

I have told RSR on NUMEROUS occasions that I find it the absolute most insulting and hateful thing anyone could say about me is that I am not a patriot or a loyal American. It is nothing less than pissing on my life's work. Does ANYONE on here EVER call him on such repeated slurs? Of course not. Righteous indignation only goes toward the left on this board.:salute:

Abbey Marie
04-18-2008, 03:34 PM

I have apologized for that statement of mine numerous times and have been pilloried repeatedly for it in negative reputation points. Where is your Christian sense of forgiveness?

I have told RSR on NUMEROUS occasions that I find it the absolute most insulting and hateful thing anyone could say about me is that I am not a patriot or a loyal American. It is nothing less than pissing on my life's work. Does ANYONE on here EVER call him on such repeated slurs? Of course not. Righteous indignation only goes toward the left on this board.:salute:

MFM, I know about your apology, but I saw you mention something just recently about you expect to outlive RSR. There is every reason to see that as more of same under the circumstances.

As for calling you unpatriotic, while I am sure that is as frustrating and insulting to you as you say it is, it just pales in comparison to wishing death on someone who is currently fighting cancer. My FIL just died from cancer last month, and it's a very bad way to go. Sorry, but that's the way I see it.

However, in deference to your apology and civil post above, I will not bring it up again (unless you do it again, of course!).

PS Anyone who wished death on another member fighting cancer would disgust me, even if he was Duncan Hunter himself.

04-18-2008, 04:19 PM
MFM, I know about your apology, but I saw you mention something just recently about you expect to outlive RSR. There is every reason to see that as more of same under the circumstances.

As for calling you unpatriotic, while I am sure that is as frustrating and insulting to you as you say it is, it just pales in comparison to wishing death on someone who is currently fighting cancer. My FIL just died from cancer last month, and it's a very bad way to go. Sorry, but that's the way I see it.

However, in deference to your apology and civil post above, I will not bring it up again (unless you do it again, of course!).

PS Anyone who wished death on another member fighting cancer would disgust me, even if he was Duncan Hunter himself.

and anyone who insulted you repeatedly using terms that you had expressly stated were extraordionarily repugnant to you would get a negative rep from me.... even if they were on the left.

As I said... I apologized. I don't intend to repeat the error, and I certainly don't intend to repeat the apology.... simlilarly, I don't intend to hold my breath waiting for anyone to call RSR to account for his insults....

As I said, apparently the recriminations only go from right to left on here.

04-18-2008, 04:26 PM
I see. How charming of you to come here and "unload".

You are saying that a board where people are forced to be nice isn't very satisfying.

"Translating" what the other person says doesn't fool anyone, much less win any argument.

(And how dare you call me charming? :laugh2: )

04-18-2008, 04:36 PM
Yeah, right: NIMBY is the second oldest conservative philosophy in the world.

Right after IGMAFY (I Got Mine And Fuck You).

I'd ask if you're fucking loony, but we all know that to be the case.

Like most liberals (or librulls, if you prefer) typomaniac is quite content to require good behavior on his site, but feels free to shit all over someone else's house. Gosh! That sounds like almost every, single librull I've ever read or listened to. Just look at the environmental moment which the left supports, at least until the windmills are going to obstruct the view from the librulls back porch. And heaven forbid that the environmentalists do anything which would endanger the property values for land owned by librulls! Egads!

Not in my back yard. It's the catch-phrase of the American liberals (librulls), because they will certainly want to tell you how everyone is equal, but that they are more equal than the rest of us. George Orwell could have been writing about the American liberal elite.

red states rule
04-18-2008, 04:40 PM
MFM, I know about your apology, but I saw you mention something just recently about you expect to outlive RSR. There is every reason to see that as more of same under the circumstances.

As for calling you unpatriotic, while I am sure that is as frustrating and insulting to you as you say it is, it just pales in comparison to wishing death on someone who is currently fighting cancer. My FIL just died from cancer last month, and it's a very bad way to go. Sorry, but that's the way I see it.

However, in deference to your apology and civil post above, I will not bring it up again (unless you do it again, of course!).

PS Anyone who wished death on another member fighting cancer would disgust me, even if he was Duncan Hunter himself.

Abbey, my deepest condolences on your loss.

Allow me to say, MFM has NOT apologized for the last comment on his tips on grave maintence. I am not angry about it. It only confirmed what I knew about the character of MFM

He claims to give sermons at his Church, and to be a Christian. Sorry, I know of know Preacher who would conduct himself like that

Like you, this is a mute issue. I am very tired now, and I am turning in for the night.

Again Abbey, my condolences. Your friend is in a better place, and the cancer has been forever cured

04-18-2008, 04:56 PM
He claims to give sermons at his Church, and to be a Christian. Sorry, I no of know Preacher who would conduct himself like that

Apostates most certainly would conduct themselves in a manner contrary to God's Word and Christ's Teachings, all the while claiming to be "Christian."

04-18-2008, 05:59 PM
MFM, I know about your apology, but I saw you mention something just recently about you expect to outlive RSR. There is every reason to see that as more of same under the circumstances.

As for calling you unpatriotic, while I am sure that is as frustrating and insulting to you as you say it is, it just pales in comparison to wishing death on someone who is currently fighting cancer. My FIL just died from cancer last month, and it's a very bad way to go. Sorry, but that's the way I see it.

However, in deference to your apology and civil post above, I will not bring it up again (unless you do it again, of course!).

PS Anyone who wished death on another member fighting cancer would disgust me, even if he was Duncan Hunter himself.

Again I say to you, you haven't a clue to what Abbey, myself, or anyone else repped RSR regarding that. For myself, I'll not say. I have already said that I've negged him and more than once, he knows that. He never negged me, which in some way shows he's not been a rep whore in either direction. I've negged you too more than once, as you have me. Yet, I like you both, though you both can cause more than a migraine.

Perhaps because you do respond with more than a cut & paste, it's easier to disagree with you on points. RSR, well my problems with his posts I deal with the way I think most appropriate. I happen to like his posting of articles that make his point, though I find it troublesome when he doesn't respond directly. He knows that, yet he does what he does. That's fine, just like you're not becoming reasonable that Obama is a problem now, that it's becoming increasingly apparent that he isn't ready for POTUS.

04-18-2008, 07:03 PM
I'd ask if you're fucking loony, but we all know that to be the case.

Like most liberals (or librulls, if you prefer) typomaniac is quite content to require good behavior on his site, but feels free to shit all over someone else's house. Gosh! That sounds like almost every, single librull I've ever read or listened to. Just look at the environmental moment which the left supports, at least until the windmills are going to obstruct the view from the librulls back porch. And heaven forbid that the environmentalists do anything which would endanger the property values for land owned by librulls! Egads!

Not in my back yard. It's the catch-phrase of the American liberals (librulls), because they will certainly want to tell you how everyone is equal, but that they are more equal than the rest of us. George Orwell could have been writing about the American liberal elite.

Way to ignore the point, professor.

By the way, conservatives will tell you that they're better than you are and always will be. It's either totalitarianism with a human face or without one: no other options, amigo.

04-18-2008, 07:09 PM
Again I say to you, you haven't a clue to what Abbey, myself, or anyone else repped RSR regarding that. For myself, I'll not say. I have already said that I've negged him and more than once, he knows that. He never negged me, which in some way shows he's not been a rep whore in either direction. I've negged you too more than once, as you have me. Yet, I like you both, though you both can cause more than a migraine.

Perhaps because you do respond with more than a cut & paste, it's easier to disagree with you on points. RSR, well my problems with his posts I deal with the way I think most appropriate. I happen to like his posting of articles that make his point, though I find it troublesome when he doesn't respond directly. He knows that, yet he does what he does. That's fine, just like you're not becoming reasonable that Obama is a problem now, that it's becoming increasingly apparent that he isn't ready for POTUS.

This was directed to MFM, not Abbey, I screwed up the 'quote.' Sorry.

04-18-2008, 07:55 PM
This was directed to MFM, not Abbey, I screwed up the 'quote.' Sorry.

but yet you and Abbey see nothing wrong with castigating ME in public while claiming - completely unsubstantiated - that you "neg rep" him. blah blah blah fucking blah.

put your money where your mouth is.

Either call him on his bullshit or quit calling me.

take your pick.

04-18-2008, 08:01 PM
What a baby whiner! :lol:

04-18-2008, 08:07 PM
What a baby whiner! :lol:
and throughout it all, I still respect you!:laugh2:

can you imagine what a douchebag RSR must be to be the ONLY motherfucker on this site that remains on my shitlist?:dance:

04-18-2008, 08:15 PM
and throughout it all, I still respect you!:laugh2:

can you imagine what a douchebag RSR must be to be the ONLY motherfucker on this site that remains on my shitlist?:dance: Yeah you'll respect me while you trash my kid and call me a pedophile. I ain't your bitch pal, sorry. :pee:

04-18-2008, 09:05 PM
I have not seen you once say anything critical of RSR. have you met your friend skillet?

lets take another stroll down memory lane, and turn, left in your case, at apology lane:

you once claimed i never defended you...i posted where i defended you against RSR talking about your faith priorities, e.g., god, country.... you apologized as i had indeed defended you. i would say that my comment to RSR was critical.

now, you obviously did not defend that you never criticize obama, so we see, once again, yurt was right about you. what would you like to name your kettle?

and throughout it all, I still respect you!:laugh2:

can you imagine what a douchebag RSR must be to be the ONLY motherfucker on this site that remains on my shitlist?:dance:

dang, i thought i was on it too, afterall, i'm a "christ killer"

04-18-2008, 09:57 PM
Yeah you'll respect me while you trash my kid and call me a pedophile. I ain't your bitch pal, sorry. :pee:

I thought you and I had agreed to put those prior bitch sessions behind us....I guess such is not the case when it comes to defending your butt buddy... ah well.... c'est la vie.

04-18-2008, 10:04 PM
dang, i thought i was on it too, afterall, i'm a "christ killer"

nah... that was only brought up to "get your goat"....it was clearly successful. Be sure to let me know when you go after RSR and your affectionate friends on the right with equal ferocity so that I can give you an inconsequential positive rep.

04-18-2008, 10:18 PM
but yet you and Abbey see nothing wrong with castigating ME in public while claiming - completely unsubstantiated - that you "neg rep" him. blah blah blah fucking blah.

put your money where your mouth is.

Either call him on his bullshit or quit calling me.

take your pick.

actually I can do whatever I want, I'll not speak for Abbey. I do not have to conform to your ideas, as I said, RSR's style is not conducive to 'calling him out.' When it has been, I've done so.

You my little MFM, well your posts leave lots of response possibilities. Which is a good thing, but not regarding your demand.

04-18-2008, 10:43 PM
Way to ignore the point, professor.

By the way, conservatives will tell you that they're better than you are and always will be. It's either totalitarianism with a human face or without one: no other options, amigo.

Wrong, dumbass. Conservatives will tell you that you are good enough to get off your ass and do for yourself. It's the liberals who want the poor to remain "on the plantation" who tell others they aren't good enough and "need" the help of "massa" to get by.

Just like Obama did in his little diatribe to the liberal elitists recently.

You really are a fucking idiot, aren't you? (Rhetorical question)

04-18-2008, 10:45 PM
but yet you and Abbey see nothing wrong with castigating ME in public while claiming - completely unsubstantiated - that you "neg rep" him. blah blah blah fucking blah.

put your money where your mouth is.

Either call him on his bullshit or quit calling me.

take your pick.

Are you admitting then that you're full of bullshit?

04-19-2008, 12:40 AM
Wrong, dumbass. Conservatives will tell you that you are good enough to get off your ass and do for yourself.But not good enough to be in their class. God forbid.

"You really are a fucking idiot, aren't you? (Rhetorical question)"

04-19-2008, 12:51 AM
But not good enough to be in their class. God forbid.

"You really are a fucking idiot, aren't you? (Rhetorical question)"

You don't give a shit about no one.......except.....????????

Yuk......yuk.......yuk.....jack off......

red states rule
04-19-2008, 06:04 AM
and throughout it all, I still respect you!:laugh2:

can you imagine what a douchebag RSR must be to be the ONLY motherfucker on this site that remains on my shitlist?:dance:

I am sure you are on more shitlists here then I am

Besides I do not give a damn if I am still on your shitist. That tells me I must be correct on my postions,. Who would want the "reppect" of a Kool Aide dornking, hate filled, two faced, angry, left wing moonbat like you?

red states rule
04-19-2008, 06:07 AM
Back to the topic at hand

Barry jas tanked in the polls, he may lose bif in PA, and he is pissed over being ashed hard questions in the debate

So much for the Black knight in shining armor

How Obama Fell to Earth

Published: April 18, 2008
Back in Iowa, Barack Obama promised to be something new — an unconventional leader who would confront unpleasant truths, embrace novel policies and unify the country. If he had knocked Hillary Clinton out in New Hampshire and entered general-election mode early, this enormously thoughtful man would have become that.

But he did not knock her out, and the aura around Obama has changed. Furiously courting Democratic primary voters and apparently exhausted, Obama has emerged as a more conventional politician and a more orthodox liberal.

He sprinkled his debate performance Wednesday night with the sorts of fibs, evasions and hypocrisies that are the stuff of conventional politics. He claimed falsely that his handwriting wasn’t on a questionnaire about gun control. He claimed that he had never attacked Clinton for her exaggerations about the Tuzla airport, though his campaign was all over it. Obama piously condemned the practice of lifting other candidates’ words out of context, but he has been doing exactly the same thing to John McCain, especially over his 100 years in Iraq comment.

Obama also made a pair of grand and cynical promises that are the sign of someone who is thinking more about campaigning than governing.

He made a sweeping read-my-lips pledge never to raise taxes on anybody making less than $200,000 to $250,000 a year. That will make it impossible to address entitlement reform any time in an Obama presidency. It will also make it much harder to afford the vast array of middle-class tax breaks, health care reforms and energy policy Manhattan Projects that he promises to deliver.

Then he made an iron vow to get American troops out of Iraq within 16 months. Neither Obama nor anyone else has any clue what the conditions will be like when the next president takes office. He could have responsibly said that he aims to bring the troops home but will make a judgment at the time. Instead, he rigidly locked himself into a policy that will not be fully implemented for another three years.

If Obama is elected, he will either go back on this pledge — in which case he would destroy his credibility — or he will risk genocide in the region and a viciously polarizing political war at home.

for the complete article


red states rule
04-19-2008, 06:37 AM
Eew... Too much information. ;)

I want to assure MFM in the condition I am in after the chemo treatment, the odds will be even

Abbey Marie
04-19-2008, 08:56 AM
but yet you and Abbey see nothing wrong with castigating ME in public while claiming - completely unsubstantiated - that you "neg rep" him. blah blah blah fucking blah.

put your money where your mouth is.

Either call him on his bullshit or quit calling me.

take your pick.

Just to clarify, I never claimed that I neg repped RSR, or anyone, for that matter.

red states rule
04-19-2008, 09:33 AM
After being attacked by their own, ABC is now trying to make up with the moonbat left

Now they have done a 180 and is back to campaigning for Barry

Making It Up to Obama? ABC Touts: 'Campaign Firing on All Cylinders'
By Brent Baker | April 18, 2008 - 21:01 ET

A day after Barack Obama and many of his liberal media compatriots complained about ABC's Wednesday debate questioners daring to ask him about William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright and not wearing a flag pin, Friday's World News featured a story championing Obama's “bandwagon” momentum with his campaign “firing on all cylinders.” Anchor Charles Gibson teased, “Obama Bandwagon: The candidate picks up three big name endorsements, including the backing of a long-time Clinton friend.” Neither CBS or NBC were so excited over the endorsements.

ABC reporter David Wright, whose Thursday evening story was dominated by criticism of ABC's debate topics, trumpeted: “Despite all the focus on bitterness this week and the debate, the Obama campaign seems to be firing on all cylinders, gaining in the national polls, today gaining these endorsements...” Wright touted how Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich “was one of three elder statesmen to endorse Obama today, along with former Senators Sam Nunn and David Boren, both conservative Democrats with strong defense and foreign policy credentials.” With Nunn's words on screen, Wright heralded:

Today Nunn said: "I believe Senator Obama has a rare ability to restore America's credibility and moral authority and to get others to join us in tackling serious global problems."

Gibson described the three endorsers as “influential.” Super-delegates may know them, but I wonder how many Democratic voters in the remaining states have ever head of any of them?

Friday's CBS Evening News limited coverage of the endorsements to this one sentence in Jim Axelrod's story, “Today Obama picked up the endorsement of two former Democratic Senators: Sam Nunn from Georgia, David Boren from Oklahoma, both moderates.”

So Nunn and Boren are “moderates” to CBS News, but “conservative Democrats” to ABC News.

Over on the NBC Nightly News, Lee Cowan didn't mention Nunn or Boren and only gave a clause to Reich's endorsement of Obama.


Abbey Marie
04-19-2008, 09:45 AM
I watched that show. They waited until the very end of a long story about Obama's endorsements, and practically mumbled that Hillary picked up three key endorsements as well. I wonder how she likes knowing what it is like to be on the "wrong side" of the MSM.

red states rule
04-19-2008, 09:48 AM
I watched that show. They waited until the very end of a long story about Obama's endorsements, and practically mumbled that Hillary picked up three key endorsements as well. I wonder how she likes knowing what it is like to be on the "wrong side" of the MSM.

It is nice to see the liberal media cowering under the attacks from their base

Tues in PA will be a good day.

It will be a great day if Hillary wins by double digits

Then watch how the liberal media spins the win

04-19-2008, 09:48 AM
I watched that show. They waited until the very end of a long story about Obama's endorsements, and practically mumbled that Hillary picked up three key endorsements as well. I wonder how she likes knowing what it is like to be on the "wrong side" of the MSM.

I was just reading this, there are embedded links at site, seems so apropos:


April 19, 2008

POLITICO: Obama's Secret Weapon: The Media:

The shower of indignation on Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos over the last few days is the clearest evidence yet that the Clintonites are fundamentally correct in their complaint that she has been flying throughout this campaign into a headwind of media favoritism for Obama.

Last fall, when NBC’s Tim Russert hazed Clinton with a bunch of similar questions—a mix of fair and impertinent—he got lots of gripes from Clinton supporters.

But there was nothing like the piling on from journalists rushing to validate the Obama criticisms and denouncing ABC’s performance as journalistically unsound. . . . The difference seems clear: Many journalists are not merely observers but participants in the Obama phenomenon.

It's that thrill going down their leg. Meanwhile, Jules Crittenden comments: "Correct me if I’m wrong, but 'gotcha' suggests there’s something to be got."

UPDATE: The press considers the left-wing noise machine much more powerful than the one on the right -- but, of course, the press wants to be bulldozed by the left, really, so that's a considerable advantage . . . .
posted at 09:00 AM by Glenn Reynolds

red states rule
04-19-2008, 09:50 AM
I was just reading this, there are embedded links at site, seems so apropos:


It is rare, but I beat you to the punch Kathianne


04-19-2008, 09:59 AM
It is rare, but I beat you to the punch Kathianne


:laugh2: That was one, but there are more. In actuality I was just enjoying the timeliness and echo of Abbey's post and Glenn's.

red states rule
04-19-2008, 10:01 AM
:laugh2: That was one, but there are more. In actuality I was just enjoying the timeliness and echo of Abbey's post and Glenn's.

As I said Kathianne, you are always on the ball. I was just lucky

Now we can wait for the Obama spinmisters

04-19-2008, 02:27 PM
You don't give a shit about no one.......except.....????????

Not at all: there are times when giving a shit about other people (in certain ways) actually helps yourself. I'd explain how that works, but you and RSR are both way too dense to absorb any of the concept.

red states rule
04-19-2008, 06:08 PM
Not at all: there are times when giving a shit about other people (in certain ways) actually helps yourself. I'd explain how that works, but you and RSR are both way too dense to absorb any of the concept.

We are not dense - you are just an asshole who like to try and stir up trouble

04-19-2008, 10:07 PM
nah... that was only brought up to "get your goat"....it was clearly successful. Be sure to let me know when you go after RSR and your affectionate friends on the right with equal ferocity so that I can give you an inconsequential positive rep.


now, you obviously did not defend that you never criticize obama, so we see, once again, yurt was right about you. what would you like to name your kettle?

04-19-2008, 10:09 PM
Not at all: there are times when giving a shit about other people (in certain ways) actually helps yourself. I'd explain how that works, but you and RSR are both way too dense to absorb any of the concept.

i think its funny that you claim the board you "run" has to be "nice" so you come here to "vent"

man up and be who you are...you talk shit here, but wipe your ass with silk at your site....LOL

red states rule
04-20-2008, 05:35 AM

now, you obviously did not defend that you never criticize obama, so we see, once again, yurt was right about you. what would you like to name your kettle?

MFM say something bad about his messiah? He is avoiding most of the Obama threads like the plague

red states rule
04-20-2008, 06:13 AM

now, you obviously did not defend that you never criticize obama, so we see, once again, yurt was right about you. what would you like to name your kettle?

Here is proof Barry wa full of shit when he was talking about how bad the economy was in PA

I knew he was full of it. The rural county I live in has the lowest unemployment in the state

Pennsylvania's economy belies claims
By Donald Lambro
April 20, 2008

Sens. Barack Obama of Illinois and Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, Democratic candidates for president, portray Pennsylvania as a state in economic decline, despite business analysts who say it is actually in better shape than many other states teetering on the edge of recession.

During weeks of intensive campaigning in the state's Democratic presidential primary — set for Tuesday — the two rivals have been aggressively touting their campaign proposals to deal with the nation's economic slowdown and declaring that Pennsylvania is in a recession or heading toward one.

At a town meeting in economically depressed Wilkes-Barre, Mr. Obama, said President Bush's policies "have put our economy into a recession and put the American dream out of reach for so many working people."

But independent analytical research and news reports show a somewhat brighter economic picture, saying that, though the state cannot avoid the effects of the national economic downturn, its economy has been holding up better than most.

"So far, unlike most of America, Pennsylvania's economy is still chugging along. Home values aren't dropping, foreclosures aren't spiking and employers aren't laying off workers en masse," senior writer Tami Luhby said in an analysis Tuesday of the state's economy on CNNMoney.com.

Other analysts support her point. "Right now, the [Pennsylvania] economy is holding up fairly well, but stress lines are emerging," said Ryan Sweet, economist at Moody's Economy.com in West Chester, Pa.

Analysts cite these positive economic statistics in the state:

• With a 4.9 percent jobless rate in February, a level economists consider full employment, its labor force was up by 71,000, seasonally adjusted, to more than 6.3 million.

for the complete article

04-20-2008, 01:33 PM
i think its funny that you claim the board you "run" has to be "nice" so you come here to "vent"

man up and be who you are...you talk shit here, but wipe your ass with silk at your site....LOL

As a very wise poet once said: "To everything there is a season: a time to talk shit, a time to wipe your ass with silk."

So you see, my tent-like friend, I can do both and still be who I am. :cool:

red states rule
04-20-2008, 01:39 PM
As a very wise poet once said: "To everything there is a season: a time to talk shit, a time to wipe your ass with silk."

So you see, my tent-like friend, I can do both and still be who I am. :cool:

Yea, a pompous jerk

04-20-2008, 02:20 PM
Yea, a pompous jerk

When this is all the right can come up with, they're defeated even before the race begins.

red states rule
04-20-2008, 03:36 PM
When this is all the right can come up with, they're defeated even before the race begins.

Not according to alot of liberal oped writers who are worried, and scared how the election is going so far

The liberal media is now is full spin and damage control as well

04-20-2008, 03:55 PM
Both camps have their chicken littles. Along with those who act melodramatic to try to attract a larger audience.

I don't have much sympathy for any of them, regardless of whom they support.

red states rule
04-20-2008, 03:58 PM
Both camps have their chicken littles. Along with those who act melodramatic to try to attract a larger audience.

I don't have much sympathy for any of them, regardless of whom they support.

I do not see any conservative oped writers worried.

With the libs tearing into each other, McCain is raising money, getting out, and meeting voters

Operation Chaos is exceeding all expectations.

04-20-2008, 10:47 PM
I do not see any conservative oped writers worried.

With the libs tearing into each other, McCain is raising money, getting out, and meeting voters

Operation Chaos is exceeding all expectations.

Too bad all the "libs" have to do is bring out McCain's illegitimate black baby story after the conventions, and your boy will go straight down the tubes yet again..

04-20-2008, 11:00 PM
Too bad all the "libs" have to do is bring out McCain's illegitimate black baby story after the conventions, and your boy will go straight down the tubes yet again..

huh? i understand that to be a false rumor

04-20-2008, 11:10 PM
I do not see any conservative oped writers worried.

With the libs tearing into each other, McCain is raising money, getting out, and meeting voters

Operation Chaos is exceeding all expectations.

about 30 cents for every dollar Obama raised and less than Hillary did as well...

Obama is within 5 points of Hillary...Operation Chaos is doing diddly!

04-21-2008, 12:51 AM
huh? i understand that to be a false rumorOf course: the baby in question is the girl from Bangladesh that the McCains adopted.

Doesn't mean the smear won't get play again, especially among the trailer park vote.

red states rule
04-21-2008, 08:02 AM
about 30 cents for every dollar Obama raised and less than Hillary did as well...

Obama is within 5 points of Hillary...Operation Chaos is doing diddly!

Once again you lack of the facts is clear

Operation Chaos is not intended to select a winner in your screwed up primary system

The goals are

to force Hillary, Obama, and the DNC to spend money

to allow Hillary to bloody up Obama

to pluck the nerves of the liberal media

to keep the uncivil war going within the Dem party

So far, it is working great

04-21-2008, 08:10 AM

Obama is within 5 points of Hillary...Operation Chaos is doing diddly! Sure- keep telling yourself that. The ultimate goal of having Clinton pull a "Superdelegate" victory is very close. Before Chaos she didn't have a chance. If this succeeds the Democrat Party will be split in half, and won't recover for decades, if ever.

red states rule
04-21-2008, 08:15 AM
Sure- keep telling yourself that. The ultimate goal of having Clinton pull a "Superdelegate" victory is very close. Before Chaos she didn't have a chance. If this succeeds the Democrat Party will be split in half, and won't recover for decades, if ever.

What MFM still does not get is the voters are not picking their nominee. The party leaders created a system where they pick the nominee

No matter who wins the rest of the contests, only the SD's will decide

Seems the Democart leaders do not have much faith in their voters making the correct choice

04-21-2008, 08:31 AM
What MFM still does not get is the voters are not picking their nominee. The party leaders created a system where they pick the nominee

No matter who wins the rest of the contests, only the SD's will decide

Seems the Democart leaders do not have much faith in their voters making the correct choice Since Democrat voters are typically the least intelligent, can you blame them?

red states rule
04-21-2008, 09:04 AM
Since Democrat voters are typically the least intelligent, can you blame them?

It is funny to see the Dem party leaders treat their voters like they do the rest of the country. They see them as to damn stupid to make the choice they want them to make

Denver should be a fun to watch

red states rule
04-21-2008, 09:20 AM
Looks like white males might be the key in PA on Tues. Should Barry lose by a wide margin, will the left, and liberal media play the race card?

In Pennsylvania, white male vote is key
White men are a critical group of voters for Democratic candidates in Tuesday's primary – and the most ambivalent.
By Linda Feldmann | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
from the April 21, 2008 edition


So what's up with the white guys?

"I'm more and more impressed as time goes on that this election is about which candidate you think is more like you," says Michael Hagen, director of Temple's Institute for Public Affairs.

That's why, he adds, the candidates have spent so much time in the past six weeks aiming their messages at white men – not always successfully. Obama's adventure in ten-pin bowling, scoring a 37 in seven frames, did not exactly impress, while images of Clinton knocking back liquor, and talking about how her dad taught her how to shoot at their Pennsylvania cottage, struck some voters as pandering.

In a state where many counties give schoolchildren a day off for the opening of deer-hunting season, gun rights are considered a nearly sacred matter. But Clinton's record as a supporter of gun control didn't exactly square with her attempts to come across as gun friendly.

It is Obama, though, who seriously risked alienating gun owners in the run up to Pennsylvania with his private comments at a San Francisco fundraiser, where he talked about "bitter" small-town voters who "cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them."


Abbey Marie
04-21-2008, 11:49 AM
It is funny to see the Dem party leaders treat their voters like they do the rest of the country. They see them as to damn stupid to make the choice they want them to make

Denver should be a fun to watch

Seriously. Why aren't Dem voters insulted and extremely angry over this? It makes a travesty of democracy.

04-21-2008, 12:11 PM
Sure- keep telling yourself that. The ultimate goal of having Clinton pull a "Superdelegate" victory is very close. Before Chaos she didn't have a chance. If this succeeds the Democrat Party will be split in half, and won't recover for decades, if ever.

is that what your crystal ball told you. Professor Marvel?
and if Hillary wins by only single digits, what then, professor?

04-21-2008, 12:23 PM
is that what your crystal ball told you. Professor Marvel?
and if Hillary wins by only single digits, what then, professor?

Common sense tells me that: something that Democrats sorely lack.

Either way blacks will think twice about voting for her, and may in fact start to think for themselves.

04-21-2008, 12:37 PM
Common sense tells me that: something that Democrats sorely lack.

Either way blacks will think twice about voting for her, and may in fact start to think for themselves.

so what if your common sense does not pan out, professor marvel?

04-21-2008, 12:50 PM
so what if your common sense does not pan out, professor marvel? Either way there is increased animosity between factions of the Democrat Party, a net positive for the GOP.

04-21-2008, 12:51 PM
Either way there is increased animosity between factions of the Democrat Party, a net positive for the GOP.

and does your crystal ball tell you that the democrats will not rally around their party's candidate to ensure we don't have a third term for Bush policies, professor?

04-21-2008, 12:56 PM
Seriously. Why aren't Dem voters insulted and extremely angry over this? It makes a travesty of democracy.

So does the Electoral College, but the Repub voters seem to love it.

04-21-2008, 06:57 PM
What MFM still does not get is the voters are not picking their nominee. The party leaders created a system where they pick the nominee

No matter who wins the rest of the contests, only the SD's will decide

Seems the Democart leaders do not have much faith in their voters making the correct choice

That doesn't sound too democratic now does it? And not even representative for that matter....

04-21-2008, 07:19 PM
That doesn't sound too democratic now does it? And not even representative for that matter....

if one candidate had won a preponderance of delegates, SD's wouldn't matter. Is that really all that difficult for you to understand?

and again...if you don't like the process by which MY party picks its nominee, vote for the republican. I could give a shit.

04-21-2008, 07:20 PM
and does your crystal ball tell you that the democrats will not rally around their party's candidate to ensure we don't have a third term for Bush policies, professor?
Yes, grasshopper. http://www.gallup.com/poll/105691/McCain-vs-Obama-28-Clinton-Backers-McCain.aspx

04-21-2008, 07:22 PM
So does the Electoral College, but the Repub voters seem to love it. Obviously you don't understand the EC if you're equating it with Democrat SDs.

04-21-2008, 07:24 PM
Yes, grasshopper. http://www.gallup.com/poll/105691/McCain-vs-Obama-28-Clinton-Backers-McCain.aspx

oh... a POLL. I see.

So when I post polls from now on, you will accept them as gospel?

good to know professor.

04-21-2008, 07:33 PM
...if you don't like the process by which MY party picks its nominee, vote for the republican. I could give a shit.

Have you missed the abundant media coverage regarding the superdelegates and the fractures that will happen if they pick Hillary over Obama???

Seems we arn't the only ones questioning the dem way of doing things. The MSM all want Hillary to drop out so the party won't fracture come election time.

Sharpton was even on making veiled threats should the superdelegates pick Hillary over Obama, if he is up on delegates.

04-21-2008, 07:34 PM
oh... a POLL. I see.

So when I post polls from now on, you will accept them as gospel?

good to know professor.
Question everything, Grasshopper, but first, yourself.

04-21-2008, 07:35 PM
Question everything, Grasshopper, but first, yourself.

and then, you.

Do you accept all polls as gospel or only the ones that support your viewpoint?

04-21-2008, 07:40 PM
and then, you.

Do you accept all polls as gospel or only the ones that support your viewpoint? I question all polls. Gallup enjoys a good reputation for accuracy. In this case they say 28%; my guess is more like 50%. But they are more scientific, so I'll give them the benefit of doubt.

04-21-2008, 07:43 PM
I question all polls. Gallup enjoys a good reputation for accuracy. In this case they say 28%; my guess is more like 50%. But they are more scientific, so I'll give them the benefit of doubt.

time will tell, professor. the Hillary spporters I know say differently. so do the Obama supporters.... but you are professor marvel, and have your crystal ball, so I need to keep that in mind.

04-21-2008, 07:53 PM
time will tell, professor. the Hillary spporters I know say differently. so do the Obama supporters.... but you are professor marvel, and have your crystal ball, so I need to keep that in mind. I see that you are learning Grasshopper. Good work! :clap:

04-21-2008, 08:19 PM
time will tell, professor. the Hillary spporters I know say differently. so do the Obama supporters.... but you are professor marvel, and have your crystal ball, so I need to keep that in mind.
Sound to me like (despite what you said earlier) you don't have much respect for this, um, individual at all.

Not that he deserves any. :thumb:

04-21-2008, 09:58 PM
if one candidate had won a preponderance of delegates, SD's wouldn't matter. Is that really all that difficult for you to understand?

and again...if you don't like the process by which MY party picks its nominee, vote for the republican. I could give a shit.

Does this mean that if say... Obama wins the popular vote, but the super delegates hand the nomination to Hillary (or vice versa), that we can say the Democrat delegate was "selected, not elected?" I ask only because I know a large, no... make that HUGE number of Democrats who still claim that about GWB with respect to SCOTUS.

And obviously you DO give a shit because you took the time to respond.

red states rule
04-22-2008, 06:03 AM
Operation Chaos kicks off today, and I will be off to the polls soon. Should Hillary score a big win here in PA today, the war will continue, and Clinton Inc wil live for another primary

04-22-2008, 06:06 AM
Operation Chaos kicks off today, and I will be off to the polls soon. Should Hillary score a big win here in PA today, the war will continue, and Clinton Inc wil live for another primary

I am curious, how many percentage points would define "BIG" for you?

red states rule
04-22-2008, 06:08 AM
I am curious, how many percentage points would define "BIG" for you?

I would like to see Hillary win by double digits. Hillary will keep going even with a one point win

However, Barry has shown he can't win the "big" states. and that will be a factor for the SD's when THEY CHOOSE the winner

04-22-2008, 06:10 AM
I am curious, how many percentage points would define "BIG" for you?
Anything that closes the delegate gap and makes her salivate at the prospect of a Super Delegate win.

red states rule
04-22-2008, 06:11 AM
Anything that closes the delegate gap and makes her salivate at the prospect of a Super Delegate win.

and the popular vote count

04-22-2008, 06:11 AM
I would like to see Hillary win by double digits. Hillary will keep going even with a one point win

However, Barry has shown he can't win the "big" states. and that will be a factor for the SD's when THEY CHOOSE the winner
That says it all right there, and why it is more accurate to refer to them as the Democrat Party, instead of the Democratic Party.

04-22-2008, 06:13 AM
Does this mean that if say... Obama wins the popular vote, but the super delegates hand the nomination to Hillary (or vice versa), that we can say the Democrat delegate was "selected, not elected?" I ask only because I know a large, no... make that HUGE number of Democrats who still claim that about GWB with respect to SCOTUS.

nominees are never "elected". primaries are primaries and not general elections. They are the process used by one of the two "clubs" that dominate American politics. The republican "club" uses a slightly different method. I have never once complained about the winner take all format used by the GOP "club" to pick their nominee because, frankly, it is none of my business. If I DID care, I would switch clubs and try to get my new club to changes its rules.... but I don't care. You guys select whoever the hell you want and we'll do likewise. Then, in November, America gets to ELECT one of them.

red states rule
04-22-2008, 06:13 AM
That says it all right there, and why it is more accurate to refer to them as the Democrat Party, instead of the Democratic Party.

In this election, it is a fact the VOTERS are making the selection. The party leaders are

04-22-2008, 06:14 AM
I would like to see Hillary win by double digits. Hillary will keep going even with a one point win

However, Barry has shown he can't win the "big" states. and that will be a factor for the SD's when THEY CHOOSE the winner

they will undoubtedly consider many factors. That's what we want them to do. That is why they are superdelegates.

red states rule
04-22-2008, 06:14 AM
nominees are never "elected". primaries are primaries and not general elections. They are the process used by one of the two "clubs" that dominate American politics. The republican "club" uses a slightly different method. I have never once complained about the winner take all format used by the GOP "club" to pick their nominee because, frankly, it is none of my business. If I DID care, I would switch clubs and try to get my new club to changes its rules.... but I don't care. You guys select whoever the hell you want and we'll do likewise. Then, in November, America gets to ELECT one of them.

Republicans are heartless - we use a winner take all plan. Libs, for some reason, have to reward the loser of the primary, and that is why things are screwed up on your side

and Operation Chaos is exploting it

04-22-2008, 06:16 AM
nominees are never "elected". primaries are primaries and not general elections. They are the process used by one of the two "clubs" that dominate American politics. The republican "club" uses a slightly different method. I have never once complained about the winner take all format used by the GOP "club" to pick their nominee because, frankly, it is none of my business. If I DID care, I would switch clubs and try to get my new club to changes its rules.... but I don't care. You guys select whoever the hell you want and we'll do likewise. Then, in November, America gets to ELECT one of them.
Gee I thought they were called primary elections. A more accurate term would be: "Democrat primary selections".

04-22-2008, 06:17 AM
Republicans are heartless - we use a winner take all plan. Libs, for some reason, have to reward the loser of the primary, and that is why things are screwed up on your side

and Operation Chaos is exploting it

republicans do it one way...democrats use a different process.

"operation chaos" has not widened the gap for Hillary at all, but, in fact, has closed it. It would seem you had the opposite effect...

red states rule
04-22-2008, 06:17 AM
Gee I thought they were called primary elections. A more accurate term would be: "Democrat primary selections".

You can vote, but we will choose the winner

04-22-2008, 06:19 AM
Gee I thought they were called primary elections. A more accurate term would be: "Democrat primary selections".

like I said.... primaries in our system pick a large portion of our delegates. superdelegates make up the rest. If you don't like our system, that really is too bad, but we have no plans to change it.

red states rule
04-22-2008, 06:19 AM
republicans do it one way...democrats use a different process.

"operation chaos" has not widened the gap for Hillary at all, but, in fact, has closed it. It would seem you had the opposite effect...

Yes, we have closed it. At least you admit that much. Thanks to cross overs Hillary took TX and OH

and now she will take PA

red states rule
04-22-2008, 06:20 AM
like I said.... primaries in our system pick a large portion of our delegates. superdelegates make up the rest. If you don't like our system, that really is too bad, but we have no plans to change it.

Yes, Dems keep doing the stupid things over and over, hoping the results will change :laugh2:

04-22-2008, 06:21 AM
Yes, we have closed it. At least you admit that much. Thanks to cross overs Hillary took TX and OH

and now she will take PA

but the purpose of your "operation" was to strengthen the candidacy of Clinton. IN fact, your operation has weakened her and shrunk her lead in PA. What was once a 20 point lead is down to less than 5. oops.

red states rule
04-22-2008, 06:23 AM
but the purpose of your "operation" was to strengthen the candidacy of Clinton. IN fact, your operation has weakened her and shrunk her lead in PA. What was once a 20 point lead is down to less than 5. oops.

As usal you are wrong

As I have posted, and you have ignored, Operation Chaos does not care who wins

We are making your candidates, and party, spend money. Rip each other apart. Piss off the liberal media

Meanwhile McCain has closed on both Hillary and Barry, and is rasing money - while you guys spend it

04-22-2008, 06:27 AM
Meanwhile McCain has closed on both Hillary and Barry, and is rasing money - while you guys spend it

he is raising peanuts! the GOP fat cats are staying away from John boy.... they smell a loser! They KNOW that there are hardcore muscular conservatives like YOU out there who will NEVER vote for McCain and they are going to sit this one out.

red states rule
04-22-2008, 06:29 AM
he is raising peanuts! the GOP fat cats are staying away from John boy.... they smell a loser! They KNOW that there are hardcore muscular conservatives like YOU out there who will NEVER vote for McCain and they are going to sit this one out.

The point is - as you guys piss through it - McCain is raising it

and he erased Barry's and Hillary's double digit lead :laugh2:

From Rush this morning, this will give you more insight to Operation Chaos

From the EIB Southern Command, I address you -- the brave soldiers of Operation Chaos. Today at 0700 our forces will engage in the most decisive action to date in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The task before you is not easy. We must ensure the Clinton campaign is not routed. The outcome will rest squarely on you: the troops of Operation Chaos.

Despite the obstacles -- from Democrat officials threatening unconstitutional legal challenges, to Drive-By Media attacks from assailants -- you have performed brilliantly.

Let's pause to remember our humble beginnings. Obama was marching unscathed to the Democrat nomination. Calls were mounting for Mrs. Clinton to unconditionally surrender. Our objective was difficult: to get behind her with sufficient strength to keep her competitive and wound Obama -- politically.

Thanks to you, the Democrat Party is today in chaos. The Clinton campaign is in striking distance of stealing the Democratic nomination. Senator Obama has been bloodied -- politically. His radicalism, his inexperience, have been exposed. Democrats are at war with themselves.

Yet there is more to do. You in North Carolina, you in Indiana must gird yourselves for battle. We must spread more Democrat chaos. Soon I, El Rushbo, commander of Operation Chaos, will proclaim "Mission Accomplished." So on to battle, my brave troops; Godspeed to our victory in Pennsylvania!


04-22-2008, 06:35 AM
The point is - as you guys piss through it - McCain is raising it

and he erased Barry's and Hillary's double digit lead :laugh2:

From Rush this morning, this will give you more insight to Operation Chaos

Let's pause to remember our humble beginnings. Obama was marching unscathed to the Democrat nomination. Calls were mounting for Mrs. Clinton to unconditionally surrender. Our objective was difficult: to get behind her with sufficient strength to keep her competitive and wound Obama -- politically.


rush agrees with me....your objective was to help Hillary, and you have ended up hurting her in PA.

And even after he spends a boatload of money, Obama still has more coming into his coffers that McCain has into his BY A LONG SHOT. GOP fatcats are staying away. They smell a loser... a loser than cannot even win over hardcore muscular conservatives like YOU!

red states rule
04-22-2008, 06:39 AM
rush agrees with me....your objective was to help Hillary, and you have ended up hurting her in PA.

And even after he spends a boatload of money, Obama still has more coming into his coffers that McCain has into his BY A LONG SHOT. GOP fatcats are staying away. They smell a loser... a loser than cannot even win over hardcore muscular conservatives like YOU!

Again, Barry has been beat up, and shown he can't hande hard questions. Yes, he is raising money - but he is spending buckets of it

Which is one of the objectives

We do smell a loser here in PA. Why not give Barry some Right Guard MFM? :laugh2:

04-22-2008, 06:46 AM
Again, Barry has been beat up, and shown he can't hande hard questions. Yes, he is raising money - but he is spending buckets of it


Rush laid out the objective....just as I said.... to get behind Hillary and keep Obama from getting the nomination. The results of operation chaos in PA, at least, have been counterproductive. Thanks to your efforts, her lead has shrunk in PA rather than grown. Perhaps that has to do with the moronic quality of the dittoheads in PA who are attempting to carry out Generalissimo Limbaugh's orders.

And why do you think Obama is raising so much money and McCain is raising so little?

red states rule
04-22-2008, 06:49 AM
Rush laid out the objective....just as I said.... to get behind Hillary and keep Obama from getting the nomination. The results of operation chaos in PA, at least, have been counterproductive. Thanks to your efforts, her lead has shrunk in PA rather than grown. Perhaps that has to do with the moronic quality of the dittoheads in PA who are attempting to carry out Generalissimo Limbaugh's orders.

And why do you think Obama is raising so much money and McCain is raising so little?

You do have a nack of making up facts as you go along MFM. It makes no difference who wins, as long as Barry is beat up in the process. Which he has been

Being a Barry worshiper you will not admit how effective Operation Chaos has been

Last night polls showed undecided voters were breaking 60 -40 to Hillary

We will see the margin of victory in about 14 hours

04-22-2008, 06:55 AM
You do have a nack of making up facts as you go along MFM.

Am I making up the fact that Hillary had a 20+ point lead in PA BEFORE your leader started his operation chaos?

Am I making up the fact that her lead is now down to single digits?

Am I making up the fact that Rush hijmself stated that the mission of his operation was to increase the viability of Hillary as a candidate?

20+ down to single digits seems like the 101st fighting keyboardists of the PA dittohead regiment have failed pretty demonstrably!

red states rule
04-22-2008, 07:00 AM
Am I making up the fact that Hillary had a 20+ point lead in PA BEFORE your leader started his operation chaos?

Am I making up the fact that her lead is now down to single digits?

Am I making up the fact that Rush hijmself stated that the mission of his operation was to increase the viability of Hillary as a candidate?

20+ down to single digits seems like the 101st fighting keyboardists of the PA dittohead regiment have failed pretty demonstrably!

Polls have been going back and forth and have been all over the map. You grasp polls that support your POV and ignore the others

One of the objectives is to keep Hillary in the race, so Barry will continue to get beat up. Which is working perfectly

Since you bow at the alter of of Obama, you will ignore everything that goes against your golden boy, and sneer how the opposition has failed.

Well, I am of to vote for Hillary (gag, choke, puke)

04-22-2008, 07:22 AM
like I said.... primaries in our system pick a large portion of our delegates. superdelegates make up the rest. If you don't like our system, that really is too bad, but we have no plans to change it.
:lol: Oh I think there are plans to change it. No doubt resisted by the Part elites! :lol:

red states rule
04-22-2008, 08:22 AM
:lol: Oh I think there are plans to change it. No doubt resisted by the Part elites! :lol:

Even the Moveon.org and Daily Kos kooks are pissed how screwed up the system is

Since they have taken over the party, they might make some changes

04-24-2008, 06:24 AM
I take issue with that, ive gotten on rsr's case many times,as much as, if not more then you.


I have apologized for that statement of mine numerous times and have been pilloried repeatedly for it in negative reputation points. Where is your Christian sense of forgiveness?

I have told RSR on NUMEROUS occasions that I find it the absolute most insulting and hateful thing anyone could say about me is that I am not a patriot or a loyal American. It is nothing less than pissing on my life's work. Does ANYONE on here EVER call him on such repeated slurs? Of course not. Righteous indignation only goes toward the left on this board.:salute: