View Full Version : Slavery: for board discussion

04-11-2008, 06:27 PM
Symbol: White, Black, or Pride?

Much ado has been made about the confederate flag. What about When black people proudly display """African""" colors and the continent (essentially the “flag” of Africa)....what exactly are they saying? Are they beholden to the “flag” of Africa as some are to the confederate flag?
This is not about condoning or condemning slavery, rather, it is simply an observation.
Whether people like it or not, the south played an integral role in this country's history. Before the industrial revolution, slaves were not uncommon, in fact, they were (mostly) considered necessary. It’s easy for us to look back and judge the southern people, now, after the industrial revolution, which was beginning during the civil war.

Blacks talk about how their history was ripped from them by whites during America’s slavery period, however, why don't blacks complain about the blacks, arabs...who BEGAN the slavery trade in Africa by FIRST selling Africans for slave trade. You think it was white people who went into deep Africa and took people against their will? You would be sorely wrong.

The Arabs have long used slaves; in fact it is talked about in the Quran and the hadiths as a normal practice. The profit had black slaves himself. But you don't hear darker pigment folks talk about Arab slavery do you? Why? Because the Arabs don't have guilt issues like white Europeans. IMO, it has to do with the predominate religion, Christianity, which teaches us to forgive, whereas Islam is not so "forgiving." This is not to say that the bible does not have examples of slavery, rather to show that, relatively speaking, the Quran “employed” slavery much more recently. And is not apologetic for it. In fact, talk to any muslim on the street and they will tell you that slavery under islam was/is not about skin color. So, is that the difference?
Let there be no doubt that slavery is not uncommon in human history. To protest that only whites are guilty in this use of human beings is the height of hypocrisy. I am not a historian, but I am willing to wager that blacks of Africa have also used slaves, that have skin as black as them. Ask an African American about the pigmies of Africa … that should open up an interesting conversation.

I have been told that the black nationalist movement is about “pride.” A sense of being forced to America and having your history torn from you. Where is the “pride” regarding black Africans who sold them you into slavery, who went deep into the jungles and plains and stole you and SOLD you? What is it that makes you “proud” of Africa? I say, that your homeland, is here, now, whether you like it or not, it is your homeland. You were born here, your kids were born here, and so were grandparents. Life is not perfect, deal with it, and make the best of your homeland.

04-11-2008, 06:30 PM
i tried to post this in this in the blog area as well....didn't work

04-11-2008, 07:13 PM
Symbol: White, Black, or Pride?

Much ado has been made about the confederate flag. What about When black people proudly display """African""" colors and the continent (essentially the “flag” of Africa)....what exactly are they saying? Are they beholden to the “flag” of Africa as some are to the confederate flag?
This is not about condoning or condemning slavery, rather, it is simply an observation.
Whether people like it or not, the south played an integral role in this country's history. Before the industrial revolution, slaves were not uncommon, in fact, they were (mostly) considered necessary. It’s easy for us to look back and judge the southern people, now, after the industrial revolution, which was beginning during the civil war.

Blacks talk about how their history was ripped from them by whites during America’s slavery period, however, why don't blacks complain about the blacks, arabs...who BEGAN the slavery trade in Africa by FIRST selling Africans for slave trade. You think it was white people who went into deep Africa and took people against their will? You would be sorely wrong.

The Arabs have long used slaves; in fact it is talked about in the Quran and the hadiths as a normal practice. The profit had black slaves himself. But you don't hear darker pigment folks talk about Arab slavery do you? Why? Because the Arabs don't have guilt issues like white Europeans. IMO, it has to do with the predominate religion, Christianity, which teaches us to forgive, whereas Islam is not so "forgiving." This is not to say that the bible does not have examples of slavery, rather to show that, relatively speaking, the Quran “employed” slavery much more recently. And is not apologetic for it. In fact, talk to any muslim on the street and they will tell you that slavery under islam was/is not about skin color. So, is that the difference?
Let there be no doubt that slavery is not uncommon in human history. To protest that only whites are guilty in this use of human beings is the height of hypocrisy. I am not a historian, but I am willing to wager that blacks of Africa have also used slaves, that have skin as black as them. Ask an African American about the pigmies of Africa … that should open up an interesting conversation.

I have been told that the black nationalist movement is about “pride.” A sense of being forced to America and having your history torn from you. Where is the “pride” regarding black Africans who sold them you into slavery, who went deep into the jungles and plains and stole you and SOLD you? What is it that makes you “proud” of Africa? I say, that your homeland, is here, now, whether you like it or not, it is your homeland. You were born here, your kids were born here, and so were grandparents. Life is not perfect, deal with it, and make the best of your homeland.

There is hardly anyone I admire as much as a young black person who refuses to carry around a chip on their shoulder and blame others for why they CAN"T. Instead they find ways they can and I find them encouraging, spirited and interesting.

The hatemongers will always have whining subject matter. Some blacks, even today seem to not want to have things better. When they encounter a hard charging get ahead kind of black kid they condem them. They are referred to as Uncle Toms and called other names. I sometimes think they don't want it to get better or are disappointed that any evidence that change has taken place is apparent because their excuses are coming to an end.

Our inner cities are still crammed full of non-acheivers who think a free ride is still the best fulfillment of their aspirations. I don't know about you but if all I had was a welfare check or some handout I'm gonna get busy figuring out a way to make my life better and not waste my time whining about how some group of folks are the cause of all of my problems.

You don't have to be a historian to be aware of some of the things that you mentioned are true and they indeed are. Dark pigmented people have had more slaves than any other.......PERIOD. Digest that.

I am always entertained when listening to the leading hatemongers like Al and Jesse when they talk about prisons. Black males are the leading race group of criminals in our country per capita. They talk about how our prison system is full of black males. They are full because they commit crimes at a greater rate than any other group not because white people have dome anything to them. Slavery didn't have a damn thing to do with it. It's a cop out.

Slavery was wrong! Forcing anyone at any time to do something they do not want to do is wrong!

Laying around on your worthless ass taking drugs and expecting someone else to fit the bill for it is wrong.

Blaming someone for your own inhabitions is wrong.

Thinking someone else is beneath you because they are a different creed is wrong.

Expecting a free ride or benefit not afforded to others because you are a certain creed is wrong.

Jumping on the bandwagon to support such actions or for political gain is wrong.

Assuming someone is not as good as you because they are a certain creed is wrong.

04-12-2008, 12:59 AM
Symbol: White, Black, or Pride?

Much ado has been made about the confederate flag. What about When black people proudly display """African""" colors and the continent (essentially the “flag” of Africa)....what exactly are they saying? Are they beholden to the “flag” of Africa as some are to the confederate flag?

I've never heard of this, but there is a lot of pro-African separatism in the black community --- fashions for wearing African clothes, going Black Muslim, celebrating made-up "African" holidays and so on. But I note they don't actually simply GO to Africa, and why not?

Blacks talk about how their history was ripped from them by whites during America’s slavery period, however, why don't blacks complain about the blacks, arabs...who BEGAN the slavery trade in Africa by FIRST selling Africans for slave trade. You think it was white people who went into deep Africa and took people against their will? You would be sorely wrong.

The Arabs have long used slaves; in fact it is talked about in the Quran and the hadiths as a normal practice. The profit had black slaves himself. But you don't hear darker pigment folks talk about Arab slavery do you? Why? Because the Arabs don't have guilt issues like white Europeans. IMO, it has to do with the predominate religion, Christianity, which teaches us to forgive, whereas Islam is not so "forgiving." This is not to say that the bible does not have examples of slavery, rather to show that, relatively speaking, the Quran “employed” slavery much more recently. And is not apologetic for it. In fact, talk to any muslim on the street and they will tell you that slavery under islam was/is not about skin color. So, is that the difference?

Yeah, the Arabs constantly take black slaves to this day; there's an American Christian group that is constantly trying to buy them back and send them back to their villages.

To me the issue is, what makes blacks so vulnerable to being enslaved by every non-black race for centuries and millennia? Because there is no use saying that every race has been equally enslaved: only blacks have made good slaves in the long term. The Romans tried it out in Britain briefly, but had to give up and leave Britain entirely well before Rome fell. Britons and Gauls just made real, real bad slaves.

It's a question of intelligence, blacks always testing with far less on average than some other races, a good mean 15 IQ points off whites. There may be dispositional issues, too: there is no use saying that viciousness isn't heritable --- consider the difference between a Doberman Pinscher and a cocker spaniel. I have long thought whites are the most aggressive race, and we certainly did the most enslaving! Though the Chinese are apparently starting up finally, as they move into Africa because they need the minerals and it's a power vacuum.

Ask an African American about the pigmies of Africa … that should open up an interesting conversation.

Well, other Africans eat pygmies. They don't think they are people (or don't care). There is a surprising amount of cannibalism in Africa right now ----------- who knew? Look it up if you don't believe me. Some whites helped pgymies mount a delegation to the UN a few years ago, petitioning that other Africans stop eating them.

I have been told that the black nationalist movement is about “pride.” A sense of being forced to America and having your history torn from you. Where is the “pride” regarding black Africans who sold them you into slavery, who went deep into the jungles and plains and stole you and SOLD you? What is it that makes you “proud” of Africa? I say, that your homeland, is here, now, whether you like it or not, it is your homeland. You were born here, your kids were born here, and so were grandparents. Life is not perfect, deal with it, and make the best of your homeland.

Well, why is this their homeland? Blacks like Wright and that church carry on so much about Africa and how great it was to be in Africa and how awful it was to be brought here and how rotten everything is here and how bad whites treat them -----------------------

So why not save up a few thousand (Africans live on only a few dollars a year, a few thousand would go a LONG way) from work or drug sales or thieving or whatever and go back to where they could be happy? Whites do that --- they retire to Poland, or go to Costa Rica, or wherever they want if they don't want to live here anymore.

All this hatred of America blacks express --- so why do they stay instead of going back to wonderful wonderful Africa? It would be easy to emigrate, so why don't they? Just complaining year in and year out but staying here anyway ------- does not compute. If I were that unhappy, I sure wouldn't stay.