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View Full Version : Pelosi and Dems Out To Do Nothing on Illegals

red states rule
04-14-2008, 06:23 AM
This is so typical of the left. They say one thing in public, and to another when they think nobody is looking

Two-faced on illegals
April 14, 2008

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the House Democratic leadership have apparently come up with a new strategy to prevent the House from approving the SAVE Act (H.R. 4088), an enforcement-only approach to the illegal immigration issue. The bill, introduced by Reps. Brian Bilbray, California Republican, and Heath Shuler, North Carolina Democrat, has garnered more than 160 cosponsors. The SAVE Act aims to reduce illegal immigration through such methods as employer sanctions and strengthened border security.

Mrs. Pelosi wants to bury the bill, but many members of the House Democratic Caucus are under pressure from their constituents to take a tough stand against illegal immigration, so the speaker has sought to find a way to pretend to be taking action while ensuring that H.R. 4088 never sees the light of day. The legislation has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee, which is expected to hold hearings on the issue in the coming weeks. In all likelihood, the very liberal committee will find that the legislation has serious problems and requires further "study." Mr. Bilbray and Mr. Shuler have launched a campaign to circumvent the obstructionists by getting 218 signatures on a discharge petition that would permit the legislation to come to the floor for a vote. As of Friday, some 40 House members had cosponsored the SAVE Act, but under pressure from the Democratic leadership had not signed the discharge petition.

for the complete article


04-14-2008, 07:37 AM
and the Republicans ? Where are your comments about how little the Republicans are doing regarding illegals ?

red states rule
04-14-2008, 07:38 AM
and the Republicans ? Where are your comments about how little the Republicans are doing regarding illegals ?

Dems are running the show right now, and SOME Republicans are trying to protect our borders, and enfore our laws

Sorry of pointing out what the majority party IS NOT doing bothers you

04-14-2008, 07:44 AM
Dems are running the show right now, and SOME Republicans are trying to protect our borders, and enfore our laws

Sorry of pointing out what the majority party IS NOT doing bothers you

Got it---no one is doing anything about illegal immigration other than chasing them from state to state. Neither party dares touch it.

red states rule
04-14-2008, 07:46 AM
Got it---no one is doing anything about illegal immigration other than chasing them from state to state. Neither party dares touch it.

Some Republicans are touching it, and doing something about it

That is why in some states the illeghals are running away - but they know to go to Dem run cities where the Welcome mat has been put out

04-14-2008, 02:20 PM
That is why in some states the illeghals are running away - but they know to go to Dem run cities where the Welcome mat has been put out

I just read illegals streaming across from Mexico are way down, because of the recession starting up. Demand is lessened already.

Remember also that the BUSINESS Republicans very much want illegals --- both the Mexican sort and the highly trained and intelligent immigrants from India and so on. The Wall Street Journal cares not at all, openly, whether they are here illegally or not. They just want the workers, to supply business.

Of course, if there really is a big recession, we won't need that labor nearly as much.

red states rule
04-14-2008, 02:21 PM
I just read illegals streaming across from Mexico are way down, because of the recession starting up. Demand is lessened already.

Remember also that the BUSINESS Republicans very much want illegals --- both the Mexican sort and the highly trained and intelligent immigrants from India and so on. The Wall Street Journal cares not at all, openly, whether they are here illegally or not. They just want the workers, to supply business.

Of course, if there really is a big recession, we won't need that labor nearly as much.

We are in recesion?

What back to back quarters did the economy have negative growth?

04-14-2008, 03:00 PM
We are in recesion?

What back to back quarters did the economy have negative growth?

We could be in a recession. But we can't define it as an official recession till we get the two back-to-back quarters of declining GDP. God forbid. Though it's looking pretty dire at the moment.

X can be happening in real time, even if it isn't officially defined as X by the government until certain parameters are met statistically, RSR.

Anyway, that's what I read, for what it's worth: that Mexican illegals are already slowing down their border crossings because of less demand for labor as the economy slows.

red states rule
04-14-2008, 03:04 PM
We could be in a recession. But we can't define it as an official recession till we get the two back-to-back quarters of declining GDP. God forbid. Though it's looking pretty dire at the moment.

X can be happening in real time, even if it isn't officially defined as X by the government until certain parameters are met statistically, RSR.

Anyway, that's what I read, for what it's worth: that Mexican illegals are already slowing down their border crossings because of less demand for labor as the economy slows.

All we have to do is have the remaining 48 states pass the same tough laws that AZ and OK passed - and the illegals wil flee back home

Right now, the Dems and some RINOS's see the illegals as an untapped voting block

BTW, the Earth could get hit by a killer asteroid, that does mean it is going to happen

04-14-2008, 03:16 PM
We could be in a recession. But we can't define it as an official recession till we get the two back-to-back quarters of declining GDP. God forbid. Though it's looking pretty dire at the moment. ..... Maybe if we all talk about how crappy the economy is then your prediction will come true.

red states rule
04-14-2008, 03:19 PM
Maybe if we all talk about how crappy the economy is then your prediction will come true.

Libs have been doing that for the last 6 years, and the US economy keeps growing each quarter

It was Dicky Gephardt who once said every 1000 point drop in the Dow is another Dem seat in the House

04-14-2008, 03:23 PM
BTW, the Earth could get hit by a killer asteroid, that does mean it is going to happen

Asteroids are my favorite probability-killers, too. http://www.catchride.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/love.gif When somebody gets all into future prediction and says Hillary is sure to leave the race after Super Tuesday, I think --- well, unless we're hit by a killer asteroid, which could also happen.

In his Icelandic Saga, Grettir the Strong said, "The likely may happen.

Also the unlikely."

I love that. So okay, maybe we'll escape without a recession. Who knows? We don't know yet.

red states rule
04-14-2008, 03:27 PM
Asteroids are my favorite probability-killers, too. http://www.catchride.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/love.gif When somebody gets all into future prediction and says Hillary is sure to leave the race after Super Tuesday, I think --- well, unless we're hit by a killer asteroid, which could also happen.

In his Icelandic Saga, Grettir the Strong said, "The likely may happen.

Also the unlikely."

I love that. So okay, maybe we'll escape without a recession. Who knows? We don't know yet.

Libs are great at giving their dire predictions, to bad most of them have not come to pass

Like global warming will kill us, the deficit will skyrocket to $500 billion, the tax cuts will destroy the economy, we are losing in Iraq, and Pres Bush is taking the world into WWIII

04-14-2008, 03:44 PM
Like global warming will kill us, the deficit will skyrocket to $500 billion, the tax cuts will destroy the economy, we are losing in Iraq, and Pres Bush is taking the world into WWIII

Yeah, pretty silly, huh?

Well, except for the losing in Iraq bit, that really is happening. http://wade.hu/smiley/kategoriak/szemtelen/cheeky-smiley-023.gif

red states rule
04-14-2008, 03:46 PM
Yeah, pretty silly, huh?

Well, except for the losing in Iraq bit, that really is happening. http://wade.hu/smiley/kategoriak/szemtelen/cheeky-smiley-023.gif

You are not up on current events. The US is winning in Iraq, that is why Dems are no longer holding hearing on Iraq, and why they attacked Gen Petraeus

04-14-2008, 04:07 PM
Didn't they take an oath to defend this country? Can't they be impeached for something like perjury or dereliction of duty or something?

red states rule
04-14-2008, 04:09 PM
Didn't they take an oath to defend this country? Can't they be impeached for something like perjury or dereliction of duty or something?

It that were the case alot of RINO's and libs would be on the unemployment line

I hope the voters remember their actions in Nov

04-14-2008, 04:14 PM
You are not up on current events.

ERROR. ERROR. ERROR. I am definitely up on current events, to my sorrow.

The US is winning in Iraq, that is why Dems are no longer holding hearing on Iraq, and why they attacked Gen Petraeus

They attacked BetrayUs because he's Bush's dogsbody, that's my opinion, keeping this pointless, losing war going for no reason except personal ambition.

The sooner we get OUT, the sooner the price of oil and groceries will go down, IMO. http://bestsmileys.com/evil/9.gif

red states rule
04-14-2008, 04:20 PM
ERROR. ERROR. ERROR. I am definitely up on current events, to my sorrow.

They attacked BetrayUs because he's Bush's dogsbody, that's my opinion, keeping this pointless, losing war going for no reason except personal ambition.

The sooner we get OUT, the sooner the price of oil and groceries will go down, IMO. http://bestsmileys.com/evil/9.gif

Our troops thank you for your support

Substantial progress on these fronts seems to be more than underway:


Thoughts on Iraq
Posted By Grim

Since we're discussing what Yon has said, let me offer some observations of my own. I have just returned from Iraq, where I was a civilian advisor. This is not intended to be in any way the official word of anyone; it's just what I think, having given it rather more than "full time" attention for the last months.

Iraq has essentially three problems to "solve" to become a stable country. These are the Sunni problem, the Shia problem, and the Kurdish problem. By "problem" I mean not that the people are a problem, but that each of the main subsets of the population has a particular challenge that has to be resolved before it can integrate into a successful state. (This is, of course, at a high degree of abstraction -- at the ground level, Shiites and Sunnis may be intermarried, etc.)

The Sunni problem was rejectionism. The Surge has solved the Sunni problem.

That's a fundamental shift in the situation on the ground from a year ago. The gains are -- as Petraeus said -- reversable; that is, it is possible by neglect or malice to create a new Sunni problem. This is chiefly a political responsibility: Congress, State, and the Government of Iraq must ensure they do their part here. (A purely personal opinion: State's operations have improved as much as US military operations have, though they are on a smaller scale as State is on a smaller scale. The PRTs have been a tremendous help, and the current Ambassadors seem to me to be of the first water. The GoI we'll discuss presently. Congress is shameful.)

The Shia problem is armed factionalism. The current violence of this last month and going forward represents the start of the solution to that problem. People alarmed by the violence have missed the story.

The GoI and the JAM are both disaggregating their bad elements. Mickey Kaus deserves credit for noticing, at least as far as the GoI goes:

Whether it was an incremental success or a humiliating fizzle, hasn't the Maliki government's assault on Sadr-linked Shiite militias operated, de facto, as a highly efficient purge of the Iraqi army? According to Juan Cole, those who heeded calls for defection or who otherwise refused to fight have been fired. ... P.S.: Meanwhile, some 10,000 militia members who did fight on the government's side have reportedly been inducted into the security forces.
What people have not noticed is that JAM is doing essentially the same thing. For quite some time Sadr has been purging JAM of elements that do not obey him. Sadr has said that he will disown members who violate the ceasefire, excepting in self-defense. His proposed truce calls for patience from his members, and comes "after receiving assurances" that his membership will not be targetted if he has them stand down. ...


go to this thread so we can stay on topic


04-14-2008, 04:25 PM
Didn't they take an oath to defend this country? Can't they be impeached for something like perjury or dereliction of duty or something?

If laws in this country were really enforced, three quarters of the democratic leaders would be tried and convicted of treason.

red states rule
04-14-2008, 09:08 PM
If laws in this country were really enforced, three quarters of the democratic leaders would be tried and convicted of treason.

and a few RINO's would join them in the docket